10 Best Home Defense Options in an Emergency
When it comes to protecting your home and loved ones in times of crisis, having a solid home defense plan is just so important. Emergencies can strike at any moment, and being prepared can make all the difference. I want to talk about the top 10 best home defense options in an emergency that can provide you with peace of mind in life and as you prep!

1. Security System
Investing in a reliable security system should be a top priority for every homeowner. Modern security systems are equipped with advanced features like motion sensors, surveillance cameras, and alarms. These systems not only act as a deterrent but also provide real-time alerts and evidence in case of a break-in or emergency. 20 Ways to Step Up Security Measures Around Your Property
I invested in the RING System. Costco had a 4 or 5-piece set that I purchased last year. I will install them once again on the new home when it’s complete. I have friends who have the BLINK System.
Mark and I believe dogs are good for alerting as well. Even my Shih Tzu, Izzy is a barker if she hears anything outside.
You need to consider the issue of having your power go out and still maintaining power to the alarm system. They don’t draw a lot of power, so having a Goal Zero backup power source for critical items like your alarm system may be the way to go.
2. Reinforced Doors and Windows
Your doors and windows are the most vulnerable points of entry in your home. Reinforcing them with sturdy materials like steel or installing impact-resistant glass can significantly enhance their resistance against forced entry. Adding deadbolt locks and security bars can provide an extra layer of protection. How to Use a Sheet of Plastic in Emergencies
3. Outdoor Lighting
Illuminating the exterior of your home is an effective deterrent against potential intruders. Motion sensor lights strategically placed around your property can startle intruders and draw attention to their presence. This discourages them from attempting to breach your home’s security. What to Use for Emergency Lighting
4. Home Defense Safe
A home defense safe is an essential addition to any emergency preparedness plan. Store important documents, valuable items, and firearms securely in a fireproof and tamper-proof safe. This ensures that even if an intruder gains access to your home, your most valuable possessions remain protected. What Preppers Prepare For
5. Self-Defense Training
Equipping yourself and your family members with the knowledge of self-defense techniques can be invaluable in emergencies. Consider enrolling in self-defense classes or martial arts training to learn how to protect yourself and others effectively. How to Raise Confident Self-Reliant Kids
6. Surveillance Cameras
Surveillance cameras serve as both a deterrent and a source of evidence. Install cameras at different locations around the property to monitor activities in real-time. Many modern cameras allow you to view the footage remotely from your smartphone or computer, enhancing your ability to respond to potential threats. The Top 10 Most Important Things to Do as a Prepper
7. Panic Room
Creating a designated panic room in your home can provide a safer haven during an emergency. Reinforce the room’s walls, install a secure door, and equip it with emergency supplies such as food, water, first aid kits, and communication devices. A panic room offers a last line of defense when all other security measures fail. 100 Items To Store For Survival: Don’t Panic, Prepare
8. Home Defense Dogs
Dogs have been trusted guardians for centuries and make excellent home defense options. Their acute senses and protective instincts act as a powerful deterrent against potential intruders. Before getting a home defense dog, make sure to choose a breed known for its loyalty, intelligence, and natural guarding abilities. If you’re looking for the best home defense options in an emergency, then this is the way to go! How to Keep Your Pet From Getting Stressed in Emergencies
9. Emergency Preparedness Kit
Having a well-stocked emergency preparedness kit is crucial in any crisis. Include essential items like flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, non-perishable food, water, blankets, and a portable radio. Keep the kit in an easily accessible location known to all family members. Emergency Preparedness and First Aid Kit Buckets
10. Neighborhood Watch
Joining or establishing a neighborhood watch program fosters a sense of community and collaboration in keeping your area safe. Regular communication and cooperation with neighbors can help identify and address potential security threats, making your entire community more resilient in times of emergency. This is one of the best home defense options in an emergency. Is Your Neighborhood Prepared?
