7 Easy Rice Recipes For Every Day Of The Week
Today I have 7 easy rice recipes for every day of the week for you. I love rice, especially sticky rice. I know brown rice is healthier, but it doesn’t store as long. Mark and I can only eat so much brown rice before it becomes rancid, which is about 6-8 months. I mainly purchase white Jasmine rice because I like the flavor and the texture. We buy the rice in small bags that weigh five pounds each. I then store the bag in an airtight container, bag and all.
We don’t store 5-gallon buckets of rice, it doesn’t make sense for just the two of us. When I was raising my family I would buy 25-pound bags. I don’t use Mylar bags or oxygen absorbers, there are too many variables to chance it. I’m not saying it’s wrong, it just doesn’t work for me. OXO Airtight Containers or Larger OXO Container
Rice In #10 Cans
I have cases of #10 cans of white long-grain rice for long-term storage. I will use those cans when a major disaster hits. These cans have a shelf-life of 25-30 years because they are commercially processed. I purchased them from Thrive Life. No, I do not sell Thrive Life products. I simply prefer Honeyville Grain or Thrive Life for long-term food storage products.
If you are like me you are getting tired of seeing the prices of food continue to escalate. I really don’t know how families are able to feed themselves, although, I must say it wasn’t easy when I was raising my daughters. Luckily, I learned how to make bread from my mom and how to cook from scratch from her. I also have to give credit to the Home Economics classes I took in junior high. Why they stopped those classes, I will never know. They gave me the tools to be self-reliant.
Rice Recipes
You can always make rice as a side dish or stretch a casserole or pot of soup with cooked rice. We can always feed two more people at the very least, right? You will notice that the butter is optional in some of the recipes. All of these recipes are used with white rice. If you use brown rice you will need to add more water according to the package you have in your home.
1. Basic White Rice

- 2 cups white rice
- 3 cups water
I typically use 2 cups of dry rice to 3 cups of water.
You can rinse your rice, if desired, and use a saucepan, rice cooker or pressure cooker.
If you boil the rice, bring the water and rice to a boil. Cook with a lid on for 17 minutes.
I like using my rice cooker because I just throw all the ingredients in the pan, put the lid on and push the button to turn it on.
Then I go about doing my daily activities and serve it when the yellow light comes on. It keeps it warm, and that works for me.
2. Spanish Rice

- 2 cups rice
- 2 cups water
- 1 can Rotel tomatoes (10-ounces)
- Chili pepper and cumin to taste
- 1/2 cups finely minced onions
- 1/2 cups finely chopped bell peppers
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine the ingredients and cook as directed in your rice cooker or pressure cooker.
3. Garlic Butter Rice

- 2 cups rice
- 3 cups water
- 2-4 finely chopped garlic cloves
- 1/4 cup of butter (optional)
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine the ingredients and cook as directed in your rice cooker or pressure cooker.
4. Taco Flavored Rice Dish

- 2 cups rice
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 cup finely minced onions
- chili pepper and cumin to taste (you can always add more after cooking)
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine the ingredients and cook as directed in your rice cooker or pressure cooker.
5. Vegetable Rice Dish

- 2 cups rice
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 cup finely minced onion
- 1/4 cup grated carrots
- 1/4 finely chopped celery
- 1/4 finely chopped bell peppers
- 1/4 cup butter (optional)
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine the ingredients and cook as directed in your rice cooker or pressure cooker.
6. Spinach Rice Dish

- 2 cups rice
- 3 cups water
- 1 cup finely chopped spinach
- 1/4 cup minced onion
- 1/4 cup butter (optional)
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine the ingredients and cook as directed in your rice cooker or pressure cooker
7. Chicken Rice Dish

- 2 cups rice
- 3 cups chicken broth
- 1/4 cup finely minced onion
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine the ingredients and cook as directed in your rice cooker or pressure cooker.
I wrote this post today for two main reasons. The first reason is I know how expensive groceries are and cooking with rice on a frequent basis can save your family money. The other reason is I wanted to show you how easy it is to make rice recipes in a rice cooker, saucepan, or pressure cooker every day of the week. Just think how easy it is to use rice in your food preparation plans, and think how much money we will all save. Rice fills the belly. Please store rice, you can sleep at night knowing you have food to feed your family. Please remember to store water, spices, and beans. Lots of beans. You can make so many rice recipes with rice, water, and spices.
Please store water for your family. I recommend four gallons per person per day. May God bless you for being prepared. It’s a way of life.
Horchata Rice Milk by Mare:

