35 Reasons Why You Should Store Vinegar

I have 35 reasons why you should store vinegar, any kind of vinegar. Here’s the deal with vinegar, white vinegar or cider vinegar are both fairly cheap to buy and will store indefinitely.

You need to be aware that not all vinegar will store forever. They are acidic and therefore will store a lot longer than any oils, but keep in mind they will ferment. I know, because I have purchased some flavored balsamic vinegar and after a few years they are too strong for me to put on my bread or salads.

Oh my gosh, my mouth is watering right now for a really good balsamic vinegar and olive oil with crusty bread to dip in the mixture. Today though, this is about white vinegar and cider vinegar. So let’s get started.

Why I Store Vinegar, So Many Uses:

1. You can remove stickers from painted furniture. Dampen the edges of the sticker with the vinegar and carefully scrape off the sticker with a scraper.

2. Refresh your refrigerator, use equal parts white vinegar and water to wash both the interior and exterior of the refrigerator.

3. Clean your microwave with a bowl filled with 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 cup water. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Use the solution after microwaving with a soft cloth to wipe down the inside of the microwave.

4. Deodorize your garbage disposal. Mix equal parts water and vinegar and pour down the drain and then rinse with hot water.

5. Clean your walls by making an all-purpose cleaner with 2 parts water, 1 part distilled white vinegar, and a couple of drops of dishwater liquid. Spray on walls as needed and wipe down.

6. Protect blonde hair from chlorine in swimming pools. Keep it from turning green by rubbing 1/4 cup cider vinegar into your hair and letting it set in before swimming.

7. Treat an active cold sore. Use a cotton ball saturated in white vinegar and dab it on the cold sores three to four times a day. Vinegar will soothe the pain and swelling of the cold sore. It usually dries up quickly using this solution.

8. Soften your cuticles in a bowl of undiluted white vinegar for 5-6 minutes right before a manicure.

9. Brighten your clothes with 1/2 cup white vinegar instead of bleach.

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10. Remove crayon marks on children’s clothing by rubbing the stains off with a recycled toothbrush in undiluted vinegar before washing.

What’s really great about vinegar, it’s not very expensive. Get another bottle the next time you go to the store.

Have you heard about all the apple cider vinegar benefits you may want to use? Were you aware there is a difference between some versions of apple cider vinegar?  You need to use raw or organic apple cider vinegar to get the desired benefits. Not all Apple Cider Vinegars are equal.

You want the “Mother” of the vinegar because it has raw enzymes that promote healing. Regular/clear cider vinegar might not have all of the health benefits you hope for. I suggest avoiding filtered vinegar, as well. I call Apple Cider Vinegar a natural Elixir, one of my medicinal solutions.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits:


11. Apple cider vinegar can lower blood pressure, studies have shown.

12. Diarrhea: try mixing a little in water, the pectin content helps treat diarrhea. Sip on the mixture, it should help relieve diarrhea.

13. Helps with hiccups: it eases the diaphragm spasms that cause them.

14. Soothes sore throats. Mix equal amounts of ACV with water and gargle every hour or so.

15. Helps prompt sinus drainage. If you have a sinus headache or infection try 1 teaspoon of ACV in a glass of water. It may also relieve a stuffy nose.

16. Indigestion: ACV helps settle the stomach. Sometimes we eat too much or we eat the wrong types of food and it helps with heartburn.

17. Rub the Apple Cider Vinegar on swollen joints, feet, etc. Dilute if your skin is sensitive. I use it for my arthritis, it feels great while cooling my joints.

18. Yeast infections: add 1-1/2 cups ACV to your bathtub of warm water. Do this once a day for at least 30 minutes for at least three days.

19. Natural aftershave: mix equal parts water and ACV before applying it to your face.

20. Great for toenail or foot fungus: soak them in a water/ACV diluted mixture or apply directly to the fungus.

21. Soothe sunburn with a clean rag dipped in it. It cools the warm hot sunburn and is so refreshing.

22. Dandruff: mix equal parts ACV and water and let set on your hair for one hour or less.

23. Boosts your energy-relieves that tired feeling: one to two tablespoons in a glass of juice or water.

Read More of My Articles  How To Benefit From Using Apple Cider Vinegar

24. You know age spots some of us get on our skin: rub a little on them every day.  Rinse off in the shower if desired, I leave them on all night

25. Natural hair conditioner that makes your hair shiny and healthy and the price is very reasonable. One reader on Facebook mentioned she uses it once a month to remove the grime from shampoo and conditioners!