More Tips
- Types of Medicines You Need for a First Aid Kit
- 20 Reasons to Have a Fire Extinguisher On Hand
- How to Use Old Clothing for Emergency Preparedness
Final Word
Safeguarding your home and loved ones during emergencies requires a different approach. Implementing these top 10 home defense options can enhance your home’s security, increase your preparedness, and ensure the safety of your family. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and be proactive in finding the best home defense options in an emergency. May God Bless this World, Linda
Copyright Images: Security System App Depositphotos_72351067_S by Aa-w, CCTV Security System Depositphotos_77104021_S by Ipeema
In a real emergency the home is the FPL Final Protective Line. You’re thinking way too small if that’s your plan. A multiple block area will be needed.
Take all these listed measures in the article and many more including weapons and area denial tools.
Hi Matt, I tally agree, I have one lady on the street two doors down that thinks like I do. We will take care of each other if need be. Now if I can meet more like minded people we will be in a better position. Our neighborhood started a BLOCK deal with block captains. It would work if all involved had some skills, water, food, and you know the other stuff. I will be my own BLOCK Captain. LOL! Great comment my friend, Linda
You mentioned steel bars for security. That can backfire in a bad way. The bars must be accessible to unlock from the inside. Bars can trap you in a burning home if regular entrance are blocked by fire and heavy smoke. Allowing pets access to your bedroom allows them to get you attention before even smoke detectors (CO monitors are another essential safety feature. If your sleeping quarters are on a 2nd or 3rd floor, having an emergency escape ladder is an essential. They hook over the window sills, are made from steel chains and cross pieces can save your lives, allowing you to get out of the house. In the country with volunteer fire departments, as hard as they train for rapid response, it still will take them longer to arrive with their equipment. Unlike a city paid fire department, with men strategically placed all through the city. You’ve covered alarms, locks, and methods to handle home invasions or thieves. But one of the biggest threats to homes is fire and/or gas leaks, so it behooves people to make a plan for getting out of the home safely and having a plan for where to meet. The best prevention techniques are getting heating and A/C service, cleaned and serviced yearly, changing all of the filters annually or more often, and getting chimneys cleaned every year. Placing decals on children’s bedrooms helps search and rescue personnel locate them quickly. I wish someone would create decals for the elderly and infirm. There are decals called save my pets, too.
Hi MaryAnn, oh you nailed it on the steel bars. Nowadays they have a quick-release button added to remove them quickly. I have written about having Carbon Monoxide Detectors before but I should have added those as well today. I take for granted people buy them some people have never heard of them. Great point on having your A/C and heating systems checked and for heaven sakes change those filters. Every home with a second floor should have those “chain” ladders to use for quick evacuations. I have written about that before as well. Great comment, Linda
Hi Linda, you can’t include all details about everything or your column would be unending! You give use ideas on what’s to be done. What people suggest sometimes can have a negative. For instance, having a decal in a child’s bedroom window, as stated in the reply above, can be beneficial if the house is on fire. But it is also a negative as it tells intruders with evil intentions where the kids room is, and also where the probable weakest resistance to illegal entrance would be. Keep up the good column, and have a Merry Christmas.
Hi Alan, I was thinking the same thing about the decals. I remember years ago someone at a church function suggested a handicap sticker, but my memory is not what it used to be, my friend! Thank you for the kind words, Merry Christmas to you and your family! Linda
I can’t believe that you left out personal protection. I know that lots of people don’t like guns, but a properly trained person can make the difference between life and death if you’re home, your castle and your family are attacked.
Hi Theresa, I would love to write about that but most bloggers these days are censored and my readers know it. We must be careful about what we write or we will lose our ad company and would lose the money we need to run our blogs. It costs about $3000.00 a month to run my blog, and I can’t pay for that without my ad company. There are about 10 subjects we cannot talk about. Thank you for understanding, Linda
What subjects are prohibited? Just curious.
Hi Kevin, I can’t discuss, even my comments are monitored. It’s all about censorship. Linda
I have limited mobility issues. My son suggested, from a law enforcement perspective, that if we consider a ramp, to make going out easier, it should be one that goes from inside our attached garage into the back hall. Ramps that are visible should only be a last resort, because that is a notice to everyone that elderly or handicapped people live inside.
