Homesteading Skills

101 Homesteading Skills We Need To Teach

Today, it’s all about the 101 homesteading skills we need to teach our kids and grandkids, and possibly our neighbors. We’ve heard a lot in the last few years about homesteading skills, vintage skills, and pioneer skills. I don’t know about you, but I can do all of these and I bet you can too. I wrote this post many years ago, but I believe we need this information more now than ever before, so I’m updating the post as a refresher.

I have always pictured different farms growing vegetables and fruits and raising chickens, rabbits, goats, cows, etc. I remember visiting dairy farms. It seems now some people are calling themselves homesteading families if they’ve learned and are using these skills.

I remember growing up and hearing the word, homestead from time to time. Well, the word homestead according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary is defined as “the home and land acquired by family” and “to acquire or settle on the public land.” Not sure how many people are acquiring public land these days, but many are trying to be more self-sufficient.

101 Homesteading Skills We Need To Teach

I think what we really need to do is explain what a homemaker is, and why those people have homesteading skills. They run a house, hence the term “the home and land acquired by the family.”  I have recently started to wonder why so many blogs have become homesteading blogs. These are basically homemaking skills, maybe they are trying to bring back the skills most of us have used our whole life and putting them front and center.

I remember churches teaching these skills, as well as schools. Somehow, the teaching of these very important skills needs to be rekindled. What do you think has happened? We can’t continue to eat processed food, eat at fast food places, and eat food at restaurants every day, it’s not healthy. Plus, it’s so expensive.

Whatever sex you are who heads your home and keeps it running smoothly, I tip my hat to you. It’s hard to be a homemaker and homesteading family. I decided to break down the different areas of life we all have to deal with each day no matter where we live and discuss them. I’m not talking about backyard chickens, ducks, goats, and rabbits which a few families have chosen to prioritize. I’m talking about those everyday activities that tie up our time and energy to make the home safe, healthy, and comfortable.

I have a blogger friend, Janet Garman, who has a farm called Timber Creek Farm (.com). She is truly a role model to follow if you want a farm. She dyes yarn and knits the most beautiful hand warmers, I have two sets. I love them! Today, it’s all about the homestead, as in our home.

If you understand and use any of these skills please teach them at your church, schools, and neighborhoods. Trust me, people need to know these skills. You don’t have to be living off-grid to take advantage of this knowledge, you just want to be enterprising, cost-conscious, and live more of a simplistic life. Some would consider these as survival skills, and when used properly, many would be.

101 Homesteading Skills We Need To Teach

101 Homesteading Skills We Need To Teach

These are the things I learned growing up, how about you?


  1. I learned to make bread in a big old stainless steel bowl like this one: Stainless Steel Bowl We can truly survive if we learn to make bread in its many varieties like sourdough bread. Beginners can check out my archive for a no-fail bread recipe that uses few ingredients.
  2. Learn to grind wheat. I have two wheat grinders, an electrical one and a hand-powered one in case I lose power in my home.
  3. Learn to make whole-wheat bread. Whole-wheat bread is more healthy and may tend to make you feel full.
  4. Learn to make bread with flour you can tolerate. Many families are dealing with gluten issues, but they can still make bread.
  5. Learn to make your own natural yeast.
  6. Learn to make white bread that melts in your mouth.
  7. Learn to make dinner rolls to die for.
  8. Learn to make cinnamon rolls. I make a batch and share them with the neighbors, they love them!
  9. Learn to make biscuits. Nothing like biscuits with some homemade gravy.
  10. Learn to make crackers. No reason to go to the store, make your own and eat them with fresh cheese.
  11. Learn to make crepes. Had some delicious crepes with fresh fruit for a Mother’s Day Lunch. What a hit!
  12. Learn to make tortillas. Who doesn’t like a Mexican meal at any time?
  13. Learn to make pancakes and waffles from scratch. We have a Mickey Mouse waffle maker we use with the grandkids.
  14. Learn to make a cake without a cake mix. I truly love making things from scratch.
  15. Learn to make frosting without a container or box. We try to stay away from processed foods as much as we can.
  16. Learn to make pies from scratch (thank you, Jeanne). Making your own pie crusts is fun, and you know what’s in them too!
  17. Learn to make homemade pasta, it tastes so yummy (thank you, Bebe). We enjoy all kinds of pasta recipes and don’t have to go to the store first.
Read More of My Articles  The Best Fish to Eat


