Flooding in Front Of House

Top 5 Emergency Preparedness Tips for the Elderly

It doesn’t matter whether you’re young or old, natural disasters put everyone at risk. But it makes sense that senior citizens are far more likely to die or be seriously injured when disaster strikes than young people are. Whether it’s due to problems such as limited mobility or isolation, the elderly have a much more difficult time evacuating during a disaster such as a hurricane or a wildfire. Here are the top 5 emergency preparedness tips for the elderly. In case you missed this post, here are The Best Ways To Help The Elderly.

Top Emergency Preparedness Tips for the Elderly 

Top 5 Emergency Preparedness Tips for the Elderly

Did you know that over half of the deaths from Hurricane Katrina were adults over the age of 75? Or do you remember the Chicago heat wave in 1995? Two-thirds of the 700 lives that were lost were men and women over the age of 65. When a wildfire takes place, senior citizens over 85 years of age are 4 times more likely to die from it than any other age group. Studies have alarmingly shown us that less than 1/4 of all senior citizens living in the United States are prepared for times when disaster strikes.   

These numbers are not only astonishing and sad, but they show us that we need to do a better job preparing and helping take care of older adults should a natural disaster ever occur. It’s also essential for those caring for the elderly to know how to respond in those situations through proper disaster preparedness. These are the top 5 emergency preparedness tips for the elderly. 

#1. Have a Network of Friends and Family

Having a network of friends and family looking out for you is one way of avoiding being left alone in your home during an emergency. If you need help, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call one of them; that’s what they hope you’ll do.

That way, someone can pick you up and see you get to safety. Whether you plan on staying in your home or evacuating to a specific location, make sure that you let them know of your plans.

If you don’t have any friends or family who live close to you, get yourself set up with a medical alert system that can respond to your situation. Having all your contact information printed on an emergency contact list and kept in a safe place is also helpful. If you have a smartphone, have the names listed in your contacts so you can access them easily. 

Read More of My Articles  Prepping 101: Steps You Need To Take Today

#2. Plan Ahead

Should you ever have to deal with a hurricane or an out-of-control wildfire, don’t wait until the last minute to decide your escape and the best route. It may already be too late. Preparing makes sense and can save your life. Evacuation plans are particularly important and make listening to emergency alerts a vital part of your emergency preparedness plans.

Be sure to keep up with the emergency broadcasts so that you know what’s going on around you. You need to consider buying a hand-crank radio in case your area is affected by power outages. Should you have to leave your home, you’ll need to know where you’ll stay, whether it’s a shelter, hotel, or with family or friends living outside the affected area.    

#3. Gather the Basics

No matter what age you are, it’s a good idea to gather up an emergency kit capable of holding you over for a minimum of 3 days, including a 3-day supply of food and water. Some preppers store an extra emergency kit in the trunk of their vehicle in case they have to evacuate in a hurry.

That way, you don’t have to worry about making several trips to your car. Here are a few of the basics and other essentials that you should consider putting in one or more designated areas: 

  • Food (non-perishable food items)
  • Water (four gallons of water a day per person) 
  • Prescription medication like insulin (see if your doctor will provide you with 90 days worth) 
  • Spare oxygen tanks/batteries
  • Cpap Equipment or other medical devices that are portable, like an oxygen concentrator, cane, walkers, etc.
  • Portable ventilator (for those who need it) 
  • Batteries for hearing aids and the charges for those and your cell phone
  • First-aid kit, hand sanitizer, and ice packs
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Hand-crank weather radio or battery powered unit in case the power goes out
  • Toiletries, personal and feminine hygiene items, and personal care items like soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Extra blankets and sleeping bags
  • Extra clothing and rain gear in case you are caught in wet outside weather
  • Legal and essential documents like medical records and insurance policies (keep them in a waterproof container) 

#4. Find the Safest Place In Your Home

You need to know what the safest place in your home is. If a disaster arrives, you’ll know where to go for shelter. When dealing with a tornado, the best place to go is usually your basement or the bathroom.

Read More of My Articles  20 Healthy Habits for Emergency Preppers

Get as far away from windows and exterior doors as possible. Other options include hiding underneath staircases or in the closet. 

For those living in a mobile home, be aware that no room in your house is safe during a tornado. You need to head to the nearest permanent structure and have a prearranged method of getting there as part of your evacuation plans. 

When you’re dealing with a hurricane and have decided to bunker down in your home, head to the innermost room on the first floor and avoid windows and exterior doorways. 

#5. Avoid the Heat

It’s not uncommon for extreme heat to follow behind a hurricane or a tornado that has ripped through an area. Hot temperatures can be deadlier than the natural disaster itself, particularly for older Americans.

