30 Items You Need To Survive A Pandemic
I have 30 items you need to survive a pandemic today. This is just a small list to get you started. I wrote a post about this several years ago and I’m updating that article. My book: Prepare Your Family For Survival
Flu season is right around the corner or it’s hit your community already, and who knows what else may pop up in our community to make us sick this year or next. Please refer to the CDC for accurate information on COVID-19 or any viruses/illnesses.
Below is a list of 30 pandemic essentials to start with that I feel we need in our emergency buckets, boxes, or containers. Here’s the deal we all keep hearing about the different strains of Influenza Stats or MRSA.
30 Items You Need To Survive A Pandemic

Pandemic Flu Outbreak
Let me explain what I call a Pandemic Flu Outbreak. A Pandemic Flu is a virulent human flu that will cause a global outbreak or pandemic of a very serious illness.
Right now there is currently no pandemic flu but because our bodies might have very little immunity to a HUGE outbreak the disease can spread easily from person to person.
In other words, a pandemic is a global disease. It’s when influenza emerges and begins to cause serious illness. It passes from person to person and then spreads worldwide.
In the last century, three Influenza Pandemics occurred, 1918-19, 1957-58, and 1968-69. Many scientists believe it is a matter of time before another influenza pandemic occurs.
This is why I feel so strongly about having a Pandemic Essentials bucket. I know we all have first aid kits. When was the last time we looked to see if we have current items in our cabinets?
Are we missing some badly needed Motrin or Tylenol for us as adults and our kids? What are the dates on the medicine containers?
How many alternative home remedies are we prepared to make or use? These 30 pandemic essentials are the bare minimum needed. Please note I am not a doctor, nurse, or anyone in the medical field.
I just want to be prepared if the stores are closed or I don’t want to go out in public if a major outbreak occurs.
Survive A Pandemic
1. Face Masks
(N-95’s) to help stop the dust from an earthquake or infections spreading from sneezing (I store 100’s of these).
2. Diapers (cloth)
They can be used for many things. Cleaning, babies, stop the bleeding from cuts, wash or dry dishes…add a scarf for your head as well. These are the diapers I recommend: Gerber 10-Pack Cloth Diaper.
3. OTC Medications
Cough medicine, fever medications, ****prescriptions as required (stock up on 90 day supply if possible) see below by PrepNow, Hydrogen Peroxide and rubbing alcohol, Vicks VapoRub Vicks VapoRub
Don’t forget eye solutions or pain remedies for your teeth. Here is my post on 35 OTC Medications You Should Store
4. Portable Radio
Hopefully, you have a crank one or some way to power it to hear what is going on locally if you lose power.
5. Flashlights or Lanterns
With extra batteries, or a solar flashlight is even better with a crank as well. My favorite is the Goal Zero flashlight: Goal Zero Torch Flashlight or this one: Goal Zero Solar Lantern
6. Manual Can Opener
This is a must-have for every kit. You might need to open other’s food storage cans as well as your own.
7. Garbage Bags and Kitchen Size Bags
These can be used for trash, body bags if need be, potty chairs, etc. Plus bags for people who may vomit. I like these bags because they are 10-gallon size bags with a quantity of 500. 10-Gallon Bags
8. Canned Juices (bag/cartons)
I put 100% juice in this container-ten pouches. I am sure it has some sugar, I still need it in my bucket.
9. Fluids with Electrolytes
I can also make my own electrolyte solution that is very similar, but I want one large bottle ready to serve. DRIP DROP
10. Anti-Diarrhea Medicine
Diarrhea can kill if the person gets too dehydrated. I always look at a child’s lips. If they are dry and shiny red or cracked they need water ASAP Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief.
11. Paper Towels
I only put 4 rolls of paper towels in the bucket, of course, we can use more, but this bucket is just an emergency grab container. 12 Ways Preppers Can Use Old Newspapers
12. Toilet Paper
This is a must-have in my 30 Pandemic Essentials list! LOL! You can never have too much toilet paper. Mini Toilet Paper Wipes When Toilet Paper Is In Short Supply
13. Thermometer
I put this in the bucket, but really, if someone is that sick we can usually tell if they have a fever. It’s when the fever gets over 104 degrees in the morning that things become so critical.
