9 Pandemic Habits to Keep

9 Pandemic Habits to Keep

We face more restrictions and inconveniences today than we ever did before. But what I have to say next may come as a shocker to you. The pandemic wasn’t entirely a bad thing. That’s right. Even in the midst of all the uncertainty, confusion, and fear, there was some good that came out of it. Check out these pandemic habits to keep. 

There may be a few bad habits that you and I have picked up since then, but instead, I’d like to spend some time focusing on the ones that have helped us become better human beings. And once the pandemic is finally in our rearview mirror, we still need to continue to practice them. These are pandemic habits that you may have picked up that are worth cherishing and holding on to. 

9 Pandemic Habits to Keep

Keeping Your Pantry Stocked for Emergencies 

The pandemic helped many people realize why it’s so important to be ready for all types of emergencies. About a year ago, grocery store shelves were completely obliterated and took months and months to recover to near-normal stock levels. If you were able to track down a case of toilet paper, you should consider yourself lucky. 

Other items like peanut butter, vinegar, liquid bleach, and hand soap were also harder to come by. That’s why I always stress to each and every one of you, to establish a pantry that’s fully stocked so that your family isn’t left hurting like so many others have. Now, this is one of those pandemic habits to keep!

Continuing Your Home Workout Routine 

For some of us, not being able to head to the gym took a huge toll on how we looked and felt about ourselves. However, a lot of people discovered that they could continue to stay in shape, even without all the expensive equipment. Even when gyms across the country began to open back up, several regular gym-goers canceled their memberships because they realized that workout videos and cheap equipment worked also. Here are 9 free ways that you can work out from home.  

Read More of My Articles  30 Items You Need To Survive A Pandemic

Checking in on Your Elderly Neighbors 

We all faced our own challenges and hardships when the pandemic was at its worst, but the elderly in our neighborhoods may have struggled with it the most. With the fear of the unknown, most of them didn’t get out hardly at all except checking the mailbox. Now that life has somewhat gotten back on track, don’t hesitate to check in on your elderly neighbors from time to time. See if they need help with some of their simple everyday tasks, or if they need you to pick something up for them at the grocery store. Here are a few other ways that you could assist the elderly down your street. In case you missed this post, The Best Ways To Help The Elderly

Continue Supporting Small and Local Businesses 

It doesn’t take a genius to see that shutting down the country for a few months had a devastating impact on the economy, as well as for small and local businesses. Sadly, thousands of small businesses were never able to open their doors back up for their loyal customers. Even huge companies that have been around for ages went bankrupt in 2020. If we want our favorite mom-and-pop restaurants and hair salons to remain with us, we must continue to support them.    

Be a Generous Tipper

The waiters and waitresses working at restaurants in your area took a huge pay cut when businesses were only permitted to function at half capacity. More than you may realize, those men’s and women’s livelihood depends immensely on receiving those tips. However, several restaurants and local businesses still haven’t fully recovered, and people in this line of work are still struggling to make ends meet.

When the pandemic was at its worst I believe we were all more aware of this fact. There were those that even went out of their way to tip a little extra than what they normally would have done because they saw the need. The next time that you’re at a sit-down restaurant, I’d encourage you to reward those who went above and beyond in serving you. You may be that special person who helps to put a smile back on their face.     

Read More of My Articles  Critical Documents You Need for Emergencies

Declutter and Donate 

We certainly had much more time on our hands when everyone was forced to stay home, and it didn’t take long for some of us to wish that we had a clutter-free house. We saw the pandemic as the perfect opportunity to make that happen. Do you remember that wonderful feeling you had when the clutter was gone? Even now that life is returning to some normalcy, don’t forget to declutter and donate every once in a while to help others in need. 

Save Money on Food by Gardening 

Growing your own vegetables in your garden not only saves you a couple of bucks here and there, but it also provides you with a satisfying and rewarding feeling that you grew delicious tasting produce all on your own. Even if you don’t have a backyard, you can still grow several tasty edibles in pots right on your balcony. In case you missed this post, How to Garden With 5-Gallon Buckets

Don’t Forget to Deep Clean 

With more time on our hands several months ago, many of our homes looked better than they had in ages. The top of the refrigerator was now sparkling clean,  every fan blade was dusted, even the microwave and stovetop looked immaculate. Now that we find ourselves busier once again, still take the time to do one or two deep cleaning tasks a week, and your home will continue to look and feel better. In case you missed this post, 10 Cleaning Tips For The Minimalist  

Wash Your Hands Often 

The Coronavirus outbreak opened our eyes and made us realize just how important it was to keep our hands washed. We have also been reminded time and time again that washing them for at least 20 seconds helps to remove most germs and bacteria. And when soap and warm water weren’t available, there was hand sanitizer to hold you over in the meantime. This is a good habit that we all should keep practicing. In case you missed this post, Why You Should Wash Your Hands Often

Final Word

Whether good or bad, all of us have picked up new habits since the pandemic began. I’d like to think that some of those habits have helped us become better people, like staying connected with family and friends, giving a helping hand, baking goodies with the grandkids, or simply waking up each day excited to learn something new.  What are some pandemic habits to keep that you’d like to share? May God Bless this world, Linda.

