Coronavirus and Climate Change: What They Have in Common
Just glancing at this title, you may be wondering how the coronavirus and climate change have anything to do with one another, but it turns out, they may have more in common than you might think. We’ve been hearing about climate change for a long time now, while the virus issue showed up on the scene rather recently. We’ve seen more restrictive activity and cautionary action taken with the virus challenges in a very short period of time. Soon, however, we may witness a drastic shift in the pendulum.
Coronavirus & Climate Change: What They Have in Common

The pandemic literally dropped a gift-wrapped opportunity into the laps of our elected officials and lobbyists, and they’ve been more than willing to seize the moment. For the past couple of months, there have been more talks and discussions about the long term effects of climate change, putting more pressure and urgency for change to take place.
They argue that there is an obvious correlation between Coronavirus and climate change, where people with respiratory problems are dying from toxic air pollution. This is especially true for those who live in highly-populated urban cities where pollution runs rampant. It has been shown that with fewer people traveling to work and other activities, air quality in most cities has improved.
Whether you agree with climate change or not, it may only be a matter of time before it directly affects every single one of us, sooner rather than later. Here’s a more in-depth look at the Coronavirus and climate change and how they are related.
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A Look at the Evidence
Back in March and April, when most of America’s businesses and factories were forced to shut down, there were photographs and satellite images that were taken from space that revealed a drastic decline in the pollution and smog hovering over our cities. This could only mean one thing, that air quality has a direct relation to the vehicles we all drive every day. It’s too bad that the reduction in pollution is actually a result of millions of people being out of work.
For those who live with respiratory problems, the temporary shutdown of our economy was good news, however brief that it was. The air quality significantly improved, but later returned to a higher pollution level once everything started opening back up.
There’s no denying that years and years of vehicle pollution and global industrial production have had a negative impact on the air that we breathe. Recent studies have also proven that those who had respiratory problems were more likely to not only contract the virus, but also die from it. This pollution also accounts for other illnesses and diseases that these patients are more likely to contract.
Carbon Dioxide on the Rise
For years, scientists have been warning us that there is too much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and this is most responsible for the global warming that is happening to our planet. The fossil fuels that we use in transportation, our nation’s electrical demand, as well as its industrial activity, have led to the extreme levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
Coronavirus prevention activities helped cut these CO2 emissions, in some places by as much as 25%. Politicians and scientists believe that this brings us to a crossroads, and why drastic changes need to be made now before it’s too late.
A Shift Towards Renewable Energy
While the Coronavirus pandemic may not have brought our country’s oil industry to a complete standstill based on the lower consumption of gas, diesel, and airplane fuels, it did force the United States and other oil-producing countries put more emphasis on developing other energy sources going forward.
- During the shutdown, many coal plants and oil refineries were limited in their production, while some had to close down entirely.
- This has opened the door and paved the way for renewable energies, such as wind, solar, and natural gas, to become more prevalent as we move to other energy sources that will also reduce pollution.
Not only are these energies better for the air that we breathe, but could prove cheaper too. These are all good things in and of themselves, but there’s also the fact that many Americans will need to be trained to fill jobs in these new energy-producing industries.
Could There Be More Restrictions Up Ahead: You Decide
For the past several years, climate change has been a controversial topic for discussion and debate. It’s become one of the key points of political dialogue as the current presidential campaign draws closer to a conclusion. Possible changes in America’s political arena, it’s going to be very interesting to see what our elected officials and the World Health Organization come up with over the next few years to improve air quality here and worldwide. We may see similar travel limitations and restrictions set in place that we witnessed during the Coronavirus in an effort to improve our quality of life and related health issues.
This could mean less traveling that is permitted, whether it’s done by car or on a plane. There may also be the loss of millions of jobs as we make the switch to a greener tomorrow, yet certain political figures promise us that needed changes will create millions of new occupation options.
Final Word
The Coronavirus pandemic has been nothing short of a crisis, and an immediate direct threat to human life and the way that we live each day. Scientists and many policymakers are wanting us to have a similar view and urgency about climate change as well. The ball seems to be rolling a little faster now, special thanks to Covid-19. What is your view and stance concerning climate change? I’d love to hear from you. May God Bless this world, Linda.
Copyright Images: Climate Change and Global Warming Deposit photos_30828375_s-2019
“This could mean less traveling that is permitted, whether it’s done by car or on a plane.” “Permitted”
You trying to make me lose my mind!?! LOL It’s this type of control thinking that’s got everyone on edge.
Papers Please nope you driven to far turn around. Yeah I don’t think so as an American and I don’t think so as Law Enforcement.
I’m sitting here breathing the poor air quality smoke from these “green” states right now that supposedly have it all right and think we are all backwards. My Dads sucking oxygen and can’t even take his daily walks in kolorado because it’s been so bad.
There are ways to do it better and improve the environment without stepping on my freedom.
