50 Of The Best Survival Excuses

50 Of The Best Survival Excuses

I want to share 50 of the best survival excuses I have heard over the years. The one thing I really need to get out to the world is that we must be responsible for our own families under all circumstances, including surviving emergencies. I realize that there isn’t much we can do if our home is blown away by a hurricane, gets totally flooded, burns down in a fire, etc. since those challenges come along with no fault on our part. So the key is to have a Plan B ready so you can protect your family during the emergency and then move on afterward.

I often joke with my neighbor across the street that if my house slides onto their front yard from flooding, I hope they have a nice guest room. I’ll dig for the food and water and take care of us. For those who prepare for unexpected disasters, it is a way of life.

As preppers, we’ve learned to approach our preparation with some consistency, whether we’re a buyer of self-sufficiency products, learned to control our emotions in tough times, spent time researching the best protection options, or applied lessons learned from our life experiences.

Since we spend so much time every day at work, it would be good to discuss some of these steps with your boss or upper management at your workplace so that in some unique situations they would have the rare opportunity to protect all employees, your colleagues, during a disaster scenario while they are at work. Believe me, they don’t want to have to take the blame if one of their own doesn’t survive the event.

In case you missed this post, Urban Survival Class: How to Make a Bug Out Lanyard

50 Of The Best Survival Excuses

50 Of The Best Survival Excuses

Here’s the deal, sometimes I hear statements from people regarding WHY they haven’t planned ahead for possible unexpected challenges. I’ve listed 50 common comments below and my responses. I hope these prove helpful as you negotiate your life’s journey:

