Coronavirus-Doctor sitting at a desk

Coronavirus: Pandemic Supplies You Need

We are seeing this coronavirus take the news by storm. Some are a little freaked out, some are paranoid, and some think it’s not even real. When we see things on the news, social media, or start to get scared, it’s time to take a step back and figure out what we are actually dealing with. 

So, below we are going to talk about what the Coronavirus actually is and pandemic supplies you should keep on hand. Please refer to the CDC for accurate information on COVID-19.

What is the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus is actually like the common cold virus. There are many viruses that cause the common cold, the flu, etc. Coronaviruses are several different viruses that cause an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat, and sometimes your upper respiratory system. Most Coronaviruses are NOT dangerous

Almost everyone will contract a Coronavirus in their lifetime. Usually, you would get one of these viruses as a young child. In the U.S., Coronaviruses are common in the fall and winter. 

So, if this is a common virus, what is all the hype about? Well, there are two diseases that are caused by a certain Coronavirus. Two of the dangerous Coronaviruses are SARS and MERS

MERS Coronavirus

The people who are dying that you read about in the news have had MERS. MERS is a respiratory illness that causes symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Many that acquire MERS also have nausea and vomiting. Additionally, more serious complications such as kidney failure and pneumonia follow this virus. 

However, it is important to note that most of the people who have died from MERS have had pre-existing conditions that weakened their immune system. Pre-existing conditions included: 

  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • chronic lung disease
  • chronic heart disease
  • chronic kidney disease

If you have a pre-existing condition, I would suggest taking a few extra precautions to prevent yourself from catching the Coronavirus. You will find prevention measures below. 

SARS Coronavirus

SARS is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is a respiratory illness caused by a Coronavirus. Currently, there are NO cases of SARS. The last known reported case was in China in 2004. Symptoms begin with a very high fever and the following other symptoms may transpire:

  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Mild respiratory symptoms
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry, unproductive cough
  • Low oxygen levels

As you can tell, SARS can be deadly, but this is NOT the one that is being discussed in the news. And, as stated above, we haven’t seen it since 2004. This doesn’t mean we won’t see it, but it is not what is the concern in the media at this time. 

Read More of My Articles  What Are Viruses: Everything You Need To Know

Common Symptoms

The symptoms of a Coronavirus are so similar to other cold-causing viruses that you won’t know if you have a coronavirus or another virus such as the rhinovirus. The symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Sometimes a fever

If the virus spreads or you have a weak immune system due to pre-existing conditions, the virus can turn into pneumonia. Obviously, some of the viruses can turn into MERS and SARS as well. Keep in mind that this usually only happens in those who have a compromised immune system. 

How Does it Spread?

The Coronaviruses spread much like other cold-causing viruses. Therefore, this virus spreads through infected people coughing, sneezing, or by touching an infected person’s hands or face. You can also get one of the viruses by touching doorknobs that infected people have touched. 

Most viruses are spread in these ways. That is why when it starts spreading quickly, it gets into the news and people start to worry. Viruses can be spread easily from one person to the next before we even realize we are sick. 

What You Can Do

Because most Coronaviruses are not dangerous and spread like a common cold, you would do the same thing you would to avoid a cold. If you have a compromised immune system, it is even more important to do these things on a daily basis. 

Wash your hands: Wash your hands with running water and antibacterial soap. Stock up on soap because you are going to need it. 

Use hand sanitizer: If you don’t have access to soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol. Less than 60% will not kill the virus.

Stay away from people: Ok, not all people, but stay away from people who are sick as much as you can. Additionally, keep your hands away from your eyes and mouth. 

Get plenty of rest: Not getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night can lower your immune system. This leaves you susceptible to getting the coronavirus. 

Drink Fluids: It is recommended to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. This helps flush any toxins from your body and keeps your immune system healthy.

