11 Emergency Foods That You Need

11 Emergency Foods That You Need

Today, it’s all about 11 emergency foods that you need! Never will there be a more critical time to make sure that your family is getting all the vitamins and minerals that they need to stay healthy than immediately after an emergency situation has taken place.

That’s because your family may be forced into a survival mode against your will due to circumstances beyond their control, and there’s simply no telling how long that period could last. And to be honest, stocking up on junk food and some of your favorite snacks aren’t going to cut it because even the simplest tasks will require more energy and mental toughness.

Emergency Items I Recommend:

11 Emergency Foods That You Need

11 Emergency Foods That You Need

While it is true that a lot of preppers out there stock up on processed foods that offer very little nutrition, there are still plenty of other emergency foods to choose from that are good for you.  I’d like to take some time to share with you what some of these are. These are emergency foods that will actually make your life better right now! 

1. Canned fish

Not being able to think clearly or respond quickly could be the difference for you or one of your family members. Canned fish like tuna, salmon, and sardines are a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Not only will they help you stay energized, but they can also help improve your mental clarity and focus. The Best Fish to Eat Eating fish on a consistent basis is recommended for all of us even when we aren’t faced with an emergency.

2. Seeds and nuts 

From time to time, everyone gets the munchies. That can be the case even after a disaster strikes and you need to have a healthy snack that you can fall back on. Seeds and nuts are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. They’re also a great way to stave off hunger pangs in between meals. How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Read More of My Articles  How Long Does Canned Food Last?

The only downside to nuts is they can go bad and become rancid very quickly if not eaten right away due to their high oil content. Please store them in FoodSaver Bags in the freezer to keep them fresh. Of course, any freezer bag will work. My favorites to stock are pecans, almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. Mark really enjoys cashews whenever he feels the muncheies.

3. Dried fruits

There’s a real chance that fresh fruit will be impossible to get ahold of after an emergency. That can be a disaster enough on its own for those that can’t seem to get enough of them. Dried fruits are a great source of natural sugars and vitamins. They’re perfect for a quick energy boost and can help you stay hydrated as well.

Please invest in a dehydrator, if you can, because you can save so much money by dehydrating your own fruit when it’s in season.

Here are the other Dehydrating Posts I have done:

4. Canned vegetables 

Canned vegetables are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. I’d strongly urge you to stock up on canned beans because they offer a lot of protein. Just make sure to choose varieties that are low in sodium. My favorite ones to stock are green beans, corn, and potatoes.

5. Whole grain cereals 

While some experts will insist that you avoid carbs, not all carbohydrates are bad for you. In fact, your body needs them! Whole grain cereals are a great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. They’ll help you stay energized and keep your digestive system running smoothly. 

6. Whole grains 

Grains like whole wheat, whole-grain cornmeal, and oatmeal are great sources of fiber and many of the nutrients we need. They’ll help you stay full longer and can also help regulate your blood sugar levels. How To Mill Grains & Grind Wheat

7. Protein bars

Protein bars are a great way to get all the nutrients your body needs in a convenient and portable package. But don’t just settle for any box that’s on the grocery store shelf because the front of the box may be enticing. Be sure to choose bars that are high in protein and low in sugar to get the most energy for your buck.

Read More of My Articles  How to Prepare for a Food Shortage

8. Jerky 

Needing a bit of energy? Jerky is a great source of protein and can help you satisfy your hunger without having to eat a lot of calories from meats. Just be sure to choose leaner cuts of meat like chicken or turkey. Making Hamburger Jerky Jerky can prove to be a bit expensive. Consider making your own and saving some money.

9. Dark chocolate 

Chocolate lovers rejoice! Dark chocolate is not only a delicious treat, but it’s also packed with antioxidants and can help improve your mood. It’s also a known fact that dark chocolate is good for your heart. Just be sure to choose a brand that has at least 70% cacao content to get the most benefits and flavor. Is Dark Chocolate Healthy For You?