Typically fevers are always higher in the afternoon. I get worried if the child wakes up with a fever in the morning, it’s just me. If I can’t break a fever I will worry. If I can break a fever I feel the fever is a good thing and shows the body is fighting the virus naturally.
Remember, I’m not a doctor, I’m a mother and grandma, we have a mother’s intuition. If the child is lethargic we know what to do, but if we have zero access to a doctor or antibiotics I want to be able to think through what I must do to help someone until professional help arrives. Survival Medical Handbook
14. Canned Baby Formula
You will have some bottles ready to serve if needed-I feel I must put some baby formula in my bucket. I don’t have any babies around me, but if I had to feed a newborn baby I will have something hopefully that is nourishing to a baby.
15. Pet Food
Dog food-yep, I am thinking about my beloved Shih-Tzu, Bailey and now Izzy as well. If you have pets, at least the small pets you can take with you, add some cans of food for them in your bucket. What to do With Your Pets in an Emergency
16. Soap and Anti-Bacterial Soap
I am constantly washing my hands. I know this is one more way we can not only keep hands clean but also slow down the spread of infection, wash hands, wash hands, and wash hands. 45 Uses for Dawn Dish Soap
17. Paper Goods
Cups-lots of cups-I decided on some small 4-ounce size cups because I can put 100 in a small area of the bucket-this means I will have 100 cups for whatever or whoever needs them. 6 Paper Products For Survival-How I Store Mine
18. Disposable Rubber Gloves
You can never have too many disposable gloves, latex-free is even better when you decide to buy some to add to your stash. What Are 20 Basic Items in an Emergency Kit?
19. Bleach
Okay, I have to say I need bleach. I know some people are against bleach, but I will use it to help clean up the sewage backup overflow or whatever I need to kill bacteria. Pool shock works well too (very concentrated-be careful). Bleach: Everything You Need To Know
20. Clear Plastic Sheeting (4mil)
100 feet for setting up an isolation room. One reader mentioned adding Mosquito netting (folds up very small) to the bucket.
21. Duct Tape
Oh my gosh, just start talking about Duct Tape, it has a million ways we can use it. Duct Tape: Why You Need to Store It
22. Borax
Great for toilet provisions-it helps clean the potty chair but also put a little in the bottom of the portable toilet to help control the odor. 15 Ways to Clean Your Home with Borax
23. Clothesline Rope and Clothes Pins
We might have a washing/rinsing bucket, but we might need to hang up some wet clothes to dry. Please think about how you will hang up your wet clothes. Have you found a clothesline you like? Clothesline for Emergencies. These are my favorite clothespins in case you need some. Kevin’s Clothespins
24. Laundry Soap
Ready to use for dirty underwear. At the very least we can wear shirts and shorts or pants several times, but it would be nice to have clean underwear. 9 New Ways for Using Laundry Baskets
25. Dawn Dish Soap
This is my favorite liquid soap. It might cost a bit more, but the few cents is totally worth the grease this stuff can clean. One of my readers mentioned using Dawn Soap in baggies with a little water to clean underwear, rinse and dry them. Plus she uses Dawn Liquid Soap to wash her hair! 45 Uses for Dawn Dish Soap
26. Kitty Litter
Great for potty chairs (also a reader mentioned you can get “oil dry” much cheaper at automotive stores). Why You Should Store Kitty Litter
27. Water Filters and Purification Devices
I use the LifeStraw and the Berkey Sports Water Bottle for filtering water.
28. Water Containers
Collection, storage, and carrying containers-never throw out a bucket. You can never have too many buckets for washing, rinsing, or mixing large batches of meals for your neighborhood (food containers only for meal preparation). My favorite 5-year Water Preserver
29. Water
LOTS of water in WaterBricks with handles to grab and go, cases of bottled water. Store as much water as you can afford the containers to store the water. My favorite water for the long term is BlueCans. The cheapest place to buy these is Brownells’s.
30. Food
Minimum 2 weeks of food for everyone in your family. Here’s the deal, I filled this huge blue bucket/container with everything shown above EXCEPT the 2 weeks worth of food, the kitty litter, and the water we will need.
