Easy To Make Chocolate Covered Oreos
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Easy To Make Chocolate-Covered Oreos

I’m absolutely in love with these easy-to-make chocolate-covered Oreos. Do you love Oreos, too? They are my favorite cookie. Even though I enjoy home-baked cookies, nothing can beat the classic Oreo cookie. I stick the original Oreo with the regular filling, not the “stuffed” one. You could make these with the vanilla Oreos as well. I just bought the chocolate ones, because I love chocolate!

Easy-to-make chocolate-covered Oreos are the perfect treat! They’re so fun, and they’re beautiful.

Here’s a tidbit about my favorite cookie. I quote Wikipedia: “Oreo is an American sandwich cookie consisting of two wafers with a sweet crème filling. Introduced on March 6, 1912, Oreo is the best-selling cookie brand in the United States. As of 2018, the version sold in the U.S. is made by the Nabisco division of Mondelez International.” In case you missed this post, Valentine’s Day Sour Cream Sugar Cookie Recipe

Easy To Make Chocolate Covered Oreos

Kitchen Items You Will Need

Chocolate-Covered Oreos Ingredients

  • Oreos: A popular sandwich cookie consisting of two chocolate wafers with a sweet creme filling in between.
  • Sucker or Lollipop Sticks: A confectionery stick, usually made of wood or plastic. One end of the stick is pushed into the Oreo cookie to hold it in place, and the other end is used to hold onto the stick while dipping into the melted chocolate.
  • Pink Candy Melts: Pink candy coating made from vegetable oil, sugar, and other artificial ingredients. They are often used for baking and candy making, as they can be melted and molded into various shapes and sizes. They give desserts a sweet, creamy consistency and are often used to add color and flavor to cakes, cupcakes, and other confections.
  • Red Candy Melts: A red-colored confectionery coating usually made from cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids, and food coloring. They can be melted and used for dipping or drizzling onto cakes, cookies, or other treats. They are also commonly used for decorating items such as cupcakes, cake pops, and other desserts.
  • Sprinkles (color of choice): Little bits of chocolate-flavored candies, typically made with white chocolate that doesn’t melt. Sold in a variety of colors. It adds a fun flare to the sugar cookies without using food coloring that can’t be beaten!
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Easy To Make Chocolate-Covered Oreos

Gather all of your ingredients.

Step One: Melt Pink Candy Melts – 30-Second Increments

Grab a microwave-safe bowl and place the colored (pink) candy melts in the container. You will need to melt the candy melts in 30-second increments, stirring as needed until you can see they are melted thoroughly.

Melt the pink chocolate

Step Two: Melt Red Candy Melts – 30-Second Increments

Grab a microwave-safe bowl and place the colored (red) candy melts in the container. You will need to melt the candy melts in 30-second increments, stirring as needed until you can see they are melted thoroughly.

Melt the red chocolate

Separate the cookies and place them on a small cookie sheet on parchment paper.

Separate the Oreos

Place a stick in the middle of each cookie, and “glue” the stick with a little bit of the candy melts to keep the sticks in place. Carefully place the top cookie back onto the bottom of the cookie with the stick in place.

Easy To Make Chocolate Covered Oreos

Step Five: Dip Some Cookies in Melted Pink Candy Melts

Dip the cookies in the melted pink candy melts and let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl. Let them set up in the freezer for at least ten minutes. Place the dipped Oreos on the cookie sheet and sprinkle with your favorite sprinkles.

Dip the Oreos in Pink Chocolate

Step Six: Dip Other Cookies in Melted Red Candy Melts

Dip the cookies in the melted red candy melts and let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl. Let them set up in the freezer for at least ten minutes. Place the dipped Oreos on the cookie sheet and sprinkle with your favorite sprinkles.

Dipping Oreos in the Red Chocolate

Step Seven: Decorate Chocolate Covered Oreos – as Desired

Drizzle with white chocolate if desired. There are so many ways to “decorate” these!

Decorate The Oreos

Finished Product

These cookies will be kept for 2 weeks if stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Enjoy.