Clean with bleach: One of the best ways to kill a virus is with bleach. Bleach pretty much cleans everything. So, mix up some bleach and water, spray those doorknobs, wash those toilet seats, and make sure you have sanitized everything. Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Bleach

Read More of My Articles  What to Do During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Pandemic Supplies You Need

Of course, many are worried about this virus becoming a pandemic because it is affecting people in other countries and moving into our country. Whether you think it will or not, it is always better to be prepared. For this virus, here are a few pandemic supplies you should have on hand:

  • Over the counter medication for sore throat, etc
  • Fever Medication: Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and  Aspirin are good to store. Be sure to get for both adults and children.
  • A Humidifier: This helps break up the cough.
  • Thermometer: You need to know if you have a fever.
  • Anti-nausea/Anti-diarrheal medication: Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration quickly.  
  • Fluids with electrolytes: You can make your own with water and DripDrop. If sick, it is always important to prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated. 
  • Water: You always need lots of water whether you are sick or not. 
  • Face Masks: You can use face masks and rubber gloves to help prevent the spread of infection. 
  • Food Storage: Make sure you have enough food stored in case you cannot get out of the house for a couple of weeks. 
  • Bleach, hand soap, cleaners: Bleach kills just about everything and if you are washing your hands as you should, you will need plenty of hand soap. 

Additionally, check out our list of Pandemic Supplies You Will Need for Survival to stock up for anything! 

US EPA Suggested Cleaning Items

Stock Your Home Pharmacy

Final Word

I do believe it is always important to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I don’t see the Coronavirus getting out of hand, but we should always take precautions. Make sure you are washing your hands, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting a good night’s rest. Always stock water and keep being prepared! 

Keep in mind that even when a Coronavirus causes MERS or SARS, it isn’t a serious threat for those who are healthy adults. If you get sick, treat your symptoms and if they do not go away or get worse, contact a doctor! 

Did this post help you to understand the Coronavirus and the steps you need to take? If you have more questions, please share them in the comments, below! May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Doctor Desk Depositphotos_12074416_s-2019

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  1. While price gouging and hoarding of N95 masks are happening P95 masks are still available at hardware stores like Lowe’s. They are N95s that also filter out oil based particles. Like $8 for 2 with very good quality.
    We aren’t in panic mode however we did have an unscheduled called meeting with our base group yesterday in which we discussed facts, unknowns, supplies and future action IF things worsen.
    We agreed that hard choices will be made IF we start to see person to person transmission from non symptomatic contacts and/or contacts that aren’t close.

    1. Hi Matt, great comment as usual. OH, how I wish we lived closer to each other. I would love your group. Anyway, I’m with you with the masks, I have hundreds so I’m not worried. You and I have been prepping for years. Stay safe and well, my friend, Linda

      1. I make soap, so having masks is not a problem. I just ordered some electrolyte drink mixes (though I know it is just salt and sugar). Hopefully everyone who reads your blog, is ready.

        1. Hi Janet, I need to order some more electrolyte drink mixes, thanks for the reminder. Let’s hope people stock up on stuff if we do in fact have a pandemic. I’ve been reading several large food storage companies are running short on supplies. Stay safe and stay well, my friend. Linda

  2. Couple weeks ago caught a cold, first in years. Have supplies of food but was lacking some “Cold” items. Put an order through Amazon Prime and unexpectedly these items were available to our remote-ish location in one day. Ordered at noon and got in mail by noon next day. Also put in an order with Walmart for few “cold” items not needed immediately. Cold was more mild than usual but still ran a full 10-14 days. Glad didn’t need the long trip to town or to expose others.

    1. Hi Lee, glad you were able to get supplies so quickly. Isn’t it crazy how fast Amazon delivers sometimes? So glad you didn’t get around others to make yourself sicker or make others sick. Stay well, Linda

      1. Thanks Linda for the post I too was a little worried about this virus I’m getting more meds and I have been sewing some mask there not n95 I have some of those but the mask are for colds and cough if we get any so far so good thanks sgain

        1. Hi Debbie, good idea on making the face masks yourself. It’s all about washing our hands and washing our hands. Over and over again. We will have to see what the strain brings to the US. Stay well, Linda

    2. Hi Linda, thanks for all you do. Being prepared makes this a whole lot easier. Question, I have not read or listened to anyone, CDC or otherwise who is calling those who get a more serious case as being the MERS virus. COVID-19 is related to the SARS virus. The virus is named SARS-CoV-2. My understanding is that MERS has an origin linked to camels and SARS coronaviruses have an origin link to bats. Not trying to wander off into technicalities but just to clarify if you have sources saying otherwise? Again, thank you for being a beacon in the preparedness world!

