Best Time to Buy Children’s Clothing
Have you ever stood in the children’s department of a clothing retail store, scratching your head, wondering why that tiny and adorable pair of blue jeans cost the same amount as the pair you’ve just picked out for yourself? After all, they only use up a fraction of the fabric and half the labor to make. When is the best time to buy children’s clothing?
Best Time to Buy Children’s Clothing
It also doesn’t provide you with any comfort to realize that your children are growing faster than bamboo, (which is incredibly fast, I might add) where your daughter’s favorite Minnie Mouse t-shirt fits one day, but not the next. To make matters worse, you may have a boy and a girl as siblings, where hand-me-downs simply aren’t an option to help you save money.
Now that you’ve taken the time to consider all of this, it certainly doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for you to continue wasting money paying full retail prices for kid’s clothing. So the question is, when’s the best time to buy children’s clothing in order to take advantage of the best prices, rather than be taken advantage of? I’d be more than happy to help all you mammas out there save a bunch of money.
Shop Between Seasons
If you’re only going to take one thing away from everything that I say, let it be this. One of the best ways to help save your family a bunch of money on kid’s clothing is to do your shopping between seasons. That’s when you will find clothing at its cheapest because that clothing retail store will be trying to rotate their product in order to make room for the next season. Everything will be on clearance and at its cheapest mark-down if you consider the seasons and jump on those sales as they take place.
Even though it may be the month of May, along with a consistent 60 degrees outside each day, consider going out and buying all your children’s wintertime clothing for next year. This will, in fact, take more thought and planning on your part because you’re having to think about how much your child will grow in the next 6-9 months, but you’ll save hundreds this way.
Shop Great Deals During Annual Holidays
After reading the caption, you may think that Black Friday is going to be at the top of my list, but it’s not. While you can certainly pounce on great deals and savings the day after Thanksgiving and before Christmas, the periods after other holidays also offer store-wide discounts to save you even more. Here’s a look at a few of the most notable ones.
Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday, usually the Monday following Thanksgiving, has only been around since 2005, but shoppers are quickly finding out the huge amount of savings that can be had on this day. Just like its name suggests, Cyber Monday is a great time to go online and add to your cart that way. Don’t forget to put in that promo code to make the price drop even more. But you don’t only have the option of shopping online on this day. Most, if not all, clothing stores will have incredible deals within their stores as well, where some of them will even have a certain percent off everything in their store.
Back to School
Back to school may not be considered a holiday, but more like a season that comes at you quickly. Make sure that you head into your favorite clothing retail store around Labor Day weekend, not necessarily to pick out your kid’s new school wardrobe that you’ll be paying a high dollar for, but to find last minute deals on summer clothing that your kids can wear next year.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Looking for another clearance clothing holiday? Mark your calendar for Martin Luther King Day. You’ll find that several clothing retail stores participate on this day and the savings can be huge! Some of the popular stores to check out include Gap, Forever 21, Express, and Asos.
After Holiday Shopping
After holiday shopping, like Christmas and New Year, is another fantastic time to buy your children’s clothing. That’s because shoppers are no longer as interested in the clothing market as much, which means you’ll have some amazing luck when you head into their stores. There’s even a chance that you’ll be able to swipe some snazzy kid’s clothing for only pennies at popular retail stores too.
Don’t Shy Away From Garage Sales or Thrift Stores

As soon as we realize that spring is just around the corner, it’s not too long after that when we see garage sales start to pop up like dandelions. If you think that you can’t find nice kid’s clothing at garage sales or thrift stores, think again. You’ll find tons of gently worn clothing at several homes in your area and pay a ridiculously low fraction of the original price. Your children and spouse certainly won’t notice the difference.
You’ll be able to snag kid’s winter clothing to tuck away until it gets colder outside once again, along with plenty of summertime clothing that they can wear now. You’ll have the convenience of all summer long to find great steals…I mean, deals.
Final Word
Just to double-check to make sure that you were paying attention, the best time to shop for children’s clothing is between seasons. There are also a handful of holidays that might surprise you, where you can find some super hot deals! For all you seasoned and veteran moms out there, what are other times of the year or particular clothing stores where you’ve been able to save your family a bunch of money? May God Bless this world, Linda.