  1. Take a Master Preserver Canning course to keep up with the newest safety measures required to preserve our food. Four Foods You Should Never Can by Linda. Learn to can by water bath and by using a pressure canner, they both come in handy for various food products you harvest. Pressure-canning meat at home has become more common as a means to preserve food. We love to eat jams and jellies we’ve canned along with the canned veggies like green beans, corn, squash, and herbs.
  2. Only use mason jars designed for canning. I like both Ball and Kerr products and prefer using wide-mouthed jars. The lids have been hard to come by the past few years, but seem to be more readily available now.
  3. Watch for chips or cracks and discard the jars if damaged since you won’t get a quality seal with damaged jars.
  4. Never can eggs. The USU Extension Service class I took outlined various food NOT to can. See numbers 5 – 7 too.
  5. Never can milk or cream
  6. Never can bacon
  7. Never can butter
  8. The new rule (2015) when canning tomatoes (they are not as acidic now) is to add 2 tablespoons lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon citric acid to quart-size jars. Pint-size jars use 1 tablespoon lemon juice or 1/4 teaspoon citric acid to make up for the lower acid levels in today’s tomatoes.
  9. Always remove the rings after the jars have been canned, cooled, and ready to store. This will ensure if a lid does pop up and become unsealed, it will not go back down because the ring was left on. You may never know if the seal popped up after storing it.
  10. When lifting your jars out of the hot water, never tip the jars, keep them upright. I have a nice jar lifter I use so I don’t get burned fingers!
  11. Pressure canners have weighted gauges, dial gauges, regulators, and rings. They should be checked yearly (replace as needed).

Cleaning Your Home

Make a schedule to keep on top of your cleaning, a clean home is a house of order, a house of peace and serenity. Don’t try to clean the whole house in one day, spread out the chores and do them right the first time.

Share the following cleaning projects:

  1. Bathrooms
  2. Kitchens
  3. Living Room
  4. Bedrooms
  5. Closets
  6. Cupboards
  7. Fans
  8. Dusting
  9. Vacuuming
  10. Mopping

Cleaning Your Garage

I love a clean garage:

  1. Blow the dust and debris outside and put them in a trash can.
  2. Keep the garage doors oiled and lubricated. Some lubricant from time to time is sure cheaper than replacing the motors and springs.
  3. Vacuum the entrance rug between the garage and house once a week.

Cleaning Your Yard

Trust me on this one, I love a clean street. Is this a homesteading skill? I don’t know but it’s important to me.

  1. Pick up blowing trash in your yard and adjoining neighbor’s yards. Help each other out.
  2. Pick up dog poop your neighbor’s dog has left, try not to be bitter because you always take a poop bag.
  3. Clean the street gutters if you have them, it makes all the difference in a clean tidy neighborhood.
  4. Keep your bushes trimmed, particularly near the home. They can become a fire hazard and a place for intruders to hide.
  5. Keep your trees trimmed so people can walk safely on the sidewalk in front of your home.
  6. Consider using a pre-emergent spray so weeds don’t become a problem for you and the neighbors.


The following “how-to’s” are fun to learn and will make your food preparation skills so much stronger:

  1. How to make a roux
  2. How to make a white sauce
  3. How to cook from scratch
  4. How to make rice without a rice cooker
  5. How to make gravy from meat drippings
  6. How to make/cook beans from a bag
  7. Buy good pans the first time, this is one I use all the time: Farberware Saucepan Having the right cookware can make a real difference!
  8. Learn to make soups, stews, chili, and anything that will fill the belly for less money and still be healthy.
  9. Exchange recipes with friends that make up meals that are frugal and healthy.
  10. Put together a pantry and food storage inventory list. Check it at least monthly to make sure you’ll always have what you need.

