Add Shredded Cheese
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Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Today, it’s all about making an egg white breakfast bowl. Mark and I purchased the Kirkland Egg Whites the other day and immediately my son-in-law, Nate, said we should make some breakfast bowls with these.

He is the breakfast king in the family so we started chopping various vegetables and bacon, and then we made our very own egg white bowl with the ingredients each of us wanted. These are so good. I like the idea of cutting back on the egg yolks as well.

These cartons are pure egg whites, with no other ingredients listed. The box says 16 ounces on the front of it. The side of the carton states it has ten servings of 3 tablespoons each. Bonus, only 25 calories before we add the vegetables, bacon, or cheese.

According to this carton of egg whites, 3 tablespoons of their product equals one large whole egg. Oh, my gosh, you have to make these omelet look-alikes in no time at all. And did I say, no mess? Except for when I sprinkled the cheese on the bowl. Life is so good with eggs for breakfast!

Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Items You May Need In The Kitchen:

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Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Step One: Gather Ingredients

Gather any leftover food you have in the refrigerator, like our caramelized onions, chopped spinach, chopped cooked bacon, mushrooms, red bell peppers, and grated cheese. Grab a bowl and pour 1/2 cup of egg whites, or an equal amount of regular egg into the bowl.


Step Two: Put Ingredients in a Bowl

Add the ingredients you desire to your egg-filled bowl. Each person in the family will spoon the amount of each ingredient option they want in their own bowl. We can add more or less of the ingredients depending on the individual’s particular cravings.

Add Your Favorite Ingredients

Step Three: Cook – Stir

Cook for about one minute. Stir.

Cook One Minute

Step Four: Cook Again

Now, cook for 30 to 60 seconds, depending on the desired egg consistency.

Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Step Five: Add Cheese

Add cheese and let it melt.

Add Shredded Cheese

Step Six: Make Sure Cheese Melted

You can cover the bowl with a small plate to help melt the cheese faster and keep the eggs warm.

Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Finished Product


Egg White Breakfast Bowl

Egg White Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Egg White Breakfast Bowls
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
1 min
Stir & Cook Again
1 min
Total Time
17 mins
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Servings: 1 serving
Author: Linda Loosli
  • 1/2 cup egg whites, or an equal amount of regular eggs
  • 1 teaspoon spinach
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 teaspoon chopped cooked bacon
  • 1 teaspoon cooked mushrooms
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon shredded cheese
  1. 1. Grab a bowl and pour 1/2 cup of egg whites, or an equal amount of regular egg, into the bowl.

    2. Add the ingredients you desire to your egg-filled bowl.

    3. Cook for about one minute. Stir.

    4. Cook an additional 30-60 seconds, or until desired egg consistency.

    5. Add cheese and let it melt. You can cover the bowl with a small plate to help melt the cheese faster and keep the eggs warm. Enjoy.

How do I store the leftover egg white breakfast bowl?

If you have any leftovers, cover them with plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

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Would This be Considered a Healthy Breakfast?

Over the years eggs have gotten a bad “rap” based on cholesterol issues. Just like most foods, if eaten in moderation, they should be fine. The additional veggie ingredients help add to the healthy approach to this recipe.

Could I Make This Into a Breakfast Casserole?

Sure you can. You’ll have to experiment with the amount of egg whites to use depending on the number of people to be fed. Mixing all the ingredients together at one time eliminates the individuality some may like when making their own egg white bowl. Also, based on the thickness of the casserole, the cook times will also change.

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Final Word

Please let me know if you make these egg white breakfast bowls, I love to hear from you! Having the chopped vegetables ready to go would make any morning breakfast schedule a little smoother, right? No more drive-throughs, we can eat at home and work together as a family in the kitchen. May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. This looks pretty good but I’m a huge fan of yolks. Still I can see doing this if I was using the yolks for something else.
    (The yolks have the protein that makes eggs so nutritious).

    1. Ray,
      I second your opinion on yolk’s! (yes i have a few chickens too. Not only do the yolk have protein they have the correct naturally balanced vitamins, minerals and fats for a baby chick to grow… and to nourish their brains and development.They can provide the same benefit for us..
      Much of our information is skewed to steer us to commercially prepared items…example margarine…was touted as good for you and more healthy than natural olive oil or Farm fresh Butter.
      The pictures look good but know i can not eat many of those foods.. i usually just combine my whole egg with bacon bits…and have a pc of toast with real butter and maybe a little salsa.

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