I am sure all the states have a website you can view regarding how they are prepared for a Pandemic Outbreak should one occur.
Please remember, I am not a doctor or someone in the medical field. I just want to be prepared for the unexpected. Be sure and watch the Center for Disease Control updates.
Stock Your Home Pharmacy
- Electrolyte Drip Drop
- Cough Lozenges
- Imodium
- Aspirin
- Tylenol
- Ibuprofen
- Vicks VapoRub
- Bag Balm
- Dr. Bronner’s Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
- Tooth Brushes and Toothpaste
- Orajel
- Benadryl
- Advil
- First Aid Supplies
- Survival Medical HandBook
- Non-latex Gloves
- Antibacterial Soap
- Bars of Soap
- Emergen-C
- Lip Balm
- Nasal Spray
- Vitamins
- Essential Oils
- Allergy Medications
- Infant Fever Reducer Medications
- Child Fever Reducer Medications
Final Word
These are just 30 Pandemic Essentials to get you started, it”s one more step to being prepared for an unforeseen emergency or disaster. This is part one of my pandemic preparedness project. I’ll be providing additional information in the days to come. And please remember you always need matches or a way to start a fire. May God bless this world, Linda
Pandemic Supplies You Will Need For Survival
Influenza Statistics: What to Know About the Flu
Copyright Images: Hospital Depositphotos_16885437_s-2019, Stethoscope Depositphotos_13724305_S
Great list Linda! The only thing I would add to it is some herbs. I would add ginger and turmeric for treating the flu, especially if the virus strain is resistant. If you catch it early enough, within the first 24 hours, ginger is great for killing viruses. If you don’t catch it early, you may want to avoid ginger, since it can cause irritation. Turmeric is, also, an extremely effective anti-viral and doesn’t tend to cause irritation, for most people, so it can be taken after the virus takes hold. Either can be taken as teas, so they are easy to administer. I always have a liter of 4 thieves tonic in my cupboard, too. Mullein, peppermint, and willow are all very good for treating diarrhea. Willow is useful for fevers and aches associated with flu, as well. As with the anti-viral herbs, these can easily be taken as teas.. I keep several one pound bags of each of these herbs on hand. None of these herbs are expensive and may be purchased in sealed mylar bags, so they last a long time, until they are opened. Peppermint and Frankincense essential oils mixed with a carrier oil is a great alternative to the Vicks.
I hope you are having a great day? Hugs, Mare
HI Mare, oh girlfriend, do I love your ideas! I am going to add your whole comment to my post. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hugs, Linda
I have turmeric pills.
What form should the ginger, peppermint, mullein, willow come in?
Hi, John, turmeric and ginger are fine in their powdered form. Dried peppermint can be purchased in bulk or in tea bags. I purchase mine in bulk because it’s a lot less expensive. You can, also, use fresh peppermint. It’s quite easy to grow in a pot, on a windowsill. I purchase the willow bark dried and in chips. I use white willow bark. It can be used right away, by being boiled for 10 to 15 minutes, then allowed to steep, with a lid on the pan, for 20 to 30 minutes. I don’t mind the taste straight, but you can add some honey if you don’t like it. If you know how to make a tincture, this is the most effective form, but needs to sit for at least a month.
Hi Mare, thank you for explaining the different ones. Hugs! Linda
What is your recipe for 4 thieves tonic? I would like to keep that on hand.
No name cooking spray works like WD-40 at fraction of the price for items not used long term. Opens a sticky lock in nanoseconds and doesn’t goop up like graphite.
Hi Mary, oh my gosh, I did not know this! Thank you! Linda
YW. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Hi Mary, yes it is! Linda
I have been looking at the cloth diapers and was disappointed that they are too thin. After racking my brain a bit, I realized that the 100% cotton little baby blankets are much thicker and can be purchased 2nd hand (in excellent shape) for $.50 to $2.00 from many sources.
These work much better than the thin diapers for most uses.