Dehydrating Food

  1. You can dehydrate food on window screens or on netting. Using the sun’s rays can save on equipment costs, but it takes patience and skill.
  2. I have had two dehydrators in my life, they run non-stop. The one I have now is similar to this one: Excalibur
  3. Dehydrating your own food is for short-term storage only, one-year maximum. We dehydrate both fruits and veggies. I use the veggies in my soups, stews, casseroles, and more. I put the dried fruit in desserts.
  4. You can dehydrate frozen vegetables you find on sale and you don’t need to wash, slice, or cut them.
  5. When you combine homegrown garden products with canning and dehydrating the harvest it is the best!

First Aid Skills and Supplies

Thanks to Daniel for these:

  1. Get up to speed with basic first-aid skills, including, closing a wound with stitches and setting a broken bone.
  2. CPR class
    I remember taking these classes at the YMCA long ago, but I am pretty sure your local fire station would be able to steer you in the right direction. First Aid Kit by Linda
  3. Consider taking a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) class. You and your neighbors learn skills that might save lives!
Read More of My Articles  Bleach: Everything You Need to Know


  1. You can feed a family with 6-8 people if you have a garden, I know I have done it on 1/4 acre. My family canned and preserved all the food for one year. No animal meats, just fruits, and vegetables. Gardens for Two by Linda and  How to Grow A Garden by Linda
  2. Find the best area to plant a garden, and watch for sun and shade spots.
  3. My favorite item you need to start your garden (I have to use these items because I have rock-hard clay soil): Miracle Grow Soil, buy at your local hardware stores.
  4. Composting, I confess this is the only one I haven’t done yet. I buy my organic compost materials.
  5. Learn to trim and prune your fruit trees correctly.
  6. Buy Non-GMO, non-hybrid seeds and plants. You can use the seed from the heirloom seeds for next year’s plants.
  7. Turn the soil several times and add the following amendments, if you need them (#8 – #11):
  8. Azomite Micronized Bag
  9. Worm Castings
  10. Coco/Coconut Fibre Pot Mix
  11. Organic Vermiculate

Heating Your Home

  1. Learn how to use a good chainsaw, we taught our girls to cut down trees, they cut and split the logs to heat our home together as a family. We used a woodburning stove insert to heat our home for four full winters. This was a skill we all need to learn. It’s hard work but totally teaches a family to work together as a team.

Home Maintenance

  1. Change your smoke alarm batteries at least once a year before they start to beep.
  2. Change your Carbon Monoxide detector batteries at least once a year: Carbon Monoxide Detector
  3. Change your furnace air filters often (thanks to Janet for the reminder). Keep in mind you may not need the HEPA filters in your home unless someone has severe allergies. We were told by an HVAC service tech to consider using the lower-cost filters. They catch the larger particles and let more air through, making them more fuel efficient.


  1. Keep up on your laundry, nothing is worse than having a power outage and you need clean underwear, etc.
  2. Consider learning how to starch and iron your own dress shirts.
  3. Save money and make your own laundry detergent and your own soap products: Laundry Detergent by Linda

Money Management

Make a budget with your net income, write it down, then write your bills on the other side of the paper. Put some in savings each month, even if it’s only $1.00. (thanks to Debbie for reminding me about this topic)

Tina: I would add – Learn How to Write a Check and How to Balance a Checkbook. You would be surprised how many young folks coming out of high school have no clue how to handle a checking account.

Personal Hygiene & Health

This one is critical to our well-being and learning to stay healthy.

  1. Eat healthily, we are what we eat. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  2. Clean remotes to all TVs and cell phones, etc.
  3. Clean light switches.
  4. Use the cleaning wipes at the grocery stores on those shopping carts.
  5. Wash your hands frequently.
  6. Stay home from work if you are sick, don’t spread those germs!
  7. Keep your child home from school if he or she will spread a virus or bacterial infection.
  8. Keep a jar of Vicks VapoRub on hand at all times (rub some on your feet and cover with socks-helps with a cough).
  9. Use essential oils to soothe a cold or influenza.


