7 Reasons To Stock Underwear
Today, I want to talk about 7 reasons to stock underwear. Gwen M. sent me an email asking if I had ever written about stocking bras, underpants, t-shirts, and socks. I haven’t written a single post on that subject, but I decided my readers might possibly appreciate some suggestions on why stocking up on them is important.
Well, with what’s been going on the last few months regarding supply chain issues, and the emphasis from so many circles that cleanliness and proper personal hygiene are critical to limiting health risks, it sure seems appropriate to talk about stocking up on these personal items we all use. Thank you again, Gwen.
Here’s the deal, we all wear underwear, so there, I said it. So, it only makes sense that we all need an inventory of underwear of different kinds. Let’s be honest here, I bet all of us have heard from our mom or grandma as we grew up, “make sure you have clean underwear on in case you have an accident.” My mom used that phrase as I grew up, particularly when I started to drive. She didn’t want me to be taken to the hospital wearing dirty underwear.
Heaven forbid we got in a car accident and we had holes or stains in our underwear! If you took your shoes off, holes in your socks not only were uncomfortable but grandma may have been mortified if she saw holes in your socks.
We all know shelves seem to be more scarcely filled lately. At least grocery stores, right? As part of my research for this post, I headed over to a local store that carries food, groceries, home decorations, and clothes of all kinds, including underwear. Why, not, right? I wanted to see if those shelves or racks were slim pickings in the underwear department.
I want you to think about the stores you like to frequent when shopping for your favorite brands of underwear, bras, and socks. The next time you’re near one of those stores, please check out the shelves or racks for the ones you would purchase. You may want to stock up on your favorite clothing as well. When in doubt, stock up.
I went to a store called Dillards, or at least I thought the store was still there in Orem, Utah. Nope, it looks like a distribution center now. I love housecoats from there and I like to buy them when they are end of the season and at half price.
I was pretty disappointed to see it had lots of shipping trucks but no doors to walk in and look for bargains. Here in Utah, it’s pretty much the norm now to see many of the retail stores in shopping malls closed forever and online shopping only. The days to try things on are becoming a thing of the past, it seems.
Items You May Want To Stock:

7 Reasons To Stock Underwear
The past year or so has been a frustrating one when it comes to commodity shortages and the related higher prices for many things. For a long time, you could buy a refrigerator but not a freezer. I have a friend who ordered a new front entry door from one of the big box home goods suppliers and they ended up waiting for over six months. We’ve heard about shortages of lumber and now cement, making the construction of homes and commercial buildings experience cost overruns and price increases.
I didn’t think shortages could carry over to the clothing industry. On a recent visit to an upscale department store, I overheard a sales clerk tell a prospective customer that the store didn’t carry “plus” sizes, but that they were available online. Many stores were caught with larger inventories than needed for many items during recent lockdown periods when customers couldn’t visit the stores or were too afraid to do so, even on a limited basis.
Now many of those stores have cleared out those excess inventories and aren’t sure what to expect when it comes to supply and demand as the new school year approaches. As you can see from the pictures below, shelves at a popular department store near my home have a limited stock of underwear, briefs, and socks. Yes they had some inventory, but it may not include the brands or sizes they normally carry, or the ones you want.

1. Stores are Stocking Less of Everything
As consumer buying patterns have changed over the past 18-24 months, with fewer people visiting stores and doing more online purchases, retailers are moving to limit what is on display. You may be able to buy what you need online, but the in-person experience may not present the positive shopping trip you had hoped for. If you have a growing family with kids needing larger sizes or different styles, having to guess from what you see on your computer screen could be a challenge.
If you are forced to make those critical purchases online, I suggest you carefully check out the store’s return policy so you aren’t stuck with an item you can’t use or return.
2. Human Nature Dictates We Want Clean Underwear
Whether it’s a day working in the yard or on your laptop for hours, there’s nothing like a shower or bath and then fresh clothes to make you feel on top of the world. Unless you love doing multiple loads of laundry during the week, it’s great having a few drawers full of clean underwear ready at all times. Having the right “undergarments” that feel soft, supportive, and fit just right makes that night on the town or evening in front of the TV all the more enjoyable.
