How To Store Water For Survival Today Not Tomorrow

How To Store Water For Survival Today Not Tomorrow

We need to learn how to store water for survival today, not tomorrow. I read articles in the newspaper detailing water contamination and the need to store water now. A few years ago, we had another problem right here in Syracuse, Utah. KSL TV on Syracuse, Utah Contaminated Water.

Don’t forget to throw out your ice cubes in this situation. The water was contaminated with E.coli and Coliform.

I want to remind people to please sign up for Reverse 911 in your location today. If you are on vacation or at a second home you will get the Reverse 911 message from the phone number (s) you registered.

You might remember, I wrote about why you need to register your phones where you are located. If you registered your phone number in say Phoenix, Arizona since you live there, that is awesome until you go on vacation.

It’s great because you will learn very quickly by text, email, or a recording (based on your city or county) that there is an Amber Alert or an imminent danger situation in your neighborhood, city, or county. Hopefully, the place where you are staying has a Reverse 911, I would register there as well in that city, county or state.

I have a daughter that lives in Huntington Beach, California. Here’s the deal, one block from her home you can see this sign that says something to the effect of “Evacuate this way (with a large arrow) in case of an imminent Tsunami.”

I can’t remember the exact statement, but I do remember seeing the word Tsunami. So I called her to make sure she has signed up for the reverse 911 notification. So many people have given up their landlines because of the cost, and now it seems the safety of a landline is not as safe as we thought at one time.

I wrote a post about Flagstaff, Arizona, where CenturyLink’s underground cables for home phones, the internet, and some mobile phone companies were vandalized. Here’s the link to see exactly what happened: Flagstaff Century Link Vandalism 2015.

Colorado and a few other states recently had some really bad weather, with hail the size of quarters: NBC News Reports Storms, Flash Floods, Threaten, Midwest.

Check out the pictures by NBS News comparing the golf balls to the quarter-size hail. I would hate to be an insurance agent after that storm. Wow, talk about dents on cars and house damage from the hail. I hope all the families are okay.

I remember taking “sales” classes at a local bank I worked for in Salt Lake City, Utah, years ago. They taught us that you have to show clients what bank products are available and then do it over and over again so they understand the product(s) may be worthwhile and necessary.

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Maybe not today but tomorrow. They will remember if you talk, mail postcards to them, etc. about the products the bank has available for them. So, if I sound redundant on “store water now,” then please forgive me. You will thank me later, I promise.

Store Water For Your Pets:

Remember to store water for your pets. Here’s a guide that may help you decide how much to store. Please store a minimum of 1 ounce (30 ml) of water per pound.

Please Store Water For Survival Today:

I need to tell my readers to store water today. Again. If you can save money, get some containers to store water, and use the suggested EPA-approved Water Preserver drops I use for you, then you will be set. I only use these drops: 

Quote from the manufacturer:

Use tap water to store emergency drinking water for 5 years. To be used with a 55-gallon water storage barrel.

Water Preserver is the first and only product recognized and proven effective for 5-year water storage, registered and licensed by federal and state EPA.

The water Preserver was scientifically tested for 10 years to ensure its potency for 5-year storage.

We guaranteed 100% effectiveness.

Water Preserver is a proprietary formula of stabilized, ph-balanced sodium hypochlorite with highly effective residual action that kills bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungus. Accept no substitutes.”End of quote.

Bleach or City Water Rotate Every Six Months:

I am not rotating my water every six months. If you use bleach to preserve your water you must remember to rotate the water every six months. Here is a link you might like to read on bleach in water storage: Red Cross.Org. 

I quote:  “Fill the bottle to the top with regular tap water. (If your water utility company treats your tap water with chlorine, you do not need to add anything else to the water to keep it clean.)

If the water you are using comes from a well or water source that is not treated with chlorine, add two drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to each gallon of water.  

Tightly close the container using the original cap. Be careful not to contaminate the cap by touching the inside of it with your fingers. Write the date on the outside of the container so that you know when you filled it. Store in a cool, dark place.  Replace the water every six months if not using commercially bottled water.

Read More of My Articles  3 Ways to Prevent Flooding

WaterBricks to Store Water Now:

These are my favorite water containers because you can carry one in each hand and they weigh about 27 pounds each if filled with water. They hold 3.5 gallons each so I use 1/4 teaspoon of my favorite Water Preserver above. Or you can count out the drops. I might have blinked when counting but I put 1/4 teaspoon in mine. I rotate them every 5 years! Yes, they are BPA-free. Here they are: WaterBricks 3.5 gals of Liquid, 27 lb of Dry Food Products, Blue

Store Water Now-Blue Cans (my favorite):

I have talked about water storage in containers but if you have limited space and want some really good-tasting water, these are for you. I am personally buying cases of these for my daughters. I love these cans because they are pure water.