- 2 cups long grain rice (rinsed)
- 4 quarts water
- 2 cinnamon sticks (broken into pieces)
- 2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
- 1 cup white sugar
In a large saucepan, combine rice, water, and cinnamon stick. Set aside for 3 hours.
After 3 hours, bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Let it cool.
Puree rice mixture in a blender until smooth. Strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Flavor with vanilla and sugar to taste. Chill, and serve over ice.
One Of My Favorite Casseroles by Linda
22 Ways To Use This Food by Linda
My Favorite Things:
Copyright pictures: AdobeStock_46761486 by airborne77
Thanks so much for the rice recipes, I wonder if you might know a great rice milk recipe, some I have tried just didn’t do it.. but I think rice milk, Horchata would be a good alternative to cows milk when needed…. My son is making oat milk, another for me to try, I have been on antibiotics for a month now and crave milk.. butter, yogurt, ice cream and creamy soups, Horchata tastes soo good I could give up on milk.. maybe someone here has the recipe (an easy one).. thanks…
Here’s an easy and tasty Horchata you might like to try:
2 cups long grain rice, rinsed
4 quarts water
2 cinnamon sticks, broken into pieces
2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
1 cup white sugar
1. In a large saucepan, combine rice, water and cinnamon stick. Set aside for 3 hours.
2. After 3 hours, bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Allow to cool.
3. Puree rice mixture in a blender until smooth. Strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Flavor with vanilla and sugar to taste. Chill, and serve over ice.
Mare, this is awesome! THANK YOU!!! Happy Tuesday, girlfriend! Hugs, Linda
this sounds good, I will try it this week, Glad it doesn’t include cows milk.. I was looking for one that I could make without the fresh milk… I know a lot have the condensed milk in them, that wouldn’t be bad but this recipe is more like what I was looking for, have tried the one that just soaks the rice overnight but it didn’t have the taste and was just made raw. not cooked so like potatoes, no flavor if just soaked in cold water, just bland… Thanks so much for taking the time to get this, I am excited…
You’re very welcome, Jeanne. From what you said, I thought you would like this one.
Mare, I’m adding your recipe to my post, Thank you, girlfriend! Hugs, Linda
Hi Linda, I’m glad you liked the Horchata recipe enough to add to your post. I thought I should point out, though, Horchata isn’t a pudding. It’s a rice milk drink. You may want to delete the “rice pudding” from the title. It’s just “Horchata.” Hugs back, Mare
Hi Mare, thank you, fixing it right now! Hugs, Linda
Hi Jeanne, it looks like Mare has one she just posted, yay! My grandkids will love that recipe! I’m sorry to hear you are still on antibiotics. Wow, please stay out of the public. I have never heard of oat milk. I have a granddaughter who can only drink rice milk or she gets sick. Be safe and get well! Linda
I’ve always liked sticky rice, too. Since I got the Instant Pots, I have rice more than ever, since it’s so easy and fast. *BG* Any of your recipes would make great fried rice, with any left overs, as well. I’m off to the kitchen now, to make some shrimp gumbo. Of course, there will be rice with that.
Have a great day my friend. Hugs to you, Mare
Hi, Mare!!! Thanks for the Horchata recipe!!! You rock as always, my readers will love that recipe! Shrimp Gumbo sounds yummy with rice, thank goodness for rice. Hugs, Linda
I shouldn’t have said give up on milk, just the horchata is made with way less milk.. and I have had it without any milk too.. since we can make it with canned milk, it would be a tasty treat if there is no power to keep milk cold. for children and toddlers and the elderly it would be a way to satisfy the craving for milk.
Hi Jeanne, I have had to give up all dairy, I get sinus infections and I finally figured out why. I love cheese but will not eat any dairy now. Wait, except a little whipping cream sometimes! LOL! I’m glad Mare shared a recipe to make Horchata rice! Yay! Linda
I’m also prepping for two, but I’m fine with 5 gallon buckets of rice because I put the rice into 1 gallon mylar ziplock style bags, and put 4 bags into a bucket. This way when I need to breach a bucket, I only have to open one bag at a time and I can reseal it with the ziplock style top. I’ve been buying those mylar bags for 50 cents each when I get 100 at a time, so even adding an oxygen absorber to each bag it still saves me money over the #10 cans.
I’m such a cheapskate, er, bargain hunter I also tried an inexpensive hair straightener to seal the mylar bags and it works like a champ! Sure, it’s a bit of hassle each time I bag up 25 pounds of rice since I have to partially seal the bags, toss in the O2 absorbers and then quickly finish sealing them, but I’m storing rice for about half the price of #10 cans.
Love those recipes with shelf-stable items. Will definitely add some variety to a post event diet. Never thought of using chicken stock to flavor the rice while cooking, thanks!
Hi Dmwalsh, great tip on the curling iron and the Mylar bags!! I love it! I could eat rice every day, well I almost do eat it every day!!! LOL! Linda
I love organic short grain brown rice. I buy bulk and I put the whole bag in my chest freezer. I have never had a problem with it going bad. I love your posts!
Hi Debra, great tip on putting the brown rice in the freezer! Perfect solution!!! See how we learn from one another! I love it, Linda
