12 Easy Ways to Prep with Zero Dollars

12 Easy Ways to Prep with Zero Dollars

Are you broke? It’s possible to learn how to prep with zero dollars! World circumstances are becoming nearly impossible for us to ignore any longer. The world in which we now live is more unstable than ever before. Natural disasters, crime, terrorism, and economic uncertainty all seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. It seems like the term “perfect storm” describes the world we live in now. With inflation also on the rise, it’s becoming much more difficult for families to set any money aside, especially when it comes to prepping.

Maybe you’ve only recently come to realize that it’s time you gather food, water, and other supplies to meet your family’s needs if an emergency were ever to occur, but lack the finances to make that happen. I have a few clever ideas that may help you out. These are several ways to prep with zero dollars:

12 Easy Ways to Prep with Zero Dollars

12 Easy Ways to Prep with Zero Dollars

1. Get to Know Your Neighbors

In the event of an emergency, it’s always good to have people you can rely on nearby. If you live in an apartment complex, get to know your neighbors and create a system for helping each other out in case of an emergency. If you live in a rural area, make sure everyone in your neighborhood is aware of your plan and knows how to contact you.

2. Learn How to Garden

This is a great way to provide fresh produce for your family without breaking the bank. You’ll just have to spend a little upfront for seeds, but then you can start gathering the seeds as part of your harvest and enjoying your food for free going forward. Start small by growing some herbs or vegetables in pots on your balcony or porch. Once you get the hang of it, you can expand your garden and start growing more food.

3. Join a Community Supported Agriculture Program

This is a great way to get fresh, local produce delivered right to your door. You can usually find a CSA program in most areas, and the price is typically very reasonable. This is a great way to support your local farmers, while also getting access to high-quality products for your family.

Many communities have neighborhood gardens where you can go and do your part to plant various plants that will grow in that area, maintain the garden by weeding, watering, and fertilizing, and then harvesting the food.

4. Go Foraging

There are many edible plants that grow wild all over the world. Do some research and see what you can find in your area. You may be surprised at how many edible plants are growing right under your nose! Just be sure that you aren’t mistaking a plant for something else because there are look-alikes with certain plant species that are poisonous.

This could prove to be a fun and educational family activity with everyone joining in and doing their part.

5. Raise Chickens

Chickens are relatively easy to care for and don’t take up too much space. They also provide you with fresh eggs on a daily basis. If you have a little more space, you could also raise rabbits that provide both meat and fur.

Be sure to check local regulations regarding having farm birds and animals on your property. Also, be prepared for some interesting sounds each morning as the rooster lets you know the sun is up.

6. Learn to Preserve Food

This is a great way to extend the shelf life of the food you do have and make it last longer. Canning, dehydrating, air drying, and pickling are methods of preserving food that are relatively easy to learn. You can dry fruits and vegetables, and make your own jams and jellies.

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When our girls were growing up we canned all sorts of items. We looked forward to late summer and early fall when we could pick up bushels of peaches, pears, apricots, and other fruits to can. We also grew our own green beans that we were able to eat all winter long after canning the harvest.

7. Barter With Other Preppers

 This is a great way to get the supplies you need without spending any money. If you have a skill that another prepper needs, offer to trade your services for their supplies. For example, if you’re good at sewing, you could trade some of your sewing time for food or other gear that you need. This is an important tip for learning how to prep with zero dollars.

I’ve mentioned that for many years I made all my daughters their school clothes. I really appreciate my mom teaching me how to sew, and it’s come in handy so many times over the years. As a matter of fact, I’m making some school bags for my daughter who has a pre-school. It’s been fun to get back in the sewing groove again!

8. Find Freebies Online

There are many websites and forums that cater to preppers and offer freebies from time to time. Keep your eye out for these deals and take advantage of them when you can. You may be surprised at what you come across!

Some manufacturers want to find people who will test their products and then report back, while having the opportunity to keep the product.

9. Check the Craigslist Free Section

This is a great place to find all kinds of things for free, including food, gear, and even animals. People are always giving away things they no longer need or want, so it’s definitely worth checking out on a regular basis. You can’t beat free!

10. Scavenge

This may not be the most dignified way to get supplies, but if you’re in a bind, it’s definitely an option. You can usually find all kinds of things just by looking in dumpsters and on the side of the road. Just be sure to use caution and common sense when scavenging, and only take what you absolutely need.

