9 essential oils

9 Essential Oils You Will Want To Use Every Day

I have 9 essential oils to talk with you about today. I’m very concerned about what is happening around the world. Actually, even road rage is becoming rampant. I am starting to wonder why people are so angry that they must shoot and kill someone to get the lane they want to drive in, are you kidding me? There is one lane right outside my subdivision that is a bit tricky to make a lane change. Mark and I are more laid back and let people in, what’s the hurry, people? Maybe this is why I want to talk about using these 9 essential oils if and when we cannot leave our homes due to riots or pandemics. Keep in mind, I do not sit around and worry about stuff because I can take care of myself. Mark and I can sleep at night knowing we are prepared for any scenario. We have the water, food storage, first aid kits and essential oils to name just a few things we are prepared to use for everyday use or any emergency.

I wish I had a trailer hitch, but I don’t. If I could afford one with a trailer that would be great, but then I would have to store it somewhere. So, as I have said before I am not bugging out. I repeat I am not leaving my home for the hills to be a target for riots. This is why I suggest you learn to use this Medical Handbook and store first aid supplies and these 9 essential oils at the very least. Please order my book Prepare Your Family For Survival and study the book with your family today, not next month. Knowledge is everything. I recommend the paperback copies over E-Books for books like these. If we lose power we will need the hard copies.

Please do your research to make sure these 9 essential oils will work with the medications you are taking. Please remember I am not a doctor, nurse, or anyone in the medical field. I’m a mom and a grandma. These will not cure any disease. When I mention using a carrier this is what I use: Organic Coconut Oil  You place a small dot (1/2 inch or so) in the palm of your hand and add a drop or two of your favorite essential oils. This will dilute the oils to use on your skin. When in doubt go to your local healthcare facility or the ER if you need critical medical attention, they are the professionals.

Read More of My Articles  21 Essential Oils Everyone Should Stock Up On

I use only the brand doTerra for these 9 essential oils and all others I use as well. I’ve tried others and I always go back to doTerra.

9 Essential Oils


This is a good one for colds, flu, coughs, diarrhea, insect bites, and disinfecting living space. It’s a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, and astringent. This oil is considered a hot oil and therefore needs a carrier as listed above if rubbed on the skin for muscle aches and pains.

I add a drop to my morning hot green tea with a teaspoon of honey, this is also my own remedy to boost my immunity. Cinnamon Bark oil is stronger and more concentrated than the cinnamon we put in our oatmeal, cookies, or hot drinks. One drop goes a long way in a large 20-ounce cup of green tea.


This one is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative, antibiotic

This one is great for acne, gum problems, headaches, toothache, and insect bites. Put a few drops on a cotton ball and place it by the infected tooth. This is a wonderful emergency treatment until you can get to the dentist. Use a carrier with this one to use as a muscle or joint pain remedy. Add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water to disinfect countertops. I also love using this one in a diffuser.


When I talk about this one I always think of biblical times, Frankincense, and Myrrh. This one is my go-to for an immune strengthener, skin care, and making an emergency cream, it’s great for calming, and stressful times. It helps heal cuts and wounds, headaches, Bronchitis, Asthma, and skin conditions. This is a very mild oil and, in most cases, can be applied directly to the skin. Here again, as with any natural remedies start with a little and see how the skin reacts. I have never had any reaction, but you may.


Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, stress, antioxidant, analgesic, and astringent

Arthritis, skin care, back pain, bruises, minor burns, cuts, scrapes, Rosacea, stress, and insect bites. I have a daughter and my husband who have Rosacea. Mark won’t use it, but my daughter swears by it

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A sore throat, fever, muscle cramps, respiratory concerns, colds, and flu

It’s an antibacterial, antibiotic, disinfectant, and antiseptic. I like to combine Lime and my Breathe essential oils for colds and flu. It’s a good one for muscle cramps and muscle spasms. I love the smell when massaging sore joints to relieve the pain. I think that’s why Lime is called a mood enhancer, it’s so relaxing.


Analgesic, Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, decongestant, expectorant

Designed for cold and flu season, back pain, arthritis, yeast infections, hemorrhoids, congestion, and menstrual problems, as well as tooth and gum issues. I use a small cup of warm water with 1-2 drops of Myrrh added along with honey to drink for cold, flu, and congestion issues.


Use for colds, flu, congestion, and allergies. They have cough drops/lozenges as well, but I like the ones from My Doctor Suggests

Supports our immune system, hopefully, wards off the germs in the room from others who are coughing and sneezing. It’s all about keeping our immune system boosted.


Acid reflux, depression, heartburn, muscle pain, stomach pain, calming and stress

This oil is an antibacterial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, sedative, stimulant, antioxidant, and digestive. I add 1-2 drops in a cup of warm water and sip it. Use it topically for other issues. It’s great used in a spray bottle of water for spritzing sheets and wiping countertops. Use with a carrier as needed if your skin is sensitive.


Arthritis, joint pain, tendonitis, skin disorders, some headaches

I use this along with my Deep Blue for my arthritis because it’s an analgesic, plus it works great for muscle pain and aches. It’s awesome for those times you may have spasms and it’s a highly anti-inflammatory oil as well. I love it!

Please keep in mind you don’t have to buy all 9 essential oils at once. Start with a few that fit your budget and your needs. Please remember to store them in a dark cool place. I place mine in Essential Oil Boxes in one of my dresser drawers in my bedroom.

I quote this from the doTerra website: *”These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”.

Post on My Favorite Ones

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  1. I put Orange oil in a diffuser. I love the smell. When I have a cold, it is peppermint or eucalyptus. Works wonders.

    1. Hi Janet, I love using my diffuser. I have given one to several grandkids. Oh my gosh, I forgot one thing about peppermint. I will try that in my diffuser next time I have a cold. Peppermint works great with a q-tip on cold sores. My 11-year granddaughter had one pop up when she came here and I said you want to try some peppermint on it…it was gone in two days! I sent her home with a bottle and some Q-tips. I love essential oils! Great comment, Linda

  2. I love those oils. And I have them all plus many more. I cant live without OnGuard and Breathe. I have also began purchasing the roll on ( I believe they are called touch) of my favorites. I have tried several other brands, and I too prefer DoTerra brand. This is a very informative article on the uses for these oils. Thank you.

    1. H, Judy, oh how I love to hear that people love essential oils as much as I do! I have one roll-on of Deep Blue (almost gone). I love OnGuard as well. I’m going to work on a FREE printable for essential oils. I love visuals! Stay well, my friend! Linda

  3. Hi Linda,
    I’ve have heard and read both good and not-so-good reviews of doTerra Essential Oils. Please tell me why you prefer doTerra. Thanks,

    1. Hi Laura, I have been buying doTerra Essential Oils since they started in 2008. So, for the last 10 years, I have tried many other brands and they don’t seem to meet the standards of doTerra. I don’t sell them, I only use them. As soon as I get down to two bottles of certain oils, I order some more and only from doTerra. I would decide for yourself which ones YOU like. Linda

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