Copyright Images: Cleaning Supplies Deposit photos_188871424_s-2019

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  1. Another great post, Linda! I feel that it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I’m hoping I’m wrong though. I’m prepping as much as possible. Finances are limited due to being retired and on a fixed income, but we try to buy extras. And save up for big items.

    1. Hi Deborah, I have to agree with you. Interest rates are starting to go up and home prices are going through the roof, literally. We all know this “Bubble” will burst very soon, we need a correction in the market. Hang on and we all need to be ready. You can’t get lumber at a decent price (I heard it’s gone up 200%) in one year. My memory may be wrong on that, but that’ what I remember. Plus, the home appliances have a six-month to 12-month backorder. Hang on, Linda

      1. You are right, Linda. Lumber has shot up 200% IF you can even find a yard to sell it to you. I don’t know about the housing market, though. My next door neighbor got a job promotion last year in the fall but has to relocate so they put their house up this Monday, They waited till school is almost out to put it up and 2 1/2 days later it was sold. Gonna miss them, they have been great neighbors (unlike the jerk behind me, long story).

        1. Hi Kathy, I hate to see good neighbors move. The crazy thing is people are paying 20-25% over the purchase price of homes here. We were watching the news last night that a talked about a subdivision in Utah (where I live) canceled new home builds because they cannot build them for the original contract price. WOW!! This means the families bought in good faith with deposits to build some homes and they are NOW being refunded. YIKES! Rentals are in short supply, something has to give, the bubble is about to pop on the housing market. I hope a great family moves in next door. Linda

  2. Great post! Also a good reminder to be grateful for all that we do have. I would add continue to spend time with your close family. Since we couldn’t socialize with friends, travel, and do so many other activities we were able to enjoy more time with our family. I realize not everyone felt comfortable doing this but I am so glad for the family dinners we started having with those in our household and with our married children/grandchildren (small group of 10). Everyone was so grateful to be together and I hope to continue and add other activities. Of course, our state did not lock down like some did – another thing to be grateful for.

    1. Hi Kay, oh I love hearing this comment! I have to agree with the pandemic we were forced to slow down. It’s wonderful you had dinner with family, children, and grandchildren during that time. Great comment, I remember talking to my sister in another state that we felt like we were in a nursing/care-center home. We couldn’t leave or at least didn’t want to go out to eat or grocery shop. We almost felt like we were in jail. Not really, but it was so lonely. I pray the people who lost jobs can recover. What a mess. Linda

  3. What a great article! I read through the topic about checking on your elderly neighbors, you offered such great suggestions.
    April 2020, our doorbell rang. It was the 19 year old & 14 year old sons, from the family across the cul-de-sac. My husband is a healthy 85, and I’m 67. I had just had a knee replacement surgery in Feb 2020. The boys told me that they were going to the market, and did we need anything . It was so sweet. I was well stocked for supplies.
    As they left, I realized they WERE checking on the elderly! (I hadn’t really thought of myself as “elderly”, until that day).

    1. Hi Laura, oh my gosh, best comment ever! I’m 71 and I don”t picture myself elderly either! LOL! What a blessing to have neighbors like that! I’m glad you were able to get your knee replaced because shortly after that they wouldn’t do any surgery here. Unless it was life or death. I hope you can walk and run now without pain. I had both knees replaced two weeks apart about 9 years ago. Love it! Linda

  4. If you wouldn’t mind my making a suggestion that had applied to my husband and I. Stay current…… on dental cleaning and checkups……on Doctor appointments and tests like mammograms and routine blood tests. Putting off these appointments and others can put you and your families at risk if the time comes that you truly can’t do them safely . God was watching out for us, because we were current on everything and we didn’t have to put ourselves at risk in the early part of this pandemic. God bless you and keep everyone safe.

    1. Hi Chris, I love suggestions. You are so right about dental care and health checkups. We were lucky as well, we go to the dentist every six months. Our health depends on healthy teeth and a healthy body, for sure. Love it! Linda

  5. I agree with Chris on staying current with medical/dental/vision check-ups. Had I put off my eye exam, I might not have known early enough that I have an eye disease that can be semi-controlled with supplements and certain foods. I had an eye exam in 2020 during the lockdowns but was thinking to put off this year’s exam. Boy am I happy that I did not!

    I know not all will agree with me, but, I am probably going to continue to wear a mask when I go to the grocery stores, pharmacy and other places that tend to be crowded. Not only now because of the pandemic but when I consider that I have not had any colds/flu for well over a year now, I am OK with the slight annoyance of using a mask.

    As for staying well supplied/stocked with food, cleaning supplies and that sort of thing, I will always keep up with those things. At my age, I never know when I might not be able to go to the stores.

    Hand washing!! I developed stress related eczema and finally went to a dermatologist. I now use Cetaphil cleanser on his recommendation because it is very gentle on the skin. I have my eczema pretty well under control now. This cleanser does not create suds like regular soap though. The doctor’s advice was that it isn’t how long you “suds up”, it is how long you rinse. So using whatever cleanser you choose – high sudsing or not – rinse longer than you lather!

