Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar
This chicken noodle soup mix in a jar is part of my series on making meals to eat later. They make great gifts for new mothers, holiday gifts, and you can take a pot of soup at the last minute to someone who is sick. When my grandkids call me saying they have a cold, they always ask me what they need to help them get through it. My first response is always chicken noodle soup. The second choice is green tea, with honey and lemon. And don’t forget Vick’s VapoRub. I also love my one essential oil called “Breathe.” I can’t get low on that essential oil or I go into panic mode.
Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar is the Perfect Gift
You can gift one of these jars to a neighbor who is under the weather, or make a pot of soup for your own family at the last minute by just adding water to the jar’s ingredients and then cooking it. Who doesn’t love a hot pot of soup, right? I like to drop these soups off as surprise gifts or I enjoy gifting them to someone when they are sick.

Ingredients for Making The Soup Mix
- Dried Parsley: Parsley has a delicious slightly bitter taste that contrasts well with other flavors. Used to enhance the other flavors of the soup.
- Garlic Powder: A spice that is created from dehydrated garlic. Also used to enhance the other flavors of the soup.
- Sweet Dried Basil: Sweet dried basil has a very distinct flavor, but is a milder herb than regular dried basil. It has less of a licorice flavor.
- Chicken Bouillon: Made with a variety of seasonings, including salt, chicken stock, dehydrated vegetables, and fat.
- Bay Leaf: A very aromatic leaf that when infused with a liquid gives off a subtle minty flavor.
- Dehydrated Carrots: Dehydrated carrots are nearly as healthy as fresh carrots. When properly dried, the carrots maintain the majority of their minerals and vitamins.
- Dehydrated Celery: Dehydrated celery is crisp, light, and delicious. When properly dried, the celery will keep most of the flavor, minerals, and vitamins as a fresh celery stalk.
- Dried/Minced Onions: When dried, onions take on a richer flavor than regular onions. Perfect for soups! Adds a kick of sweet onion flavor!
- Wide Egg Noodles: The eggs in this pasta noodle help to create a noodle that is thick and hearty when cooked.
Filling The Jars
Grab a wide-mouth quart (32-ounce) mason jar and layer the dried vegetables in order. Start with the onions, carrots, celery, and then the noodles. Place the sweet basil, garlic powder, one bay leaf, and the bouillon in a small bag. Seal the bag, it will go on top of the dry soup mix ingredients. Place a lid on the jar and seal the airtight jar with a FoodSaver.
You’ll need a Funnel to fill the jars with the dry ingredients, trust me. As mentioned, the seasoning bag will go on top of the pasta. These are so fun to make, my friends! These would make great gifts to take to someone who is sick or having surgery, the list is endless. The recipient will be so excited to make this delicious soup! Seasoning Bags I used. I bought the 3.5” x 5.5” size bags. You may want some Twine or ribbon for the gift tags.

Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar
I think my favorite part about this whole soup-in-a-jar mix is that it’s ready to go. When you’re hungry, you can simply get one of these out. You can spend a day prepping a bunch of jars for future use and then get one out when you need to. Also, it’s a blessing to someone else when you give this Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar to them.
What the Soup Looks Like
When it comes to chicken soup, I think it’s one of the yummiest recipes you can make. The recipe itself can be so different, but this is my favorite. If a family member asks you to make them Chicken Soup, you get out this recipe and make it for them. They will be so thankful they know someone who can make a delicious soup.
Step One: Place Dry Ingredients in a Soup Pot
When ready to cook, place the dry ingredients in a large stockpot.

Step Two: Add Water and Seasonings
Add the 7 cups of water and the entire contents of soup mix seasonings on top of the dry ingredients.

Step Three: Add the Bouillon Cubes
I threw the bouillon cubes in, but they quickly floated to the bottom. After the soup comes to a boil, simmer for 20-30 minutes, or until the vegetables and pasta are cooked to perfection. Stir to make sure the soup is well mixed, particularly the bouillon cubes.

Finished Product
Remove bay leaves. Add the 2 cups of cooked chicken to the heated soup mixture, and stir until heated through. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy.