Sewing seems to have become a lost art. These basic sewing skills may prove to be new skills for some, but they’re worth learning at any age:

  1. Learn how to thread a needle.
  2. Learn how to thread a sewing machine.
  3. Learn how to make a bobbin.
  4. Learn how to clean and oil your sewing machine.
  5. Learn how to sew a straight line on your machine.
  6. Buy a good sewing machine, not a cheap one, a good one, it doesn’t have to be expensive.
  7. Learn to use a fabric rotary cutter and board.
  8. Buy a good pair of fabric scissors.
  9. Buy a good seam ripper.
  10. Buy a good fabric tape measure.
  11. Buy safety pins.
  12. Buy good sewing machine needles.
  13. Buy good pinning pins.
  14. Get a pin cushion-they make magnetic ones that are great.
  15. Learn to sew aprons, then kid’s clothes, and move on to harder things.
  16. Learn how to sew on buttons.
  17. Mending can save lots of money.
  18. Recycling thrift clothes can be fun and save lots too.
  19. Learn to make your own starch and iron your clothes when appropriate.


Quilts make awesome gifts for kids and adults!

  1. Learn to tie a quilt with yarn knots and fluffy batting.
  2. Learn to piece a quilt with leftover fabrics.
  3. Learn to hand quilt a quilt.
  4. Learn to bind a quilt.
  5. Learn to use a fabric rotary cutter and board.
  6. Buy a good pair of fabric scissors.

Knitting and Crocheting

  1. Knitting and crocheting must be added, I’m so thankful Valerie reminded me about this awesome skill!

101 Homesteading Skills We Need To Teach

Final Word

Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. Our kids and grandkids need these 101 homesteading skills and so much more. Let me know what skills you think should be added to my list so I can share your ideas with my readers. May God Bless this world, Linda

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      1. I love this list. I can do quite a lot of them. Now is a good time to work on the ones I don’t know how to do.With the whole world staying in at this time due to Covid-19 it’s a great time to do this. Thanks for all of your wonderful blog posts. Stay safe

        1. Morgan I definitely agree with you. Recently I have been looking into all kinds of survival and homesteading tips. As a Veteran I know some things but like everyone else I can always learn some new things. Being mainly at home right now gives me ample time to do this. Stay safe and healthy. Dee

    1. I also learned money management in home ec – how to open a bank account, write a check, and how to make a budget. I never enjoyed cooking classes until I had a wonderful teacher who taught cooking as science and so much suddenly made sense. My mom taught me to sew before I took sewing in school. In our 4-H program, we can’t recruit volunteers to be ‘Family and Consumer Science’ leaders because this generation doesn’t know how to be homemakers themselves. When 4-H offers cooking as an after school program, there is always a waiting list as kids are hungry (pun intended) to learn to cook.

      1. Debbie,
        yes learned a bunch in Home Ec as well. Why in the world do they not teach this today? People are amazed that I can sew and make a complete suit if needed and when I was first married, I knew nothing but making pies and cakes from scratch. I am so sad that the young people do not know what we know but maybe, just maybe we can help them out. Depending on whether or not they can pull their squinty little eyes up from their cell phones or not. LOL. Anyway, it is always good to talk to people of like minds. Bless you and your family.
        Cincinnati Ohio

        1. Hi Vivian, we need to talk to each other through comments, because we understand each other. May God bless the world to put their phones down and learn to converse with one another. Hugs, Linda

        2. Home Economics classes got cut from schools because of budget cuts, and yet they turn around and hire extra principals and assistant superintendents. Schools, at least in our area (NW New Jersey) have become so top-heavy with staff. If they cut a few of those unnecessary positions out, they could reinstate Home Ec (and agriculture, and woodshop). It’s truly a sad state of being. I always loved my sewing classes, but then I knew how to sew before I even had those classes.