Yep, we may want to go braless at times, but the practical side of life dictates we need choices in every underwear category that are clean, comfortable, and fit each occasion. One day it may be that sports bra for you and comfortable briefs for him when working out. On other days it may be a strapless bra or boxers for the long evening out in dressy clothes. It’s hard to imagine putting back on some underwear you wore yesterday because you didn’t have time to wash them in the sink.
3. You May Not Be Able to Find The Brands You Love
If you’re the fussy type, be sure to have multiple pieces of underwear in those dresser draws because you may find it hard to locate exactly what you want in the brands and styles you’re used to. I don’t feel I need the very best and more costly brands, but I don’t want to purchase items that won’t last or feel comfortable. As shown in the pictures above, some stores just aren’t carrying the inventory we’re used to seeing, so if you do find what you like, buy enough to last a while and give you the choices for daily wear you want.
4. The Quality Seems To Be Going Down
Speaking of choices, do you feel like the quality of clothing, including underwear, is on the decline. It sure seems like my clothes used to last longer before I had to replace them. It may be a function of so many items being manufactured “offshore” rather than right here in the good old USA. I can’t believe how many clothing items are being made in China and other parts of Asia.
Again, if you find what you want in the variety and quality you’re used to, buy some extra sets so you have enough to last you a while.
5. No One Wants Worn Out Underwear
One of my favorite brands has gone out of business, so I’m in the process of trying out new options. When in doubt try new brands so you have a few extras available.
6. Socks with Holes Just Aren’t Right
Mark’s mom used to darn his socks when they got holes in them. She’d sit and watch TV while she made sure those holes disappeared. She used a light bulb inside the sock to make the sock the right shape as she pulled the sides in to fill the gap. Well, I’m not one to darn socks, even though I know it could save me some money. It’s just me, but I buy good quality and expect them to last. If they get a hole, out they go.
7. Kids and Grandkids Out Grow Underwear and Socks
When my four girls were growing up I made most of their clothes, until they each decided they were too old for “handmade.” I loved to sew, and when they were young, they seemed proud they were wearing something their loving mom had made for them.
I felt blessed to have all girls since they could share and/or pass down the clothes over time. I also felt lucky I wasn’t having to deal with growing boys who tend to be hard on clothes as they roughhoused or played outdoor sports. We now have a bunch of grandkids (17) made up pretty much evenly of boys and girls. I watch as my daughters are having to deal with worn-out or outgrown clothes, particularly the boys working on their bikes and cars, or being fully involved in sports.
Mark and I used to give the grandkids clothes for birthdays and Christmas. Now, it’s funds sent by Venmo so they can purchase what they really want. I’m so grateful for the posterity we have, and I’m also grateful their parents are having to deal with replacing all the clothes they go through each year. Whew!!
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Final Word
Just as I suggest every family needs to be prepared for emergencies, families need to plan ahead and have extra underwear for every family member. Yes, we take our seldom-seen underwear for granted, but we sure miss them if we find ourselves dealing with power outages, days on the trail when hiking or camping, and other scenarios. Please stock up on those items you feel you need.
With good quality clothing becoming harder to find, take some time and find what works best for your family’s financial and preparedness needs. We all need to feel comfortable and confident as we interact in a family, school, work, and social setting. Having clean clothes, particularly our underwear, goes a long way in achieving those goals. May God bless this world. Linda
Test comment
Thank Matt!
You should have said “Test reply.”
Hi. Karl, thank you! I asked Harry and Matt to see if my blog was up and running. Someone sent me an email saying the server was down. I think she needs to clear her cache on her browser. Linda
Kohl’s on line has currently good barn and on t shirts and long sleeve t’s. They carry 100% cotton. Not all t’s are cotton, but the fiber content is listed, so you can chose. I recently purchased several long sleeve t’s for my husband for 6 dollars and some change each.