I love the rice recipes. I do store rice in 5 gallon buckets. We eat a LOT of rice. I copied your horchata recipe to make this week. and I printed all the other recipes as well. I want to try your spanish rice recipe as I can’t seem to find one we all like. LOL. I am not a big fan of brown rice, but we do try to eat some at least once a month. I love long grain and wild rice. My daughter in law makes a rice and hamburger dish that is wonderful. We also like fried rice. I make red beans and rice at least twice a month.We also use either chicken or beef stock to season rice when adding to other dishes. My grandkids love rice pudding.So I make that a couple of times a month,don’t want them to get burned out on it LOL Thanks for all that you do. God Bless and keep on prepping.
Hi Judy, I love rice, I just add more spices if my Spanish rice doesn’t have the kick I like. Mark likes his mild, I like mine with a little more spice! I love fried rice too!! Wow, I doubt your grandkids will get tired of your rice pudding. Be sure and share the recipe with them so it’s never lost. Keep up the good work, Linda
I have started the 3 ring binders of my favorite recipes for each of my grandkids. I bought them at the dollar general, and I bought sheet protectors at Costco. So when I print out the recipes I make as many copies as I need for the binders, then place in sheet protector. The girls love looking through my old cookbooks for recipes also to add to their binders.
Hi Judy, oh my gosh! I love this idea!!! What a great project to do with your grandkids!!! I love it! Linda
Love that rice pudding made me smile thinking to when My Great Grand daughter got married, She married a wonderful young man, they went thru school together and after graduation were married, He being Mexican/Italian she wanted to fix him something special like I fixed when she was little… she was so disappointed at the outcome, she phoned me asking me how she messed up as it didn’t turnout like mine did.. she wanted it so smooth and her pudding had texture… I had to laugh after she told me what she had made, He loved good rice pudding and I had fixed her tapioca pudding as a child… He of course was so happy wife had fixed him the rice pudding and she could wipe the young wife’s tears away as no it didn’t and shouldn’t be like tapioca pudding… He is a great cook and comes home every night to fix dinner for her, and when coming for a visit, he takes over my kitchen and I don’t mind a bit, after coming out of the hospital last time, he cooked up so much and froze lots so I didn’t have to cook from scratch for over a week after they went home…
Jeanne, wow, I love tapioca pudding, that’s a great story! I love hearing the story how he wiped her tears, what a kind addition to your family. Oh, and the cooking for you and his wife, your granddaughter!! He’s a keeper!!! I love this comment! Linda
Thanks for the recipes! While I also purchase from Thrive and other companies, I would also like to put a plug in for the Bishops Storehouse! While there is not the wide variety as other places, they have the basics for a very good price. If you have a storehouse close that’s a great way to incorporate food storage into you budget. My goal for the year is to buy either a case or a can every week! If there isn’t a storehouse close you can order online and the shipping isn’t too bad!
Hi Cheryl, thanks for the tip! I’m glad rice is fairly cheap in #10 cans. I know I can stretch any meal with more rice! Linda
Love your foodstoragemoms.com. Thank you for great ideas for ways to make meals from our food storage.
Hi Maxine, you are so nice to comment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want people to know how to cook from scratch and save money at the same time. Thanks again, Linda
Hellllo Linda!
I would love to eat rice every day but I kept hearing about how important it was to rinse at least three times or at least until the water was clear due to natural arsenic. The Chinese rinse three times and the older generation takes the rinsed water and adds to their gardens. Interesting…So what have you learned about it and should we rinse that much or just not eat it everyday? they are now doing research on baby food made with rice. hmmm.
I hope you are doing well my friend. Life is good here in Cincinnati. Going through an ice storm today as our usual winter fun here. All the bare branches on the trees look like a winter wonderland of ice. We have hills here and we sometimes freak out when we loose control of the car going down them. I wonder why? LOL..,.I am glad I am retired!
Take care and be safe my friend.
love from Cincinnati Ohio
Hi Vivian, oh, the ice storms are the worst! They are so scary! I have read about the rice containing contaminants. There are so many contaminants in all the food we eat whether it is seeds, milk, the meat we eat, oh I could go on and on. If we really knew what was in our food we would all be thin, watch some documentaries on Netflix. You may be surprised or you may not be. Stay well and stay safe! Linda
Here is a link to the FDA report about the rice. BTW I love your rice recipes. They make my mouth water.
Hi, Vivan, thanks for the link, this may help people decide if they want to eat rice. I will continue to eat rice but there are other foods I will never eat again. I guess it comes down to moderation in all foods. Thanks again my friend, Linda
I do not own a rice cooker but I do own a pressure cooker which I don’t use to cook rice. Now, what I do use to cook rice is a simple boiler pan with a lid. You can substitute a plate for that missing lid too but be careful when the rice is done, that plate has no handle and it will scald you if you let it. The cook time is the same 17 minutes as with the pressure cooker.
Hi wanderer, it’s great to be able to cook rice, anyway we can cook it. Thank you, Linda
love my jasmine rice ! tried basmati (?) not same !
thought – maybe some instant rice ,no flavor ,but filler ,jus in case ?
yep i got some for HARD times only !
jus c/h2o & c of rice ,quick
Hi Daphne, I love jasmine rice!! Yay! Linda