26. For Bad breath, mix 1/2 tablespoon in 1 cup of water and gargle a little at a time.

27.  Deodorant, rub a little under the arm and the ACV smell dissipates.

28. Great for acne issues, just put a little on, or make a mixture of one part vinegar with 3-4 parts water, it has some antibacterial properties to help heal acne.

29. Natural tooth whitener: rub some on a clean rag and rub on those teeth, it kills bacteria in your gums and mouth.

Meals-store vinegar for salad dressings

30.  Make your own salad dressings: so much healthier because you know what is in your salad dressing.

Home-Store Vinegar

31. Clean your tile with one cup ACV and a bucket of water, making cleaning a breeze.

32. I make a spray bottle with 2 cups ACV and 1 cup water, clean windows, countertops, you name it.

33. Natural room freshener, pour 1/8 cup in your toilet, it freshens the room almost immediately.

Please Store Vinegar For Pets

34. I like to use it on my Shih Tzu’s “hot spots” to clean and heal them.

35. Cats do not like the smell of vinegar. It should help from having “accidents” around the house.

Final Word

Please remember, I am not a doctor or medical professional. I just know I want to learn more natural ways to heal my body. I want to be prepared for the unexpected. Apple Cider Vinegar is fairly inexpensive so it may be a good choice for you.

It will go pretty far when mixed with water and be a natural healer when needed. You must decide what is right for you and your family. If regular medications are not available I must learn other types of healing.

These are just a few of the Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits I know. If you have some, I would love to add them to this list. I love Epsom Salts as well! Please store vinegar, you’ll be glad you did.

Copyright Images: AdobeStock_108868953by Mythja

My Favorite Things:

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Bragg Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar-16 fl. oz. Bottle

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  1. Linda ~
    I have been using ACV for years for just about all of the reasons you have mentioned.

    One story I have to tell is about when I was, I think 9-10 years old. I don’t know what was up with my skin but my elbows and knees were just terrible. My mother would scrub them until they almost bled. I was in tears when she did this. Then someone told my mother to add 1 cup ACV to my bath water. In a couple of weeks, the skin on my elbows and knees was as soft as a “baby’s bottom”!! I no longer have the skin issue but I have continued to add ACV to my bath water at least once a month. My skin is still very soft.

    As always, your posts are very informative and enlightening!

  2. Linda, I have add another tip for vinegar and this applies to white vinegar although the apple cider is a bit more effective or at least works faster. Vinegar is terrific for removing rust from metal tools, knives or even tiny widgets like screws, bolts, etc., that you want to salvage and not end up putting in your scrap metal bin.
    I just cleaned up some utility knife blades that although were new and untouched, they had rust on them. I’ve saved and refurbished knives and tools such as pliers that were frozen stiff, camping axes, and other items.
    I use a couple of brushes (toothbrushes, wire brushes) to clean away heavy rust scale, dirt and grit. Sandpaper or emery cloth also work.
    All you need are containers or Ziplock bags to soak smaller items. I use vinegar soaked paper towels/cloth to wrap larger things and then wrap them in a plastic bag or Saran wrap. You leave them overnight and keep them wet. It might take 2-3 days, but the rust disappears eventually.

    The vinegar does create a dark patina, but you can wipe it off and polish the metal back to it’s shinier finish. Now if you like a dark colored blade, you can use hot vinegar (Mustard or insertion into and orange, lemon or lime also work) and soak the blade of a carbon steel knife (Works great on Mora knives) until it turns black and you have a very nice finish with little effort and not only cheaper than paint, but better because it doesn’t build up thickening the metal, doesn’t easily scrape or chip off and it can be redone anytime. May take from a few hours to a couple of days.

    1. Hi Frank, oh you sound just like my dad with cleaning up tools! Thanks for the tips on using white vinegar for cleaning tools and knives! My dad would have loved that tip. Now I’m going to start cleaning off the rust with white vinegar! I LOVE this! Linda

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