    1. Hi Leanne, I know a lot of people are anti-mask, but at my age, I will continue to wear one. Do they work? I don’t know but I need to stay well. I’m so glad you went to the eye doctor. I love Cetaphil, my dermatologist suggested it years ago. I love it!! Linda

  6. As a owner of a Mom & Pop Shop (20+ yrs), I have seen an increase in business. So everyone, keep it up. Continue shopping local and shopping small business.

    CC Video Duplication
    Melbourne, FL

    1. Hi FLAPrepper1, Yay!! This is great news! I try to buy everything possible in our town to help the family-owned companies! I use InstaCart to help those who are out of jobs. We need our country to get back to work! I love hearing you are seeing an increase in business! I Love it! Thank you for sharing! Linda

  7. Planning meals a week ahead, then doing a quick, efficient, weekly shopping at non peak hours. This is healthier and safer, with less close exposure. You have time to concentrate on making well rounded, nutritious meals, with menus and dishes replanned for the time available for a given meals prep and cooking. Doing a weekly meal prep on the weekend also saves time on busy weekday meals. Utilizing these methods promotes less food waste and last minute takeout as well. Deciding what to have for dinner on the fly and daily trips to the market at peak hours are bad habits. Meals tend to be less healthy and so is the Food Budget when shopping daily like this. It promotes more reliance on processed foods and expensive pre prepped meat and vegetables. You can’t plan around specials or use coupons, multipacks, and leftovers efficiently.

    1. Hi MaryAnn, I agree, making a plan for meals saves us money. Stocking a pantry helps me save money. I try to stay out of grocery stores as much as possible. I need very little, but I will be so grateful for my garden that’s planted. I also think if I start a slow cooker meal in the morning then dinner is ready in 5-6 hours. Life is good if we have a plan. Great comment, Linda

      1. I agree Linda. Hubs is already grumbling about moving my “overly large Prepper pantry”, in his opinion. But in a 2 room apartment, I’ve stockpiled plenty of food. We got through the 1st wave of Covid without any trouble. I did a big shopping just before it hit, so Hubs was all set while I was in the hospital.Our new place has a very small back porch, enough for meals, and a couple of plants, besides my window boxes, so gardening will be limited, and none this year, too busy with the move. Planting time here is May. (Yesterday was 70°, then dropped 40° in 1 hour, be 27 by morning. Too early to plant, trees aren’t even leafed out yet.) I have 3 slow cookers that I keep very busy. 1 for overnight hot cereal, the other two for later meals. We use the microwave to reheat leftovers a lot. My parents got paid once a month, so shopping was once a month. We could make our own bread when needed, and we had milk delivered. So I fell into the pattern of having a well stocked pantry, and fridge. ( My parents had 2 fridges, a chest freezer, a root cellar and basement shelving for extra canned and bottled goods. Canning results were in the root cellar. I haven’t canned in a number of years, the canners are too heavy for me now, but I have canned vegetables, pickles, and relishes. Although I have a number of cookbooks, and a huge Pinterest site ( for a non blogger), I learned to cook without a cookbook, and often still do. Even if I use a recipe, it’s often not followed exactly. I know enough to use exact recipes for baking and canning though. I’m looking forward to a larger kitchen with full size appliances and a dishwasher!

  8. Hi Linda, you are so right about the real estate and rental markets. We were planning to purchase a condo. But the market here is “frozen”! Low supply, high demand there are bidding wars on everything available. It pushed us out of the qualified ability to buy. Too much up from, plus high mortgage payments, and utilities are going up then the taxes, too. If we did find a place we would be struggling. So we opted to stay in a rental. Luckily we found a much larger apt with almost everything we wanted and a huge amount of storage space. We.move in around May 1st. We were lucky to find this place when we did. The apartment listings were long and we had a lot of options in our range. Now the rental market is tightening up and prices are increasing. Covid has caused most of this. So now we are sorting, and getting rid of stuff as we pack. This was a great article Linda, Thank you!

    1. Hi MaryAnn, you give me the courage to list my home and find a rental. I know rentals are high as well. The uncertainty of our economy is scary. The nice thing about renting, you can up and move if you decide you don’t like the neighborhood. The housing market is going to burst, history shows us that. Then you can decide if you want to buy, a correction in the housing market is way overdue. Thank you, my friend! Linda

  9. doesn’t matter what your personal opinion is >>> as far as “pandemic” category is concerned – this was as far from a serious killer pandemic as it comes for a prepper ….

    less than 1% mortality? – a run of the mill killer pandemic hits 30% without problems – that’s like 60X what we have experienced in the last year – a change in society TEOTWAWKI event can be 60%+ without a problem ….

    if you want to keep a pandemic “habit” >>> upgrade your prepping to include actual honest to goodness protection gear – Typar suits – boots – gloves – full face respirators – bulk disinfectant & applicators like tank sprayers

    1. Hi Illini, if you look at previous pandemics they were so much worse than Covid. But young people may not remember Polio, Measles, and Chicken Pox. The Spanish Flu, the list goes on. You are so right we must be prepared for a major pandemic. Great comment, Linda

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