Emergency Preps

30 Non-Food Survival Items To Stockpile

Today I feel strongly about sharing these 30 non-food survival items to stockpile. A natural disaster and catastrophe can strike at any moment, with perilous and unforgiving ramifications. Do you have a plan if there were to be a flood? A Blizzard? An attack, or even if the whole grid came crashing down? What then? Stop and ask yourself, “Am I prepared for these types of emergencies?” I’m updating this post from 2019. We need to recheck all of our preps, my friends.

30 Non-Food Survival Items To Stockpile

Non-Food Survival Items to Stockpile

While you might scoff at “doomsday preppers” and the precautions they’ve taken, there’s nothing wrong about having the essentials of survival for your family in these situations. It’s not our intent to scare or put fear into you with the “what-ifs.”

We simply want you and your family to be prepared for when an unforeseeable crisis happens. I’m sure very few people along the California coastline thought they’d see 10 inches of rainfall this past week. It would be interesting to know how many were at all prepared when their power went off. Here are the top 30 survival items you need to stockpile to help your family beat the odds.  

1. Survival Multi-tool (with Pliers)

No matter the survival scenario, a good multi-tool (with pliers) is on every prepper’s list. 

2. Quality Knife or Hatchet

Having a survival hatchet or quality knife on hand during a crisis will prove vital. From cutting down limbs for a fire or skinning a critter for your next meal, don’t go without them.  

3. Flashlight

You don’t want to be left in the dark without a flashlight in a dangerous situation. A survival headlamp is also a great option. I have several solar flashlights, and they’re all on window sill locations being charged right now.

4. Extra Batteries

Have extra batteries on hand for your flashlight or lamps, along with any other battery-operated devices you might be carrying and rely on daily. 

5. Duct Tape

Duct tape can patch up just about anything. It comes in handy if you need to build a shelter. The tape can be used to craft a sling or brace if you become injured. I’m sure you can think of other things to craft it into that are useful to you and your family. 

Read More of My Articles  25 Things Everyone Should Hoard

6. Basic First Aid Kit

You can’t have a proper survival stockpile without a basic first-aid kit for basic pain relief, bandaging wounds, or stopping the bleeding.

7. Paracord 50-100 feet

A paracord has many functions such as hanging, binding, cinching, tripping, and so forth. 

8. Extra Blankets

Hypothermia is not the way to go. Keep extra blankets stored in case of much-needed warmth and comfort. 

9. Extra Warm Clothing

Having an extra pair of warm clothing for each family member is a huge relief if your present wardrobe is soaking wet or gets torn. 

10. Rain Ponchos

Again, wearing wet clothing is a miserable feeling. Purchase some rain ponchos to keep you and your clothing dry. 

11. Pain Reliever

At some point during an emergency, much-needed pain relief is going to be a Godsend. Trying to perform strenuous tasks while in pain or with a throbbing headache might be too much.  

12. Reusable Water Bottle

Do you plan on cupping your hands for a drink of water? Get a reusable water bottle for everyone in your family. 

13. LifeStraw Water Filters

The first thing to go at the grocery store in an emergency is bottled water, from small plastic bottles to larger and gallon-sized water containers. These Lifestraw filters take up hardly any space and take out most of the contaminants you don’t want in your drinking water.  

14. Matches/Lighter/Lighter Fluid

How are you going to prepare your meals if you have an electric oven that no longer works? Keep matches, a long-neck lighter, and lighter fluid on hand. 

15. Cooking Pot

You’ll need a stainless steel cooking pot to cook your meals. A Kelly Kettle is awesome. I have a post showing you how to use one. It only needs dried twigs, leaves, or pine cones. How To Use A Kelly Kettle by Linda

16. Ziploc Bags

These are great for storing food, water, medicine, and supplies. 

17. Survival Stoves

This will take up more space, but a survival stove is far easier to get started than a campfire. If you have consistent sunlight, a SunOven is a valuable cooking tool to consider.