10. Sports drinks

Sports drinks are a great way to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes. They’re perfect to drink after a strenuous workout or an emergency situation. Although there are mixed feelings on the subject, some families provide sports drinks for sick family members to make sure they stay hydrated when they’re losing fluids quickly. Several Ways To Dehydrate Food

11. Water 

Last but not least, water is the most important emergency item of all that you would need following a disaster. You can survive for up to two weeks without food but only for about 2 to 3 days without water. Make sure to stock up on plenty of it so you and your family can stay hydrated during a crisis. You need to have at least 1 gallon per person per day for a minimum of 3 a day’s supply. I have suggested for a long time to have 4 gallons per person per day so you not only stay hydrated, but can perform needed activities like cooking and light laundry chores.

11 Emergency Foods That You Need

Final Word 

So,  there you have it, a list of emergency foods that will actually make your life better right now. Be sure to stock up on these items so you and your family can be prepared for unexpected emergencies. You may have developed your own list of “must-haves” to protect your family during emergencies. I’d love to hear your ideas so I can share them with my readers. May God Bless this world, Linda 

Copyright Images: Nuts Depositphotos_55254419_S by StudioM

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  1. Linda,
    Five stars on content and timing. This info is certainly needed NOW! One small hiccup in number 10, I have never known we can EAT sports drinks. LOL

  2. My suggestion would be store up water, good water enhancing drops with vitamins etc, protein powders and make your own green powders and veggie powders. I use bone gelatin to thicken my smoothies . Stock up on vitamins, your medicines and health products…
    They remove food supplies they’ll take these away also.
    Rain Country You Tube site has a tasty homemade energy bar.
    Chlorine tablets, easy to store.
    Packages of easy muffin mixes, bread mixes, pancake mixes. biscuits, raisins, dates etc…that all you add is water stir and put in a pan over a fire or on a gas grill. Adding protein powder and your powdered veggie mix can give you a simple but tasty meal. Fruit gives sweetness.
    I’m also making meals in a jar with my own home dehydrated foods.
    Most of all practice cooking so that if power is out, or items are not around you will still be OK.

    1. Hi Carrie, great ideas! I have more posts coming on so many ideas, thank you! We must be diligent now more than ever to stock up. Love your ideas! Linda

    2. Carrie, others , watch the bleach tablets..they do store well and overall are cheaper than bleach for many applications.ON the label the ones i have say, not for water disinfection. I DO NOT plan to put in my drinking water., have kept much bleach in rotation for this…possible need.boiling and a good water filter will take care of water storage for longer term.
      ALSO dehydrated foods often take some planning to utilize successfully.. some can take extended times to rehydrate… POWDERING or chopping them finely does reduce those prep times.

      Another NEED many have overlooked is durable cookware that will survive a direct fire.. we all need a good selection of cast iron wear, to have it seasoned and be practicing with its use.. IF you will be cooking on a grill, or a rocket stove.. a GLASS lid that fits it is a plus.. a iron pot, tight fitting lid works on a grill as an oven.HOT mitts,hot pads, stainless steel bowls,( new /cleaned stainless pet bowls will work,several sizes.) heat resistant mitts and long handled tools are a PLUS.
      AS you figure the amounts of food for a serving, CHECK your serving size- the way you prepare , cook , and utilize each food. we found we required oatmeal in 1.5-2serving sizes for each of us when using with eggs and toast or biscuit.even when spiffed up with another additive.(peanut butter, jelly, dry fruits, butter/ghee)
      As i prepare needs for long term i pack ” a complete drink bucket”,( include tang, tea/lemon drink mix, koolaid pre sweet/ 3 bricks of coffee, coffee filters, (at least 2 lbs sugar, + salt and nu-salt, magnesium tablets, in small amount for making rehydration formula.)cocoa,liquid stevia or another sweet alternate. and powdered milk-even tho i am lactose/low sugars/ free.):