          1. Hi Carol, I knew how to sew before I took those classes in Home Ec as well. But, I learned some really cool NEW ideas to encourage me to learn new techniques that I didn’t know. I made a beautifully tailored coat with lining. I learned the basics at home from my mom which I will be forever thankful for but I learned harder sewing steps that I was so proud to learn at school!! I took Home Ec every year and loved it!!! It really is a sad state of affairs. Great comment. Linda

        3. I never had a chance to take home ec, it has nothing to do with phones! The young generations have been stripped of having such a well rounded education in school! & knowledge was never passed down to me by family either. I’m reading your article at age 27 🙂

          1. Hi Lindsey, it really is sad that some of the school systems and even a few homeschoolers do not teach some skills we all need. I’m lucky my mom taught me what she knew. All we can do is learn one skill a month or every quarter. At 27 years of age, you have a lifetime to learn and teach others the skills you learn. Thanks for stopping by, Linda

    2. My brother is 13 years younger than me and in his school they combined home ec and shop and called it Life Skills. It was co-ed and taught a few skills from both classes, plus family life with the Egg Baby. Because of trying to do a little of everything, nothing was covered thoroughly. Better to teach them yourself or learn together. Could even make badges or pin awards to make it more fun.
      Excellent list.

      1. Hi Davette, I love your name! I have seen the TV news show school classes with the Egg Baby and also a Lifelike baby. Kids are carrying around a car seat, bottles, and diapers. We do indeed need to teach them ourselves. Thanks for commenting, Linda

  1. Brings back memories, In the early 1960’s We took weekends in the Desert, like camping out, had a cabin, no walls, just like a big garage and I hung sheets from the rafters to make rooms, The kids loved it and so did I, they could run and play and watch little chipmunks and kangeroo rats steal the dogs kibble… and we brought out milk goat with us in a cardboard box on the floor of the back seat of the Oldsmobile.. She would jump into the box and not try to get out till we arrived in the desert.. Slowly it became harder and harder to go back to the city, that big 2 story home didn’t have the feel of being out in the air and learning how to live this way.The clear nights in the desert showed us the sky and the stars, never seeing them in Los Angeles. no one had electricity so the soft light of a kerosene lamp of another cabin many acres away was restful. we saw visitors a mile before they got here from their headlights.. we had Heaven here.. So rented out my home, moved to the desert and have loved it every since.. now as I have aged and the children are grandparents, I look back and see nothing I could have done different to raise my family. they learned how to survive and no way will they ever be in a situation that they won’t find a solution for..

    1. Oh, Jeanne, I love this comment, I felt like I could feel the earth beneath my feet the and smell the air in my mind. You should be applauded for teaching your children to be self-reliant. I love this comment, thanks so much for sharing. Linda

  2. My first attempt to dehydrate was to get the bakers rack(13 shelves) of day old breads and not want them to mold, so took old window screens and put them in the non running car in the back yard and covered the screens with the bread, so it all dried quickly to be put in burlap sacks for the creatures, cow, horses, burro, pony and chickens ducks and geese loved their bread treats and it cut down on the price of food for them.. later I wanted a dehydrator, took about 15 years before I got my first Excalibur, and here I am with my Excalibur taking up space on the counter, waiting for the next load… even the red beans after being cooked can be dehydrated, for instant bowl of soup. Hamburger rocks ate kept in the fridge or the creatures would find them..

    1. Jeanne,
      thank you for your post. We can dehydrate cooked beans and store them??? what a wonderful thought.
      bless you.
      Cincinnati Ohio

      1. i look down the aisles at the grocery store, a lot is freeze dried but also just dehydrated.. I love fixing up the tiny marshmallows for my great great grandson, they turnout crunchy and he loves them.. a little like the bits of dried marshmallows in cereal. He also loves the rolls of dried fruit leather made out of yogurt. i dry applesauce for him too, adding a bit of cherry jello to it, and make into rounds like pancakes so they dry and I can roll them up in wax paper, He gets so much nourishment from his treats. I am drying some red, yellow and green bell peppers right now, they will then be made into seasoning by putting them in the blender till like seasonings you buy at the store but so fragrant and tasty. i am so pleased to have found this site, so many learning and offering ideas, and a great lady bringing out the best of ideas for stock piling for the future.. thanks for letting me join. I don’t have a printer but write out the lists of how to use my elect pressure cooker and all the other lists. nice to remind ourselves of the next thing we must do…