  1. I can’t afford food storage. I’ve always told my readers that being prepared doesn’t have to be expensive. My mantra has been to “buy one can at a time.” Consider buying my book, “Prepare Your Family For Survival”, it has some great ideas you can apply to efforts in being fully prepared.
  2. My neighbor has enough for all of us. Don’t count on your neighbor to save the day. They may have SOME surplus, but they’ve prepared to support their own family, not the whole neighborhood.
  3. My family will feed us. Why should your extended family have to step up when your behavior has put your family at risk? You need to gain the passion to be self-sufficient and do all that you can to protect your family.
  4. The school nearby is full of food if we have a disaster. Yes, schools have food, but that is designed for short-term meal preparation for students and it needs to be replenished frequently. You can’t rely on it for whole neighborhood meals.
  5. My church has food for everyone. Churches, in many cases, have food for the less fortunate, but not for everyone and in every situation.
  6. That mountain over there has a vault full of food and water. I’m not sure where people get the idea that there is some special storage area up in the mountains. Who fills it, or maintains the inventory? Not there, and not going to happen!
  7. The government will deliver food to us if we need it. We have seen through their agency FEMA that the government does try to step in when disasters strike. But as illustrated recently with hurricane Ian, the degree of devastation directly affects how quickly, efficiently, and to what extent each family can rely on the government. The people on Sanibel Island in Florida have no truck distribution access from the mainland to the island. Either people are being rescued and evacuated to the mainland, or foodstuffs are having to be delivered by air or boat. Something I wouldn’t want to have to rely on.
  8. The American Red Cross will bring food to a center so we can go get it. I get requests all the time to make donations so the Red Cross can perform its worthwhile relief efforts in situations like hurricane Ian. They can only do so much, and to try and help all the people in need in Florida right now is beyond their capacity.
  9. The __________Church always comes through with food and water on TV. Organizations like Catholic Charities and the humanitarian/welfare department of the LDS Church do so much for so many, but they can’t be expected to fund and supply relief for every family in every disaster. It’s not feasible.
  10. I’ll get around to it, sometime. The old saying, “No better time than the present” really applies to emergency prep, particularly food and water storage. Yes, weather forecasting has certainly improved over the years and we often get a few days’ notice of pending challenges. But that doesn’t apply to fires, earthquakes, or the loss of a job and accidents that can truly change our lives. Get started now and stick to it, it may mean the difference between life and death.
  11. My neighbor has more food than she needs, and she will share. Don’t count on families on your street to be your support group, they have their own families to take care of. Don’t experience the heartbreak of poor preparation, start now.
  12. I’m living paycheck to paycheck. With inflation, high housing costs, and supply chain issues, most Americans are struggling at some level right now. Like I’ve said above, one can at a time. Also, evaluate other expenses that may be reduced or done away with, or you may need to secure a second job for a while. Tight finances can bring on frustrations, but with some planning and sacrifice, we can all get through the tough times.
  13. I’m retired, and I can’t afford food storage. Being on a limited budget with few options is difficult. Maybe you need to make a few changes in behavior, like buying from discount stores, changing your loyalty from specific brands to store brands, taking advantage of case lot sales, etc. are necessary steps that can provide the piece of mind that comes from being prepared.
  14. I’m old, I’m going to die anyway. A defeatist attitude doesn’t ever help. Make sure part of your preparation plans includes proper health care. In these challenging times, mental health monitoring and treatment are especially important. We can’t give up, we have to keep trying, if for no other reason than the love we have for those close to us.
  15. If it gets that bad, I want to die. See #14 above.
  16. This is a sharing and giving neighborhood, they will all share with one another. When the food and water supply get short, friendly neighborhoods soon vanish. Do your part and have your own stash for survival.
  17. I believe in the Law of Consecration from the Bible. Being willing to share all you have is a noble ideal, but one that seldom comes to fruition in a disaster situation. More than likely it becomes “every man for himself.”
  18. I’m good, I have a tent, and I will trade room for food. I think bartering is a goal we can strive for, particularly if we have goods and services/skills we can share with others. Planning on sharing a tent so you can get food seems a little lame, but it might work in the right situation.
  19. I‘ll be okay, I have weapons and ammo to protect my food storage and water. Make sure you’ve got your food and water stored too. You’ll need something to protect. I understand you may not have a police officer nearby, but caution is suggested before you take action on your own!
  20. I donate to my church, they will take care of me. See #5 and #9.
  21. My four-wheelers/ATVs use up all the space in my garage, with no room for water storage. Isn’t it funny the different priorities we experience in others? I’m all for recreation, but having food and water for your family seems like a more important priority.
  22. I will move into my parent’s home, they will take care of me. See #3.
  23. My house is too small to store food and water. I’ve seen some pretty creative ways to store things. We had Water Brick containers under our bed for years. Water, with the right containers and preservatives, can be stored outdoors. Cases of canned goods can go in closets, under beds, and behind entertainment centers. You may find more space than you think.
  24. The stores will not be empty for long, the trucks will come quickly to replenish the shelves. Depending on the situation, roads may be closed, so trucks can’t get to those stores. Also, if we see hoarding like past disasters, you may still be out of luck. Be that smart human being your Mom has been so proud of, start stocking up now.