To make matters even worse, chances are high that your power will not work afterward. This type of scenario has claimed far too many lives, especially among our senior citizens with their heightened vulnerability. 

If this were ever to happen and the temperature in your home reached a dangerously high range, you would need to consider going somewhere else with air conditioning.

In the meantime, whether it’s your local community center, a restaurant, a hotel, or staying with a loved one, don’t become a statistic as you try and hang in there until the power returns.      

For Everyone Else…

Maybe you’re not an elderly person who needs care. Please take a minute to consider your situation. Do you live beside or down the street from an elderly person living alone?

Or maybe your parents or grandparents live further away from you? Please don’t wait until there’s a disaster at their location to see whether they’ll be okay. 

Get with them now and find out what their arrangements are if a natural disaster were to strike. Offer them any suggestions for preparation and let them know that yours is a number they can call if they need help.   

Final Word

There’s no denying that the elderly are more vulnerable during a natural disaster, but that doesn’t mean they can’t weather the storm. With a bit of extra preparation, planning, and help from friends and family, senior citizens shouldn’t face the dangers and obstacles alone. What are some top emergency preparedness tips for the elderly that you’d like to share? May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Forest Fires Deposit photos_48123941_s-2019, Flooding in Front Of House Depositphotos_1072481_S By Konstantin32, Mobile Home Damage by Hurricane Depositphotos_612249496_S by felixtm

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  1. Linda, did you write this for all of us old geezers? LOL Great post. We’re lucky that we have two rooms we can go in. Well, a bathroom and a walk in closet. One on each end of the house. Our bedrooms all have windows on only one wall, but I’ll be in the closet or bathroom! We have most of the stuff listed. I’m starting to get more water for storage. 3 and 5 gallon bottles. We have a water cooler/heater that uses them. We have two, but I want 5 or 6 more.

  2. Trying to prepare for or prepare the elderly is no joke. It’s hard. Special diets, meds and even just trying to get them off the X and moving is dang near impossible. I make them write down a list of what to take should they have to leave because it’s hard enough for me much less those that don’t do well with change.
    I’m also fully aware that in true SHTF it’ll be short lived but I’ll do what I can and we’ve talked about arrangements afterwards. It’s good to have someone outside “the family” in the group to handle things when emotions will be running high.

    1. Hi Matt, great comment! I had a neighbor fall across the street, come to find out she dislocated a hip. Her husband called 911, but wow it was hard getting her to tell the EMT people what drugs she takes. Having an outside “the family” is awesome, it keeps the emotions out. Crazy times! Linda

  3. I would add one more item to the list – stay as physically fit as possible. Depending on individual circumstances, one can get more fit. If you have mobility issues, i.e. confined to using a walker, scooter or wheel chair, you can still up your fitness level. When I had back issues that prevented me from walking comfortably or doing standing exercises, I did seated exercises. If you have issues with balance, YouTube has some great videos to help with that. I watched a video a few years ago of a guy who came home from deployment, injured and told he would never walk again. He was depressed and gained a ton of weight because of his immobility as well as his depression. One of his nurses told him to start yoga. He tried it as seated yoga then progressed to standing. After a couple of years of falling, getting back up, falling, etc., he lost weight, climbed out of his depression AND was finally able to walk unaided. This is, I suppose, an exception to all rules but… Of course, with any change in your routine, get permission from your doctor. You want to be safe.

    Where I live, senior apartment complex, it worries me to no end how the management will rent to someone confined to a scooter, wheel chair or walker on anything but the first floor. In an event that the power is out, earthquake or whatever might make the elevator unusable, they are stuck on the floor until emergency personnel can get there to get them out. Even though I am able to get around without assistance, I am not strong enough to get a 250-300 pound man down the stairs when he cannot help at all! And then, if I could, what would he do without his scooter? Emergency personnel are here to assist him at least once a week – he may have fallen, got stuck in the elevator because his scooter battery was not charged, whatever. He does have a caregiver come in daily but that person is not 24/7. So, in his case, he should be on the first floor that has access to getting out of the building in an emergency. And there are some even on the 3rd floor.

    I can only do what I can do but I won’t be able to get anyone out of the building in an emergency except me and my BOBs.

    So get as fit as you possibly can and start today!

    1. Hi Leanne, this is a great reminder about staying strong and fit. We all need to be reminded about this that’s for sure. If I was in a scooter or not mobile I would have anxiety knowing I had to depend on someone to get me out. It may not happen! Yikes! Great comment! Linda

      1. I loved our home for 30 years. My husband had done everything to make it a great home for our four kids….. Two gas fireplaces, three ceiling to floor Bay windows, two sets of french-doors, solid cherry kitchen and black granite counter-tops, and one bathroom…..upstairs…..when it became obvious I could not longer do the stairs, we moved to a patio home, designed for aging in place, without appearing handicap like. Hardwood floors with no thresholds between rooms, to limit tripping hazards. Pocket doors, first floor laundry and walk in showers. It is even possible to add a ramp in the garage if necessary. It is also safer because we are further out from the city and closer to our grown children. I can walk, although I do have a bad knee, and my husband has a heart condition. We are still able to take care of each other, but we do need to work together to support each others weaknesses.