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar Recipe

- 1 teaspoon Dried Parsley
- 1 teaspoon Sweet Dried Basil
- 1/4 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1 Bay Leaf
- 2 Chicken Bouilllon Cubes or 1/3 cup granules
- 1/4 cup Dried/Minced Onions
- 1/4 cup Dehydrated Carrots
- 1/4 cup Dehydrated Celery
- 2-1/2 cups Wide Egg Noodles
- 2 cups Cooked Chicken or canned chicken (add after the soup is made)
- 7 cups Water
- Salt and pepper to taste
1. Grab a quart (32-ounce jar) mason jar and layer the dried vegetables in order. Start with the onions, carrots, celery, and then the noodles.
2. Place the sweet basil, garlic powder, one bay leaf, and the bouillon in a small bag.
3. Seal the bag, it will go on top of the dry soup mix ingredients.
4. Place a lid on and seal the jar with a FoodSaver.
1. When ready to cook, place the dry ingredients in a soup pot, add the water, and the seasonings, and bring them to a boil.
2. After the soup comes to a boil, simmer for 20-30 minutes or until the vegetables and pasta are cooked to perfection.
3. Remove bay leaves.
4. Add the 2 cups of cooked chicken to the heated soup mixture, and stir until heated through.
5. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy.
What can I serve with this soup?
What size of jars can I use?
You can use quart mason jars (32-ounce size), or any jars equal in size. I have a ton of canning jars, so these were my first choice.
Should I use a FoodSaver to seal the jars?
I used my FoodSaver to remove the air out of the jars so I can store them in my pantry.
Do I need Oxygen Absorbers in the jars?
You can use oxygen absorbers but I don’t. I only want these jars to be used for fairly short-term storage.
Can I store my soup in bags instead of jars?
Yes, you can, but the edges of the pasta may tear through the bags. I’m sure some people may use Mylar bags, but I don’t like to use them, it’s a personal preference. I have jars, so I opt to use them.
What is the shelf-life of these soup mixes?
You may remember, Mark and I took classes to get our Master Canning and Preserving Certificates. We have been canning for over 50 years as a family, but I wanted to learn the updated safety tips. According to our class, if you process food at home, it will last one year safely. From experience, I know we used my homemade grape juice when it was two years old, but I’m just sharing the facts. Everyone has their own impression of shelf-life, I get it. Please do what you feel good about.
Are there Gluten-Free Noodles?
Yes, a reader mentioned she uses Sam Mills Gluten Free Corn Pasta Lasagna Corte. Yay, for another option for our GF friends! Gluten-Free Pasta
Could I use rice, quinoa, or lentils in this recipe instead of noodles?
I really love what the wide egg noodles provide in this recipe! If you’re interested in rice, quinoa, or lentils you would need to be mindful of how to cook them compared to how the wide egg noodles are cooked.
Could I replace the dehydrated vegetables with dried vegetable flakes or powders?
I highly recommend using the dehydrated vegetables in this chicken noodle soup mix-in-a-jar recipe! We are going for larger pieces of vegetables in this recipe like you would find in regular chicken noodle soup. If you were to use carrot flakes, celery flakes, or onion powder you would have the flavor, but a thinner soup. It all depends on the results that you’re aiming for!
Could I add additional dehydrated vegetables?
I really love the dehydrated vegetables that are in this recipe as is! By adding additional dehydrated vegetables the flavor would be different than a traditional chicken noodle soup. If you’re interested in adding additional dehydrated vegetables to this chicken noodle-in-a-jar recipe, I would recommend adding any of the following dehydrated vegetables: red or green bell peppers, potatoes, peas, tomatoes, or any other of your choice.
If you like this Chicken Noodle Soup Mix in a Jar recipe, check out my Soup Mix in a Jar Series!
Final Word
I hope you enjoy this chicken noodle soup mix in a jar recipe and my other Soup Mix in a Jar series. I feel an urgency to teach others to cook from scratch and make it as easy to make as possible. Families are busy, and I get it. Let’s teach them to cook with the ingredients from the pantry in their homes. If we stock up, we’re prepared for the unexpected. Plus, what a great example to the kids and grandkids that breakfast, lunch, and dinner don’t have to come from a fast-food drive-through. If you have a favorite easy-to-fix soup I’d love to hear about it. Stay safe and stock up. May God Bless this world, Linda
I can’t wait to make this for myself and for my neighbors who are elderly! They will LOVE this!
Hi Jess, I love soup and I LOVE having the jars lined up in my pantry for last-minute meals. Thank you for the 5 Stars! Linda
Yum. Gives me an idea for vegetable soup, too. Using my home-dehydrated vegetables, lentils, and tomato powder.
Hi Paula, oh that sounds yummy! I have a vegetable soup coming up. You know we can make these so easily if we dehydrate our own vegetables. Then make some powder and we can make all kinds of soups!! I just started using lentils this year thanks to Janet, a reader who taught me how to use them. Soup is yummy! Linda