Hi Barbara, this is a great tip to remind everyone to look at secondhand stores, thrift stores for these items. Great comment, Linda
Love this info. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi Grace, you are so welcome. Linda
My little grandson had an ear infection last week, and I didn’t have a single med to comfort him. I had put off restocking because everyone was healthy (I know, I know). Thanks to you, I just filled my online Walmart Grocery cart with many of your recommended items, and I am going to make a “sick bucket” stocked with everyday cold & flu supplies. One great hint from BeckysFeatheredNest is to use ziplock slider bags for vomit: even children can just zip them closed and throw away. In fact, I think I will fill my bucket with individual bags containing hand sanitizer, kleenex, cough drops, etc.. The time to do this is NOW, not after people get sick. Keep up the good work, Linda!
Hi Roxanne, oh my gosh, I have got to add your comment to my post. Plus, I am adding the zip lock bags!!!! Don’t you just love being a grandma? I feel so bad you didn’t have something to comfort your little grandson. But now you do have stuff, way to go girl! Hugs! Linda
Have some Orajel in your preps… Last night I had a toothache, and my husband got the Orajel out of our preps and it got me through until I could see the dentist today.
Hi Janet, oh my gosh, that’s a great idea! I’m adding it to my post right now. Hugs! Linda
Another great post Linda! thank you!
A note about Dawn dish washing liquid… It is very gentle. I worked as a surgical nurse at a veterinary hospital and we used Dawn (original) to bathe animals that for whatever reason had gasoline on their fur. Cuts through it in a jiffy! Also kills fleas and you can use it on puppies…Love reading your posts, thanks for all the great info. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Carrie, Happy Thanksgiving to you girlfriend! I love your comment and I’m adding it to my post! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! See we all learn from each other! Hugs! Linda
Another trick that may be useful: When we were kids, Mom would save the ice cream buckets after we emptied them. the would put a few layers of paper towels in the bottom, and set it on the floor next to the bed/couch where we would rest when we were sick. If we needed to get sick, we did so in the bucket. The up side: it had hard sides, so it couldn’t spill open, and there was a lid to mask the smell until it could be taken to the trash. Usually, we kept some paper towels near by, as well as some cool water to drink. Now, I save the same type of containers (anything with a lid, that may be deep enough).
Hi Victoria, oh how I remember the buckets! I never thought about using one with a lid, great tip! I adding your comment to my post, thank you so much! Hugs! Linda
Thank you for all the info you give us. I will be 80 in a couple of months, and on social security only, so limited funds. However, I manage to stock up a little every month. I would have to shelter in place, due to age and no family near enough to help. I wanted to add a tip you might consider. I take the core out of the toilet paper, and am able to get more in my pack, as they moosh down more. Today I will be working with my Food Saver, and plan to vacuum seal a few rolls of TP, which are “coreless”. lol thank again for all you do. Pat in Northern California
Hi, Pat, that is an awesome way to store more toilet paper. I love the idea of using the FoodSaver to remove the air and therefore take up less room. I’m adding you comment to my post, girlfriend! That’s awesome that you will be 80 in a couple months. What a great example you are to the world! Hugs! Linda
We get a lot of junk mail over here in SW Florida, they’re not much different than the Sears Catalogs my great-grandparents used 100 years ago.
I stock up on Lysol spray, tea tree, and vinegar. It’s one thing to treat an infected person, but we also need to limit it’s spread. I like the antibacterial properties the ingredients have. Salt is a good cheap remedy for several maladies as well.
Hi Sheila, oh you are so right on this tip! I’m adding your comment to my pandemic list! Thank you so much!!! Hugs, Linda
You forget to mention the one of the most important thing, “MATCHES” to start a fire for food. In case of any disasters, outbreaks, storms, emergency, etc., usually the electricity is out.
Hi Blackhawk, great reminder, I figured those were a given, but I will go add them! Thank you! Linda
Hi Mare! Thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful tips. However what is your 4 thieves tonic? What is it for and how do you make it?
Hi everyone!! I hope all of y’all are doing (and feeling) well! My hubby and I are dealing with this stuff and doing well. We just wanted y’all to know that we truly appreciate y’all’s website about the “bucket list” of preparations for a pandemic. We both have weak immune systems so we have that stuff on hand all the time. But we really appreciate y’all talking about God!! If we, as a nation, turn to Christ Jesus we would not have the problems we have now. I just wanted to thank y’all for listening to us. So I guess the one thing everyone needs to put in the bucket is a Bible!!!! Just thought I would share that with y’all. Have a very blessed day.