  25. If we lose power, it will come back on soon. If you haven’t read this book, you need to, “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel. It seems like the loss of power is the most common challenge in a disaster. You can’t count on it being available, or if gone, how long it might take to be restored. Why take the risk?
  26. The water in our community will not become contaminated, the government is paid to protect our water sources. Almost every week we hear of another community where the water has been tested and found to be contaminated, and that’s when there hasn’t been a disaster. We can’t always count on the government to come through, believe me.
  27. I don’t know where to start, or what I need to store. Getting started is always daunting. I have a bunch of posts to help you, and again, my book referenced in #1 can be very helpful.
  28. My family is on a special diet, and I am not sure what to store. Only you know what can be eaten by members of your family with special diet needs. I’m sure my posts can help, but you may need some guidance from your doctor if you are that concerned.
  29. I used to store extra food but it went rancid. Having a plan in place to inventory and rotate all your stored foods is critical. Some things like flour tend to spoil faster than others. Also, having the proper storage containers and a cool/dry environment is important too. I always try to keep the packaging intact until I plan to use a food item so I can follow the manufacturer’s “use by date” guidelines, and then use it as soon as possible once it’s opened.
  30. All I really need is a 72-hour kit. These kits are great and we all should have one for each member of the family, but they won’t get you through any extended time period. Back up those kits with a realistic supply of food and water for a few weeks or months as space and finances allow.
  31. I have so many weapons and ammo, I’ll get what I need. See #19.
  32. I don’t like food storage foods. Some types of food storage items have gotten a bad rap over the years. I tend to shy away from the big containers of storage foods you see in the big lot stores from time to time. I’ve always suggested you buy and store only items your family likes to eat.
  33. I will not eat any processed food. Processed food can come in many forms. If you follow my suggestions in #32, you should be ok.
  34. My kids wouldn’t eat that. Yes, kids can be pretty picky!! Take them with you to the store and look for things they will like that have a longer shelf life. You can find healthy and nutritious foodstuffs of all kinds. Don’t rush, take your time and do some family-oriented research, we all have to eat, disasters notwithstanding.
  35. I don’t know how to prepare food storage for my family. The time to figure that out is now. You should be planning to “prepare” the foods you normally eat each day.
  36. I have ten buckets of wheat, I will trade wheat for regular food. As mentioned above, I’m all for bartering, and the wheat may prove to be a lifesaver. Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak. Have the food you and your family will eat, including ground wheat, but also store other items you normally eat all the time.
  37. I have a case of Vodka, I am prepared to barter. Good luck! You’re counting on the people with stored food to also be the ones who love Vodka. Yes, you’ll find some takers, but I’d suggest you have food on hand that you like and will use and not rely on the Vodka.
  38. My family will get tired of eating rice and beans. There are so many choices beyond rice and beans for a full pantry of longer-term foodstuffs. My posts give excellent examples of what I recommend. There are other sources for info too, like the American Red Cross. Do your research, there’s a ton of information available.
  39. Nothing is going to happen that’s so severe we won’t be able to get any food or water. Yup, some people will put their heads in the sand and ignore any warnings, no matter where those warnings come from.
  40. There is a preparedness chick that lives down the street, she’ll have enough for all of us. See #2.
  41. Do I have to buy food in bulk that my family won’t eat? Bulk purchases can at times save you money, but the key is to purchase foods your family likes with a decent shelf life, and hopefully, at a price that makes sense.
  42. I have 50 gallons of water in my water heater. Water heaters can provide some water storage, but you need to make sure that the city hasn’t announced a contaminated water alert. You may end up using it just for cleaning purposes and not for consumption. You should always have more than one source for water storage. And by the way, 50 gallons is fine, but won’t last your family very long.
  43. I’m on a very tight food budget. See #1, #12, & #13.
  44. I don’t know how to grow anything in a garden. For some people, gardening has become a lost art. Mark and I have been gardening our whole marriage and love having fresh food we’ve grown from scratch. I have numerous posts about gardening, including how to get started, what to grow when, and many other useful tips. Even if you live in an apartment, you can grow some things in pots. Give it a try, you’ll enjoy knowing it is fresh, healthy, and can help sustain you.
  45. I have silver and gold, I will trade them for food. Those metals will be useless if there isn’t any food on the store shelves. You can’t eat silver and gold. I hope you can barter, but I would make other plans as well for food and water.
  46. I forget to rotate what I have in the pantry. We all make mistakes from time to time. Don’t get discouraged, keep trying. It does pay to store a lot of canned goods that aren’t prone to spoil. It also helps to get into a routine of inventory, rotating, and replacing as needed.
  47. It’s overwhelming to think of how much food I need to store. Food storage and other prepping efforts can be daunting. That’s why I emphasize that you should start slow and small, just a can at a time. Have a game plan in place to meet certain goals over a period of time, and don’t feel you need it all at once. Get your whole family involved so they have a vested interest in making it work.
  48. I live in an apartment, with no space for storage. See #23.
  49. I’ve lived in the same area for years with no issues. You may feel you live in a safe area where disasters seldom happen. We all hope for the best, but really need to plan for some challenges, just in case. You never know what might happen when.
  50. I live alone and don’t have a family to worry about. Family prep is something most of us have to deal with, but even those living alone may have to “weather the storm”, so to speak. The advantage you have is not having the sheer volume of items to deal with, and you can store what is needed for your survival. Look out for yourself, possibly that’s your only chance for true survival.
Read More of My Articles  Crucial Steps You Can Take to Be Prepared

