Buy or Die: Things to Store for Emergencies

Buy or Die: Things to Store for Emergencies

Buy or die? There are definitely some things you need to buy and store for emergencies! The world is an unpredictable place. Natural disasters, accidents, illness, job loss, and crime can occur at any time and in any place. In the event of a major emergency or a disaster situation, you may be forced to leave your home with little notice and few supplies.

It’s important to be prepared for this type of scenario by having a stockpile of essential items that will sustain you until you are able to return home or reach other safe accommodations. Buy or die: Here are some things you should store for emergencies.

Things to Store for Emergencies

Things to Store for Emergencies

Keep in mind that I talk about a lot of things we need to store for everyday living, but there are some things to store for emergencies! These are buy-or-die sort of things. Items like water, food, shelter, and clothing are all things you’ll need to survive in a worst-case scenario.


You can’t live without water for more than a few days, so it’s absolutely essential that you have a supply of clean drinking water stored away. A good rule of thumb is to have one gallon of water per day per person per The American Red Cross. I disagree, I recommend 4 gallons of water per person per day. I get thirsty thinking I can only have one gallon.

When it comes to water, we need to stay hydrated, we need to be able to cook, we need some bare essential personal hygiene care that requires water, and hopefully, there will be some left to at least clean our underwear.

WaterBricks shown above are easy to carry and store. 3.5 Gallon Water Bricks. Water Brick 1.6 gallons and Spigot

Solar Charger

If the power goes out, your phone will be one of the first things to die. A solar charger can help keep it alive, giving you a way to stay connected and informed during an emergency. You might be able to find one that is powerful enough to also charge your iPad, notebook, or laptop too. New gadgets are coming out every day, do your research and see what’s available.

Water Filter

You can live without food for weeks, but only days without water. A water filter will ensure that you have clean, safe water to drink, even if the water sources around you are contaminated. There are a lot of water filters out there, with various capacities and filtering efficiencies. My favorite one is the PortaWell. The name tells the story, check it out.

If you’re looking for a small one for every member of your family, these are great, Berkey Sport and the LifeStraw Filters.


A multitool is a small, versatile tool that can be used for everything from opening cans to fixing broken equipment. In an emergency situation, it’s the one tool you’ll want by your side. Multitool I recommend.

Read More of My Articles  How to Handle Burns in an Emergency

Our son-in-law carries one on his belt every day, and he’ll be the first to tell you how often it’s put to use.

Fire Starter

Being able to start a fire is essential for survival in any situation. A fire starter will help you get a fire going quickly and easily, even if you don’t have any matches or lighter fluid.

Practice at home with all family members the necessary steps to effectively starting a fire, from gathering kindling, small logs, branches, and large timber. We have dry wood stored in containers, just in case.

Stainless Steel Watch 

A stainless steel watch is more than just a timepiece. It’s also a durable, reliable piece of equipment that can be used for everything from starting a fire to signaling for help.

Propane Torch 

A propane torch is a versatile and powerful tool that can be used for everything from cooking to welding. In an emergency situation, it’s an essential piece of equipment.

Be cautious how you store any fuels, including propane. We always have ours out on the back patio or in our ventilated shed.

Contractor Trash Bags 

Contractor trash bags are big, tough garbage bags that can be used for everything from storing supplies to building shelters. In an emergency situation, they’re a must-have.

During and after the emergency you’ll need a way to possibly stay dry, but also to haul off garbage. These bags a large and heavy-duty, just what you want.

Duct Tape 

Duct tape is one of the most versatile and useful products you can have on hand. In an emergency situation, it can be used for everything from repairing equipment to patching up injuries.

If you have the proper materials, you can use duct tape to help build a small shelter, bind wood together, or even make a sling or splint.

Cargo Pants & REAL Shoes

Cargo pants are comfortable, durable, and perfect for storing all your essential portable small supplies. In an emergency situation, they’ll help you keep everything you need close at hand both at home or wherever you may need to locate you and your family.

Please add some really good shoes and socks to your stash! Flip-flops and rubber shoes will not cut it!

Cargo Backpack

A cargo backpack is a perfect way to store all your essential slightly larger supplies and keep them close at hand too. In an emergency situation, it will help you stay organized and prepared.