I have seen neighborhoods where the city or county has a city-wide cleanup and people put stuff out on the curb once a year to have picked up to take to the dump or a thrift store. It really is true, someone’s trash is another one’s treasure.

11. Only Buy Supplies When They’re On Sale

For certain emergency supplies, there’s no way around spending a bit of money to get what you need. Start off by making a list of everything that you hope to eventually get your hands on, then only buy those items when they are on sale at a discounted price.

You can also shop at thrift shops like Goodwill, Deseret Industries, and The Salvation Army to find incredible deals on items you wouldn’t expect to find. You may even strike gold on prepping supplies while you’re out visiting garage sales in your area.  

12. Learn Priceless Survival Skills

Sure, survival items are very important to have, but if you don’t know how to use them, they’ll be completely useless to you following an emergency. That being said, survival skills are absolutely priceless yet don’t have to cost you anything besides your time. But don’t wait around until after a disaster has happened to figure out what those skills are. Here are a few for you to consider:  

  • Basic first-aid skills
  • Hunting and Fishing skills
  • Gardening (already briefly mentioned)
  • Herbalism and foraging skills (Mentioned earlier)
  • Learning new trades (welding, sewing, electrical, construction)
  • Starting fires

Zero Dollar Day

Have you heard about Zero Dollar Day? Well, it’s my understanding from people who have tried it, you don’t pay bills, buy a pack of gum, fill up your gas tank, or Venmo money to someone. Also, you can’t buy a bottle of water to go out to lunch! You literally don’t spend even one cent on anything in a 24-hour period.

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A popular health trend right now is what’s called “intermittent fasting.” Maybe for a more healthy financial outlook, we all should try the same thing with our spending habits.

Make a Prep List

It doesn’t cost anything to write down items you need, or wish for, in your preparedness journey. Do it today, what are you waiting for? Most of us can’t afford to buy an entire pantry full of food, or completely fill a freezer, in one day or even a week. Make a list and check off what you need, one side of the paper can be inexpensive items, and the other side the more pricey items.

We all have to establish our own priorities. Set some goals and the timeline you hope to achieve them, then move forward with your plan.

Beans and Rice Day

I’m sure you have beans and rice stocked if you eat these items. One day, gather all the recipes you can find to make beans and rice recipes. Put them together in a binder or your favorite spot to save recipes that are not online. If we lose power, and we will at some time or another, please have hard copies.

Plan to make a bunch of meals using those beans and rice, then put some in the fridge and others in the freezer. You can then eat those meals over the next few days or weeks. By doing so you’ve cut down on trips to the store where you might be tempted to make some impulsive purchases. In the meantime, you’ll be eating healthy meals.

Zero Dollar Based Budget

This plan will cost you nothing. Grab a sheet of paper and write down your NET income after taxes. Now, write down your expenses, starting with rent or a house payment. If your home is paid off, you will skip this line.

Add your car or truck payment, unless they are paid off. If they are, move to the next line. Now add the utilities rounded up to the nearest dollar.

Now list other expenses like haircuts, groceries, gifts, various insurance costs, gasoline for cars/trucks, and so on. It’s quite an easy project to show your net income and then subtracting all of your expenses. It doesn’t cost anything to look at where you’re spending your money each month. Can we cut expenses somewhere? Do we need to get a second job?

The price of food has escalated significantly this past year. I’m so glad I know how to make bread and cook from scratch. I know I keep harping on teaching your kids and grandkids to come to do the same, but you will be so glad you did. I’m sure many of you have taught them some of your prepping skills already. If not, it’s never too late!

One Entire Day

It’s really quite fun and educational to take one entire day and write down everything you spent money on like gas, groceries, coffee or sodas, haircuts, etc. Life is so good! You’ll be surprised where it all goes, and you’ll hopefully learn some areas you can cut corners or eliminate unnecessary spending.

Stay Out Of The Grocery Store

One thing I have had to learn over the years is to stay out of grocery stores as much as possible. If you stock your pantry, you should be able to go a month without grocery shopping. Okay, I can hear some of you say, I need fresh milk, vegetables, and fruit. Oh, I love those, too. But, let’s pretend the grocery stores are closed for a month. We better be prepared, enough said. Do you get what I am saying?