        1. Hi Chris, oh it sounds so beautiful. We sold our beautiful home and moved south to get out of the snow. I wish we had never done that. I miss my friends and family up north. My husband loves to golf so for right now this is where we live. If he dies first I will move up back up north. You can’t buy good neighbors. We have a few friends here but it’s lonely for me. It’s a blessing you and your husband planned ahead for your “golden years” and it’s a bonus you are close to grown family. I’m sorry you have a bad knee, that is not fun. I had both knees replaced. Life is wonderful if we are close to family and friends. Stay well, Linda

  4. Here in NW Florida, we are both Really Golden Oldies. And presently getting to do the Hurricane Prep Dance for the 5th or 6th time since August. Who knew 2020 would be so much fun!!

    While we are both mobile, there has been a definite diminishment in our physical abilities the last 5 years. So we start our hurricane prepping as early as possible. …. as soon as a potential storm is nearing the Gulf of Mexico, we begin with any yard work and repairs, taking down garden trellises or other things that might go airborne. We put up the hurricane shutters, if necessary, before the first tropical storm force winds arrive, usually 2 days before the hurricane is due. We get ice for our coolers the day before the hurricane is due. We fill extra 5 gallon water jugs that day, too. We stage battery lanterns & headlamps & radios throughout the house for during the storm. We stage propane & lanterns, generator & fuel, chainsaw & tools for use after the storm. I make sure that I have extra hay for the livestock & extra food & supplies for our cats & dog. By the storm’s arrival, we’re as ready as we can be to rock n roll. And pray.

    I try to make sure that family & elderly friends are stocked up on water, food & supplies. It has actually been easier to help them this year, as I would contact each before I went to work & offer to pick up anything they needed while I was in town. Several of my friends were in the high risk category for the virus, so they were not going to any stores for several months. I was able to talk with everyone about being better prepared & help a couple folks increase their stockpiles from a few days to over a month’s worth of everything. Did the Happy Dance that day!

    As we have aged, we have looked into ways to still be able to do things. For one thing, all those fence building & chicken coop projects take 3-4x as long as I planned. For me, raised beds & big container gardens closer to the house have been a true blessing. I moved the chicken pen closer to the house, too.

    Right now I am looking into an extra water storage tank made for use in a horse trailer. These are food grade containers in various shapes & holding from 15 – 50 gallons of water. Most can be put on a stand so you can easily access the faucet or hose fitting. I’m considering one that will fit into a small niche by the freezer, that we would fill when hurricane season started & refill as necessary. At some point in time, filling & shifting 5 gallon water jugs is not going to be physically possible.

    1. Hi BDN, you know you have done this long enough that you have it all planned out. As we age the plans change a bit. Okay, a lot. LOL! I love hearing you have it all spelled out. Stay safe, Linda

  5. Linda, I agree with Leanne that physical fitness is critically important for us oldsters. At our age, if you don’t use it you lose it.

    Here’s a tip for those elderly who live alone, especially if they have no family or friends close by. Most communities have community centers where the elderly get together for card games, movies, a host of other activities, and sometimes even meals. If you live alone, and can still get around, go there and make some friends.

    Churches are also good places to meet other older folks.

    Organize a community watch group to meet your neighbors.

    Finally, do volunteer work. Do anything you can to meet other people.

  6. One thing that would help the elderly that are taking prescription medications is to create a document that has their doctors’ names and phone numbers, any prescriptions, any drug allergies, and in a catch all listing titled other include any surgeries with date and doctor, when you had procedures like colonscopy, mammogram, flu vaccine, and anything else that is related to your physical well being that would benefit doctors or emergency personnel to know.

    I created a document with most of that information after taking my then-65 year old husband to the ER and he couldn’t remember all the medications he was taking. After creating his, I made one for me. I’m not yet in the elderly category, but I am disabled with a number of medical conditions. These documents are 2 columns on one piece of paper that can be folded and carried in a wallet, purse, glove compartment, or other places. Our youngest daughter lives with us while attending college and has a copy of both of lists in her glove compartment in case she needs it.

    The other bonus is that when we take this to a new doctor who needs to see a list, the nurses love it. They have all said it makes things easier. It also makes things easier for us sometimes. I use a CPAP when sleeping and I often forget when I got my most recent CPAP, checking my list I find that my machine was replaced in January 2018.