Hi Paula, great comment, glad you’re both doing well. Let’s hope we flatten the curve soon. Linda
I like that you recommend a home pharmacy. It’s more important now than ever that people appreciate the value in learning how to administer medical care to their family members. We should all know how to care for our loved ones and it’s now necessary in order to survive through this pandemic. Thanks for posts like this. I wish you and your loved ones the best.
Hi Bob, thank you for your kind words, hopefully, people can get the products they need or know how to “make do”. Harder times are coming. We can get through this pandemic if we stay home if at all possible. I’m so grateful to those workers who are working so we can get groceries or prescriptions. And of course, our health workers. May God bless this world, Linda
Just ordered your book from amazon. On top of this awful pandemic, we have tornado season here! Looking forward to reading all your great advice, tips, hints and info! LC
Hi Lynn, oh, thank you so much for ordering my book. I hope this year the tornadoes will not be as horrific as others. Praying for you and your family to be safe and well. Linda
I come from a background of pharmacy/apothecary. We were a very old pharmacy in a town in the hill country of Texas. All those little drawers in our wall cases contained herbs and roots still ordered from Lascoff’s Pharmacy in New York. It was still the day of grinding, mixing, weighing and preparing compounds for medicines. We bought in bulk. As a dedicated clerk, I was taught how to measure, mix, and fill the very first capsules, packing each with hands washed in alcohol. I got the products from the shelves, weighed out what the prescription stated, had the registered pharmacist check each and every step, received approval and moved to the next step in preparation. After packing capsules for specific prescriptions, the capsules were handed to the pharmacist to fill the bottles. the same was true for salves, and all treatments. The sixties saw the disappearance of bulk products made from true herbs, barks and such. It was then that all the artificial drugs flooded the market. Today we have statin and non-statin medications. I always tell my doctors I refuse to take one statin drug. Of course, they’re all younger than I. Need I say more. My great, great grandfather was a trained German herbal doctor in New Braunfels, Texas. Invariably, when a university educated doctor came to him personally, it was because they had exhausted all efforts to cure a patient. It was at a last resort that they would come to him. He would mix herbs and whatever for the patient and surprisingly would cure the child or adult of ailment. He always told the family that whatever in medication was needed for an illness could be found in the flora of Texas or in whatever lay right in front of you. I am so proud of my heritage and my experience at the pharmacy. Even today surrounding the Braunfels castle in Germany, there thrives an ancient herbal garden, each herb of which is identified and explained as to a particular remedy for most all ailments. Here in Texas, many of the remedies are based on Indian culture. And they still work just fine if one knows what one is doing.
David, oh my gosh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! I could listen to how you worked in your family pharmacy/apothecary for hours, yes hours. I love hearing these stories, thank you!! Linda
Have an extra new toilet brush in your preps, maybe 2. One for a sick room others for just useage.
They have some at $ store. I also keep some scrub brushes and a package of sponges etc. Sponges can be kept in the freezer wet in a baggie so they can be used on sore or pulled muscle etc. Also, extra buckets from $ store.
Hi Sam, great tips!!! Thank you! I never thought about keeping a wet sponge in the freezer! Brilliant, thank you! Linda
Dawn Dish Soap is a detergent, not actual soap. I wasn’t aware there was a difference until I checked out a ’90s-era Australian soapmaking book from my local public library (in Florida). There’s quite a few; for example, soap doesn’t contain the destructive chemical cocktails that detergents contain. Many of those chemicals will damage your body’s immunity and healing capability… hence your pandemics.
Soap also does a much better job at cleaning your dishes and in the same amount that’s recommended by Dawn. Don’t let the lack of suds bother you, soap doesn’t normally create that much foam.
Hi Nick, wow, I did not know this!! Now, I will be looking at soap versus detergent. Love it, Linda
Keeping detergent on hand is useful for :
* degreaser- add detergent straight first, soap up THEN add water to rinse off.
* to remove oil from humans or animals. Think oil spill, flooding, marine accident, natural disaster.