It can actually become a small bug-out bag if necessary. Do an inventory from time to time to make sure it always has the items you feel are most critical.

Camp Ax

A camp ax is a versatile and essential tool for any survival situation. In an emergency, it can be used for everything from chopping wood, as a hammer, and to help with self-defense.

Fixed Blade Knife 

Purchasing a fixed blade knife makes sense since it’s a strong and durable knife that can be used for everything from hunting, cutting material for a shelter, performing small medical procedures as first aid, or for self-defense. In an emergency situation, it’s an essential piece of equipment. 

Emergency Whistle 

An emergency whistle is a small, but essential, piece of equipment that can be used to signal for help in an emergency situation, ward off wild animals, and stay in touch with your own family while in the wild. Emergency Whistle

Read More of My Articles  How to Find Time to Prep For Emergencies


A flashlight is an essential piece of equipment for any survival situation. In an emergency, it can be used to signal for help, illuminate your surroundings, or simply help you find your way in the dark. Please have flashlights for every member of your family. Solar is best, but I love battery-powered ones as well. Solar Flashlights and Battery Flashlights

I bought a few boxes of these to hand out to people who would stay overnight with us. You can never have too many flashlights, right? Great Battery Flashlights

I like flashlights over candles mainly due to safety concerns. You don’t hear about homes burning down from a flashlight being left on.

Portable Generator 

A portable generator is a vital piece of equipment for any survival situation. In an emergency, it can be used to power essential tools and equipment, or simply to provide light and heat.

As mentioned above, take proper precautions when it comes to storing fuel.

First Aid Supplies

Most of us are novices when it comes to providing aid when people are hurt. Having a first aid kit and the knowledge to use the supplies inside is critical. Take some classes, and consider getting involved with your local C.E.R.T. (community emergency response team) and the training they require. Knowing how to stop bleeding, use a tourniquet, protect a deep burn, set a splint, apply CPR, and other first aid steps may make all the difference. Yes, plan to be prepared!

What do you store for Disasters?

Everyone stores different things, but there are some common items that everyone should have. Water, food, shelter, and clothing are all essential for survival in a worst-case scenario.

When did the interest in prepping get bigger?

Prepping has been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people become interested in being prepared for emergencies. The interest in prepping often spikes after major disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes, as people realize the importance of being prepared.

What items do preppers forget?

Preppers often forget items like legal documents, ID’s, photos, cash, extra batteries, and first aid supplies. These items are essential for survival in an emergency and should be included in your disaster plan.

Tips for Getting Started with Prepping Right Away 

  • Start with the basics: water, food, shelter, and clothing. These are the essentials for survival in any situation.
  • Make a list of what you need and where you can get it. Planning ahead is essential for being prepared in an emergency.
  • Get involved in your local community. There are often prepping groups or events that you can attend to learn more and meet other preppers. Having a like-minded network in your community is very comforting and can make a real difference when things get tough.
  • Educate yourself on different survival skills. Learning how to build a fire, purify water, find your way in the wild, or signal for help could mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation.

The most important thing is to get started right away. The sooner you start prepping, the better prepared you’ll be in an emergency.

Final Word

There are several items that if you don’t prep, you could easily die. These buy-or-die things to store for emergencies are essential. My best advice is to start prepping NOW so that you don’t have to think about these things in an emergency, you’ll just have them ready to go. May God Bless this world, Linda 

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  1. I’d add real shoes.
    I could go on a three day rant about flip flops but y’all will get the point without

    1. Matt,
      And Crocs deserve the three day rant as well. They are the most useless things to put on your feet next to flip flops. Real shoes with good arch supports or orthotic inserts are the way to go.

      1. Ahh but Crocs have a place when you just wanna run outside quickly and be sure to not step in dog poop in the backyard or avoid the sharp pebbles going to the mailbox! I totally agree with REAL shoes in an emergency situation tho. I’ve broken both ankles at some point, had multiple reconstructive surgeries on them so GOOD shoes are a must for me. My husband tells me I have Fred Flintstone feet – short and wide, like a size 6.5Wide, almost impossible to find. Wides for women start at 7. I can boys shoes tho but they aren’t very sturdy. Most people don’t realize how important good shoes are!

