5 of the Best Winter Clothing Fabrics to Have on Hand

5 of the Best Winter Clothing Fabrics to Have on Hand

As much as we all hate to admit it, winter will be here before we know it. Layering with just the right clothing fabrics together becomes extremely important for you to stay toasty, yet comfy at the same time. If you’re needing a new wintertime look, or just a few extra articles of clothing to add to your winter wardrobe, make sure you stick around. I’ll tell you about the 5 best winter clothing fabrics that you should be bundling up with this winter, and that will provide you with style and vogue too! 

In case you missed my post on 6 Reasons To Store Blankets For Any Emergency or this post on Basic Sewing Machine Supplies For Beginners

Don’t forget to always have a good pair of cloth/sewing scissors. Here are some right-handed scissors Gingher Scissors and left-handed scissors I have Left-Handed Gingher Scissors

#1. Flannel

For all you ladies out there who are afraid that wearing flannel will give you the appearance of a lumberjack, think again! There are so many cute and adorable flannel patterns for women out there that will fit your figure perfectly, while there’s flannel clothing that also provides men with that rugged outdoorsman manly look as well.   

Flannel is a softer woven fabric material that’s made from cotton, wool, or synthetic fiber, but also brings you a whole lot of warmth too. It’s fairly inexpensive, and a great option for you to wear on a cold-weather hike. This is one of the best winter clothing fabrics! 

#2. Cotton 

When you hear of cotton, you might be thinking of a thin t-shirt that allows your skin to breath on a warm and breezy summertime day, but cotton is just as good a choice in the winter as well. 

While it’s made thin for warmer weather, it can also be made thick to brace for colder temperatures. Cotton is a softer material that allows your body to breath, yet is strong and durable at the same time. Keep in mind that cotton does in fact absorb moisture, so if you see rain or snow in the day’s forecast, wearing cotton may not be the way to go. 

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#3. Fleece

Fleece is probably one, if not, the most popular selection of winter clothing fabric out on the market. It screams that wintertime is here. It’s one of the most comfortable, warm, and casual fabrics around. 

For the most part, it’s lightweight, and an inexpensive material that gets you more bang for your buck. You can purchase it as a sweater, jacket, or even long john underwear.   Unfortunately, fleece is not water-resistant, so you’re not going to want to go out in the rain or a heavy snowfall with it. This is also one of my favorites out of all of the best winter clothing fabrics.

#4. Wool 

Wool is fantastic, and another one of the best wintertime clothing fabrics that you can choose from. At one time wool was primarily obtained from sheep, but more and more these days it’s being manufactured. I quote www.madehow.com “Wool manufacture begins with shearing the sheep. After grading and sorting, the fleece is scoured in a series of alkaline baths containing water, soap, and soda ash or a similar alkali. This process removes sand, dirt, grease, and dried sweat from the fleece.”

Wool has natural insulation that traps your body heat for cold brisk days, and is even water-resistant, making it perfect for rainy or snowy conditions. It’s also fairly lightweight, yet a stronger material that provides durability to it. Just keep in mind that certain people can be allergic to clothing fabrics such as wool.      

#5. Fur and Faux Fur 

People have been using fur as warm clothing for thousands of years out of necessity, but today it’s worn more often for making a bold fashion statement. 

Over the last several years, wearing animal fur has been looked at in more of a  negative light than it was just a few short decades ago. So that’s why faux fur has become so popular and is a great alternative. It’s an imitation fabric that resembles animal fur and wraps around you with the same amount of warmth. 

Now animal lovers can rest assured that animals don’t have to give up their warm furry coats for you to stay cozy during the harsh winter temperatures, and so that you can also avoid dirty looks.

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Sewing Lessons 

If by chance you know how to sew, please teach your family members and friends. Please note there are so many good sewing machines out there that are used that can be purchased at a reduced price. I can only recommend brands I have sewn with over my lifetime. I started with a fairly simple Singer, then years later upgraded to a higher quality Singer. They are great machines and can be serviced just about anywhere. I have had two Baby Lock sewing machines, they are great machines and affordable.