Finished Product

Chocolate Covered Oreos Recipe

5 from 6 votes
Easy To Make Chocolate Covered Oreos
Chocolate Covered Oreos
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
2 mins
Set Up Time
10 mins
Total Time
27 mins
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Servings: 20 Treats
Author: Linda Loosli
  1. Gather all of your ingredients. Place the *pink* colored candy melts in a microwave-safe bowl. You will need to melt the candy melts in 30-second intervals, stirring as needed until you can see they are melted thoroughly.

  2. Next, place the *red* colored candy melts in a microwave-safe bowl. You will need to melt the candy melts in 30-second intervals, stirring as needed until you can see they are melted thoroughly.

  3. Separate the cookies and place them on parchment paper on a small cookie sheet.

  4. Place a stick in the middle of each cookie, "glue" the stick with a little bit of the candy melts to keep the sticks in place. Carefully place the top of the cookie back onto the bottom of the cookie with the stick in place.

  5. Dip the cookies in the melted candy melts, some in red and some in the pink. Let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowls.

  6. Place the dipped Oreos on the cookie sheet and sprinkle with your favorite sprinkles or decorative topping of choice.

  7. Let them set up in the freezer for at least ten minutes.

  8. These cookies will keep for 2 weeks if kept cold in the refrigerator or freezer. Enjoy!

How do I store these?

Here’s the deal: if your kitchen is warm, the chocolate may soften to the melting point. If possible, I would keep them in the refrigerator and place them on parchment paper in an airtight container.

Can I freeze them?

I would not recommend it because the chocolate may crack and “sweat” when it thaws.

Can I make these without the sticks?

Yes, you can, for sure. You can dip your fingers or a fork or a set of Dipping Tools like these.

What are some variations that can be made with these chocolate-covered Oreos?

I love these chocolate-covered Oreos! There are so many options!

Instead of the pink or red chocolate candy melts, you can use melted milk, white or dark chocolate bars, semi-sweet chocolate chips, or Ghirardelli melting wafers.

I love the ease of the candy melts, but it is fun to try other forms of chocolate and then top with your favorite decorative toppings. Which variation is your favorite?

Milk Chocolate Dipped Oreos

  • Covered with Chopped nuts
  • Sprinkled with Sea Salt
  • Drizzled with Caramel

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos

  • Drizzled with Peanut Butter
  • Rolled in Crushed Peppermint Candies
  • Coated with Coconut Flakes

Dark Chocolate Dipped Oreos

  • Topped Mini Marshmallows and Graham Cracker Crumbs
  • Double Dipped with White chocolate and Dark or Milk Chocolate

Final Word

I hope you make these chocolate-covered Oreos! Sometimes, we must step back and have fun with our kids and grandkids. These are the perfect desserts to serve or share for Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, or any occasion. Please let me know if you make these. I would love to hear from you!

Of course, we must keep prepping and teaching our families to cook from scratch and learn new skills. But who doesn’t love chocolate, right? May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. For Christmas, I dipped the oreo thins (chocolate and vanilla) in white and dark chocolate flavored with a small amount of peppermint. They were like the Girl Scout mint cookies. I also used the chocolate chip cookie thins and R–z crackers. They were all very good! To some I added the sprinkles. The family wants them again next year. I think I’ll try vanilla wafers, next time, to see how it turns out.

      1. My granddaughter likes the sugar wafers (vanilla, chocolate and strawberry) dipped in chocolate (no peppermint!). She says they’re like Twix. I’ve made those for a couple of Christmas’ and she wants them again. Valentine’s Day would be a good time for them, too. And how about chocolate covered graham crackers? I’ve wondered how Nutter Butters would be dipped in chocolate. LOL, no end to the imagination…

        1. Hi Patty, WHAT??? oh my gosh, what a great idea! I need to add sugar wafers to my grocery list!! And graham crackers and Nutter Butters! Wow, the possibilities are enormous! Bring on the dipping! Linda

        2. Hi Patty! I’ve seen the white chocolate covered Nutter Butter. They make cute snowmen. Chocolate and Peanut butter go together. That sounds yummy. I think I need to get some Almond bark or chocolate chips and bees wax and make some. I already have the cookies. That is after I eat all my Thin Oreos.

          1. Yes, I can see how they would be perfect for snowmen! Great idea!
            I’ve been purchasing the Merckens melting wafers on Amazon. They work really well. I haven’t compared the pricing with other melting chocolate.