It can prove to be a great exercise to see how well prepared you really are. Yes, you may be eating canned foods, drinking from your water tank, or eating those breakfast cereals with your stored instant milk, but the lessons learned will be well worth it.

Skip Eating Out For One Month

This would not be hard for me, but I know families who eat out every single day. It’s a way of life for them. I’m too cheap and I cook great meals. I would rather eat at home. It’s just a personal preference, but just think of the money you will save.

Final Word

With a little creativity, you can easily stockpile emergency supplies without spending much, if any, money. These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember, the most important thing is to be prepared for anything that comes your way. Can you think of any other ways to stock up on emergency supplies without spending money? I’d love to hear from you in the comments down below! May God Bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Burlap with Dollars AdobeStock_408262569 by 22091967

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  1. #12 Fishing. You can do that in every state and while you need a license, it’s cheap. In some states, children up to age 16 can fish without a license. Get the kids out there fishing. You will fill a freezer in no time and it’s the best food on earth when you eat a fish you caught yourself. We supplement our weekly meals with fresh caught fish and the excess goes to the freezer for winter. It’s brain food. Well that’s what my folks told me, and I told that to the kids and they believe it… so it must be true.

    1. Hi Debbie, oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this comment! Yes, go fishing and fill your freezers or can the fish if you have a pressure canner! It has to be true about it being brain food, your folks told you, and I believe it! LOL! Life is so good with memories!! There is nothing better than watching kids catch a fish!!! I love it! Linda

  2. I am using the emergency prepping you have taught me right now. A morning plan to shower and do laundry went out the window when we woke to no water…. Water main break somewhere…No problem or need to panic here… We have bottled water to drink and cook, and large laundry detergent bottles filled for flushing toilets….Even the extra clothes means no worries about laundry since we have been very busy this past week. Thank you Linda and everyone else for your wisdom. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Hi Chris, your comment made my day! Not because you woke up to no water, but because you are totally prepared for it. Life is good when we are ready for anything. Linda

  3. And I just realized both were free…. The bottled water was a freebie from BJs, and the empty detergent bottles we filled were on hand. No cash spent.

  4. I really appreciate your posts Linda! We also woke up to no water….pump broken. But have plenty of water on hand and can draw out of our storage tanks. It’s a good test run to see how we would manage in an emergency. I think most families should go without running water & electricity for a day as a “test run”. The kids would probably have fun “pretending camping”. Sure opens your eyes to flaws in your system!

    1. Hi Heidi, oh, your words are so kind, my friend, thank you! I’m sorry you woke up to no water today!! It’s a blessing to know you have water on hand and can still go about your day without having to run to the store to get a case or two of water!! You know, it would be a really good idea to have a “test run” for all of us! It really does open your eyes to what can happen at any time! Linda

  5. Fire starting skills.
    Can you start a fire? In the snow? In the rain?
    What do you collect and from where? Tops of dried grass and weeds in the dew cause it dries first. Cattails, cottonwood fluff, dried stinging nettle heads to catch spark. Can you make charcloth? How much do you have on hand?

  6. Don’t forget that going to food pantries is a good option. Especially if you live in the city and can walk to one. My budget used to be so tight that I had no option but to use this method. Now I don’t have to go. Also if you belong to a religious organization, check with the other members to see if they are getting rid of anything you might need. I know a few months back that some members of our church were moving across country so they gave away their short term prepping supplies. I rotated this into my working pantry so nothing gets wasted.

    1. Hi Audrey, the food pantries and food banks are a blessing for those in need. It’s wonderful to go help and sort food and of course donate our excess food. Great comment, Linda

  7. Linda, this was one of your best articles ever! There were so many ideas that I’m definitely going to try. #7 Bartering – I’m going to barter for stuff with chocolate! Everyone will want chocolate, right?!?! I read several items from this article to my husband and we’re going to do Zero Dollar Days. Yup, gonna be hard for me, very hard! I love Amazon! I order from them so I don’t go to the store! That saves gas money for the drive and naturally, the store is going to be out of it anyhow, right? But it’s way too easy to order impulse buys from Amazon. I will admit they came in handy during the lockdown. Now that the price of gas is so high, I still order from them. I admit I’m an impulse shopper so keeping me out of stores is a must. We’re going to set a goal to not eat out/fast food for a month. Just have to get the kids on board with that one!

