Board Games In A Cupboard

Don’t Bother Prepping These Items

Emergency preparedness is an essential aspect of protecting oneself and loved ones in times of crisis. While it’s crucial to stock up on necessities like food, water, and medical supplies, certain items may not be worth the effort or resources when it comes to emergency prepping. If I can give you any advice, don’t bother prepping these items.

Please keep in mind, that it’s a great time to declutter the items that have missing parts, or that you no longer need. You can donate, rotate, or trash the items that no longer work. You’ll then have more room for the important items you really need to survive on a daily basis in both good and bad times in the future.

Don't Bother Prepping These Items

1. Luxury Items

During an emergency, the focus should be on securing essentials rather than indulging in luxury. Items like expensive jewelry, designer clothes, or high-end electronics have little practical value during a crisis.

Instead, invest your time, money, and effort in acquiring items that will truly support your survival and well-being. How to Choose the Right Backpack for Emergency Situations

What is more important, fancy items you’re worried about losing, or having a supply of formula for your child when it comes to limited space?

There may be justification for some of these items if you feel you could use them as barter items. Count on taking much less value in return, since during a crisis others won’t be needing them either.

2. Non-Essential Gadgets

While technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, not all gadgets are necessary for emergency preparedness. Items like gaming consoles, virtual reality headsets, or smart home devices may provide entertainment value but offer little utility during a crisis.

I’m not being critical about these items, my grandkids have them, so I get it. But they will have very little value after an emergency hits your neighborhood. Again, there may be some bartering value, but that’s probably on a limited basis.

Prioritize practical tools such as flashlights, radios, and portable chargers that can assist with communication and provide light during power outages. A World Without Technology: A Glimpse into the Unplugged Life

3. Excessive Cosmetics and Personal Care Products

Maintaining personal hygiene is important even during emergencies, but storing excessive cosmetics and personal care products is unnecessary. Focus on the basics such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer.

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Avoid stockpiling multiple shades of lipstick or luxury skincare products that won’t significantly impact your well-being in a crisis. 35 Essential Personal Hygiene Products You Need to Stock

I admit I don’t wear makeup like I used to when working full-time, it’s who I am. I admire those who wear makeup, but I’m a plain Jane, or I guess, a plain Linda. LOL!

4. Specialized Kitchen Appliances

While having a well-equipped kitchen is important, investing in specialized appliances may not be practical for emergency preparedness. Items like ice cream makers, bread machines, or juicers can be set aside when prioritizing limited storage space and resources. Instead, focus on sturdy cookware, basic utensils, a Sun Oven, a reliable camping stove, or a portable grill for cooking during emergencies.

Please note, I have a Bosch and a Zojirushi Bread Machine but I make bread every single week. They save me so much money on my food budget. If you’re in that mode too, then more power to you. I’m just suggesting that right at the time of emergency for you to go out and purchase such items might not be in your best interest unless you plan on getting serious about bread making.

5. Expensive Camping Gear

Camping gear can be beneficial during an emergency, especially if you need to evacuate or find yourself without power for an extended period. However, expensive and specialized camping equipment isn’t always necessary.

Instead of splurging on high-end tents or sleeping bags, opt for durable and reasonably priced alternatives that offer functionality and comfort. Most of us already have extra quilts, blankets, pillows, and possibly some sleeping mats, so make sure they’re in good shape, clean, and ready to go. As mentioned above, a good quality camp stove is valuable, so just make sure you have the necessary fuel and the cooking utensils to use it properly.

It’s also important to have items that provide safety and comfort, like flashlights, lanterns, and even candles. It’s hard to feel confident and in control if you can’t see where things are or how to get around. This particularly applies to situations where you have to shelter away from home.

6. Outdated Medications

Stocking up on medications is crucial for emergency preparedness, but it’s essential to ensure that the medicines in your supply are not expired or outdated. Check the expiration dates regularly and rotate your stock to maintain medication efficacy. I had a prepper doctor tell me that some antibiotics would last 10-15 years, but you must decide what works for you.

Dispose of any expired medications responsibly and consult with healthcare professionals to ensure you have the appropriate prescriptions for now and in case of emergencies.

When it comes to health-related issues, I’d also concentrate on things like first aid supplies that can effectively be put to use in an emergency situation.

7. Unnecessary Entertainment Items

While it’s important to keep morale high during emergencies like a natural disaster, it’s unnecessary to stockpile excessive entertainment items. Avoid hoarding extensive collections of books, DVDs, or board games that will take up valuable space. We’ll need some after an emergency but declutter those you never use.