Hi Matt, Utah tried to stop (a few months ago) people from going over city or county lines. It did not go well, as you can imagine. Let’s use our Law Enforcement for what we need to stop criminals, not family visiting family or friends 100 miles away. It lasted only a few days. We have truckers driving through here on the main highways. What was Utah thinking???? LOL!! I really think the virus has put fear in people that are controlling our minds in some ways. I may not be saying that correctly, just thinking out loud. I totally agree there are ways to improve our environment without stepping on our freedom. Great comment, Linda
Hi Matt, here in New Mexico we haven’t been “permitted” for months to go to & from our own cabin on weekends. Our state allows the Navajos to shut the road down! At first, our state senator told me “They can’t do that!”, but the very next week he appeared in an ad supporting our tyrant governor. I’d move back to Texas, but our grandkids are here.
Yeah I’d seen that. My dad lives over in that corner of kolorado. That Indian land gets tricky. I know all that stuff west of shiprock was shut down.
It’s ridiculous and it ain’t right. I was in the National Guard on 9/11 and I had folks yelling that we needed to be on the streets setting up checkpoints. I said y’all have lost your minds that’s the last thing you want is me in a slow HUMVEE and a fast .50cal Browning doing policing.
I’m hoping this has been a learning experience for The People.
Somehow I don’t think so and feel like I’m in the minority.
Hi Matt, it’s a crazy time right now! I hope people have learned but they quickly forget. Linda
Hi Roxanne, wow!! That is very interesting and scary at the same time. Wow, there are no words! Linda
Also the green energy costs much more than we are being told, in terms of resources used to create & maintain such things. Nor are many aware that much isn’t recyclable from solar panels & wind turbines. The local recycling plants are not set up to deal with either of these. A recent article on another preparedness website discussed this. Will try to find the link.
PS. We just weathered Hurricane Sally. 200,000 households without power by last Wednesday morning as the storm hit our area. By tonight over 80% will have power restored, & 95 % by tomorrow. While Sally closely followed Hurricane Ivan’s path of destruction, the winds were Cat 2, not Cat 4 in strength.
Prayers for our area, as some of the major bridges across the bays & rivers took massive hits from a fleet of construction barges that broke away from their moorings during the storm & slammed into the bridges & waterfront buildings.
We personally had somewhere over 30 inches of rain, which is a record for my records! Lost 3-8 inches of sandy soil to the rain as it flowed across the property. Lots of damage to trees, but all our structures, fences & critters came through okay.
We had all our supplies ready on Monday for the storm. Bought ice, filled vehicles one last time, turned fridge temperature down, got the weather radio, lanterns & flashlights out, put up shutters & settled in.
Hi BDN, oh man, I’m glad you weathered through this horrific storm. I’m glad you were prepared BEFORE the storm, as in self-reliant! You know by now I LOVE hearing this. I can’t imagine 30 inches of rain, I hope the major bridges can be repaired quickly. We depend on so many things it makes us appreciate things after the fact. Crazy weather, thank you for updating us!!! Linda
One thing that I hope comes out of the data confirming that less driving produces less pollution is that cities will look into public transportation using clean energy. If you look at the public transportation systems in NY, Washington DC, and Chicago; they are switching to electric for the newer systems. Most stops have parking available and they also have bike racks if you are close enough to ride a bike. This is a viable solution that wouldn’t limit anyone’s rights or freedoms. If you want to drive to work, you still could.
Hi Topaz, I totally agree with you. There are options we just need our state, city, or county to implement them. We just need change to protect the environment. And our health, Linda
Good article, but the fact is that we have had climate shifts over the centuries just like we have now and there were no cars,etc. to add to it. Also, the person above pointed out a good fact. It takes a lot to use green energy with the price of electricity and the fact that these products can’t be recycled very effectively. We use petrolum for more that just gas,etc. and we need to remember just how many other items are produced from it.
Hi Cheryl, you are so right. I think what’s hard for me to personally comprehend is the cost versus the downside. But if there is an upside, which I believe there is a lot to gain, then let’s do it. I wish we could cut some of the salaries of our government leaders and use the money to help the country for years to come with the infrastructure we need. Just my two cents, Linda
I would like to see our elected officials lose their incomes and to see what it is like to be on the bottom. Maybe then they can get their thumb out of you know where and get things fixed! Either that or fire them all and start fresh. Though I’m sure that has it’s own issues as well.
Hi Audrey, you took the words right out of my mouth! I totally agree with you! This country needs some fresh honest lower-paid government workers. They need to live like the rest of us and be accountable. Just my 2 cents! Linda
hi i am all for climate change and helping the environment. when i was trying to find a connection between the causes of covid virus however one thing is always in common, rainy or snowy weather. also every country it has hit has been a port, island, or peninsula, that is unless it was brought in directly. and of course you remember the cruise ships. now they find they can forecast an outbreak two weeks before by testing the underground water. all this makes sense, if you counter in the fact that it spreads quickly indoors, common toilets; except for large outdoor events that require the use of portable toilets and not very sanitary hand washing options. we have made our environment dirty and now we are seeing where it seems to be going. this is just a view after months of studying it’s behavior. i am a behavioral technician that has worked in the field for years and EVERYTHING has a behavior .observation after reading many many studies.
Hi Jan, thank you for your insight, I totally agree with you. After months of watching the news, reading articles, we have a dirty environment for sure. Thanks again, Linda