18. Pocket Fishing Poles

Fish might have to be a huge part of your diet for a while. Get a pocket fishing pole that is compact and great for catching your next meal. 

19. Bolt Cutters 

In a national emergency, you might run into a survival situation where you need to break a padlock or cut through a fence. Without bolt cutters, it could be the difference between life and death. 

Read More of My Articles  10 Ways to Stay Cool Without Electricity

20. Gas Masks

If the oxygen you breathe has been compromised with chemical warfare, you’ll be gone within minutes. Invest in enough gas masks for everyone in your family. I’m hoping it never gets this bad, but who knows, right? I have hundreds of N-95 masks stored to prevent bacterial infection too.

21. Walkie Talkies

You might need to communicate with someone in your party who has wandered off on a mission of their own. These are similar to the walkie-talkies I have.

22. Hand Crank Radio

Knowing what is going on in the outside world is extremely helpful during a crisis. A hand-crank radio requires no batteries for usage and can provide up-to-date weather reports or evacuation directives when the power is out. 

23. Self Defense

While you don’t want to think the worst about people, having self-defense is crucial as far as survival items go. In catastrophes, some people lose their tempers and moral compass and cause harm to themselves and others. Don’t allow your family to fall victim to this. 

24. Flares

Have emergency flares on hand to attract the attention of rescuers. 

25. Emergency Whistle

A whistle helps people in your party or others know you’re nearby. These are the emergency whistles I have that are audible one mile away.

26. Survival Pack 

How are you going to carry most of this? A survival pack is lightweight and can handle a lot packed into it. 

27. Binoculars 

Being able to see the difference between help and harm before it gets too close is a huge advantage. Take a look at some of the best binoculars on the market. 

28. Compass

If your phone’s GPS or compass is no longer an option, having a good compass will help you navigate and make a better decision on the direction you head. 

29. Portable Phone Charger

Say that there’s an emergency locally, but the larger grid still works. Being able to charge your phone and other devices might be a challenge without a Phone charger, which would prove invaluable.

30. Camping Tent

You don’t know what season that disaster will strike. If you’re stranded outside without any warm shelter or structure to lodge in, you might not survive the harsh cold night. Have a camping tent that helps keep the extremely cold temperatures out. 

Other Emergency Supplies to Stockpile

  • Money (saving money is important, but also keep small bills available)
  • Pepper spray
  • Personal hygiene items – toothbrushes and toothpaste- shampoo
  • Paper towels
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • Solar-powered devices
  • Toilet paper
  • Firestarter – charcoal – firewood

Stock Your Home Pharmacy

Things to Stock Up On Before a Hurricane

Final Word

This is a list of non-food survival items to stockpile for any emergency right now before you need them. While you might not have to use half of them, it’s better to be prepared than in desperate need.

If you have a survival stockpile that includes several items that didn’t make our list, tell us about them. Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

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  1. hello again my dear friend!
    I love your list and I hope people learn from it. Being a somewhat prepper for the last 15 years I have quite a bit saved up. I have everything on your list plus more. I always stop and think of the worse thing that could happen. So therefore, I have also decided to purchase several bottles of rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and bleach years ago. People may also need to be reminded to throw in “manual” gadgets like can openers, etc.
    My question about saving batteries is this. Do they hold their power if the package is not opened or do they drain a little over time? and once the package is opened how can we save the others from draining?
    Thank you again for taking the time to help people survive. You may not know just how important you are and what great work you are doing. But I know! You are precious.
    Unspeakable things are happening all around us, and in our faces. Most people do not even know, but once they do they can never un-know.
    So keep up the good work. You know I always send you love and energy. Take care.
    “that lady from Cincinnati, Ohio”

    1. Hi Vivian!!!! Oh, it is so good to hear from you, girlfriend!!! Thank you for your kind words, it means the world to me. I’m very frustrated with storing batteries where I live. It doesn’t matter if the packages are open or not. This is why I have got 4 solar flashlights on my windowsill. I’m lucky if they will work in 6 months. I use to buy a carton of each one at Costco when I lived up north. I can’t do it here. Sending love and hugs from Utah, Linda P.S. I will ask my Facebook page if they have ideas on how to store them. If you do Facebook, please join my Food Storage Moms Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/293154608161380/

    2. Peroxide and bleach don’t keep long so make a note to replace every 6 months or so. Go to a store with frequent turnover. You can use them for cleaning around your house. HTH

    3. I’m answering an old post. I am always straightening drawers and such. I came across an electric toothbrush and turned it on. I haven’t seen this for many years and I am now using it.
      That battery is going strong. Lesson learned.