    In October 2016, I slipped on some water on the kitchen floor and fell and ended up with a life threatening injury to my left leg. 3 months in the hospital with 7 surgeries before I was able to come home. At the time we owned a split level house and I had to go up or down 17 steps to get to the car. Every step was an adventure in pain. We started looking for a ranch home with everything on one level. We quickly discovered that a very large group of people were looking for exactly the same type house. It took us about 6 months before we made an offer on a house that was accepted. I have 2 steps to get from the garage into the house. I’m trying to talk hubby into adding a large front porch with a ramp so I can get in the front door. If I had any money to invest, I would invest it into building ranch homes in my area. Most of the ones we looked at sold for up to $10,000 over the asking price.

    1. Hi Topaz, my neighborhood is the same. Most offers are getting $20-25,000.00 over the asking price. It’s crazy, they are all ranch type, one level homes. I love your idea on the list of medications, tests, etc. I have one in my emergency binder that people can download for free. It’s really smart that your daughter has copies. Now, back to your fall, oh my gosh, that is terrible. I can’t imagine 3 months in the hospital and 7 surgeries. OH MY GOSH!!! I’m glad you finally found a home that the offer was accepted. Yay! Life is crazy! Linda

  7. Just the other day, we had a grass fire that affected a housing development near town. At my Bible study, one of the gals who lives in that development said she panicked when they were told to evacuate. That started a whole topic off of the Bible!! Anyway, I suggested everyone have a file they can grab and go as well as a bag that has clothing, medications, water, etc.

    You mentioned wildfires but that typically calls to my mind a forest fire. From what I have seen, it sure seems that grass fires move much more rapidly and are wildly unpredictable. In the above-mentioned fire, no one lost their homes, but it could have been much worse due to the winds (50+ mph gusts, swirling etc.).

    1. Hi Leanne, I have seen so many neighborhoods with fires, 5400 homes burned to the ground in California recently. Grass fires are what I’m used to after having lived in Southern Utah. I’m glad your Bible study gal brought up the housing development fire, they are quite common these days! Sad but true. I’m glad you suggested what they need to put together in case they need to evacuate. The winds make it worse! Linda

  8. Hi Linda, good reminders! I do worry when you consistently say 4 gallons of water a day, that many people may just shut down and give up… Having a way to purify water– like a sawyer mini or a delta filter– can make having water obtainable at a much lower weight and stress level. I know you have been a desert dweller, but in many places having a gallon a day for a couple days and a way to purify water you have access to can make it easier and more likely to be prepared. When my ?IL was alive, I had made her a bugout bag as she lived near a nuclear power plant. It was actually two suitcases, one for her and a small one for her dog. I expected them to be in her car but when she passed away, we found them tucked into the back of a closet. She would not even have been able to put them in her car as she got older… just saying, in an emergency that minimal laundry that you plan for will not be with drinking water and you can wash up with each of the four corners of a washcloth, napkin or paper towel and a dribble of water. It does feel fresher if you can add a drop of vinegar to the water, if you have it. Long rant… stay safe!

    1. Hi Jan, you gave a good rant, I thought it was excellent actually! Most people do not store even one gallon of water. Every family is different, if you can store one gallon a day for 30 days, that’s awesome. If only 7 days, that’s a great start. Thanks for sharing your story about the suitcase for your mom and one for her dog. I was just talking to a group about no one talks about getting older and the struggle to do things. There are so many scenarios as to water storage. If you have a creek, a well, a river, or stream nearby that changes the amount of water you need to store. Unless, something blocks the rivers, and they dry up. Thats why having something to filter water is critical. It’s interesting I’m now at a point in my life that I’m living off my freeze-dried food storage. It takes more water than I had assumed. It takes less than dehydrated but you still need water for it. Great comment, thank you! Linda

  9. That strange death of Gene Hackman and his wife has left me totally spooked. I would hope our kids would look in on us.
    We have been in this home for 8 years and a couple of years ago, our next door neighbor asked how our trip south for the winter was… we hadn’t gone anywhere!!! Everyone comes and goes thru attached garages. Inside and outside lights are automatic, so you don’t know who is home and who isn’t

    1. Hi Chris, I was wondering the same thing. It sounds like Gene Hackman was dead for nine days, so sad. Not sure when his wife died. What a tragedy. Your neighbor asking how was your trip, and you hadn’t gone anywhere! Funny, not funny! LOL! Our neighborhood down south we never saw anyone. It was like no one lived there. When I was able I would change their burnt out light bulbs that come on every night if they were not home. They would have gotten a nasty letter from the HOA if the lights were burnt out. So I became the light bulb fairy. I would pull their weeds as well. I was bored out of my mind. I was used to living in a regular neighborhood with people. LOL! Linda

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