Hi Melissa, thanks for the tip on these shirts!! Linda
Reason number 8: Helps to hide signs of incontinence when you get older. 🙂 Younger guys can go commando.
For socks if you can find them I recommend Alpaca wool. Most comfortable socks I’ve ever owned (summer or winter) and extremely durable.
Hi Ray, I love your comment! I will look for Alpaca wool socks, thank you!! Commando, now I have the giggles!! Love it! Linda
Words of true wisdom, Linda. We’ve taken to buying multiples of just about every item of clothing or footwear over the past 3-4 years. We are in that very common size range which tends to be the first depleted. The guys have learned (mostly) to rethink just how much they can afford to be incautious about their duds. If I have to darn socks, I will, but usually they are a lost cause by that time. Blessings to all.
On this subject, I have been well focused. I have acquired 22 pair of my favorite Earth Therapeutics socks with aloe. They are unbelievably soft. My husband is diabetic so I keep a close watch on his feet. I will often take one of my pair of socks and put lotion in them before giving them to him. I also have several extra heavy socks and three pairs of high quality…..think LLBean ….. slippers for him. We don’t wear shoes in our home, so socks are very important. I even provide slippers and socks for guests.
I am far from a thin beauty, so bras and panties that fit well are a major importance. I like to shop at Kohls, so every time I have a 30% off, I check the sales on underwear and leisure wear. Cold winter days with no where to go are perfect for warm robes, and fleece bottoms. Even without an emergency, stocking up is a wonderful idea. Stay safe and healthy everyone
Hi Chris, oh I love Kohls! They always have coupons too!! Oh, I love hearing you have acquired 22 pairs of your favorite socks!! Life is good when we feel clean and comfortable. Linda
It’s hard to change people, but now we just have to learn to be more careful with things. The need to avoid being careless and neglectful is more critical now than ever. People need to learn how to use things and care for them properly. I am fortunate to be able to say that my things tend to last a long time from the cars I drive, to my electronics, clothing, knives, books, etc. Now I see my habits as a total advantage.
When I shop if one store seems short then I just try another one. That being said, I am lucky enough to have lots of places to shop where I live. I know some are not so lucky. And I am flexible enough to compromise or try something new. I’m looking for what is available and I look all over stores before I leave.
I tend to look primarily for clearance items and if I can pickup an extra pair of shoes or hygiene items or whatever it might be, I grab it. The “wait till you need it” advice is no longer good advice. Besides, bargain shopping makes good sense right now. It’s harder to stock up with rising prices and low inventories.
My current mindset is to get anything I’ll need or desire to have when ever it is available and most affordable. And then to properly take care of it. My clothes and shoes tend to last me a long time because I keep them clean, but even then I am gentle when washing and I follow directions on the labels.
And when my clothing gets old (I don’t want it anymore) or a tee shirt shrinks, I offer it to someone else or donate it. Hopefully people will start to think of their “old things” as items to gift to others to help them or to trade with others so we can all have things we need. Being wasteful should also become a thing of the past.
Hi Frank, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment. Boy, did you nail it! I always check out the clearance sections first. We must be mindful of sales and grab the items now they may not be available or cost a whole lot more next time. I’m like you, I am very careful with the items I buy. We can’t waste anything right now. Linda
I have always been a person to stockpile items of clothing that I like. I’m “fluffy” but not outrageously so…definitely top-heavy. The latter makes it reeeeally hard to find clothes that fit. I have to special order bras due to a large size and they only last a few months after carrying these bad girls around all the time. They’re expensive, too. They stopped making them the same way and I can no longer find them in their original format! I have 2 left. (Oh, the horrors! Same with panties; they still make them but they cheaped out on them. The lace at the top is not as wide so they’re tight, the leg openings, really tight! (I’ve actually lost quite a bit of weight so it’s not that my fluffiness got more fluffy!) They look the same, same manufacturer, size, etc., just made cheaper. I don’t ever use a clothes dryer (it’s outside clothes lines for me, all the way!) and that really helped prolong the life of them. I’m ok, but still don’t know what I’m going to do when they all finally give out. I go barefoot alot, which is actually a no-no for diabetics but I wear socks alot in the winter. I buy GoldToe socks for my husband and he’s always got spares. We keep his old socks for polishing, cleaning, rags, etc. So this article is really fortuitous…everyone should have a few spares at least, especially if it’s an article of clothing you really like. Man, I miss Dress Barn!