    Water has always been a issue for me. We live in the County but are still on city water main. If any kind of disaster happens, long term, we’re screwed. We couldn’t grow a garden even if our dirt was halfway decent, which it’s not, and it would be a long-term health issue. Yes, I have water supplied but it won’t last forever. I always imagined “bugging in” was our goal but ya just never know! We’re doing the best we can.

    We have a budget and we’ve listed all our income/outgoing – it’s all on Excel so I know what’s due, when, and how much. Being self-employed, our budget varies. Again, doing the best we can, but when my husband fully retires, it’s going to be a shock no matter how well we’re prepared.

    We have 2 dogs – a Golden Retriever and a Bernese Mountain dog, and a 17lb Maine Coon cat – all you folks out there, don’t forget to stock pet food in your supplies! In all the articles I’ve ever read, Linda, yours are the only ones that mention storage for your pets!

    1. Hi Robbie, oh yes, we must stock food for our pets, it’s a must. I know you’re not alone in growing a garden, let it go, my friend. We can only do what we can do. I have three AeroGardens, I can use my own seed or buy seed pods. I learned about them in this group. I now have three, well in the storage unit until our home is built. LOL! I love them I have unlimited salad greens forever. Sign up for their newsletter and grab a 9-pod on sale. It’s worth every penny. If you love salads like me. No garden this year here, waiting for our building permit. I miss fresh salads! Linda

  8. I have been prepping for over 25 years. We raise chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats and pigs. When ever I harvest one or some of the animals I try to pressure can the meat ASAP. My freezer is used for foods waiting to be canned. I am member of a preparedness group so we plan and have Group Canning Sessions. We invite all members, family, friends and neighbors to come to help and learn. I have 8 4X8 raised gardens and will build 4 more by this Fall. The Veggies we grow is eaten and shared with our group while fresh and the rest is Canned. We also know folks in our area that have some hard times and we share with them. Being Prepared is more than just food and water although it is at the top of my list. Most of our Preparedness Group are also Ham Radio Operators and we encourage everyone to learn about becoming a Licensed Ham Operator. Other areas of prepping is being able to defend yourself and family. Don’t forget first-aide. We are blessed to have a couple of RN’s as well as a Physicians Assistant who was a former Combat Medic. I want to point out I had a lot of help from close family and friends or I wouldn’t have even close to half what I have been blessed with. If you want to raise chickens and you live in the City you should not a Rooster. Mine start crowing at about 4.00 a.m. Most cities I know of will allow Hens but not the Rooster. Also remember Chickens can fly short distances, like over your fence into your neighbors yard.

    1. Hi Chuck, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! What a blessing to all the members of your preparedness group. I wanted to start one in Southern Utah (Hurricane, Utah has a fabulous group). I couldn’t get enough people interested so the move to Northern Utah had to happen. Such is life. I applaud you and your group for working together. This is what we all need!! What a blessing to be able to can together, and have first aid RNs and a P.A. Your gardens sound wonderful, if there is a will there is a way with decent soil and the strength to garden. The licensed Ham Radio is one thing I need to get done. Great reminder. Linda

      1. Well it’s only taken over 20 years to get 4 guys, that we call the Core to get the ball really rolling. The big percentage of us are Combat Veterans from the Vietnam era like myself up to current times. Recruiting Vets was easy since we had seen the sorry bad side of the World. I remember 70 years ago when I was a youngster back in 1949/1950 watching all my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins bringing all the veggies from their huge gardens to Aunt Verna’s and canning all of it and sharing it amongst ourselves for the following year. I do not remember any store bought canned veggies back then. It is a lot easier to get people into being prepared than it was three years ago. A lot of people want to be prepared but a lot of them are takers and we have to weed them out. We are located in central Arizona about 45 miles South of Phoenix. I use a lot of your posts to help teach the Newbie’s. Thanks and God Bless

        1. Hi Chuck, I lost a few friends in the Vietnam War, that was a tough time for our country and the veterans that served. I’m glad you made it back and are using your skills to teach others. I can almost visualize your family canning your harvest, what a blessing to your entire family. I totally agree with you it is easier to get people to understand the need to prepare nowadays. It’s frustrating that it’s taken this many years to get people on board but it’s more important now than ever before. We cannot have takers we need a team and you are a great example to all of us. If you need anything off of my website feel free to copy it and share it. God Bless you, Linda

  9. When you do go to the grocery store: #1, go alone #2 go with an “absolute need/urgent” list, #3 go with a sales paper and any coupons/electronic downloaded,#4 Go with a backup plan for any items needed but “not urgent” and a absolute limit. #5Do Not overspend one week, unless you have a way to balance.