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Instead, consider digital alternatives such as e-books, e-magazines, or downloadable games that can be stored on electronic devices with a limited physical footprint. How Your Kids’ Toys Can Help You in an Emergency

What are the most likely emergencies in your area?

Different regions face different emergencies like hurricanes, earthquakes, or power outages. Understanding the risks in your area will help you prioritize the right items for you and your family. That is all part of an effective emergency plan that you’ve put together and trained for with all family members.

Do you have enough water and non-perishable food?

Having an adequate water supply is essential for survival, so it’s crucial to have a supply that supports the needs of your whole family. Aim for at least one gallon of water per person per day. Three gallons per person per day is even better to maintain personal hydration and cleanliness. You also need water for cooking many of the food storage items you have on hand.

Non-perishable food items like canned goods that include vegetables, meat, and canned fruit. You also need things like granola bars and other protein-rich foods that can provide sustenance during emergencies.

Do you have a first aid kit?

A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for handling minor injuries during emergencies. It should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, sterile gloves, gauze, items to make a temporary splint, and any necessary prescription medications. First Aid Kits-What You Need To Survive I also think duct tape is a handy item to have to help support other first aid functions that may be necessary.

Have you considered hygiene and sanitation needs?

Along with food and water, it’s important to think about sanitation. Items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and feminine products should be included in your emergency supplies.

Do you have a reliable source of light and communication?

During power outages, having flashlights, lanterns, and extra batteries is crucial. Some people may think they’re well stocked with just a few, but I consider these items part of the regular household items I need readably available and sufficient for all my family members.

Additionally, consider having a battery-powered radio or a hand-cranked one to stay informed during emergencies. If you can get your Ham Radio License, that would be awesome.

Have you accounted for your pets?

If you have pets, don’t forget to include their needs in your emergency preparations. Stock up on pet food, medication, and any other necessary supplies you’re used to using. How to Keep Your Pet From Getting Stressed in Emergencies

Final Word

While it’s important to stock up on essentials, it’s equally essential to know the difference between practical items and those that are unnecessary luxuries. Remember to prioritize practicality and utility, when preparing for emergencies, as these are the key factors that will contribute to your survival. Don’t bother prepping the items listed in the above-numbered sections. In my opinion, it is too easy to be prepared with the wrong items that will just take up space and not prove useful! May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright IMages: Cosmetics Decorative Depositphotos_144013763_S by SergIllin

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  1. I keep pill form medications because I was regularly issued them in the military. During the Cold War we stocked a ton of meds and then kinda got stuck with them. They did a study and found that even 10-15yrs after the “expiration” date they were still good. Liquids should be disposed of however as the content can change. The study can be found on the internet if you wanna research it. I suspect the manufacturers knew this but they make more money if they can get you to throw them away so….

    1. Hi Matt, my prepper doctor told me the same thing about keeping my prescriptions (antibiotics anyway) for 10-15 years. He has Dementia now so I can no longer get them in surplus. I agree on the liquid, pill form only for me as well. Great comment as always, Linda

  2. I was just going to say the same thing about the military study and the true shelf life of drugs.I wonder if that holds true for OTC meds and not just prescription drugs?

    1. Hi Kerry, that’s a very good question about the OTC medications. I have used some 6 months over the expiration or best by date. I’m not a scientist but my doctor told me precriptions were good for 10-15 years. Is he right? I trust him, but he’s one of my best friends and has taken expired prescriptions to Haiti and helped when they had a disaster. He and others saved many lives with those fresh and expired prescriptions. I’m guessing and this is only a guess, they lose some potency after some time. Do they become toxic, that would be my question to a pharmacist. Linda

  3. Hi Linda, I take exception to the thought of only ebooks… in a power down situation, even short term, real books rule! Of course that includes yours and other preparedness books, survival books, how to books and God’s words. Have a great day and I just pray we can all keep on rotating our stashes and not need them!

    1. Hi Jan, I totally agree, I have audible books, so if the power grid goes down, I will rely on my regular books, which is limited. But I never buy ebooks for cookbooks! LOL! They do not work for me. I haven’t bought a cookbook in 30 years as I think about it. But you are right we still need several books! Linda

  4. As for entertainment, I’d have to say it depends on how well prepared you are. If you don’t have a power source or a battery/solar operated portable DVD player then DVDs are useless. But board games and packs of playing cards are always a good choice if you’re cooped up in say a lockdown situation or in a long duration event with little or no electricity.