Hi Robbie, oh yeah, I miss Dress Barn! I forgot about that store. I tell you, things are made so much thinner and cheaper now. It’s so frustrating. I have to tell you a funny story, not funny at the time but funny. Mark and I had to go downtown to a display of sorts and I said, let’s go to Nordstoms. We walked in and I asked where the plus size department was. I haven’t been to a Nordstoms in years because Southern Utah did not have one. The clerk told me the store does not carry plus sizes. LOL! Wait, did I hear that, right??? You can only buy plus sizes online. Free returns. I got the giggles, who has time for that? I like to shop the clearance racks. Anyway, I did not order anything from anyone. Lesson learned. I still laugh over that comment! Linda
I like the comments about alpaca socks. I’m a knitter (among other things) and alpaca fibers can be worn by the majority of folks. Even those who are allergic to wool, so it’s worth looking for. The price is higher most of the time on alpaca, but if you’re sensitive to other fibers, it’s worth the cost.
Hi Paula, oh, thank you!! That’s good to know!! I love homemade knitted items! Great skill, Paula! Linda
Great article, Linda! Two thoughts: SAS shoe brand makes little bags of cedar chips called “cedar sox” that you can put in your shoes (or slippers) when you are not wearing them. They dry your shoes out and make them last much longer. They are kind of expensive, but last many years.
Also, Darn Tough makes wool socks in Vermont that are guaranteed forever! I have quite a few pair and they really last. I wish they made the prettier women’s socks one size larger, but that is the only complaint I have.
Hi Jan, I need to look up the Darn Tough socks!! I forgot about the SAS shoes, I love being reminded about those! Great comment! Linda
I am stocking up on military surplus (or overruns) from midwayusa.com/military-surplus-clothing/br?cid=23345 I particularly recently like their Belgin surplus t-shirts midwayusa.com/product/1024127994?pid=963589 The prices are good and the quality is better.
Hi Ed, oh my gosh, those look awesome!! Great quality and at affordable prices! Thanks for sharing!! Linda
I am overweight and I buy JUST MY SIZE panties but the last time my niece bought the size I always
wore was cut different and didn’t fit. I compared them to the ones I already had and they were the right size. I tried
out the old ones and they fit but the new ones didn’t. I now have to order mine from Women Within to get the
right cut. So I understand about the stocking up while you can. Never thought that Just my size would change but I was wrong.
Hi June, I hear you about the change in the cuts and designs of underclothing. It’s so frustrating to order them only to have to return them. Fingers crossed we can order a good supply of those items we love and they fit us. Linda
Just found out Jockey has lifetime warranty on their socks! I’m large petite which is incredibly hard to find in addition to have fabric sensitivities. Would love to find socks with no seals, (among other things) LOL! I turn them all inside out to wear. Cheapening products started long before the current economic mess. With school starting soon, it’s a great time to stock up (or has been in the past) on underclothes and socks. There used to be bigger packs of socks, underpants and undershirts at a better price. We’ll see what is available this year.
Hi Marilynne, I noticed the smaller packages as well. Yes, the cheaper quality started a few years ago, I’m not sure why. I was surprised to see so many empty shelves on July 1st when I went to the store to scope things out. On August 15th usually, everything is picked over. We shall see this year. Every year things keep changing. LInda
I see someone else recommended Darn Tough socks–I’ll repeat the endorsement! I have several pairs, and plan on ordering more. Between working and wearing riding boots, I’m rough on socks, and they’d better be comfortable (especially no seams over the toes!) DT’s socks last very well–plus they will replace if you return socks that wear out. (I haven’t tried that policy yet, but I do have a pair I’ve used hard, and are finally wearing through at the heel–so yes, I’m going to see if it’s really true!) They have about every thickness and type of sock you’d ever want.