      1. Hi Jan, I think there is so much we do not know about this NEW Coronavirus strain that little is available for us to learn about it. Is it man-made? Is really that bad? Is it going to kill all of us? The list could go on and on. Let’s just wash our hands with soap and water, build up our immune system, and rest when we can. Oh, and stay out of crowds. I’m not a doctor or a microbiologist. L. et’s hope it’s not as bad as the media is projecting. Linda

  3. Store-bought meds are good to have on hand, but also, be ready to make some items (which may have fewer side effects and do just as good a job!) Also, if the worst happens and store supplies become unavailable, this gives you a better chance if you are bugging-in. Here are a few that I keep, either already prepared or with the “fixings” to do so:

    –Willow bark tincture, dried willow bark for tea. It’s the predecessor to aspirin, but without the side effect of pulling vitamin C from your body (which is why aspirin overuse can cause bleeding of various sorts); and of course without the organ damage that ibuprofin and Tylenol can cause
    –Ginger. Good for nausea, of course, but ginger tea (especially with honey) will also help sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. I make ginger powder up into capsules for my DH, but also keep some chopped roots frozen.
    –Honey. Raw honey is best, so all the “extras” haven’t been filtered or heated out of it, but even processed honey will soothe a sore throat. Add to medicinal teas, or mix with lemon juice or cider vinegar. Or even plain!
    –Bottled lemon juice and/or cider vinegar. Both help the immune system, alone or mixed with other ingredients.
    –Alcohol, as in vodka/rum/brandy. Any of these will work for making your own medicinal tinctures, like the willow bark tincture. (Of course these take time to make!)
    –Rubbing alcohol, for disinfecting that thermometer after each use (and other disinfecting as well, of course)
    –Ingredients for “switchel”–it’s the original electrolyte drink that farm workers would use in hot weather. All sorts of recipes on-line. You’ll definitely need molasses (honey and maple syrup are alternatives), raw apple cider vinegar, ginger. I keep a jug in the refrigerator all summer!
    –Did you know that tea made from blackberry leaves and/or roots will help with dysentery or diarrhea? (And we just had that wonderful post on blackberries!) It helped a lot of Civil War soldiers.

    1. Hi Rhonda, oh my gosh, such an awesome informative comment!! I did not know that blackberry leaves/and or roots helped with dysentery or diarrhea!! I need to look for switchel!! Thank you!! Linda

      1. Here’s the switchel recipe I use:

        1 gal. water
        1 c. sugar
        1 c. molasses (Maple syrup or boiled cider can be substituted.)
        1 c. cider vinegar (preferably raw, such as Bragg’s)
        1 tsp. ginger
        Optional: Add a handful of oatmeal/rolled oats. I think it makes it taste a little smoother and richer–and you can eat the oatmeal after all the switchel is gone!

        1. Doesn’t any electrolyte drink need some salt? Sometimes my dad would take me to the factory floor and there were boxes of salt tablets hanging on posts for the workers It was an aluminum smelter or rolling mill and awfully hot in the summer.

          1. Hi Rhonda, oh my gosh, this comment brings back memories about salt tablets my dad used to take. My daughter almost died from dehydration. So did my son-in-law. I just know I keep electrolyte powders and drinks in my home at all times because I saw what happened to them. They both ended up in the hospital. I doubt back in the 60’s they had electrolyte drinks or powder. Linda

  4. Wow–I just read an article on what some inventive Chinese have done, given that masks are pretty hard to come by now. They have crafted all sorts of clever things–some undoubtedly more effective than others, but all would offer at least some protection. (I don’t know if it’s OK to post links here? If so, I can!) One that looked pretty workable was a simple feminine sanitary pad–one person had it inside a very basic mask, another had used the adhesive tabs to just stick it to his face, over nose and mouth.

    So think outside the box, everybody!

    1. HI Rhonda, I love hearing people are making their own face masks. I hope they help. I don’t allow links per se because if they are not secure they can compromise my website. BUT you can put the link like this for instance foodstoragemoms (.com) if that makes sense. I hope people realize there are different ways to make a face mask. Great tip, Linda

      1. OK, then here it is. Note spaces and ( ) around (.com) as Linda suggests! Great idea!

        naturalnews (.com) /2020-02-02-chinese-citizens-wearing-feminine-hygiene-products-fast-food-bags-as-makeshift-masks-coronavirus.html

        And as noted, these photos are NOT intended to make fun of them, even though they do, in some cases, look comical. This is deadly serious–literally. Good for us all to realize there may be situations where we may have to make do with what’s available.

