How To Soothe Your Cold
I have several ways to soothe your cold and give it the cold shoulder, today. Wow, it seems like wherever I go I’m seeing people sneezing and coughing. Right now we have a number of extended family members who are struggling with colds and the flu. Yep, it’s that time of year. That’s why I decided to update this post with some new information.
I love natural remedies, or what we call old-fashioned home remedies. I’m not a doctor, a nurse, or anyone in the medical field, just giving you the heads up here. Please listen to your head, heart, gut, and if needed, you will know if you need to go see the doctor.
I rarely go to the doctor and I am so grateful that I have been able to heal my body myself in so many cases. I’ve used natural remedies and essential oils, but I don’t believe they cure any diseases.
They soothe and make me feel better, let’s leave it at that. These are just some ideas that I have used for my family, including our four daughters, grandkids, and other family members.
I bet many of you have used these very same home remedies to help deal with your cold. Did you grow up with Vicks VapoRub? I sure did. If my sisters or I got the sniffles, out came the jar of Vicks VapoRub.
We would rub it on our chests and the smell always helped us breathe better. I think that’s one of the reasons I love essential oils because I love the smell of Vicks and similar medications.
How To Soothe Your Cold
1. Wash Your Hands Often
You never know what’s lurking on door handles, doorknobs, cell phones, TV remotes, and light switches. Oh goodness, use some wipes on those TV remotes. I can’t imagine what bacteria is on those bank teller drive-up tubes too. Oh, and the gas pump handles, wow!
My beautiful niece, Kristina, who is getting her doctorate in microbiology, something I can’t pronounce, let alone spell, told me never ever shake hands with anyone because of the bacteria on our hands. Yikes! Just something to think about but hard to apply since handshaking is such an important part of our culture.
I wish that anti-bacterial hand soap was found in more locations like they are at stores wanting you to use them on cart handles. I worry about Mark when he’s at business meetings and church functions. You just hope people are washing their hands.
2. Get a Neti-pot

Please use only sterile water with the salt packets that come with the Neti-pot. I have used one of these for years and I will tell you they do work. They open up your sinus cavities and the goop drains out.
Oh yes, I’ve heard horror stories about people using tainted dirty water in their Neti-pot. We need to use common sense with anything that goes into our bodies. Clean, sterile, or boiled water would be the ONLY water I would use in my Neti-pot. Neti-Pot
Be careful if you tend to get sinus infections with any water entering those cavities. Mark told me he was prone to headaches when he was young and didn’t use noseplugs when he went swimming.
Be Sure And Buy Raw Honey
3. Raw Honey

Please remember never to use honey for children under two years of age because of the chance of botulism. Always check with your doctor about using honey for your little ones. I only buy honey that is pure, raw honey, from Cox’s Honey from Shelley, Idaho.
I buy cases of honey from them online. Once you realize the difference between real pure honey you will never buy any other brand. I promise. Of course, if you have your own bees, you know what I am talking about when I say pure, raw honey.
I take two teaspoons of Cox’s honey every day during the cold and flu season by spoon or in hot drinks. Sometimes I put it in my oatmeal. Honey works great for your cold when used in a warm or hot drink.
4. Get Enough Rest Each Day
If you need a nap, try to take one. I know that can be difficult if you’re working. If you have small children, start a quiet hour by having them read for an hour in their room or on a special chair. Make your bedroom a sanctuary by keeping it clutter-free so you have one room that is peaceful and inviting and makes you smile within. A happy person is a rested person, in my book.
Drink A Lot Of Fluids
5. Drink Lots Of Water
If you’re feeling sick, I’d steer clear of soda because soda tends to dehydrate your body. Water is the best liquid for our bodies. I also love some hot green tea, with honey, grated ginger, and lemon juice.
Doctors tell us that most of us don’t drink enough good quality water. I’m drinking water all day long. Mark has tried to drink in ounces 50% of his body weight based on an article he read a few years ago. That means if you weigh 150 lbs you’d drink 75 ounces of water. Give it a try and see how you feel.
6. Use a Humidifier/Vaporizer
The moisture sure helps your cold, sinuses, or coughing. We’ve got two great vaporizers we use in the house. One is in our living/TV room where we spend most of our time each day. We also have one in the bedroom that directs the mist toward our bed.
I’m amazed at how much better I feel with the moist air soothing my nose, mouth, and air pipes when the vaporizer is running. Be sure to change the water frequently using clean fresh water. I also use some bleach to clean out the units at least weekly so there isn’t any chance for mold or bacteria buildup.
7. Make Chicken Soup

It seems to really help clear the mucus. Is it the broth, I don’t know, but it makes me feel better. Here is my Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe. Soups of all kinds have been a cold remedy for families over the years. My girls still mention how much better they felt after a hot bowl of soup, and they’ve carried on that tradition with their own kids.
8. Hot Packs
Put hot packs on your sinuses (be careful not to burn). It’s important to open up the airways so you can breathe as best as possible. There are over-the-counter medicines that help complement the hot packs, but you may not always have those available.
9. Extra Pillow
Place an extra pillow under your head to drain your nasal passages as you sleep. Pillows can be a breeding place for viruses and bacteria. Replace your pillows at least once a year, but be sure to put the pillowcases in the laundry at least once a week, and more often if a family member is sick. I have tried pillow covers under my cases, but they seem to be too noisy, as in a crinkly sound.
Mark and I wash our sheets and pillow covers every weekend, no matter what. If we’re sick, we wash them more often to make sure those germs get killed in the process.
P.S. Replace your pillow if you can’t wash them at least every six months.
10. Make Soup With Garlic/Onions