Once you try this water you will love them too. They have a 50-year shelf life! I order my Blue Cans from this website: Brownells If you sign up for their emails you may get a discount and free shipping sometimes. 

Here is a little information from the manufacturer and I quote:

  • 50-Year Shelf Life
  • 12 oz of water per can, 24 cans per case
  • 2.25 gallons of water per case
  • Hermetically sealed water purified with 12-step filtration, reverse osmosis, UV light treatment
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging” End of quote.

Water Storage Containers

Bottled Water:

Pros: easy to pick up at the grocery store, cheap

Cons: short shelf-life (approximately 12-24 months)

2-Gallon Jugs:

Pros: easy to carry if you need to evacuate, stackable depending on the brand, fairly cheap

Cons: they only hold 2 gallons so you will need several

3.5 Gallon WaterBricks:

Pros: They weigh approx. 27 pounds when filled, which makes them fairly easy to carry with the handles.  They are stackable, you can store them in closets, under beds, and behind a couch.

Cons: Fairly expensive.

55-Gallon Barrel:

Pros: Cheap and available at most big box stores.

Cons: Bulky, you need a bung to tighten them, and a pump to pump out any water. No spigot.

High Capacity Tanks:

Mark and I purchased a 250-gallon high-capacity tank a couple of years ago. It didn’t look that big at the store UNTIL the company delivered it to our home. We had to tilt the tank just to get it in our garage. I had saved money for this unit for a couple of years. I will drain it and water some plants in my yard every 5 years. I LOVE knowing I have that much water on hand.

Pros: Large capacity of water, mine has two spigots, one for draining, and one for buckets.

Cons: Expensive, hard to pick up yourself even with a truck. You need three people to maneuver it.

Final Word

Let’s be prepared before we need to be prepared. We can do it, store water now, one container at a time. Blessings, Linda

Copyright Images: Depositphotos_26778051_m-2015Water

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  1. I do like to have many types and sizes of water storage. I’ve got it everywhere. Mass on south side of house out of the sun, storm shelter 5gl and bottles, camper water tank from March to December stays full, water jugs in laundry room, bottles in kitchen, camelbaks in go bags and armor carriers, bottles in vehicles.
    I’ve got several barrels that have the tops with screw on rings that completely open the top. It allows me to just scoop up the water without a pump.
    I also have several high capacity tanks in the metal cages. Empty you can easily load them yourself. I also put a garden hose connector on one.
    I prefer military water jugs over civilian for durability. I set one up as a hand wash station that I was taught in the military. I also keep a 5gl orange jug handy for the kitchen just to drunk from because even children can get their own from that easy push button spigot.
    6 month rotation for good water!?! I’d conduct your own testing. I think your results will greatly vary in true time lengths. That being said I do mine annually because mine deserve the best.

  2. Well my wife pointed out that she can’t load the caged water tanks by herself. They weigh about 130 empty. I’m 5’11” and 240 not fat so I don’t even think about it. I stand corrected for others that it would be a 2 person lift for safety.
    Also I built the garden hose connector on my tank but it has come to my attention that amazon now sells them too.
    I also wrap mine in heavy black plastic obtained from Lowe’s and gorilla duct tape the edges. That and storing on the south side in the shade keeps the algae from growing. They are set on 2 high cinder block so a 5gl bucket fits under the spout.

  3. Brownells does have Blue can water now. It is on sale occasionally and they also have free shipping sometimes. Sign up for their emails and you will get notifications of sales.

  4. We too have water stored all over the place. We also have several water filters, both for bulk and individual use. We also have a way to steam distill water if necessary.

    We were fortunate enough a couple of years ago to get some food grade 275 gallon tanks that we mounted on stacked cement blocks. We added pool shock to keep the water clean, as it protects much longer than household bleach, rivals the Water Preserver Linda recommends. The info on pool shock is available online. My husband made an adapter so we could use our hoses in case we ever need to fill livestock tanks or run water to the house.

    We have several rainbarrels, each with a faucet and mounted on stacked 3 high cement block pedestals. That height gives enough gravity pressure to run pvc watering wands and drip irrigation pipes my husband installed in the main garden beds. We have enough rain water to keep the garden going for over a month in the hottest part of the summer. We have also been able to keep our two best pastures growing in dry periods with the rain barrels. A footlong piece of heavy copper wire in each barrel keeps algae growth to a minimum. We clean and scrub each barrel in the winter months. I hope to double the number of rain barrels by next year, so the expanded garden beds and orchard can be guaranteed sufficient water, as well as expanding the ability to keep the other pastures growing.