  2. 5 stars
    Hi Linda! Have you tried the thin Oreos? You can’t make these beautiful ones like this, but they are so good! They come in regular flavor, vanilla, lemon, and mint.

      1. I like the thin ones as they aren’t as sweet as the regular ones. And they are crunchy. I’ve eaten the lemon and am working on the vanilla. I did buy the regular thin chocolate ones and the mint ones. Hubby’s favorite cookie was the original Oreos, but he can’t have them.

        1. Hi Deborah, I have got to try those!!! Any Oreo is awesome to me. Well, I have never tried the lemons that I can remember. I don’t really like the double stuff ones either. Now, I want to drive to the grocery store to get a variety of them!!! LOL! I better stay home, I need to stay well. Besides I just made brownies! LOL! I need some chocolate! Linda

          1. See if Walmart carries them. And if you can order for home delivery. We order snacks from them a lot. Well, hubby does. LOL He likes corn nuts and has just ordered them. He also orders sugar free candies, but I don’t think he gets them from Walmart. Maybe Amazon. They do have sugar free chocolate. They taste good to me, too.

  3. 5 stars
    These look sooo good and the recipe looks sooo easy! What a fun way to eat Oreos! These would be fun to make with my kids and give out as gifts! Can’t wait! Thank you for sharing!❤️

  4. Oh Boy! Another thing to add to my fattening repertoire! You do realize that you cannot just make these for the Kids and Grand kids right?! You are always so creative!!! Who doesn’t like sweet on top of sweet. Another great one…Stay safe (Bill)

  5. 5 stars
    Here’s a bit of good news for Celiac’s patients…gluten-free Oreos are going to be permanently available starting mid-January! I read it online but cornered the sales rep in a grocery store and he confirmed it. My daughter is over the moon anxiously awaiting the gluten free version.

    1. Hi Robbie, WHAT?????? Oh my gosh, this is so awesome!!!!! Gluten-free Oreos for Celiac patients is a blessing! I feel like skipping around the block over this!! I LOVE it! Linda

    2. Oh. My. Gosh.
      Gluten free Oreos?
      Haven’t been able to eat Oreos for years, I’m SO excited to hear this news!
      I was already thinking….well, I could try Linda’s recipe with a GF sandwich cookie, but now I’m going to wait until I find the Oreos. 🙂

      1. They’re a tad pricey, around $4.50 a pkg and less quantity. The pkgs are more white than anything so look for that. I bought 4 pkgs for my daughter and she said they were surprisingly good for GF. I found them at WalMart but haven’t seen them in other stores, mostly because I stay home and don’t shop hardly anymore. Another good GF news-Costco has a 2pack of GF bread, 7 grain and in a red pkg. My daughter said that was the closest she’s ever come to tasting real bread again. It’s around $8 for a pkg. My daughter has Marsh Stage 4 Celiac’s and is super super sensitive … we’re always looking out for others that need the same information. Good luck!

        1. Thanks Robbie! I’ll be sure to check for them next time I go to Walmart. Even if they’re a bit pricey, oh I’m still gonna buy them. LOL

  6. OK, First of all…..HOW can you make enough of them to LAST TWO weeks…..lol…..Second …..picture maple leaf shaped chocolate cookie with maple sugar center dipped in dark chocolate. IF Canada ever reopens their borders I will restock our maple sugar cookies.

    1. Hi Chris, I know, right?? Two weeks, or 2 days or 2 hours!!! I love your comment! You got me on the dark chocolate! I have got to find these maple leaf cookies you are talking about. RIGHT.NOW. Yummy, Linda

  7. 5 stars
    I meant to rate this 5. We have only found them at the duty-free stores on the Canadian side, or Niagara on the Lake. The border has been closed since March, and I am desperately out of cookies.

  8. My wife used to make chocolate covered Oreos using holiday molds to send to family at Christmas time. Just using the chocolate melts poured into the right sized holiday themed mold and the cookies are pressed into the chocolate. Not really designed to put sticks in, but maybe after they solidify a stick could be added later? Although they shipped well as little rounds of deliciousness. 🙂

    Thanks for all these ideas for making treats, since we can all use some treats to distract us these days. Appreciate all you do for the prepping community!

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