Make a soup with chicken broth, onions, and garlic, and drink it throughout the day. Other types of soups may be your favorites. Use them if you enjoy the flavor or texture. Soups are always a good way to help stay hydrated and provide nourishment. They can also put a smile on our faces.
11. Don’t Share Hand Towels
Use your own hand towel, bath towel, and washcloth in the bathroom. Wash them at least weekly, more often when you are sick. Mark and I have our own towels rather than sharing them. Hand towels can pass on germs so easily. They for sure need a good cleaning at least weekly.
12. Change Out Toothbrushes
Change out your toothbrush, especially after a cold, flu, or sinus infection. Use hydrogen peroxide on your toothbrushes and rinse with water before using them if you’ve been sick, or if they’ve been in use and stored in that bathroom drawer for an extended period.
You can boil your toothbrushes for three minutes, but it can be very hard on them. I prefer to use hydrogen peroxide by spraying them, then rinsing them, and finally, drying them.
You can soak your toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthwash and rinse the toothbrush with water before using it. If you use an electric toothbrush you can take the brush head off and follow the regular toothbrush tips above.
We have a lot of bacteria in our mouths, so it makes sense to have clean toothbrushes. Replacing or frequently cleaning them can help prevent many illnesses. When I see a good buy on toothbrushes, I buy a bunch and store them for use later. We always have extra new toothbrushes available when family or friends come to visit, just in case they left theirs at home.
13. Use Vicks-VapoRub
Use Vicks-VapoRub on your chest and the bottom of your feet and wear socks to bed. Vicks VapoRub
14. Eat A Lot Of Fresh Fruits/Vegetables
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, the more the better. I love oranges this time of year. Another great fruit choice would be small tangerines that peel easily!!! I made a special salad this week that had peas as the main ingredient. I wasn’t sure how the family loved it and it disappeared fast.
Don’t be reluctant to include all kinds so fruits in your salads, desserts, appetizers, and more. Mark has a banana each morning with his cereal. We put sliced apples in many recipes and have them available as a treat before and after most meals. Gotta love fruits.
15. Vitamin D
I quote from WebMD
There’s preliminary evidence that adequate amounts of vitamin D might help lower rates of respiratory infections.
These infections include colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia, the researchers said.
Final Word
I hope my post today, how to soothe a cold, helps someone in your family. If you have some other ideas based on what you’ve used at your home over the years, let me know and we’ll pass on the info to help others. Please stay safe and stay well. May God Bless this world, Linda
Copyright Image: Depositphotos_103022796_m-2015, Honey Depositphotos_215866740_S, Neti Pot Depositphotos_85193608_S, Citrus Fruits Depositphotos_309245250_S, Onions and Garlic Depositphotos_6573486_S
Linda ~
As you know, I live in a senior retirement apartment complex. Several of us were talking about this sort of thing just yesterday. A couple of people asked me about some of my home remedies. What I told them was that they MUST take the time to research and determine IF they are candidates for those home remedies – do they have a compromised immune system? other health issues that might prohibit them from using the simple remedies on their own? etc.
One person was complaining about some drug the doctor had prescribed for them and what it cost them out of pocket. I asked if they talked to their doctor about other drugs that might do the same thing that would not cost so much. “She said, well, the doctor knows what I need”. I told her that what she needs is to explain to her doctor that she simply doesn’t have the money to pay for the name brand drug and that she would like to explore other options. I told her that she may indeed need the name brand drug but she should ask about other options.
Unfortunately, many people just trust their doctors without question. When I experienced a bout of bursitis in my right shoulder (dominant arm), I did not know what was going on. Now that I have been successfully treated and am no longer in acute pain, I questioned the doctor about what caused this issue, what I can do to help prevent it in the future and if there was anything I could do, short of the injection, to help relieve the inflammation and pain. He was NOT very helpful. So, it was on the internet and searching out the answers that I needed. I read and read, and now have a bit of background on what to do if it should happen in the future. I don’t rely entirely on what I read on the internet but take what I read and process it to determine for myself if what I read is reliable/reasonable.
It is necessary for people to know (gut, heart, etc.) when they need or must see a professional. And as I said, if they have compromised immune systems, they may not be candidates for home remedies.
I use herbs, essential oils daily and swear by them. But, I don’t have immune system issues. For me, these work. I love the simple remedies.
HI Leanne, I live in a community with semi-retired and retired people. Some are on so many prescriptions and they are NOT healthy (the people). I wish they would get another opinion. The physicians make money on every prescription they write. That’s why the doctors have pharmaceutical companies visiting them all the time. They want the doctor’s referrals. It’s all about $$$$. I was told about 15 years ago I needed a rotator cuff in my left shoulder to be repaired. The bad thing is that is was my left should, and I’m left-handed. I owned my own mortgage company and could not take time off ever. I worked with it myself for two years and it finally healed. I got a book and read how to “work it”. Now, mind you I did not have an injury, it just showed up one day. I think we must all research every operation, drug, essential oil (which I use daily) or whatever because we know our bodies, the doctor does not. Yes, I go see a professional when needed but it’s not often. My Glaucoma is the exception. May God bless you to stay well girlfriend. Linda
Linda, I tried to treat my bursitis with ice/heat, EOs but was not having success. So I though I had better get it checked out just in case it was more. Of course, I did not know it was bursitis so when nothing caused it to get better, I wanted to have medical intervention.
Again, it is taking our health into our own hands/understanding. If something does not respond to natural methods, then I know I need to see a physician. If it does respond, no need.
Hi Leanne, I agree we have to go to the doctor when we need to check stuff out. Linda