* if a rare reaction to an essential oil occurs, apply detergent. Then wash off with water. Detergent cuts oil. [ Learned this the hard way using fennel oil during labour with 5th child. Trust me. You want a bottle of Detergent in your kit. ]
*Coconut Oil – a survival food, avalible at Dollar Store. Use as a moisturizer, a conditioner, to cook and bake with, as a carrier oil, personal lubricant, first aid essential, base for herbal ointments, etc.
*70% isopropyl alcohol- have a spray bottle avalible to use as hand sanitizer. 70% kills SARS-CoV-2 virus. SARS- CoV-2 Will live for 9.4 hours on human skin. Compared with IAV ( Influenza A virus) which lives 1.4 hours on human skin. This is why hand washing is essential. If you have 90% isopropyl alcohol you must Google how to add water to convert it to 70%. 90% isopropyl alcohol will freeze dry the virus and it will simply rehydrate when water is avalible and become viable again. So you must use 70% isopropyl alcohol to kill the virus.
*P95 or higher masks worn correctly, well fitting covering mouth and nose. The purpose of a surgical mask is to protect the patient from a surgeon’s droplets, spittle and sweat during surgery when an open body cavity is present. There is a gap in the side of the surgical mask where unfiltered air can get in. Our goal during a World Pandemic of a highly contagious and lethal AIRBORNE virus is to FILTER the air we breathe. We cannot do this with a surgical mask with gaps in the sides letting unfiltered air in.
*Wear a tightly fitting P95 mask, eye protection and gloves in public places such as grocery shopping. Get in and get out. Learn to don and duff mask without contaminating your hands. Wash your hands after removing mask or spray your hands with 70% isopropyl alcohol. You can spray your mask with the Alochol and let it air dry and reuse it.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus is highly infectious and spreads by aerosolized droplets of virus exhaled from noses and mouths of infected people. Aerosolized droplets can spread for 30 feet or more after a sneeze. These particles can linger in the air for 3 or more hours. The virus can remain viable and contagious on surfaces for days. Our modern ventilation and heating systems can spread these aerosolized droplets of virus throughout apartment buildings, grocery stores, shops, schools, hospitals. Avoid closed public spaces. Opening up doors and windows, even during winter months will reduce the spread of the virus. Wear a well fitting mask and eye protection in public places.
Using a public tolite is a super high risk behavior. Flushing the tolite aerosolizes virus droplets. SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated in human fecal matter, urine, tears, spittle, blood and bodily fluids.
We are living in a unique time in human history. During the HIV AIDS epidemic I often told clients that when they had sex with someone they were sleeping with all the other people they had ever had sex with. Now I tell clients ” When you enter a room with someone you are breathing the air that they are breathing. You are breathing the air that anyone they have been in a room with in the last 30 days has breathed. Taking air into the deepest part of your lungs is more intimate than having sex with someone. Simply breathing can get you killed if you let your guard down and make an impulsive choice. HIV/Aids if left untreated takes 3 years to kill you. SARS CoV-2 takes 3 weeks. ”
SARS-CoV-2 is mainly spread by asymptomatic carriers. People who have no fever, no headache, no loss of taste or smell, no rash, no cough, no Shortness of Breath, no gargastic distress, NO SYMPTOMS . Yet asymptomatic carriers test positive and are exhaling virus particles and infecting others. The sad thing is they are not aware that they are infected. Thus the asymptomatic carrier gives COVID-19 to friends and family members. Presymptomatic people are people who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 and will develop symptoms but have not yet. They come down with COVID-19 symptoms, perhaps a sore throat, headache and a stream fatigue THEN realise that they have COVID-19. And that they have exposed all of the people that they came in contact with BEFORE they started exhibiting symptoms. So the idea that we could somehow ” tell if they were sick” does not work.