Final Word

You need the best survival tools, my friends, today not tomorrow. Please be prepared to take care of your family, no one else can. Please teach people to cook from scratch, no one needs to buy a cookbook to learn how to cook your food storage. Good old recipe books from the thrift store are the best. Give it a try, you’ll be very glad you did! May God Bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Flooding AdobeStock_316307905 by Michael Rolands

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  1. I’m always surprised at how little people think about logistics, but I guess I shouldn’t be…if it doesn’t immediately impact them then most folks ignore it since there are so many other things to think about.
    I work at a school and while I don’t deal with the cafeteria folks much I see daily food deliveries and that’s just for one meal and some light snacks for less than 1800 people.
    If folks have access to the History Channel on their cable or satellite provider then they might be able to see an episode of Modern Marvels, Mega Meals, season 15, episode 11 (sign in required to play) https://www.history.com/shows/modern-marvels/season-15/episode-11
    The segment that I enjoyed the most was watching them stuff food into a nuclear submarine for 160 sailors on a 4 month mission and it should be an eye opener to everyone with 760 pounds of food per sailor for just those 4 months! But all the segments give people a glimpse of the voracious appetite groups of people have for food supplies.
    When someone hears about my food storage I like to ask them if they have homeowners insurance, car insurance and health insurance. If they do, why wouldn’t they think food insurance was rational…at least with that you can eat it if you don’t use it for an emergency….
    Keep spreading the word! Thanks for all these articles.

    1. HI DmWalsh, oh I’m going to watch that for sure!! You made a great comment about insurance, it’s all about being aware of what MAY happen. I love your comment about feeding 1800 kids one meal and some light snacks. The submarine allotments of food, I can hardly wait to watch that! Great tips, Linda

  2. Right now in Venezuela, an oil rich country, people are starving. Before you say it couldn’t happen here, remember how close we were to a complete collapse in 2008. If you can only afford a couple cans of extra food each week, start there.

    Even if our government does everything perfectly, there could be a Carrington Event or some other natural disaster that we haven’t thought of.

    1. Hi Janet, great comment. You are so right, a couple of extra cans each week will do it. 2008 was a really bad year for so many people. How quickly some people forget the effects. Homes went into foreclosure, short sales and values plummeted. People lost jobs, companies went bankrupt, we all remember. The bad thing is that it can happen again, and it will. History shows that. May God bless this world. Let’s hope people do what they need to do and stock up. It’s the right thing to do NOW. Linda

      1. Sitting on my lanai today, I am reading your article and thing about the last 10 days where I live. I am a proud resident of Cape Coral, FL and live about 4-5 miles from the eye of Hurricane Ian. We were without power for 8+ days and we are definitely not in as bad a situation as some in the area. Very blessed!

        I have lived in this area for about 22 years and have been through numerous hurricanes, but Ian was a monster! I am very much someone who is prepared for lots of situations (certainly hurricanes) and still learned some lessons.

        Our generator did a wonderful job of keeping the refrigerator and freezers going, thank God. But, it only worked because I planned ahead to have it available and plenty of gas to get us through the first 4-5 days post storm.

        Our challenge was water. While we had plenty of water to drink and cook with, toilet/cleaning/bathing water was where we began to have issues. We are on a well and those don’t pump water without power. Thankfully, our neighbor had solar power for his well and kept us in plenty of water after our full bathtub started running low. In case you are curious, a typical bathtub will hold no more than 80 gallons of water at most. That goes really fast!

        So, while I learned some lessons that will not be repeated, we are safe and healthy and incredibly blessed!

        1. Hi Tammy, oh I love your comment!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! 80 gallons would go pretty fast! What a blessing to have a neighbor share water with you. I was thinking Hurricane Ian had to have been a monster as well! I’m so sorry it hit Florida. I’m glad you and your family are okay. Hopefully, everyone can get through the damage and repair stage. We were all praying for all of you! Linda

        2. Tammy, we have been saving the plastic containers from laundry detergent and fabric softener for toilet flushing. They will never be cleaned enough for drinking, but they have worked for us the two times we lost water pressure. We are grateful you prepared and are safe.

        3. Tammy, sounds like you did quite well with your preps. Kudos! I’m glad you brought up the water well issue of powering it. It actually takes a Powerful generator to run a well pump, mostly for the electric start up. I remember when my area had a bad storm come thru, took out my elec co-op’s head end. My boy’s dad brought out his generator (for commercial construction) , thought it was powerful enough to run our well pump: nope! It just kept shutting down. He was very surprised. I had water stored so we were ok for the 4 days we were out of electricity. A town nearby was out for 12 days, with their city water supply running out after 4 days! Kudos for your neighbor having a solar powered well pump. I think these are quite expensive but maybe only to replace the existing pump? Probably cheaper if that’s what a person starts with? Anyhoos, I often hear people say, ” you’ve got your own well so you don’t have to worry about storing water”. Oh, yes, I do!