    Personally I have over a dozen board games, two Jenga sets and over 20 packs of playing cards. Playing cards are the easiest to store since they are so small. I also have a portable DVD player and portable solar panel for charging in case of an extended event with no power. I think it would be a nice luxury to have movie night once or twice a week if the family is stuck indoors.

    And I definitely agree with Matt about medications. I keep rotating my medications, but keep pills for up to a decade just in case….but not liquid medicines and I include liquid cap meds in that category.

  5. I do save puzzles and games for emergencies. If we have a blizzard with no power, we need something to keep us occupied. First, is heat, water, and food, then we have a good time doing a puzzle or playing a game.

    1. Hi Janet, I agree, those games are in my daughters cupboard for all of us. I think it’s a good time to see if all the important pieces are in each box. I think I’m going to use duct take to fix some of the boxes so all the pieces stay in the box. LOL! Oh, yeah puzzles are the best!! Linda

  6. Great reminder, I keep the pills but get rid of the liquids. However Tetracycline goes bad after 2 years. After that it becomes toxic per my (former) doctor, who didn’t think I was “weird” when I discussed storing my meds. Also he said aspirin loses it’s potency after a couple of years so keep track of that. Reason I asked my doctor is when Dad(Product of the Depression) was alive he was trying to use 15 year old aspirin and couldn’t figure out why his headache wouldn’t go away. SO I did a “DEEP” clean of his medicine cabinet and got him all new stuff and threw out all of the step witches,RIP, old meds he had been hanging on to AND USING.I know I’ve mentioned this before but he was the king of packrats LOL

    1. When aspirin is breaking down it will smell like vinegar (acetic acid to be specific), so a sniff test is a good way to check on an older bottle.

      1. Hi DMWalsh, oh thank you, I remember my doctor telling me about the vinegar smell, thank you for the reminder! It’s hard but we do need to toss some after certain period of time. Linda

    2. HI Kathy, great comment, good tip on the Tetracycline. I haven’t ever stored that one. I got the giggles over the king of packrats! LOL! Every family has a packrat or two and we pray we die before them. Just kidding not kidding. LOL! Oh yeah, 15 year old aspirin would not have the potency I need for my headaches. Great reminder to those who have family members that may need help to declutter their medicine cabinet. Hopefully, they would like the help to declutter NOW! Linda

      1. Yeah It was amazing what that man held onto.Took DH and the auctioneer about a month to go thru all the stuff my dad had stashed all over the place just to get ready to sell the stuff. As for the other meds(stpw’s) if they weren’t too out of date we donated them to the nuns in town as they regularly collected(older) meds to send to their mission overseas.

        1. HI Kathy, oh great tip on the auction! What a bonus for the nuns to have some supplies to ship to their missions overseas! Wow, a whole month, everyone is so different. Life is good, Linda

          1. Well it wasn’t just dad’s stuff but the steps household AND my dad’s parents(dec’d) households worth of junk. Plus her children kept dumping their garbage on my dad because “he had a pole barn” because they were too lazy to get rid of it themselves.

          2. Hi Kathy, oh my gosh, that would be a problem for sure. That’s not good when extended family started using your dad’s pole barn as a storage unit sort of, I guess. Yikes, that was a lot of junk you had to get rid of, wow! This is why I keep telling people to declutter, no one wants our stuff unless it is an heirloom. I’ve helped declutter too many homes after someone is about to move or someone has died. It’s not a pretty sight if they never got rid of anything in their entire life. The last one I did with some friends I said lets go in on “Got Junk” and let them haul it away next time! I tell you, I have decluttered so my kids do not have to go through this after I’m gone. Linda

  7. I just finished organising my emergency supplies and I’ve now got them in “layers”. Absolute essentials go in a rolling backpack that comprises the first layer. Next most useful are in a duffle bag that can hang on the rolling bag, plus a winter add-on bag that may or may not be needed. A computer bag holds several essential items for communication and charging devices. Depending on the situation I can grab the computer bag and rolling backpack and add other bags as needed. I’m packing extra supplies in another couple of bags that may or may not have room or time to grab. I don’t have a vehicle but I got one of those folding wagons to hold things I can take to our local emergency mustering spot or over to a neighbour’s house to evacuate in their car. Among the wagon layer items is a tent cot that can be used outside or for extra privacy in a group shelter situation. It’s too heavy for on-foot evacuation but great to bring if I have the opportunity. I keep a list of everything in the bags and any expiry dates where applicable. A lot of the items mentioned in your article aren’t things I tend to have around anyway so not an issue as far as prepping supplies go. I’m trying for maximum flexibility, mobility and accessibility.