    – Ways to balance.
    A. Use-personal expense/care money.- .
    …ideas, need a haircut skip/ delay / cut yourself,
    ……”need ” new nail kit- do own or delay for 2 weeks.
    B.. Put want items- non urgent items-back til balance w/ budget.
    C. Plan for and purchase re useable bottle, a 50$ water filter( lasts from 4-8 months) and stop all bottled water purchases. All bottled water has chemicals/as does city water./these will stunt plant growth.
    If in “an alkaline water” area- be sure to get distilled water for car radiator /iron- ( clean coffee pot with vinegar every 2-3 weeks..)This will prolong the use of all those products.Reducing overall costs w/time.
    D. regrow veggies- onion bulbs/green bunching onions , celery root will regrow.
    Sprouting potatoes? cut they eyes off, allowing a large pc.. coat with corn starch and allow to dry. plant about 4-6 inches deep in warm soil.. water and fertilize for root crop development.
    E. Avoid waste: #1leftover from meal, use for next meal or freeze in portion sizes.label/date and rotate.
    #2 fresh veggies dice, blanche if required.. dehydrate/powder. store in small jar with oxygen absorber or vacuum pack .spinach/ cabbage/sweetpotato’s/string beans/ frozen veggies( are already ready to dehydrate.
    3#Live in deep south? have kudzu? gather the last two feet of every vine you can gather .it grows 2 ft a day..so can do this every day, cut leaves with scissors into strips and dehydrate.. pack in jar, dry with oxygen absorber. can be powdered, to add to soups and stews . Very high in trace minerals because roots are so deep.Tastes much like green beans and rabbits like them…too( could be stocked for mineral feed for other animals as well.- is labor intensive.

  10. Few yrs. ago while in OK I said to hubby as of this moment we are not going to the store for 2 weeks but will eat what we have. Had quite a bit of produce on hand but ran out after the first week. Had every thing else for the 2 weeks. What we learned was that we really missed the fresh produce. Learn to grow garden, cold frame to grow produce in winter, and or fresh sprouts. ‘Course we had power, water, air/heat….all else we needed to be comfortable….just cut out the grocery store. Was a great experiment…..now, we need to try it for a month……Fresh produce will be the biggest challenge.

    1. Hi Sandra, congrats on the two weeks!! That is hard for me not to have fresh produce, but it helps us learn how we can get by without it. Sure, I love a fresh salad but we may not always have it available. Fresh produce is the biggest challenge! Great comment, Linda

  11. Prepping with zero dollars: Organizing your cabinets, pantry and closets.

    Important to see what you already have on hand.

    Get rid of or donate items you have never used or unlikely to have need of to make more storage space.

    Check “best by” dates and rotate your inventory. Get rid of items too far out of date.

    Clean and organize storage areas.

    Have a clear idea of where your weak points are so you invest prepping dollars wisely.

  12. All good suggestions. I need to get my daughter to buy me some canning jars. At first a dozen pints and a dozen quarts. Then I will decide what I want next the first pints and quarts will be for when potatoes are on sale. When other items like cabbage are on sale I will buy enough to make a dozen jars of those. I will can them in quarts.
    I am doing a experiment. We have one tree that is in our front yard. It has a lot of weeds around it so I surmise that the ground can take to growing some things. I took the seeds from a cantaloupe today and dumped them around the tree in the weeds and I am praying they will grow enough to give us some cantaloupe before the bad weather comes in. I have also dumping some potato skins with eyes on them and I am going to see if they grow. I am willing to try anything to have some food I can can of my own.
    We live in the Dessert of NM and we don’t have a lot of ways to grow things.