I personally know 25 people who have died of SARS-COV-2. They all had one thing in common. They all believed ” It will never happen to me” and they all saw wearing a mask as a political statement. The SARS-CoV-2 virus does not care what you believe, think or feel. It is an equal opportunity killer. Please take it seriously. There is a lot of false information out there on SARS-CoV-2. If you want up to date , accurate evidenced based research on SARS-CoV-2 please see the YouTube channel of Dr. John Campbell. Dr. Campbell is a Professor of Nursing in the United Kingdom. He wrote Anatomy and physiology textbooks that are used around the world. He gives daily updates on COVID-19. Dr. Campbell has excellent information on caring for a relative with COVID-19 symptoms. He accurately predicted the world pandemic back in December 2019 and has recommended tasking vitamin D3 since January 2020. I highly recommend his videos, he is a man of integrity. I am sending love and hugs from Washington State, USA, Jeanne of In Loving Hands Counseling and ASMR.
Hi Jeanne, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment!! Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing all of this wonderful information! I’m going to subscribe to Dr. John Campbell’d YouTube. Thank you so much!! Linda
Just a couple of thoughts on “preps.”
Orajel makes cotton swabs, filled with the liquid oral pain reliever. You snap one end and it leaks down the swab to the other end. It is great for targeting a certain spots in the mouth, keeps the ENTIRE mouth from going numb, and is more sanitary than a single shared (easily contaminated) container. They are sold with 8 or 10 swabs (I believe) packaged in a plastic case. A bit more pricey, but great when you don’t have to worry about throwing out a half full “shared” bottle due to contamination. I have also heard Clove oil or ground Cloves (mixed with H2O & applied as a paste) will help with toothaches. Check for allergies first though!
Military Surplus stores are a GREAT place to find multi-pocketed bags, vests, containers that work well for first aid kits or other survival needs. Again, it may cost a bit more, but (if ACTUALLY Military Surplus) the quality is usually great. My mantra is “Quality over quantity!”
True herbal teas are a great idea for first aid kits too! Peppermint tea is good for upset stomachs, and you can keep some honey (never goes bad/can be bought granulated too) and peppermint candies to help with sore throats/congestion. Ginger root can be dried and use to make a tea for upset stomachs too.
I keep feminine hygeine product in my First Aid kit. I don’t need them personally, but they can come in handy to cover wounds, apply pressure to wounds, ease blistered heels in shoes, etc. Tampons can be pulled apart and used in several ways…fire starters, filters, wound dressing and more. When used during a First Aid situation, pads and tampons are rated to absorb certain amount of blood. This can be handy, if help is far off, to determine blood loss.
You CAN make your own electrolyte powder mix. Several recipes can be found online. I wouldn’t use them unless necessary though, they can be hard on people with certain illnesses. Pedialyte now sells powder sticks that you mix with a specific amount of water. They usually have a decent shelf life. They ARE expensive, but some stores (like Wal-Mart) sell a “store brand” version.
I hope these tips help someone out! I, and my family, all had Covid back in late July/Early August. It was ROUGH, and caused some minor lasting issues for me. But, we are healthy again and that makes me thankful. I DEARLY hope everyone is safe, healthy, and making the best of these stressful times.
Hi Jennifer, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! Wow, so many awesome ideas!!! Thank you! I’m glad to hear you got through the Covid ordeal last summer. I would love to hear more if you have time. I would share it with my readers if it’s okay with you. Please email me with as much information you can give us. Please email me at: foodstoragemoms@yahoo.com. Have a Merry Christmas, HUGS FROM UTAH!! Linda
Woohoo Linda! I have all of these things except for the diarrhea meds. That is going on my list. We do keep bananas on hand. That’s supposed to help with diarrhea.
Hi Deborah, oh yeah, get some Imodium! I love bananas though! Linda
Hi Linda, Do you have a “printable” version of your list? Would love to be able to print it and post in on my cabinet door.
Hope you are well ad staying safe.
Hi Suzanne, you can actually print out every post I write with the ads. Cut out what you want. Look for the GREEN button on the top right. I’m doing well, let me know if that works, Linda
Back in 2017, I made a ‘flu box with items to make the symptoms “feel” better and disinfecting wipes and sprays to keep things “non-infectious for rest of the family. I put this together for the “regular” flu and changed very little when the pandemic hit. Luckily, we have used it exactly once and that was about a month ago when my husband was somehow exposed to the norovirus. I sent the ‘flu box along with some ginger ale and gatoraid down to him in the guest room. My youngest daughter and I managed not to catch it and even better, our oldest daughter (about 34 weeks pregnant) nor her husband caught it.