      2. I just put in my excalalibur dehydrater 7 racks of hash browns this morning as we have been digging our potatoes since Saturday so I canned 14 qts. of yukon gold potatoes and made tater tots to go in the freezer I am tired but I love my dehydrator and I love all of the responses from everyone .

        So from me in the south to you all wherever you are ROCK ON!!

        1. Oh, Debbie, how awesome!!!! I love my Excalibur dehydrator. You are rocking it girlfriend, I love it! It’s such an awesome feeling to see the fruits of our labor, thanks for sharing. I have never done hash browns!!! LOVE it! Linda

  3. Linda, all great items and I agree so many today are lost without that processed foods and fast foods. I wish everyone would at least look into doing one thing a week or month that is made from scratch. Learning any one of these skills would only help our families to live a more self relieant lifestyle. Not only to be more self relieant but to feel the empowerment of learning something new and better able to do for themselves. So I’m off the soapbox for now. Keep up the good work.

  4. Learn to make noodles. So much better than bought ones. Learn to make pies from strach. No store bought pie shells for me.

    1. Oh you can sure tell a home made pie from one that is made out a bought crust, cutting the butter or Crisco with 2 knives into the flour… the flaky crust that is delicious. I don’t do them anymore but remember how the pie came out of the oven and before the fruit could jell up , cut into and gone before dinner, same with fresh baked bread, I would bake 7 loaves and the hot bread was torn apart, so hot and butter spread on it and the kids would eat a weeks supply of hot bread quickly..The joy of having a family that enjoyed old time ways..

  5. Leen-Daaa!!

    Hello my friend. What a beautiful list to hang on my fridge. I love it. thank you.

    So today, (thanks for I am going to attempt to make sweet potato flat bread in coconut oil. Wish me luck. Oh and BTW…please show me how to grind up my flour beans to make flour. I suppose I am going to have to go to the dungeon and drag up a few beans and try it out, but I almost hate to open the bag thinking the rest will spoil. hmmm….Need an expert here! pronto and that would be you Linda. LOL…thank you so much for being there for us. Lord knows we need you more and more!!!
    Queen City Cincinnati

      1. Linda, listen Linda = have you seen that “Listen Linda” video? It is a hoot. It went viral.
        anyway, I need to know how to GRIND flour beans into to flour. I know that the actual beans last longer than the ground up beans so we should only grind as much as we are going to use. But it would be so helpful to know that I am doing it properly. I wish I could send you that video. Ask you daughter to pull it up, she would know I’m sure. You will love it. thanks again.

        1. Oh, my dear friend, Vivian, my kids and grandkids call me that: Listen Linda….yes we have watched that video so many times and I get the giggles just thinking about the term…Listen Linda. You are so cute to tell me about that YouTube. It makes me giggle every time I hear or think about it. Hugs, Linda

  6. Linda, (Love the name, it was my Sister’s) I have heard of dehydrating dry beans, but never heard how. Can you give me directions? Love your posts, keep them coming! Carol

    1. HI, Carol, I have a sister named Carol Ann, she goes by Carol. We must be close in age, I love it! I have never dehydrated beans, It looks Like I better get on that and learn how to do them. I will look in my Excalibur Dehydrator book. I’m glad you love my posts, I love the interaction with my readers! Hugs Linda

  7. What??? You didn’t add crocheting and knitting! I admit I can’t knit well to save my life but I’ve been crocheting for 50 years and, given enough skeins in the same dye lot, can make a huge variety of things that would be welcomed in a homestead home. Maybe the home itself, lol.

    It’s very rare for me to encounter a young person today who knows what I’m doing when they see me crocheting away while waiting to see the doctor or whatever — “What’s that you’re knitting?” — and I mentor whomever shows an interest in this wonderful skill.