Hi Chris, oh my gosh, this makes total sense! Wow, my brother in law was a quadriplegic from a biking accident and their ramp was right out front of their home. Thank you for your sons perspective, it’s what people need to learn and know about. Good one! Linda
I might point out that reinforcing your doors without also reinforcing the door frames and surrounding walls is a waste of money and time. I’m somewhat of an expert on this as I was a police officer in my department’s narcotics unit and SWAT team. We often conducted raids on dope houses with nice sturdy doors, but the same crappy frames they used to have for their old crappy doors. No problems forcing an entry when necessary. One man rams had no issues using one, at most, two strikes. A two-man ram would literally cause a reinforced door to explode out of a weak frame. Sledgehammers, no problem. Crow bars, no problem (though we usually used a fire department type Halligan tool). Also, I might point out, that the vast majority of home burglaries are done through doors.
Dogs are another matter. Again, using my police experience, if a door is very forcefully opened (a two-man ram type), dogs are frequently terrified. I’ve seen big Pitbull’s, German Shepherd’s, Rottweilers, Doberman’s, etc, run in screeching terror from a door flying into the living room and a bunch of guys in armor running in yelling and hollering. So, don’t depend on your dog 100% to defend you. Such a guard dog needs to be well trained to stand up to that kind of event. The funniest one I remember was a Pitbull running in terror away from us, but the family cat sitting calmly on top of the back of the couch just staring at us like we were rudely interrupting his nap (we probably did). We later found the pitty in the basement shivering in fear under a workbench and left him alone. However, most dogs will at least bark and alert you to potential intruders or prowlers and are very useful for that.
I might also mention, when we knew dogs were present, we didn’t want to shoot them. Instead we would also enter with one officer carrying a CO2 fire extinguisher. A blast of that cold stuff in the face was enough to deter all but the most well trained and aggressive dog, and no harm done to anyone.
Hi Zulu 3-6, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! Thank you for sharing your experiences, excellent advice! I’m glad you mentioned about door frames, some are so flimsy, you are so right! I really enjoyed reading your comment, thank you! Linda
Excellent article as usual. I agree with Matt, as usual. I have a chapter in “Bugging IN” devoted to neighborhood defense.
Re the safe: It must be at least 1hr fire rated at 1400F AND have a Palusol door seal. Such a seal is heat activated, expands and prevents the fire (or the hose water from the fire department) from ruining the contents of your safe. The one hour fire rating is absolutely necessary in case you have guns and ammo in your safe–as well as to protect your important documents and cash.
Big dogs with loud, threatening barks go a long way towards deterring thieves and home invaders.
A 12 ga. shotgun will serve admirably if the dogs fail.
Hi Ray, you nailed it as usual! Thank you for your great advice about the safe and what is needed! Linda
Oh my Linda! We have moved to AZ and I have been amazed and stunned at some of our neighbors. The simplest things, even on a good day, are lock your doors and windows. I’m from New Jersey, lived in Germany 3 times, NC, SC, MS, and WA and I have always made sure doors are locked.
We had Military Police go though the hallways in our Government housing ( off base and on) checking to see if the doors to our quarters were locked. I received numerous comments from the MPs thanking me for locking my doors. The MPs and any LEOs can tell you the results of a home invasion – I have no intention of “inviting” someone into our home by leaving the doors unlocked.
Living here has been eye opening. We have gone for walks in the early evening (at dusk) and seen neighbors who have left their garage doors wide open. Not only can someone enter the house but we’ve heard of 3 neighbors who had rattlesnakes entering the garage.
Please, everyone, lock your doors.
Hi Cheryl, oh my goodness, it drives me crazy when people keep their garage doors open. The snake, YIKES! I have a daughter who lives in Flagstaff, AZ and she would never leave her garage open. Sometimes I think people become too trusting or may be it’s nonchalant. I’m no expert, but there is NO WAY I’m leaving my garage open, windows open, or doors unlocked. I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, where crime is pretty high. Everyone, please lock your doors and keep your garage doors closed and lock them at night. Great comment, Cheryl, whew, we need people to lock things up! Linda