Sneakers Old and Worn

20 Ways to Use Old Sneakers for Emergency Prepping

In times of crisis or emergencies, being resourceful is critical to survival. And what better way to use your old, worn-out sneakers than repurposing them for emergency prepping? From providing insulation to offering makeshift tools, these footwear items can serve many purposes in dire situations. Let’s explore 20 ways to use old sneakers for emergency preparedness. What to Do with Old Shoes as a Prepper

20 Ways to Use Old Sneakers for Emergency Prepping

1. DIY Fire Starter

Cut strips from the rubber soles of your sneakers to create makeshift fire starters. The rubber can be ignited fairly readily and burns slowly, providing a reliable flame to start your fire. The shoe top materials will burn faster but are easier to cut into strips. 15 Different Ways to Make Fire Starters

2. Emergency Signal Flags

Use brightly colored shoelaces or fabric from your sneakers to create eye-catching signal flags. Hang them up high to attract attention and signal for help in emergencies. 20 Things Every Emergency Prepper Must Do Each Easter

3. Improvised Insulation

Fill old sneakers with dry leaves, grass, or other insulating materials to create makeshift insulation for your shelter. This can help retain body heat, keep cold air out, and help keep you warmer during cold nights. What to Use for Insulation to Stay Warm

4. Makeshift Containers

Cut off the toe caps of your sneakers to create small containers for carrying water, food, or other essentials. Seal the opening with duct tape or fabric to prevent leakage. The bigger your feet, the better they are. After storing it in the shoes, you’ll want to filter and treat the water. Food Storage Containers I Recommend

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5. Emergency Traction Aids

Cut strips from the rubber soles of your sneakers and attach them to your other shoes to create makeshift traction aids for walking on slippery surfaces such as ice or mud.

6. First Aid Padding

Use the foam padding from your sneakers as makeshift padding for first aid purposes during a disaster. It can cushion wounds or splints, providing comfort and support. Types of Medicines You Need for a First Aid Kit

7. Emergency Cordage

Unravel the fabric from your sneakers to create robust and durable cordage for various purposes, such as securing shelter or creating makeshift traps for hunting. 13 Survival Uses for Paracord

8. Improvised Weapon

Fill old sneakers with rocks or other heavy objects to create improvised weapons for self-defense. Swing them with force to fend off potential threats in emergencies. How To Be Prepared For An Economic Collapse

9. Water Filtration System

Cut up old sneakers and use the fabric layers as filters for purifying water. The dense material can help remove debris and contaminants, making drinking water safer. Once the debris is removed, use water treatment tablets to help purify the water. Purified Water vs. Spring Water: The Differences

10. Emergency Bandages

Cut strips of fabric from your sneakers to create makeshift bandages for covering wounds or securing splints. Ensure they are clean and sterile before use. Uses for Bandaids: Beyond Covering Cuts and Scrapes

11. Improvised Floatation Devices

Inflate old sneakers and seal the openings to create improvised floatation devices for crossing bodies of water in storms or a light flood to help stay afloat in emergencies.13 Prepping Tips if You Live By the Beach

12. Makeshift Gardening Pots

Cut off the tops of old sneakers and fill them with soil to create makeshift gardening pots for growing small plants or herbs since the rubber soles shouldn’t leak. This can provide a sustainable food source in emergencies. Navigating Life-Changing Emergencies: A Guide to Facing an Emergency

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13. Trail Markers

Use brightly colored fabric from your sneakers to create trail markers for navigating unfamiliar terrain. Tie them to trees or posts to mark your route and prevent getting lost. When You Go Hiking, Make Your Contact List For Survival

14. Emergency Footwear Repair

Salvage shoelaces and fabric from old sneakers to repair damaged footwear in emergencies. Secure loose soles or patch up holes to keep your shoes functional. What to Do with Old Shoes as a Prepper

15. Makeshift Mosquito Netting

Cut up old sneakers and stretch the fabric over openings to create makeshift mosquito netting to protect against insect bites while sleeping or resting. How to Protect Yourself From Mosquitos

16. Improvised Snowshoes

Attach old sneakers to your feet with makeshift bindings to create improvised snowshoes for walking on deep snow. This can help prevent sinking and conserve energy during winter emergencies.

17. Makeshift Knee Pads

Cut out sections of foam padding from your sneakers and secure them around your knees with fabric or duct tape to create makeshift knee pads for protection during kneeling tasks. 20 Effective Ways to Alleviate Pain Without Medication

18. Emergency Splints

Use the sturdy material from your sneakers to create makeshift splints for stabilizing broken bones or sprains. Secure them with laces, fabric, or duct tape until medical help is available. 20 Things Every Emergency Prepper Must Do Each Easter

19. Makeshift Backpack

Attach old sneakers to a sturdy stick or branch to create a makeshift pack or backpack for carrying essentials during evacuation or relocation in emergencies. How to Choose the Right Backpack for Emergency Situations

20. Improvised Sun Protection

Cut up old sneakers and fashion the fabric into makeshift sun hats or protective coverings to shield yourself from the sun’s harmful rays during prolonged exposure. Harnessing Sunlight for Emergency Preparedness

Final Word

Final Word

When it comes to emergency preparedness, every resource counts. By repurposing your old sneakers creatively, you can enhance your ability to survive and thrive in challenging situations. So, don’t toss out those worn-out sneakers just yet; put them to good use in your emergency prepping efforts. Your resourcefulness may save the day when it matters most. May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Sneakers and Tennis Ball AdobeStock_123676505 By Arbalest, Old and Torn Sneakers AdobeStock_85448384 By Phopsak

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  1. Not sure I would ever use the rubber sole to start a fire – I would not like to be downwind of rubber burning!! As for most of these ideas, I will probably pass on them and just keep a few rolls of duct tape to tape up the soles so I could continue to wear them. In some of the suggestions, like makeshift backpack, I could put the items in my pockets rather than try to improvise a backpack out of sneakers!! As for using the toes to carry water – well, I might use the toes as a drinking cup but that would be a stretch for me. And the suggestion for use as first aid items – no – not sanitary enough for me.

    1. HI Leanne, I think most of the ideas are a bit of a stretch but it does make us think outside the box. Non-Fragrance Bleach works for sanitizing things. I wrote this to kind of get our minds preparing for what comes our way sooner than later. It’s sad to think we would have to use these tips or not, but none us know whats coming in the world. You could survive anything, my friend. You have a lifetime of different skill training. Linda

  2. When we camp by rivers we always bring an old pair of sneakers to use as “river shoes” for playing in the river. Prevents slipping on underwater rocks and helps prevent cut feet from sharp objects. Plus in an emergency you might have to cross a river and river shoes would keep your regular shoes dry.

  3. After a grid down situation where 90% of the population has died from lack of water, food or disease, take your worn out sneakers and tie he laces together and throw them over a dead power line that symbolizes the dead past and then go get a good pair of sneakers from a shoe store, abandon home or a corpse. And then waltz off into reality.

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