      a “breakfast bucket”…( i include powdered/dehydrated eggs,jarred jerky, at least a pound packed w/ oxy absorbers,…. Old Fashioned/Quick oatmeal in serving sizes for 4,steel cut oats, cream of wheat,rice, again 2-4 lbs of cane sugar+ liquid stevia,, raisins, cinnamon, salt, mvi’s we take daily): peanut butter and honey powder could also be added.a bottle or 3 of commercially filtered/bottled water.
      a “baking” bucket.(15 lbs flour, baking soda+ cream of tartar( to use for baking powder w/ recipe) salt/2 kinds/pepper/cinnamon sugar mix, cinnamon..a 2lb sugar, extracts(vanilla, lemon, maple,coconut)cocoa powder:,
      and a ” treat” bucket… (variety hard candies,cough drops,( NOT SUGAR FREE_ THEY GO BAD QUICKLY) several different dried fruits -packed oxygen free.drink mix and everything to make rehydration formula. ( salt,NO-Salt-a potassium salt-, magnesium supplement), small jar dill pickles, small ACV bottle,sugar, small jar of honey,2 bottles of filtered water/commercially sealed..
      Part of my preps-include making gravy based meals as extenders and filler meals. Heavy work loads will necessitate heavy calorie intake…. additional fat bucket will be needed to make gravy- Since our daily needs presently do not match what our projected needs will be,..I keep a good amount of all oils in freezer, olive oil, coconut oil,. sunflower oil, lard, and butter. i also keep ghee, meat fats- bacon grease, lard, chicken fats- in jars. Jarred/sealed fats have been documented to remain fresh 7 years+ by a friend who packs her own lard.
      .I have a crate of dehydrated foods(repurposed wooden corn crate),they can include… string beans, mixed veggies,carrots, sweet peas, sweet corn,okra,jerky, dehydrated ground beef, minced onions, garlic powder, taco seasonings,, paprika, hot sauce.,chives, parsley flakes celery powder/flakes mushroom powder/pcs..DRY .potato flakes+ potato dices/slices…each crate of these has a few cans( 3-4 days) of meat and seasonings to fill any small spaces between jars or between lids and crate lid..small can opener.( pouch with spoons, spatulas.

  3. Good info.! I like to eat nuts with some dark chocolate at times. Good way to get the best of both! Yum!

  4. I would add to that list rice. I use rice in many dishes and a can of soup over rice will work in an emergency. Rice pudding, is delicious. I usually make chicken fried rice at least once every couple of weeks. My husband makes sure our goodies are up to date.

    1. Hi Janet, rice is a very important one for sure, thank you! I forgot about rice pudding, hmmm..I need to make some! I love hearing your husband keeps your goodies up to date!!! LOL! Love it! Linda

    2. I put some rice in our breakfast buckets.and sometimes in another dry ingredient bucket….. but also keep larger quantities of it and wheat.( and a sprouting kit in with the wheat.).I can eat rice when i can eat nothing else. We eat stir fry in some variety every week, and alternate with pasta’s. I need to do a container(tub of instant potatoes, tea bags, coffee,various pasta’s,w/seasoning packages-veggies mixes. and green dry mixtures. and do a secondary one of things that must be rotated on a tighter schedule- mayo, oils,peanut butter, cheese powders,. and vacum packed plain cornmeal, buttermilk powder,vienna, canned tuna( to round the meats out more.canned whole meal soups would be good to add-IF U use them. we don’t like the dry mixes everyone else raves about. nor the canned varieties.we make own green/red chili and leave out cumin., (not tolerated)..
      I tried doing a bucket of complete meals.. with ways to use. a group of these buckets.. can sustain us for a while.I pack the breakfast and dehydrated heavy on protein… Most mixes are too low-for our prescribed diets. All do not tolerate beans, lentils. I found having ingredients more important than having packages/containers of one specialty.-which we do not normally use. we use no baking mixes…ie.few cake mixes,and many foods that others might include we have strict limits. summer squash/zucchini,+ broccoli dehydrates great?,(Be sure it is crispy dry.) low tolerance for nightshades.
      i have not done one with ready to eat meals, because we generally do not use them at all. can’t rotate what is not used.!
      Oh I would add if you do not presently cook with PLAIN FLOUR and have it, please begin to tweak a recipe to your ability and location now.! elevation affects the effectiveness of baking powders.

  5. Carbs aren’t bad for you. Exactly
    You need them to perform work. This ain’t a body building contest. It’s about getting the job done.