          1. HI Wendy, oh this is a great comment! I do not have a well, but what an experience!!! Thank you so much this will help other others who may have a well. Linda

  3. Some things that store well , like beans, can.also be planted when things settle down enough to go.out and do it. My.sister in law had a bag of Pinto beans way past its ‘best before’, so she threw them in the garden for the squirrels. Nearly every one germinated, so they were able to eat the thinings as salad and enjoy beans later. Try it while you can. It might save you later.

      1. Question I have been looking for bulk oatmeal both for my family and ducklings as I am raising them. Do you know of anyone who has great deals on there oats I don’t want the ones from the feed store unless there are ways to make them safe for human consumption.
        Thanks I do appreciate all the work you put into your information I read it every time I see it in my email I have learned a lot you so thanks.

        1. Hi DonnaSue, thank you for your kind words. I know a lot of my friends buy from https://www.webstaurantstore.com/57403/bulk-grains.html?filter=type:oatmeal and also https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/search/oatmeal?category=24545
          I think it would depend on where you live and if the shipping costs are acceptable. I know Azure Standard has dropoffs. I hope this helps, God bless you in your search for the best product. Linda. P.S. Let’s see if some readers have other options.

    1. All kinds of stuff will grow like chia seeds, amaranth, Poppy and mustard seeds too, and of course beans. 😉
      I have loads of packets of seeds in a cookie tin saved from Christmas too.
      God luck with the pinto beans. My sister in law is in NJ by te way.

  4. Linda you are such an inspiration, I have shared many of your articles with friends and family. I have printed out your preparedness binder to share with our Sunday School class and family. I have printed out emergency pet care articles to share with my dog club as we have a lot of new members with their first dog.

    I’ve heard all those excuses. We just keep on helping those who are interested in any aspect of preparing for the unexpected. Every little bit accomplished towards that is an important step for all of us.

    One of the most important things to learn is that it takes time to learn skills, to accumulate supplies, to develop the ability to plan for the unexpected.

    Keep up the good work!

    As long as The People can sit in their recliner, eat junk, drink beer, smoke marijuana, watch the game on the big screen HD TV while typing away about the hardships and grievances of everything all the while in a climate controlled house there will be no change.
    Folks who wish they had something to eat or drink didn’t get haircuts, their nails done, put their kids on a school bus, drive their super X3500 LDS whatever to the gas station that has never failed to have fuel, then go to the every 2 week paycheck job and picking up dinner from the plethora of places or BTW grab some this n that from whichever store is near cause they are all stocked.

    Once that is removed or the actual fear of it being removed sets in they will change. Until then help those that will change and do not worry about the others except to protect yourself from them. A portion of them might have changed during covid, hurricanes or other events however have quickly reverted to the old ways because of comfort. They are in a even lower opinion category with me because they know better.

  6. On point Linda! I swear some of my friends have said every one of these to me! I’ve given up on them. Some have said the classic ” I’m coming to your house “. I reply – you won’t make it up the driveway. Mean I suppose but geez…

    1. Hi Beth, it’s not mean, it’s a fact. We have to take care of our family first. No one says that to me anymore!n LOL! I think people are starting to get that they have to provide for their families, I cannot. Linda

  7. Canning and preparing for winter are lost arts. If you learn to do these, the skills can transfer to many other disasters.

    1. Hi Janet, I totally agree with you on that. Once we learn to can and preserve food for the winter, we realize we can provide for our family with very little effort. Well, it still means work, but you know what I’m saying. Linda

  8. Great five star post, Linda,
    Those of us who prepare have probably heard all or most of those excuses. #31 gave me a chuckle. Those folks who use that excuse don’t understand that those who are prepared are also prepared to shoot back at marauders, especially here in Texas and I am sure that Matt can say the same about Oklahoma. And, Matt has an extremely good comment as well above.
    As to those who complain about food storage types of food, when their belly button is courting their spine, they will be glad to be eating beans and rice, if that is all they have. Whiners never become winners.

  9. Great article Linda. No one besides my DH and my son knows what I have been doing (or what I have on hand) I’ve told my DIL1 and my sisters in law when the SHTF to get their butts here. My one SIL is to bring her two (single) brothers here and DIL 1 is to grab Son1’s two in TN and the their lil sis and get here pronto. Son2 and family will be here with DIL2’s mom and sister as they live close. We are the go to/ bug out location for the family. Where I live there is no where to “bug out” to that doesn’t require a 150-200 mile trek. It may be fatalistic of me but this is where we will be.No we can’t move due to health issues.So I do what I can to be as ready as we can.