        1. Robbie,
          I understand, but when I run outside, I usually get sidetracked to do many things on the way to the mailbox, etc. LOL! I have had numerous foot surgeries as well including plantar fasciitis surgery about 40 years ago requiring me to wear orthotics which do not work in flip flops or Crocs. And, within the last ten years, I have had three surgeries to replace the base joints in four of my toes as well as a pin in another toe to straighten it out. On top of that, I wear a size 15 shoe, so I have the opposite problem to yours. Luckily, I am 6’2″ tall, so the 15s are not too far out of proportion. LOL! I can’t go in a shoe store to buy shoes that size. Lucky for me, virtually all of the New Balance styles are true to size. So, I just order them and Fedex brings them. I have several new pair stashed in the closet in for when the SHTF. Best of luck to you as I know what it is like to have foot problems.

          1. Running out the mail box always necessitates picking those dang stray weeds, doesn’t it? They just taunt me, I swear. Oh my, I think you win with the surgeries. Mine have been straight forward breaks, you know, like when I tripped over thick air in the back yard and broke my right ankle/multiple bones? That required surgery, several implants, flat on my back for 10 days without even sitting up to eat! Those blood thinner shots in my stomach burned like the dickens! You’re a whole foot taller than me; I’m just 5’2??” and “fluffy.” I can’t imagine shoes that big; my husbands size is just 10-11 and I still manage to trip over them. I do like New Balance and have a few pair of those; I just don’t like shoes in general. Hence, the “wide” feet from going barefoot all the time. Don’t even get me started on heels! Nope, uh uh, not wearing those ever again!

        2. Hi Robbie, oh my gosh Fred Flintstone shoes, I have the giggles, I love stories like this, they make me smile. At my age, it’s all about comfort these days. Of course, they must be sturdy or I may fall. My hiking days are over. Linda

        3. Robbie, not sure if you can find one near you, but Payless Shoes have been my go-to place for wide shoes for women. Lol, my nearest one is 40 miles away but I can get dress shoes and Real shoes in size 6, wide and extra wide. Mine lasted a long time so I’m not even sure if this company is still in biz. Last time I got shoes there was 2 yrs ago but they are still in great condition.

      1. Our first aid kit has gone from a small tote to two good size containers. One for small issues, cuts , bandages, neosporin. The second is more pain, cold, flu, and intestinal issues….

        Flashlight, we have aver a dozen.

        Our generator is permanent and not portable, but it runs off natural gas, so storing propane is not necessarily, with the exception of two tanks for our fire table and small grill.

        A solar charger is on my research list as is a propane torch.

        Shoes….. real shoes, might be a need. I do have sturdy sneakers, but I seldom wear shoes. Even when we go for our rides in the country, I have been known to forget shoes. We don’t wear shoes in our, so I seldom think of them. I’ll work on that

  2. Linda, what about non potable water. I have some 3 and 5 gallon water bottles that we don’t use now. Because we have a berkey. Can I store non-potable water in them and on a concrete slap? For cleaning of course?

    1. Angela,
      I would still put the bottles on some thick cardboard or thin plywood. You never know when something might arise that would cause you to have to use that water for cooking or drinking. We have a number of 5 gallon water bottles stored and have them on cheap fiberboard rather than directly on concrete. And, that fiberboard can usually be scored with a knife and snapped along the scoring to make smaller pieces. Just a thought.

    2. Hi Angela, yes you can store non-potable water but I would still store the containers on 2 by 4’s just so the concrete chemicals do not transfer to the water. Better safe than sorry. You may need to filter that water sometime. Linda

  3. Excellent column and list! We live in an earthquake area and they recommend having shoes, flashlight and whistle under your bed in case you have to leave in the middle of the night. We also store our bug out bags in a chest in the bedroom by the window. How about extra fire extinguishers? Also recommended here. Extra cash is also good. Cash, not credit cards!

  4. I get new shoes every year. My shoes cost over $100 but I am lucky. VA gives them to me and I wear one pair a shoes a year because I can’t walk. So I have shoes all the time. My husbands books cost upward of $200 each pair and he gets 2 pairs a year. I might just order some of the boots he orders next year. They are good for supporting your ankles and even if you can’t walk getting out of a vehicle to get in the cart can cause you to fall or stumble if their is gravel where you are getting out of the car.

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