Ohhh…..I love this! I can’t wait to put some of these jars together. Such a great idea! Thank you sooo much! Loving your ‘Soup Mix in a Jar’ series recipes!❤️
Hi Camille, thank you for the 5 stars! You will love having these jars in your pantry! Linda
Such a great idea! These would make fun gifts too. I can’t wait to try it
Hi Alli, thank you for the 5 Stars, you will love having these soups on hand! Linda
I can’t wait to make some of these up for us. I think I may half the recipe and use pint jars for the two of us. These would be great for anyone who’s sick. Easy to make and good for you. Linda, you are Awesome!
Hi Deborah, I’m working on some pint-size soups today. Luckily, AppyHorsey caught I forgot the water in the tags. Or at least how much. The girl I pay to make them will be redoing them. I love soup!! Thank you for the 5 Stars! Linda
I love soups, too. I could eat it all year round. Almost every day. Soup and salad is my favorite meal.
Thank you for the two soups in a jar recipes. I’ve a question, is it necessary to seal them?
Hi Joanne, if you use them within a year, I don’t think it would matter. I’m sealing them only because I have a FoodSaver, but the stuff we put in these are in containers now. One year they should be fine. Linda
Can I vacuum seal the soup mix in a foodsaver bag instead of a jar?
Hi Jeanette, yes, you can. Linda
Hi Linda and all, Can I use other noodles besides the ones in the picture? When I make chicken soup (from scratch) I use fine egg noodles as my “boys”(my hubs and sons) prefer the littler noodles. I have also done soup with spaetzle noodles if I want a thicker broth. Thanks
Hi Kathy, any noodles will work, I bought those because they were smaller and would fit in the jars easier. Oh, and I need to try those spaetzle noodles!!! Yummy! Linda
Thanks Linda, I will have to get/make the dehydrated veggies and get cracking on the jars. Has anyone been able to get lids lately? The stores aren’t getting a lot in and online is too expensive for this Old lady. Thanks again, Kathy
Hi Kathy, I have heard some Walmarts have them. Someone mentioned Ace Hardware had them. The last I heard the company was beefing up production. I just found these on Walmart.com https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ball-Wide-Mouth-Lids-12-Count-Bands-Not-Included/16213252. Please check your local Walmart, they may be cheaper. I will look the next time I go there as well. Linda
Hi Linda, this does indeed look delish. I especially like that it can be gifted in so many different situations. I see that you said you don’t t need to seal it, so that answers one of my questions as I do not have a food saver. Where do you get your dehydrated celery? I have the carrots and onions so I’m good there.
Thanks for all you do to keep us informed and well fed:)
Hi Rita, thank you for the 5 Star! I opened a #10 can of dehydrated carrots from Thrive Life. I bought them back when they were cheaper. I just bought a bag of dried vegetables for the next batch of soup mixes in jars from Amazon. I’m testing my recipe in the slow cooker right now. This next jar mix will have beans. I’m fine-tuning the recipe to get it ready. I want 52 different jars of soups, stay tuned. We need to make cooking from scratch easy and affordable. Linda These are the vegetables I bought for some upcoming soups: https://amzn.to/3skKfoJ
Since all the mixture is dried, if I use an oxygen absorber and vacuum seal the jar lid would you think it would last a long time for prepping?
Hi John, I always ask, “define long-term”? You may be able to squeeze in 2-3 years, I really don’t know. I am planning on using my soup mix jars within one year. I’m a Master Canner and Preserver so I lean on the side of caution. It’s a personal preference. Linda
I am going to throw in that anyone wanting some actual chicken meat in the soup can use canned chicken. This can be used as a pantry staple addition to the soup if one wants to use it. I have used canned chicken instead of home-cooked chicken for a lot of recipes and especially to “beef” (chick?) up chicken soup!
Hi Patricia, I just added it to the recipe card. I use those cans of chicken from Costco in just about everything. Thanks for the reminder, I LOVE it! Linda
Hello everyone. Amazing reads every time. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. I love it! Neighbors think I’m nuts with all my prepping. Lol. With being a vegan I would also suggest that soy curls could be added in place of the real chicken. I tried it ( fresh food, not dehydrated first to check for taste). Works great. Thought I’d share for anyone who doesn’t eat meat.
Hi Carol, thank you for the 5 stars, my sweet friend! Now, I want to look into soy curls! We have several vegans in the family. Thank you for sharing! Linda
Thanks again, Linda. My hubs is going to ACE sometime this week so I’ll have him pick up what he can.
Hi Kathy, I hope he can pick some up!! Linda
I really need to make some of these soup mixes in a jar. Winter is coming and I love soup anytime of the year. Especially when it’s cold outside. Chicken noodle and potato are always good anytime.
Hi Deborah, thank you for the 5 stars, my sweet friend! I love soup, potato is another one of my favorites!! Linda