    1. Hi Jackie, whatever you can grow is better than nothing at all. You can buy dehydrated potatoes as well, they are cheap for storage. Keep up the good work, my friend, Linda

  13. Free or close to free….. the plastic bags from the grocery store for produce make excellent liners for bathroom trash cans, and great for smelly things, straws and napkins are there for your use. Check out college dormitories when the students leave for the summer….lamps, storage crates, furniture, anything and everything, good as new sweatshirts just left outside….and if it’s something you don’t need, you can sell it at your garage sale, Our oldest daughter made over $1000. this year on “curb finds, and she and her husband have full time jobs and two kids in college.
    Go garage saling yourself. I have picked up over 24 new and like new large jar candles for $1 each (retail over $240.) and over $140 in new Bath and Body works toiletries for $15. Two dozen wooden hangers for $1, A cast iron bench, the kind you see in front of a southern plantation, free..,..sold on line for $75. Flashlights and lanterns for 50 cents. A beautiful wooden quilt rack for $1. Four like new women’s tops for a dollar each, Our garage sale purchases are paid for with money from our own garage sale. It takes some time and work, but you can find the things you need for prepping or earn the funds to buy what you need.

    1. Hi Chris, guess what I’m going to start doing….garage sale shopping and then selling the stuff! I love this! I have a grandson that has put himself through college by going to thrift stores and then selling the stuff on eBay. I love your comment and reminder!! Love this, Linda

  14. A few years ago, we went on a buying fast. We tried to not buy anything for a month. We were mostly successful, and used it as a test to see where we were lacking. We did a lot better than I thought we would.

    1. Hi Janet, oh you would do well, my friend. You know how to cook from scratch and stretch a dollar. You taught me about lentils, the best idea ever! I love the idea of seeing how you would do in a month without buying anything. Good job, Linda

  15. If you are truly in need, local food banks.

    Discount stores like Dollar General for an example on Wednesdays has a digital coupon for $3 off of $15 and on Saturdays $5 off $25. On Wednesdays buy your allotted $15 worth of provisions then get $3 worth extra for preps, and repeat this process on Saturdays. However, keep in mind that by combining with other coupons with needed sale items it is very possible to walk out with $50 worth of provisions for only $10.

    Learning to coupon (ethically) is a valuable skill that would allow someone to build up their savings account, even better if you learn how to stack store coupons on top of manufacture coupons on an item that is on sale. Some stores print coupons out at the register called “Catalinas” these coupons will say something like $3 off your next purchase and may have a pic of a certain product. These coupons do not have to be used for the pictured item and can be stacked with other Catalinas to be used at any grocery store. Catalinas are great to use on meats in order to save at least half if not more on meat, poultry, and fish.

    1. Hi Ravenna, oh my gosh, your comment will save us all so much money. I think I know what you are saying about the “Catalinas” that print outat the register. My gosh, this is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. Linda

  16. Linda ~ finally get some actual computer time!!
    Great post as always. Since I believe that I am pretty well prepped in most areas, I don’t feel any anxiety at this time. But what I now do is create a list of NEEDS and WANTS – the list is random and added to as I think of things. The key is that the things I need are highlighted and the things I want are not. When I am out shopping, I carry my list – OK so it is actually on my phone!! If I spot something on my list that is a need, I can choose to get it then if it fits my budget or note the price if I need to wait a bit longer. For the wants, I do the same thing sort of – I do note the price though. My credit union has a thing in place now where I can dedicate money to “envelopes” in my savings. So when I pull up my account and look at my savings, it lists the full balance first then in alphabetical order my “envelopes. I can then see at a glance if I have to save more for my wants or if I have enough saved. I have, however, been in situations where I had to take from my savings envelopes for a need! Doesn’t happen very often because I have a pretty healthy emergency fund for needs that crop up out of the blue – like the check engine light coming on and me needing to have car repairs. Charges for those repairs came from my Auto “envelope” but since I didn’t have quite enough to cover the total, I took some out of a couple of my want “envelopes” rather than my Efund!! Just an extra way to save for specific things.

    For people just starting out on their prepping journey, I would suggest getting what they can within their budget but to concentrate heavily on an emergency fund. Once they have an Efund saved (they need to determine how much that is initially based on their income and budget), then they can start bulking up their preps.

    1. Hi Leanne, what a great idea your Credit Union has for its members. I have always advocated the envelope system my entire life. I was doing it long before Dave Ramsey came out with it! LOL! I know you have prepped and have the experience to survive for many years. Life is good when we can sleep at night knowing we will be okay. I do not like car repairs either, but they do pop up sometimes. Stay safe, Linda

  17. Thanks for the info. Yes, I have recently come to realize that it’s time to gather food, water, and other supplies to meet my family’s needs if an emergency were ever to occur. I did a search last night and asked: When will the world run out of food? I couldn’t hardly believe it, in 27 years.

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