    1. Hi Valerie, I have to thank you again for reminding me about knitting and crocheting. I am left-handed and someday I want to watch some left-handed YouTubes to show me how to master knitting and crocheting. Linda

      1. Do it! Thanks to YouTube, the mystery and fear about learning a new skill can be minimized or eliminated, and there are crochet bloggers out there who are also left-handed and who post wonderful step-by-step guides:

        Love your site and will be looking for a pic of your first left-handed crochet potholder project.

        Cheers, Valerie

        1. Hi Valerie, oh thank you so much. I had to remove the Red Heart website because I have what’s called a “Secure” website and Red Heart does not have the green key looking deal on their URL link. It’s a safe and wonderful website but my website will be penalized if I have any links that are not “Secure” within my blog. I am following that Pinterest website right now!!! Thanks for the tips! I love it! Linda

          1. You’re welcome! Good luck and have fun learning another great homesteading skill.

  8. What a fantastic list! Thank you for taking the time to organize & compile it. I see that I have a few (possibly more than a few ) holes in my skill set.  I do think there are two important items that should go on this list in the health & hygiene section:
    1) Basic first-aid skills – up to, and including, closing a wound with stitches and setting a broken bone.
    2) CPR class
    I remember taking these classes at the YMCA long ago, but I am pretty sure Your local fire station would be able to steer you in the right direction.  
    Now it is entirely possible that I missed these in your post or someone else may have already mentioned them in the comments. So if I’m being redundant, I apologize.  And if you don’t think these should be on the list, that’s fine as well. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings. 
    Thank you for the great website and all your hard work putting out all this valuable info. 
    — w4shep (Dan)

  9. I’m a 41 year old disabled single mom of 4 beautiful children. And I’m proud to say my kids can do most of these things! Even the ones I can’t due to disabilities. They can all knit and crotchet even my son! They range from 6,8,16,19. Two left handed ones! We don’t draw gender specific tasks because well because!! My daughters can cut wood and start fires and my son can sew and cook. They are constantly asked how do you know that?? My 19 year old has taught other girls in her dorm to knit and budget and my 16 year old senior just aced an economic project because he was not only able to budget and come under all the students but back up his showing homemade was cheaper and he could do it! First time I’ve seen real world application in high school since I was in high school! As he told his teacher “my mom does poor well!” We recently moved up to Alaska and I am forever grateful that I have been scratch cooking, stretching food, and know how to rely on all of those skills!

    1. Hi, Jaime, I must tell you upfront this comment made me very emotional. I love hearing comments where a mom and or a dad have taught their children to work. You must be a proud mama! You have taught your kids the meaning of work and joy as well to share their talents with others. I love the phrase “my mom does poor well”. I tip my hat to your entire family and I’m sending hugs to Alaska to a family who knows how to be self-reliant. OH, and you have two left-handed kids, I love it! Linda

  10. Great list! Most of the basic recipes I’ve printed off of Pinterest and other favorite sites. Thought it would come in handy in case there was a power outage. I keep all my copies in a binder along with your printable emergency lists. 
    Thanks for sharing! 

  11. There is a national group that teaches these things called Ladies Homestead Gathering (.org). As it’s name suggests it’s just for the ladies 16 years and up. Whether one lone tomato plant, a homestead or a fully operational farm; women come together to share knowledge and community.

  12. I would add Learn how to write a check and how to Balance a Checkbook. You would be surprised how many young folks coming out of high school have no clue how to handle a checking account.

    1. Hi Patricia, you can actually print the whole post. Just say you do not want pictures, I believe. So many people print all of my posts. Look for the green PRINT button on the top right of the article. Linda

  13. Thank you the canning advice. I have been a Master Food Preserver for more than 30 years and have seen many changes in canning protocol. Even though intensive training is no longer offered through our county’s Extension office, a one day option is now available. Food safety is stressed, along with up to date methods.