Copyright Images: Children’s Clothing AdobeStock_210427248 by New Africa, Children’s Clothing Garage Sale AdobeStock_189426048 by Chrystine
I have always bought clothing at resale shops & yard sales. I remember when my daughter was in 1st grade I went to a yard sale and bought some beautiful high end dresses for my daughter for school. The daughter of the woman I bought them from saw her in them and asked if my daughter had bought them from that store and my daughter said no I had bought them at a yard sale. The girl thought we were so gouch to buy clothing at a yard sale. Her mother would not buy her anything at a yard sale. I bought them for $1.00 and they were close to a $1,000 originally. My daughter just looked at her and told her that my mom will just go and buy them for less at your mom’s yard sale. Of course these days my daughter would not be caught in used clothing but to be fair to her what we find at the yard sales anymore isn’t worth $0.10 each to be used for rags. Of course we don’t live near a high priced store anymore.
Hi Jackie, what a great story!! I know my sister who could afford to buy high-end clothes but will not. She goes to thrift stores and buys a beautiful jacket only when she needs one. She is very frugal and lives close to high-end homes where people donate great stuff. Why pay full price if it’s a jacket you will only wear to travel in or whatever. It was a beautiful jacket. She has shown me things she has picked up at a fraction of the price of new. Garage sales aren’t so great here either for clothes. Life is good when we dress for less. Linda
These are the people we will feel sorry for starving in their high end clothes as we in our $3 (on sale) walmart or $1 yard sale t-shirt eat glorious meals with that money we saved.
Am I bitter?/ NOPE–read I Timothy 5:8. He tells us how to live.
It’s in big letters on my garage wall beside the kitchen door leading inside.
Hi Jay-Jay, I always say, if you want something bad enough you will find a way to buy it. You will cut back, save, cut back, and save some more. Life is good when you know your priorities. I would love everyone to read that scripture. It’s a good one, thanks for the reminder! Linda
My husband and I have been raising 2 of our grandkids until recently. I am constantly replacing clothes they outgrow and live for out of season sales. One of the best things I do is hit Walmart. The clothes for babies and kids are just fine from that store as they either outgrow them or ruin them so fast. I’m always looking for t-shirts. I’ll buy one of every color I can find for the granddaughter in the next size up, usually for $2 ea. They’re normally around $4.50 and up now. I purchased a really nice winter coat for her at Costco for $8 which was normally over $40. They only had a few sizes left so they clearanced them. Lucky for me, they had the size I needed. I can find “play” winter coats for them in the spring for super cheap and I don’t have to worry about whether or not they’re going to wreck them outdoors. I don’t usually find Back to School sales all that good anymore so one has to be super careful and know your prices.
I used to get alot of clothes at our Stake’s Clothing Drive and I was really sad to see the Church discontinue it years ago. I know it was alot of work (cuz I worked it!) and it certainly wouldn’t work in these Covid days but dang, it was good!
Hi Robbie, oh my gosh, I love the kid’s t-shirts at Walmart. I would get them on clearance back when my grandkids were little and applique something on it to match the twirly skirts I made to go with them. Life is so good when we find good sales. Target has really good sales as well. That Costco purchase on the coat for $8.00 was a great deal! Great comment! I hope your sweet grandkids will be okay, you worked hard to give them a loving home. Stay safe, Linda
Back to school shopping….. I remember the days…… my son grew so fast that the new school clothes I bought in August didn’t fit come September
Hi Chris, I remember buying clothes on clearance knowing one of my girls (I had four daughters) would eventually wear what I was lucky enough to pick up for pennies on the dollar. Boy, buying them in August and they didn’t fit in September, darn!! Those were the days, Linda
I don’t have any kids but I have went to garage sales to see if I can find any clothes for me. I am a overweight person and if I am lucky I can find a few items. Like the kids clothes I don’t see that they use that much more material to make a XXlarge shirt and charge twice as much. I have tried the local
Goodwill has what they call plus signs that are large or Xlarge. I can find some at Walmart but believe me I wear my clothes till they are so ragged I can’t wear them anymore. Growing up mom made all our clothes.
Hi June, I can relate. I wear my clothes until they are ragged. I have what I call my black uniform. I have 5 capris, and 5 shirts all black all the same. Wash and hang up to dry and wear them. I live a very simple life. My mom and I made all my clothes growing up. I made all my kid’s clothes as well. Now people can buy them cheaper and they are well made at Walmart and Target on clearance for less than you can make them yourselves. Life is so good, Linda