    1. HI Alice, oh my gosh, I love hearing how organized you are!! I realize it takes a lot of effort to organizer everything but boy is it worth it! You also have aplan to evacuate with a neighbor, good job! Keep up the good work, more people need to be as prepared as you are! Good job! Linda

  8. Sometimes it is hard to see the next emergency down the road. Perfect example….. I have been getting Synvist injections in both my knees for 10 years. While they take time to be effective. I never had a bad reaction until Monday. 6 hours past my injections the pain from the flare-ups was so intense, I could not walk at all. Nothing over the counter would help. Call to doctor office could not get me steroids until the next day. Of all the meds I have stocked up, no steroids. I don’t even know if I can get a doctor to write a script. Just when I think I have it all covered……I don’t.

    1. Hi Chris, I have never heard about Synvist injections! Oh my gosh, that would be so painful to have a bad reaction! I had both knees replaced about 13 years ago. The pain before I had them done was unbearable. I can’t imagine the intense pain from a flareup you had to endure. I’m so sorry, my sweet friend. You know this makes me think about the pain I get when my Gout from arthritis flares up. I will need those drugs, great comment to help all of us. I sure hope they will give you some refills for any future bad reactions (hopefully you will never have one again)!! Linda

      1. Linda, At this point, both my knees are bone on bone. I am not a candidate for knee replacement, because my body can not tolerate the opoids given in recovery. I take nothing except Tylenol PM at night to sleep. OTCs simply do not work.

        1. Hi Chris, bone on bone is not good. I’m so sorry you cannot get your knees replaced. I took Motrin/Aleve after my knees were replaced. Our body knows what it can tolerate. OTC’s do not work for me either. Linda

  9. I agree Matt, I looked at the same studies you referenced.

    Does anyone care to comment if antibiotics last longer if kept in a fridge (not a freezer)?

    Thanks for any replies.

  10. I am very disappointed that the author has painted with a very broad brush about medication and that uninformed readers will take the advice seriously and act accordingly.

    To advise readers to toss expired medication without saying more is irresponsible. Antibiotics, for example, last years beyond their expiration date.

    Every now and then, a blogger goes back and finds another blogger’s article from many years ago, rewrites it, and then repeats the advice to toss tetracycline without researching further. The fact is that tetracycline did become toxic years ago, but the formula was also changed years ago.

    The Pentagon did a study. It found that Big Pharma’s anti-biotic expiration dates were arbitrary and could not be justified. Think about it. If a manufacturer sets a short expiration date, the results would be a greater sales. As a result, it ordered that existing antibiotic stocks continue to be used. The annual savings was well over $100 Million. I am quite confident that if you dig further, antibiotics are not going to be the only example of efficacy post-expiration date.

    In an austere environment where Walgreen’s and CVS are only fond memories and one where “nobody is coming to save you,” deciding to toss medication in normal times might ultimately be a deadly choice, the dire consequences of which being felt later by friends and family.

    1. Hi Survivormann99, I do not go and look at other bloggers information. I wouldn’t trust it, I have to do the research myself. If you look at the comments, you will learn even more about my strategy on antibiotics. We have a great comment forum here and help others with informed comments. Linda

  11. Linda, I never said that YOU looked at other blogger’s columns. I was just pointing out that many bloggers re-hash another blogger’s information and that misinformation is often repeated and passed on.

    The fact that other people in the Comments section address an issue is not a cure. I would guess, yes, guess, as there is no way of actually knowing, that 4 out of 5 readers always read a Comments Section, and that the vast majority stop reading the blog when the article ends. The longer the Comments Section, the less likely a reader is to read it, and his only takeaway are the points made in the article, itself.

    Depending on readers to fill in the gaps is not a good strategy.

  12. Sorry, I missed an important “not” when I said, “…4 out of 5 readers always read a Comments Section…” I should have said, “”…4 out of 5 readers don’t always read a Comments Section…”

  13. I strongly disagree with your point to rely on digital entertainment. Physical books and games are going to be worth their weight in gold. Not only my family but neighbors will enjoy a good book or game or puzzle. Telling people to go digital is nonsense. Power to run these devices will be gone or very limited, noone is going to be able to recharge from my solar power just to play a digital game.

    1. Hi David, thank you for your opinion. I pointed out to declutter hoarded items with missing parts, etc. We have to go with both in my opinion. So many people can’t let go of board games where half of the pieces are missing. That was my point. We need hard books and games thats for sure. Linda

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