    1. HI Louise, I’ve been canning for 50 years (just turned 70) and learned from the Ball canning book and took classes from the state extension service before they called us Master Canner Food Preservers. A few things have changed over the years due to the acidity of tomatoes for one thing. I shudder when people write about canning bacon, eggs, milk, and butter. Oh, my goodness. I love hearing from a safe canner, thank you! Linda

  14. I was also taught basic home maintenance. How to rewire a lamp with a frayed cord, so as to not have to throw away, and other basic home skills. I was also taught basic auto skills, change oil, change filters, fuses, lights, and the battery, and how to use tools and what they were for.

    1. Hi Cheryl, oh how I love your comment! I remember when they taught sewing in school and woodshop. In Utah, those classes have stopped. These are the basic skills we all need. Great comment! Linda

  15. I love this! I am 30, there are a lot of these I do and do not know how to do. I admit finances as far as budgeting elude me and I have no green thumb bit I am trying. I can sew buttons on and sew blankets, I am trying to learn to sew clothes for my kids. I am a hands on learner, I wish I had someonw to show me some of these things! I watched my grandma do all of this.

    1. Hi Cassandra, oh, I love hearing you know how to do many of these! The nice thing is that you can watch YouTubes sometimes or check on your local state extension services. There are so many opportunities now for taking classes, one at a time. I admire your eagerness to learn! You can do this! Linda

  16. I enjoy your pins on Pinterest very much. I already do all the things you show, but am amazed that anyone else still does. We certainly must be dinosaurs.
    Our dehydrating is very easy here in AZ…just two clean sheets with food spread between them in the back yard. I plan to clean off the remaining lemons today and can the juice to use when the stone fruits ripen in a couple months. Life is very easy here in the desert. It took quite a few free master gardening classes at the library to learn to garden in this climate but we seem to be over the hump.
    With the current long lines due to the virus scares I’m very thankful to have food and water put back. So simple to do over a long period of time, a little here and a little there. Like planting a tree: the best time is twenty years ago, the second best time is today.
    Thanks so much for your efforts to teach these skills. Please keep up the good work.

    1. HI Sandy, oh I would love a lemon tree!!! I love your comment! I write to teach others to learn the skills I grew up with. Life is so good if we can be self-reliant. Thank you for your kind words, Linda

  17. People need to learn how to shop for groceries. Make a menu based on sales and what you already have. Stick to your list. Check prices, bulk sizes are not always cheaper. Check prices per ounce. Clip coupons. Compare brands. Some store brands taste or work as good as name brands or better.

  18. Have you tried using ORGANIC lard in a pie crust? Try to use leaf lard(lard rendered from fat found near the pig’s kidneys). It’s the traditional lard used for baking. Check with your butcher about finding it. It’s what was used to make piecrusts 190 years ago.

  19. Hi Linda,
    Thank you for this list.
    Please use plastic canvas or stainless steel sheet’s onto your wire shelves. Some foods react negatively to the wire and could make you real sick.

  20. how to build traps for rabbits hogs,etc ? skin rabbits or squirrels , chicken ,clean &, cut up & hog, deer to skin ,,make sausage ,render lard , make & set trot lines for fish & turtle & how to clean , so much is lost ! throw cast net for fish , i could go on & on !
    country girl aint’ gonna go hungry ! jus too “old for most of this now
    i was so lucky to have hubby that did all of this & we did together,i learned from the best !
    such wonderful memeries ! jus ‘ramblin “!
    i read all your posts ! love every one !
    stay safe in this “crazy ”world !

  21. Don’t forget seed saving! It’s an important skill to learn and pass on.

    This is a great list! 🙂 Thank you for putting it together!

  22. Although my sewing is the pits I can cook up a storm. Although except for a few recipes I know from scratch if I have your recipes in front of me I can make things from scratch.

    1. Hi Jackie, I need my recipe in front of me as well, that’s why I print them! It’s still cooking from scratch! My eyes are not as good with sewing these days but I still mend stuff and make bags for my daughters pre-school. Life is good, we can do it! Linda

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