20 Amazing Uses for Zip Ties

20 Amazing Uses for Zip Ties

Now that we’ve officially sprung into spring, it’s time to talk about why you should always have a stash of zip ties on hand. They can be used for so many reasons besides tying a cord in place in order to keep it from getting jumbled up. Zip ties can be used when you’re gardening or doing other outdoor work. Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts have also found uses for them. Here are 20 amazing uses for zip ties that you can use for almost any situation.

In case you missed this post, Duct Tape: Why You Need to Store It

Invest in different sizes of Zip Ties, you’ll be glad you did. Plus, they are very inexpensive.

20 Amazing Uses for Zip Ties

20 Amazing Uses for Zip Ties

1. Secure Tomato Stems to Stakes

Tomato plants can oftentimes have a difficult time supporting their own weight, even with a stake that’s helping to keep them upright. You should also consider loosely tying a zip cable around your tomato stems and stakes to make them more secure. This will also work on the sunflowers in your garden too! 

2. Guide Your Vines on a Trellis 

When you’re wanting to tame your garden vines by training them to grow in a certain direction, zip ties can guide your greenery so that they realize who’s boss.  

3. Seal Off a Leaky Garden Hose

If you’re needing a temporary solution to stop a water leak from happening around your garden spigot, go ahead and place a stainless-steel tie around it so that you can get a better connection.  

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4. Hang Up Your Garden Tools 

When you’re all finished with your garden tools, use zip ties to hang them up and from falling down. Create less clutter by doing this with your shovels, rakes, and hand gardening tools.  

Zip ties can be used as a temporary solution the next time you run across a hole in your chain link fence. They will reinforce your fence until you can get it fixed properly. 

6. Repair Chicken Coop Wire

For whatever reason your chicken coop wire becomes damaged, use a zip tie to reinforce the fencing, or attach a new piece to it. 

7. Keep Wires and Cords Organized

Zip ties were invented for this very reason, so don’t hesitate to use them to keep your power cords and different wires organized when you’re not using them. 

8. Works Better than Weed Wacker Line

The next time you run out of line for your weed wacker, give zip ties a try. They may work just as well, if not better than traditional weed wacker line because of how sturdy they are. Make sure your weed wacker will accommodate the ties and not fly off and damage you or your property.

9. Keep Patio Furniture Cushions from Flying Away 

Sometimes the tie straps on your patio furniture cushions aren’t strong enough, especially in a high wind. With zip ties, you’ll never again have to worry about a gust of wind sending your patio furniture cushions flying all around your yard.   

10. No Longer Loose Storage Bin Lids

Instead of ever again having to worry about a storage bin that’s missing a lid, take some time to attach 2 zip ties to one of the handles of your storage bin and to the end of the lid. You’ll simply just need to use a hole punch to create your holes. Problem solved.  

11. Attach More Gear Onto Your Hiking Backpack 

Are you one of those hikers who can never seem to be able to cram all of their hiking gear into a single backpack? Well, you no longer need to worry about that. You can zip tie some of your gear directly to your straps or onto the back of your pack. 

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12. Seal Up Potting Soil and Sidewalk Salt Bags for the Season

Your bags of sidewalk salt and potting soil can lose their effectiveness for the following season if they are not properly sealed up. Keep moisture, bugs, and mold out of them by using zip ties.   

13. Keep Floral Arrangements Together

You can keep your floral arrangements looking more full when you put them in a vase by loosely tying a zip tie around the stems. 

14. Prevent Tangled-Up Christmas Lights 

I’ve been guilty of this one a few times. Don’t be left with a frustrating tangled mess to unwind when it’s time to put up your Christmas lights year after year. A zip tie will keep them neatly stored away until you need them the following year. 

15. Hold Flashcards Together 

Do your kids have a big test to study for and need a way to keep all of their flashcards together? By using a single-hole punch and a zip tie, they won’t have to worry about losing any of them. 

16. Fix Basketball and Soccer Goal Netting 

Is your basketball or soccer goal netting on it’s last leg and you need a quick fix that hopefully will get you through the rest of the season? A zip tie can help you secure the netting in place until you’re willing to go out and get a replacement. 

17. Handcuff an Intruder

If an intruder ever found their way inside your home you would need to do whatever it takes to get a handle on the situation. You could then use zip ties to act as handcuffs until the police arrive. I hope you never have to do this, but this is one of those great uses for zip ties.

18. Childproof Your Cabinets

Many of us no longer have children running around our houses, but when we do have little visitors, it’s a good idea to “childproof” some of our cabinets so that they don’t get into something that they shouldn’t. A zip tie can be tied around two pantry or cabinet handles to make sure they’ll stay safely shut, and you can then cut it as soon as they go home. 

19. Hang other Tools

Besides your gardening tools, you can tie zip ties through the holes of your broom, dustpan, mop, and other house tools to keep them hanging up and out of your way. 

20. Hang Bug Zappers

Keep mosquitos and other pesky bugs away by hanging bug zappers close to your porch or a nearby hook with a few zip ties. This is one of my favorite uses for zip ties.

Final Word

As you can now see, zip ties are one of the most versatile supply items that you can own that will help you accomplish all kinds of projects around your home, garage, lawn, and garden area. What are some other uses for zip ties you have discovered? May God Bless this world, Linda.

Copyright Images: Zip Cable Ties Deposit photos_98775688_s-2019

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  1. In ourKansas winds we use zip ties to secure newly planted trees to stacks in our yard.

  2. Linda,
    Number 17. Good inclusion for most. However, if an intruder comes in my house while I am home, he most likely will not need to be handcuffed until authorities arrive.

    1. Hi Harry, you would know how to hold him at bay without zipties….you’re from Texas! Great comment, I agree, we need other resources to keep them under control but it’s an option. Love it, Linda

  3. Linda, this was a terrific article. I use them to secure birdnetting to my PVC hoop house frames. That way when it harvest or weeding time I can simply slide the netting up the PVC and get to my produce without a hassle.

  4. We keep zip ties here. We’ve used them for a lot of things. I secured some plastic crates, similar to milk crates, together for a book shelf, it turned out pretty good, even if I did do it. Larry uses them all the time in his shop.

  5. I also keep the longer & stronger twist ties that come in the packaging of many items. I use these for many similar things because I can easily undo and redo them.

    I bring my patio cushions in whenever it rains (which isn’t a lot in a Utah summer) so I watch the weather report for wind or rain. We have had a LOT of wind this spring (more unusual weather) so if you don’t bring in your cushions and have wind – this is a great idea. I’ve always got someone’s cushions in my yard after a wind.

  6. You can also sew into channels to make self standing fabric bags or use some of the bigger sizes as boning when sewing historical clothing.

    1. Hi Matt, oh wow! These would be awesome in snow and ice country! I was stuck in the snow, once, once is too much in my book! Great comment, I love these! Linda

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