      God bless.

  2. Being that those of us in Florida experience warm to hot and very humid weather, I’d suggest battery powered fans and then get yourself a solar battery charger plus the batteries that way you can always add disposable batteries to your supplies, but a good supply of rechargeable batteries will be cheaper in the long run and you don’t have burn up as many disposables.
    It all depends on how much you use the fans, what you pay for batteries, and personal preferences. I found “D” batteries in a “dollar store” or “Asian import store” for a cheap price and bought like 12 packs.
    I’d also add spray bottles to mist yourself or to wet your clothing to provide cooling thru evaporation. It’s nice to have clean hands and a fresh face.

    For the well prepared, one idea is a generator or solar panels and a window mounted AC unit, but that’s a little more money. The upside is having that generator to power anything else such as a small fridge (Depends on the size and power of your generator), power tools, medical equipment, etc. And even with all the above, coolers and insulated cups are still relevant as ice is often made available in fast food places or provided by the county or charities.

    And I’d add a few tools in case of damage to either make repairs or to escape or self rescue yourself or another person. Or you might want to improvise something.

    And another thing…. now you got me thinking Linda…. gloves, hats, sunglasses, scarfs or handkerchiefs, and both ear and eye protection are always good to have. We need to protect our hands and faces and keep those areas clean. And these items are useful anytime, anywhere and will prevent problems in a crisis.
    I got a tiny splinter yesterday despite the fact I had gloves in my pocket. And the machines where I work can be loud, so I am speaking from experience and will have these items with me from now on. Gotta learn the hard way sometimes 🙂

    1. Hi Frank, great comment!! It’s funny I have batteries that go bad here in Southern Utah. I may have to go strictly with rechargeable ones going forward. It’s crazy I buy the regular ones from Costco, the good alkaline ones and they never keep more than 6 months. I store them in plastic containers in a dark cupboard and they leak or explode (tiny explode-split like). It’s so frustrating. I live in hot Southern Utah. I’m writing several preparedness posts right now that will include the items you mention above. Yes, we do have to learn the hard way sometimes! Good comment as always! Linda

  3. Linda,
    Great job, as usual, on this list. I passed it on to my daughter and son-in-law who just made it through Imelda in the Houston area. One thing I could point out refers to emergency flares, particularly the self lighting road flares. If you have no other means, they can be used to start a fire for either warmth or cooking. I know that is a pretty extravagant means of starting a fire, but sometimes desperate situations call for desperate solutions.

    1. Hi Harry, yes indeed, desperate situations may call for desperate solutions. I’m glad to hear your daughter and son-in-law made it okay through Imelda. Wow, what a year! Linda

  4. Heavy duty garbage bags will come in handy – they can be a ground cover to keep you and your supplies from getting wet when sitting on the ground; a pack cover, equipment cover in inclement weather; an emergency poncho or emergency tent; used to haul wood or other items back to your camp if camping out.

    1. Hi Leanne, so true on the heavy-duty garbage bags. Mark and I went to Costco the other day and I said to him, please grab a box of those 33-gallon black bags. He said we already have some and I said yes we do but we need another box. You can never have too many black heavy-duty garbage bags. Stay safe my friend, Linda

  5. Since I have a hard time getting up off the ground I got myself one of those camp cot tents instead of a regular tent. It’s a bit heavier but I think it’s worth it. All you need is a sleeping bag, no need for a mattress. Mine is a single but they also come in double size. You can also use them without adding the tent on top as a regular cot. Make sure you get one with a tent that totally covers the cot area and hangs down a bit on the sides, otherwise it might get wet inside. Handy for summer car camping and my grandson likes sleeping in it in the living room when he visits.