I’ve replaced the items that were used and have the ‘flu box put away for the next needed case of some icky virus. Since we are all now vaccinated for the cornovirus, hopefully it won’t be needed anytime soon.
Hi Topaz, this is a great idea! That norovirus is not fun!! I hope the rest of you stay well. Great comment! Linda
The date is May 9th 2021, you posted this article 5yrs ago?
Hi LaLa, this article went “viral” at the beginning of the Covid mess. Crazy is right! Linda
I would add Sovereign Silver colloidal silver. I have used it for everything from pink eye (doctor said it was viral and didn’t prescribe antibiotic eyedrops), in saline for nasal spray and nebulizers, and orally.
Baby wipes/bottom wipes are easier on irritated skin than TP with bowel complaints. Also, some kind of salve to help protect the skin; I make my own, but Triple Paste is the best one I’ve used of the storebought ones. (not cheap, but if you or a child in your care needs it, it is priceless)
And if you aren’t already taking it (and you should be), Vitamin C and D3. Load up, almost everyone is deficient.
Hi Davette, oh my gosh, we are so much alike! I love all the products and reminders you mentioned. You know I was slacking before the C pandemic, and I started taking Emergen C every day and the vitamins you mentioned. Plus B12 complex. So many people are Vitamin D deficient, you nailed it! Great comment, Linda
Hi Linda,
I hope you and yours are doing well and are thriving despite the pandemic.
I love reading everyone’s ideas for bucket items and tips for herbal treatments, some I use, some I haven’t heard of and am delighted to learn.
Some things I would suggest adding to the pandemic bucket:
Notebook and pens or pencils (you may want to record temperatures or symptoms for a patient who will be transferring to a hospital).
Disposable ice packs for a fever that needs fast relief or a headache that won’t go away.
small stuffed animal – new- if you find yourself in a situation where you are caring for a child, the toy can be a great soother for a fretful child.
This post has aged well. Such good foresight. Thank you for all your knowledge, Linda.
Hi Jessica, thank you for your kind words, let’s hope we get through this one as soon as possible. Linda
Oh my God! Please don’t tell me we are going to face another pandemic. I am so done with it. Btw, I think you have covered almost everything here, still, I think you should also add some kitchen provisions because you never know if we will be able to get out of the house or not.
Hi Alison, I wrote this back in 2016 before the pandemic. I expected one and it did happen. Hopefully, we are more prepared now. Although, can we ever be totally prepared for one? Life is interesting, please stock up on food and water. Linda
I wish I had this list during the last pandemic. Although, it’s amazing all of the knowledge we now have because of the last pandemic. I never want to live through anything like that ever again!
Hi Jess, I totally agree with you about the things we learned from the last pandemic. Great comment! Linda
Hi Linda, just found your post today. It’s all great advice. A few things I would add would be bug sprays, like OFF, because of diseases spread by mosquitos, and Zevo to kill flies and gnats indoors. Also something to consider are lice shampoo and a comb. I remember reading about how after a hurricane, lice spread like wildfire among the people who had had to stay in public shelters. Which if a pandemic or other emergency would require public sheltering I would want to be able to protect myself and family. Also, I really like Biofreeze spray an roll-on for aches and pains, and bariatric multivitamins (available online) are easier and faster to absorb.
Hi Tammy, oh my gosh, these are great suggestions! I remember seeing people crammed inside a stadium, very close quarters. I hadn’t even thought about the lice, great tips!! Thank you, Linda
Hi Linda, here’s a couple more I thought of, if, in a pinch, the liquid from a jar of olives or pickles is an effective electrolyte solution. Olive being the better of the two, it has many health benefits. I always pick some up whenever I go to dollar tree. Now a dollar twenty five tree, lol. Secondly, for the ladies, Monistat or generic equivalent, because if you have to take antibiotics the healthy bacteria that keeps yeast in check is killed off. Then you’re suffering a yeast infection. NO FUN. An antifungal cream for yeast on skin,
ie a Jock Itch cream for men or if spreads to underarms, under tummy or under boob. And of course AZO for the urinary tract for men and women.
Thank you so much Linda!