  5. I stumbled onto this site today and am very excited for all the information I am reading. I have been literally praying to be able to find resources for educating myself and adult children on such as you address. I am so grateful for everyone sharing this way so that the unlearned or less learned may benefit. We have been preparing food storage for a time but need much more but as we have been working on this my heart has been led in other directions also such as survival skills, made do items/substitutes, medicinal information and supplies etc. I was definitely led to you! Blessings on all you do, learn, share.

  6. Thought I’d pass this along, something that GreenMedInfo put out this morning. Good idea to stock up on these ahead of any problems, as well as starting taking them yourself. (This is only a portion of the article on the GreenMedInfo website,”Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus.”)

    ‘It is very important to maximize the body’s anti-oxidative capacity and natural immunity to prevent and minimize symptoms when a virus attacks the human body. The host environment is crucial. Preventing is obviously easier than treating severe illness. But treat serious illness seriously. Do not hesitate to seek medical attention. It is not an either-or choice. Vitamin C can be used right along with medicines when they are indicated.

    ‘ “I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C.”

    ‘(Robert F. Cathcart, MD)

    ‘The physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine urge a nutrient-based method to prevent or minimize symptoms for future viral infection. The following inexpensive supplemental levels are recommended for adults; for children reduce these in proportion to body weight:

    ‘Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.

    ‘Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)

    ‘Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)

    ‘Zinc: 20 mg daily

    ‘Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily

    ‘Vitamin C [1], Vitamin D [2], magnesium [3], zinc [4], and selenium [5] have been shown to strengthen the immune system against viruses.

    ‘The basis for using high doses of vitamin C to prevent and combat virus-caused illness may be traced back to vitamin C’s early success against polio, first reported in the late 1940s.[6] Many people are unaware, even surprised, to learn this. Further clinical evidence built up over the decades, leading to an anti-virus protocol published in 1980.[7]’

    By the way–selenium is easy to supplement! Just eat 1-2 Brazil nuts every day!

      1. I remember running across the Vitamin C/kidney stone connection before, too, but apparently the study that claimed that wasn’t well done (here’s a link, leave out the spaces– http:// orthomolecular. org/ resources/omns/v09n05. shtml). While the metabolites of vitamin C *could* in some instances combine with calcium to form stones, so could a whole long list of other foods and supplements–including things like spinach! The culprit with kidney stones is more likely to be excess calcium–excessive dairy… 🙁

        I also read somewhere (wish I remembered where) that someone was going to try intravenous vitamin C for victims of this coronavirus. It works well for sepsis, even has had some good results with cancers, so who knows. Hope it works here too. (The amounts are too high to be taken orally–you’d get the runs with that much!)

        1. Rhonda – I have read that anything that alkalizes the body helps with keeping your immune system strong. Citrus fruits, citric acid and the acid in unfiltered vinegar are all alkalizing.

  7. Hi Linda…
    For some reason I haven’t received emails from you in a while. So today took the time to look you up! Great article on the corona virus!

    I’m wondering what you recommend for a water purification system for several gallons of water…lifestraw? Berkey? Other?

    Thanks so much…

    1. Hi Deb, you may want to check your spam, darn I send an email every single day. I will try and add your email to my newsletter again. It won’t let me it says you are already signed up. Please check your spam folders. The life straw is fine, I have several. They are better for camping but can be used in your home. The Big Berkey which I have will purify several thousand gallons of water. Be sure and buy more black cartridges. The Berkey Sport bottles are great as well. There are many options. Stay safe! Linda

  8. Hi Linda,
    Would you mind listing the contents of your “kits” that you mention earlier in your article??

    As a nurse, I’m concerned about all the concern and concentration on wearing masks. Here’s what every body needs to remember; This coronavirus is spread through contact with any droplets from an infected person. So, that means that if you should inhale any droplets you will get it. However, that’s not the only way you can contact it. If an infected person touches “anything” and leaves any residue of the virus and you come along and touch that same surface and then touch any mucus membrane on your face, you will get the virus. Those mucus membranes include the EYES, NOSE, MOUTH. Also,if you should have an abrasion or cut anywhere on your hand and your hand touches an infected surface, you will get the virus.
    So, with that said, here are the things to remember…Wear a mask; if you touch any surface while out in the public (and it’s impossible not to) please remember to wash your hands and PLEASE DON’T touch your face until you have washed your hands.
    There, now I feel better. Hope this helps.

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