    1. Hi Kathy, oh I am bugging in that’s for sure. I am too old to bug out. I have everything I need right here. I love hearing you have a plan in place. It’s such a good feeling knowing what you can do as a family together. You need to pay yourself on the back! Good job! Linda

      1. Thank you, DH thinks I’m preparing for Armageddon LOL but I have ALWAYS had “extra” on hand due to when I was little when my dad lost his job, didn’t get another for 6 years. It was very tough on my parents. I had 5 younger siblings that really didn’t know what was going on. Dad had a small part time job but that barely kept us, some nights I went to bed hungry so they would have enough to eat. My sibs still think to this day we had to move for Dads job but I know my parents lost the house, unfortunately I overheard them talking one night, Mom was crying about having to split us up between the grandparents and aunts. But dad had an old army buddy that would rent a house for us to move into and didn’t charge him lot of rent. He didn’t get his new job till the end of the year we moved into the rental house. We stayed in that rental for almost 3 years. My sibs still to this day think its because the house they were having built wasn’t finished and the rental was closer to where dad got his job. Sorry to unload but I have been keeping this secret for a long time.

        1. Hi Kathy, wow, that’s a tough secret to keep. You know if people could read your comment, they would understand how important having food storage is for the family. I can’t imagine the stress your parents went through. Hanging on for 6 years would be tough, I’m so sorry, you had to deal with this. The good thing is, you learned from it. I grew up with a single mom and we were very poor, but I know my mom did the best she could for us. The bonus, I know how to stretch a penny, to make a pot of soup. Oh, and bread. Thank you so much for sharing, you are awesome! Linda

        2. Please know my prayers are for the little girl you were, and the strong woman you have become. You whole family is blessed because of who you are. Whatever the future holds you will give it the best you have. God keep you in his hands. Please stay safe and healthy

          1. Thank you Chris and Thank you Linda for letting me vent. I have been learning so much from this site and the wonderful people on here. Thank you for your prayers. On a happier note my garden over produced this year. So I have acorn squash coming out my ears HA HA. (anybody want some LOL) Second planting of carrots is doing very good also DH got mini romas this yea , by accident and I got about 4-5 lbs off the plants. 3 lbs are now in the freezer as puree and we kept eating the little buggers, they were so good. Green beans did well too. The red peppers didn’t do so hot but we had a good crop of green ones. We came across some Sweetie Pie Peppers at a restaurant when we were in AZ, so we’re going to try growing them next year IF we can get the seeds.The restaurant pickled them and they were very good. . The chef let me try some without the pickling and They were really good.

          2. Hi Kathy, oh, I love hearing your garden over-produced this year!! SQUEAL! Life is so good when we grow our own food! I have never grown Acorn squash, I’m a plain Jane and only grow Zucchini and Crookneck. But, I could eat those year-round!! LOL! So many have reported their green beans did not do well this, year. I’m glad you had a good crop! I LOVE your comment! Linda

  10. Linda,

    What an excellent article and so appropriate. Those of us who are prepared are insured against foreseeable disasters. I use the insurance analogy all the time when talking to people who aren’t prepared. When they say they’ll be coming to my house I just laugh and say, “Good luck with that.”

    Many outstanding comments from everyone.

  11. Gee Whiz , wished I lived closer, would trade you a couple of acorns for some zucchini, LOL. We usually eat the acorns with butter and brown sugar. You cut them in half, scoop out the seeds , keeping some for next year and do the rest seeds up like pumpkin seeds, put the butter and some brown sugar in the well. Bake at 350, I cover them with a tent of foil for about the first 15 mins, then uncover and bake till fork tender. YUMMY. I dehydrated some this year due the abundance of them so we’ll see how that goes.I had about 8 medium sized ones that made about a quart of dehydrated squash when they were done.

    1. Hi Kathy, oh that dehydrated squash would be good in some soup! I love hearing this! I may have to try growing some next year. This year is the first time in over 50 years I have not had a garden due to relocating. We are still waiting on a building permit. We may have to come up with a Plan B if the city will not approve our plans. Life is so good with a garden! Linda

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