When my mother died she left me enough money to purchase my dream sewing machine, a Bernina. I replaced my old serger with a Bernina serger as well. I handed down my old ones to family members. Mom died in 2006, and I have been sewing literally thousands of items, baby gifts, Crayon Bags, littles girl holiday outfits, quilts, pajamas, and so much more with those two gems. I have them serviced once a year.

I have sewn items on a Janome Sewing Machine and I would highly recommend one of those. My granddaughter took sewing lessons up north and she purchased a Janome. It’s really well-built, like my Bernina, and at a fraction of the price. Let’s get sewing, my friends. You will love sewing if you have a good machine, and it doesn’t have to be a top of the line sewing machine.

Another note, be sure and use fresh thread, that old sewing bag with grandma’s thread will disintegrate over time. Throw it out and don’t look back, it will make your sewing experience so much nicer with newer thread.

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Final Word

There’s really no right or wrong answer as to which of these 5 winter items of clothing are the best option for your use. It’s really up to you and your style and preferences. One thing you can be sure of is that they will all keep you bundled up warm and snug through even the harshest temperatures that await you this year. It’s important that we think about the fabrics we need to stay warm. These are some of the best winter clothing fabrics to have on hand!  May God bless this world, Linda.

Copyright Images: Fabrics Deposit photos_31416425_s-2019,

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  1. There’s another drawback to Fleece. It doesn’t breath and can cause you to sweat. Wet is bad.
    I got my first set of fleece bedding and it was sooooo soft and snugly! I loved it! But I kept overheating and sweating 🙁 so I went back to the good ol flannel and said good bye to soft and wet LOL

  2. Linda~
    I have become obsessed with natural fibers lately. In the past, I was all about inexpensive clothing and fabrics for sewing for a couple of reasons: 1) budget and 2) so I didn’t feel bad when I wanted to change up my wardrobe or my decor. Now it is all about quality!

    I am now sewing a lot with linen. I found a great on-line fabric company that is just linen and they have wonderful fabrics! I now have at least 20 yards of the stuff! I have unbleached for re-enactment clothing (chemises) and napkins, etc. I have black – my daughter wants a “little black dress” and there is enough to make a pair of slacks for me! I also have some denim blue that I am going to make a pair of capris or pants and a jacket. This fabric comes out of the washer/dryer relatively wrinkle free but with a soft almost crushed look. I am lovin’ it! I know it probably is not a good winter time fabric but still…

    As for fleece – I find it a great fabric to make throws with and love that it doesn’t unravel! It is very warm and cozy to snuggle up with when the weather is chilly.

    As for sewing machines, I also started out on a Singer. My mother swore by that brand! In 2006, after my father died and left me some money, I purchased a Husqvarna Viking embroidery machine – very expensive and if I had it to do over, would not have spent that much money on the machine, but I love it. I no longer machine embroidery though because the company changed the software and the software I have doesn’t work on Windows 10. I cannot afford to upgrade the software at this time, so no more of that!! I had a HV serger that I found to be so challenging to change thread on. The computer in it finally died and I purchased a Baby Lock and love it! I also have a Singer treadle machine – I will be able to sew even in a grid down situation and the best about the treadle was that it was given to me!

    Well, guess I’ll get to sewing today!

    1. Hi Leanne, oh my gosh, I bought the Bernina sewing machine and also the embroider attachment. The machines you bought are really nice. That’s a shame about the software. Dang! The machine Husqvarna Viking is really popular here in the quilting world and sewing community as well. I love hearing you love to sew with really nice fabric, life is so good! Linda

  3. I have a singer sewing machine, the first hubby bought for me. A Kenmore serger. A brother sewing, quilting and embroidery machine. All bought by my dear hubby. And I have a baby lock serger that was my dear departed MOM. I have a 50s singer, and singer treadle I bought at a garage sale for $40. I just needed a belt, cleaning and oiling, and a bobbin wheel. It also came with all kinds of attachments, a drawer full of buttons, scissors, and a lot of other odds and ends. Best $40 I ever spent. It works great! I first sewed on a treadle machine when I was barely in double digits at my Grandmother’s house.

    1. Hi Deborah, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! Sewing, embroidery, or quilting are so relaxing and fulfilling! You scored my friend on the $40 treadle machine! Woohoo! Linda

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