    1. Matt,
      You are right,it is about being able to function normally during abnormal times.
      we have been experimenting with reducing protein and increasing carbs, 2 of us, have different but prescribed challenges. Yes, another reason for having hard candies. to help regulate blood sugar drops in emergency, smaller pcs are better… one serving of bread and one of fat should be added …for those with extreme limits Before heavy exercise or work.This is enough to stop all but the most fragile from crashing.
      Carbs are necessary in balance,some ppl have less flexibility on adding carbs… several days of gross changes=illness. ie..A RX’d diet: Minimum of 90 Gram protein(up to 120grams. and limit of 40 grams protein is specific diet. when one adds in other limitations, No nuts, or soy,few legumes tolerated, NO nightshades.it is a pretty limited diet. for averaging purposes most meats average 7 grams protein per ounce.Carbs servings vary by veg/bread.depending on density ..ex.. bread one serving is one ounce =9grams carbs. String beans serving from 1/2-1 cup depending on method prepared, (creamed or plain). Other no medium to heavy K1 foods, except 2 set days / 1/2 cup serv.one meal.limited sweeteners, no artificial sweetners. limited carbs-but no specific number.in rx.: add in heart healthy, low fiber, no night shades. both of us can have carbs in some amounts, but may not want the same amount of foods other one prefers…We stock many foods for just one person- milk, / coffee creamer, buttermilk powder , use many thing s in amounts half normally would use due to intolerance of another. We rarely eat fruit, sweets,pancakes, waffles, oats,grits,..drink filtered water with no additives. or unsweet tea.
      This is why each person needs to stock for themselves, not depending on others in time of crisis. For someone not accustomed to such limitations, they will find OUR Rx’d diet VERY boring. Intermittent fasting should be explored now to determine tolerance and assist in regaining health , weight optimization, liver and immune health.. Dr Berg has several vids on it on you tube..

      1. I’m kinda the opposite. I eat everything and operate based on fuel and not taste, counting numbers etc.
        One of the first things I learned in the army was to adapt to whatever is available.
        I’m late 50s and ain’t worried bout this n that killing me. It’ll be something
        I hate referencing tv but it’s an easy one so look at survivor in the early years and alone etc. and see the 2% body fats and wholesome diets fail out quickly.

        1. Matt, i never liked counting numbers, but when i don’t stay close to diet i become SICK,so have learned to estimate intake, so do it on fly/daily…..been counting intake of protein, and carbs since1974. trick is to balance 35 gram protein w/ 10 carbs. even 2 meals of day can be tolerated for a day , then back to 3 meals .
          I would not have been accepted in military.bec of medical. Sick ppl are a liability, and UNABLE to perform many tasks i regularly do.So I do what is required to maintain health, to not do that would be foolish.

          1. Matt, put in search bar…ndtv.living with lupus, she may find something there to try and help, .

          1. Appreciate it. I ain’t nobody though. Just did what I was supposed to

    1. Hi Chris, I wonder what the shelf life of those chocolate-covered raisins would be??? LOL! It wouldn’t matter because I would eat them before the best buy date!!! Linda

    2. choc covered. raisins? if very hard choc. would require silica pkg and oxygen absorbers. i would double pack in small jar, then food saver in plastic sleeve. should keep 6 mo beyond date acc. to my food saver buddy. …raisins keep well way beyond date, they do get dry, still work well in hot cereal.

  6. Linda:

    I keep a stash of mackerel and seafood. The mackerel for my husband and seafood (shrimp, scallops etc.) for my daughter who is allergic to fish. I also keep other canned meat for everyone. I love tuna fish also. It’s hard to stock up when so many in your family has allergies. So I have to be careful.

  7. Linda,

    Another good thing to stock up on is powdered electrolyte drinks like Liquid IV and Propel.

    1. Ray I’ve been working on propel. Any idea how long it lasts? I’ve got koolaid put back in Mylar that stays ok for decade or more but it doesn’t fit the bill.

      1. Matt,

        Sorry. I don’t know how long Propel will last but I’d think it would last for years if it was stored where the powder couldn’t absorb moisture (not a problem here in AZ, but could be in OK). So, I’d add a desiccant pack to whatever your store them in.

        1. That’s ok Ray. I’ll probably Mylar those individual packs and run a test. I’ve had some in the camper exposed to heat and cold that were still good after 2 years.
          I might try for 5 and then test

      1. Linda,

        Pedialyte is supposed to be pretty good stuff but Jane doesn’t like it, so we use the Liquid IV and Propel instead (both of which were highly recommended by the RN’s in our MAG).

        1. Hi Ray, I think y daughter uses Liquid IV, I will have to try that one and Propel. Thanks for the heads up! Mark won’t drink the Pedialytye!! LOL! Linda

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