Something to think about, if things every do go truly south and we all have to physically work harder… I’ve discovered men’s briefs. Since my poor hubby now has to use Depends, I figured I’d thriftily use up his things… They are SO much more suitable for heavy work, and last much better than women’s undies! And don’t give wedgies!
Hi Rhonda, oh this is an awesome comment! I need to try the Darn Tough socks and now men’s briefs! I love learning new things, thank you!! Linda
subject totally left out of the SHTFtime whole clothing topic >>> the days of the automatic washer “gentle” cycle and the “fluff” in the dryer could be gone for good ….
wash day is going to be a galvanized tub and washboard and whatever soap you can hope to scrounge up – today’s everyday cotton wear just isn’t going to last like it did …
Hi Illini Warrior, I agree, we will be hand washing our clothes and hanging them up to dry. Great reminder, Linda
This article sent me to Kohls today. Just FOUR bras, even after coupons cost me $98.00!!! and $40. for panties OUCH!!! There did appear to be a decent selection in the clearance racks and I did manage to grab 4 extra soft winter sweaters that must have been holdovers from last winter for only $8. each. I did notice some less than full shelves when it comes to sheets and towels. I also notices some of the rows are wider, maybe so we don’t realize there are fewer racks. We didn’t need any, but I did notice socks were a little skimpy.
Hi Chris, yay for some good underwear! Sweaters for $8.00 each are awesome! For my next trip, I will watch for sheets and towels. Last year I picked up two sets of my favorite sheets, I have to have soft ones and they were marked down. But I do need to replace my bath towels, I will go watch for shelving, spaces, and quantity. It’s never a dull moment when we need to replace critical items. Skimpy socks, that doesn’t surprise me. Linda
Linda, check out the Simply Vera Vera Wang Signature Bath Towels at Kohls. Thick, over-sized and luxurious. I stick with the solid white. Please let me know what you think. Stay safe.
Hi Chris, oh thank you, I will! I love really good towels, Linda
Great article! Once I found the local church thrift store my clothes buying changed forever. They offer all clothes at 2 for a dollar, shoes $1. I buy everything there except panties and socks – unless in an unopened package. The brands I buy are all name brands: for bras Warners, Vassarette, Just my size, Hanes, Playtex and even Victoria Secret. Same goes for clothes altho my favorite brand is Alia. With those prices I’ve accumulated somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 tops, 10 pants, 20 overshirts (long sleeved button front), 10 mid light weight jackets, 4 flannel PJ bottoms, 4 robes, 6 nightgowns, and on and on. Living in SW Florida I do not need many winter weight clothes. For socks I bought a pkg of 6 medium weight about 6 years ago – they get worn about 2 weeks a year. I do have 5 pair of ‘hospital’ socks – the kind you get when in for day surgery/overnight stay. They make great in the house walking around socks. My shoes consist of flip-flops, one pair of sandals and one pair of leather oxford type (original cost $160, no wear showing) that cost me $1. FYI all clothes are carefully checked for wear, stains, repairs, rips, etc.
Hi Bellen, oh my gosh, this is so awesome!!!! I wonder if other churches do this??? This would be so awesome and help so many people!! Wow!! I love this!! Thank you for sharing! Linda
Linda, this article of yours came to mind today. For only the second since this pandemic started, my husband and I went into our local mall. It was like walking thru a mosuleum. About 70% of the stores are empty. Three of the 4 anchor stores were closed, along with numerous jewelry and boutique stores. Of the stores we did enter, we seemed to be the only customers. Every store seemed to be be picked over, with the exception of Bath and Body works and Bed, Bath and beyond which seemed to be fully stocked.
Hi Chris, I feel the same way about the malls here. They are empty with very few big-name stores. It’s crazy that there are signs everywhere with jobs posted for 4-5 jobs at the open stores. Is no one going to work these days??? Linda