  6. totally understandable why water isn’t on the list – “food” – but you want at least one 5/6/7 gallon water jug on your list – filled or empty when the SHTF starts you’ll eventually be savaging water and maybe queuing up at a water truck >>> don’t be one of the sheeple with a quart cookpot ….

  7. On another blog they talked about lithium batteries. I bought some aa and aaa. The expiration date is 2029. They also don’t leak acid like regular batteries when they do die. I’m glad I’ve ruined many flashlights that way.

  8. LifeStraws? A better choice for pocket carry is a Sawyer Mini; they filter more gallons. However, no “straw” type will filter chemicals like farm runoff…to do that , you need a Katadyn.

    1. Hi Brad, thanks for your comment. I have dozens of water filters and bottle filters, I only list a few each time I write. My favorite is a Berkey Sport Bottle. Thanks for the tip on the Katadyn. Linda

    1. Hi Karol, thank you for your kind words. We will all get through this, we need to wash our hands, stay out of crowds, and wash our hands. You can never wash your hands too many times, right? Stay well, Linda

  9. This is great! I’ve been talking to my family more and more about the importance of being prepared for anything (natural or man created). We live in several geographical regions across the country and I always recommend a few books- if internet or power grids go down, they still need access to knowledge. Always an atlas (or as my son called it when he was little- a GPS book), Dutch oven cookbook, regional books on edible (and identifying) plants, “be prepared not scared”, “how to do just about anything”.
    We also keep trail tape and sharpies in case someone needs to explore new areas, off road, off trail.
    We each also have a direction key or symbol to show where we have been and what direction we were heading. For example my name is Shay, so mine looks like and S with an arrow off the top in my direction of travel. My sons name starts w C, his mark is €>. We know our marks and when we’d use them (intersections mainly) but they wouldn’t mean much to anyone else. A can or two of spray paint, laying out stones/sticks or even a sticky note or sharpie on a road sign.

    1. HI Shay, oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this comment! the GPS book, I love it! If everyone had a Dutch oven and knew how to start a fire and could find fuel if they didn’t stock any plain briquettes in airtight containers they could survive. The trail tape and sharpie could save lives in so many ways! Love your thoughts! Thank you, Linda

  10. A very good list Linda and very valuable comments from your readers. It’s difficult to remember everything. One item I keep in my home and when I go outside to work is an inexpensive air horn. A whistle is great and the flares would attract attention also, but an air horn is also a very loud attention getter in the event you didn’t have the breath to blow it. Flares might not be noticed during the day. When I go up to my daughter’s property I am out in the woods picking up downed limbs and brush from 13 acres. If I fall she might not hear me, but would probably hear the air horn even in the house. I also keep my cell phone near by, but it never hurts to have more than one back up right?

    1. Hi Carolyn, oh my gosh, I’m so glad you mentioned the air horn. I have wanted one for years. I am going to look on Amazon and see if I can find one. I want to alert people or scare them off, either way, I want one. Thank you for the reminder! Linda

  11. One thing I forgot to mention is that a pawn shop is a great source for getting binoculars at a reasonable price as is many items on your list.

  12. AS always you posted a terrific list. But the first thing anyone needs in an emergency is a clear, calm mind. Panic kills.

    Regarding Dutch Ovens. I just cooked a 7 lb pork shoulder roast in mine and shredded most of it for pulled pork sandwiches on Kaiser rolls. What’s left unshredded I’ll serve with crispy tater tots and applesauce. So far we’ve had three meals from it and expect at least three or four more.

    Oh, the snow peas in my garden are up and loving the rain.

    I hope you’re doing well. Haven’t heard from you for a while.

    1. Hi Ray, are you getting my comment responding to your comment? Boy, that pork roast sounds so good! Cooking in a Dutch oven is the best. You are still getting snow peas, from a blessing! Linda. I’m emailing you right now.

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