    Being in a hurricane prone area, we store several cases of bottled water that we purchase before Easter each year, then use up after hurricane season ends. We also have jugs of both filtered and tap water stored for times when our local water company has to repair pipes and turns the water off for a while.

    I am buying some of the refillable water jugs when I find them at thrift stores and estate sales for my family and friends to have for emergencies again this year. Many of my friends have limited budgets or think that a bathtub of water is all they need for surviving a hurricane.

    Keep spreading the word on Water Storage, folks! Linda’s recommendation of 4 gallons per person per day is much more realistic than the 1 gallon amount Red Cross and FEMA suggest. The 4 gallon amount gives enough to do some cooking and sanitation!

    1. Hi BDN, thanks for this AWESOME comment, I love it! I’m saving up for rain barrels, if you have time please tell me the ones you recommend. Getting some rain barrels is on my bucket list. I like the idea you have of getting water jugs from thrift stores and filling them to give away. What a great tip and great reminder, Linda

  5. Hi Linda,
    I just checked cost of blue cans at Amazon and on the website… amazon is 46.00 for 24 cans and website is 30.00. Am I not reading this correctly? It seems like a huge price difference!

  6. Linda most of our water supplies are in recycled second hand containers. Our budget doesn’t stretch for new unused much of anything. So I don’t have any specific brand of rain barrel to recommend. Most that I’ve seen at Lowes and Sam’s Club hold just 35- 40 gallons of water, have plastic faucets, large holed plastic screens and are close to $100 a piece.

    We first made our own rainbarrels 15years ago from 4 recycled 55 gallon white or blue barrels that originally contained glycerin or a mild soap. I also have picked up a few black 35 gallon barrels that contained pickles or olives and had a 2 part screw on lid.

    We pressure washed each barrel. My husband cut tops off the original 55 gallon rain barrels. We reused those 6 inch tops as feed tubs for the goats. We fasten window screen fabric over the top of each barrel to keep trash out of the water and keep down mosquitos. My husband affixes a 3/4 inch brass faucet within 4 inches from the base of each barrel. I find the circular handled faucets are easier for me to use, as I’ve got a bit of arthritis in my hands.

    Over the years those barrels with the top 6 inches cut off have been harder to handle, hold about 45 gallons instead of 55 gallons, change shape and are harder to keep the screen fabric secured. The newest 55 gallon barrels we got 3 years ago just have the top inside lid cut off, leaving the top structural ring intact. Those barrels maintain their shape and are easier to handle, easier to secure the screen fabric over the ring.

    I hope to add more of the blue 55 gallon barrels that we can cut the top inside lid off this year. The old barrels with the top 6 inches cut off will be moved to the barn area and let me water the pastures and my hazelnut trees out in the woods on a regular basis.

    We find our barrels on Craigslist and occasionally at yard sales. Prices are pretty steady at $20 – 25.00. We also have a couple of local feedstores selling the recycled black 35 gallon pickle or olive barrels for $25 -35.00. I have also seen new unused blue 55 gallon barrels online at WalMart in the $60.00 range. Prices do keep creeping up even on the recycled barrels.

    I have seen a few of the 3 and 5 gallon refillable water containers that fit in those office style water dispensers at a thrift store for under $3.00. I missed getting the first one I spotted, but will be on the lookout for any others in good shape. And I have seen the blue 5 gallon containers at yardsales. If they are reasonable prices, I do pick them up to pass along to family and friends for emergencies.

  7. Linda, you are so welcome. Our rainbarrel system is fairly simple to build and use. It can be expanded without breaking the bank and the barrels are pretty long lasting.

    I’d love to have the fancier system with rain gutters and closed top rain barrels or even an in ground cistern. But that was out of our price range, the gutters would be the first thing damaged in every hurricane and could cause even more roof damage. Plus at age 65 +, climbing 20 foot ladders to clean those gutters is not a lot of fun! Sometimes the K-I-S-S method is the most efficient.

    Btw I signed up for the Brownell website and will work on adding a couple cases of the Blue Can Water before hurricane season! I had no idea they were that reasonable!

    1. Hi BDN, I’m really excited to start collecting rain barrels slowly. I had a few readers complain about the cost of the Blue Can cases
      price but you have to look at the real picture. The quality, no filter needed, the temps you can store them in, the taste and the ease of storage. They truly are my favorite water for drinking and ease of storage. Linda

  8. We buy Seychelle water bottles and pitchers, and use them daily. Have been using these for the last 3 years. Using these we DON’T have to buy bottled water. These will filter up to a hundred gallons of water. We take our water bottles with us everywhere. Carl Palmer come up with these and has been a guest on . Yo

  9. Hi Linda, just read the article and ordered “Water Preserver” using bonus points from my CC. Thank you very much for your research.

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