Timely article as I was down to just one jar. Got to replenish. I add canned chicken to the soup when I make it.
Just a quick note to let you know the Seasoning Bags are out of stock. I’ve used small ziplock bags for the seasonings before and they work okay, but then this soup rarely sits on my pantry shelves for longer than a few months.
Hi Ray, thank you for telling me about the link, I found another one. Mark and I went for a drive to see the changing leaves in the canyon (beautiful) and I meant to check those! Thank you for letting me know. It’s so awesome to have the jars ready to go!! A hot meal at the last minute. I’m going to add a can of cream of chicken to mine, sound ds even better! Linda
I am on a low salt diet, as is common with so many of us as we age. So, I substitute no added salt broth for the bouillon cubes and water. When I give soup as a gift, I put the jar of soup mix, a container of broth, and a can of meat into a gift bag with instructions, so everything is included. If I know the person prefers cooking with a crockpot, I also include a disposable slow cooker liner for ease of clean up.
Hi Ginger, thank you for the 5 stars, my friend! Oh, my gosh, I love hearing how you add the broth and meat (separately) in addition instead of adding them to the mix. Great idea!!! The slow cooker disposable liner is an awesome idea!! Thank you for these great tips! Linda
If making several jar of chicken noodle soup for gifts how do you figure how much of the dehydrated vegetables to order? i.e. how many oz. do you order to get 4 cups (16 recipes) of dehydrated celery? Carrots? Onion?
Hi Terri, I just ordered some bags and split them out as evenly as I could. I had some vegetables left over that I just used in soups. I did not calculate by the ounce it was too complicated. Linda
Excited to try this for gifts but would like a little direction before ordering the dehydrated vegetables. Thinking I will be making about 20 recipes in qt. jars. What size bag did you order? Approximately how many soups did it make?
Hi Terri, I’m so sorry I wish I could remember. I bought the dehydrated vegetables and opened a can of dehydrated onions from my food storage stash. I just purchased more than I needed because I knew I would use them throughout the year. Linda
Hi Terri, one more thing, it all depends on which brand you buy. It depends on how big the pieces are. There are too many variables to know for sure how much to buy. Linda
I’m unfamiliar with dehydrated vegetables. I do see dehydrated carrots, like on Amazon, etc. but I don’t see dehydrated celery – but I do see dehydrated “cross cut” celery. Is this okay for this recipe? I know the author discourages the “flakes” so I’m hoping cross cut is what I’ll be purchasing?? Thanks for a reply.
HI Marilyn, dehydrated vegetables must be cooked so you can use dehydrated celery or cross-cut dehydrated celery. It’s the shape of the cut celery before dehydrating. Linda
I am making these delicious looking Soup In A Jar recipes as Christmas Gifts for work friends. I am including canned chicken so the recipe is totally complete as given, or of course they can choose to use fresh chicken if the prefer. My question is, for this Chicken Noodle Soup recipe, should I be telling them to drain the chicken before adding it to the soup?
Hi Patricia, thank you for the 5 stars, my sweet friend!! What a great gift for your friends at work!! I like the idea of giving the can of chicken with it! Yes, I would drain the chicken, myself. Linda
Hi Patricia, what I meant was, I would suggest they drain the chicken before adding. LOL! Sorry about the confusion!! Linda
Why do you need to put the spices in a separate bag if everything goes into the pot together?
Hi Claudia, you don’t have to put the spices in the bag, but it keeps them separate from the rest of the ingredients. Linda
Perfect! Easy to put together,looks great,and will be truley appreciated by recipients! Thank you so much for this recipe!!
PS. I tried it,and it’s REALLY good!
HI Carole, thank you for the 5 stars, my sweet friend! I’m so glad you liked it! People will love a meal in a jar delivered by you! Linda
Will it make a difference if part of your vegetables are freeze dried and part are dehydrated?
Hi Nonya, both dehydrated and freeze-dried will work but keep in mind dehydrated will require more water to soften/cook the vegetables. Linda
Wonderful soup! I made some last night before I begin making the jars today which I’m using for some seniors in our church that seldom get out. Curious to know if you’ve come across a clever way to attach a can of chicken breast to the mason jar? I don’t have dehydrated or freeze dried chicken but did purchase some small cans of chicken I’d like to include so they’d have some protein. I realize it would sit on top easier but they’re so cute I wondered about attaching them to the bottom????
Hi Nonya, thank you for the 5 stars, my friend! I was thinking what if you purchased Cellophane bags, place the chicken can in the bottom and then the jar on top and close the bag with the tie and tag? Great tip on adding a can of chicken! Linda
Oh my gosh, I thought of everything but that! Perfect and I think I have some cello bags with little sparkly silver stars on them. Yea!!!! Thank you so much!