emergency car kit

Emergency Car Kit-What You Need In Your Vehicles

I have written about an emergency car kit and what you need in your vehicles before, but I’m adding more things this time. Please keep in mind I have one small car, a Honda CRV. After watching The Weather Channel non-stop for the last few days and the devastation that Hurricane Harvey has done to Texas, Louisiana, and surrounding areas, I realize I need more in my car. Here are my thoughts. I know what Mark and I would need, but if for some unforeseen reason we need to evacuate, my supplies need to be expanded to help others. I have always planned on helping others, but this 500-year storm has opened even my eyes to severe devastation. I personally have seen a roof torn off a home in Illinois, as well as headstones pushed over by a tornado coming through the town I was living in at the time.

This Hurricane Harvey situation has brought me to my knees, who can plan for this type of devastation? I have been through a 100-year storm in Farmington, Utah in 1983. Yes, it was catastrophic, but nowhere near the level of Hurricane Harvey. I’m very emotional as I write this post because I have so many readers in Texas and Louisiana. The world is praying for all involved in the evacuation, clean-up, and the rescue efforts like people bringing boats to get people out of their homes and to safety.

One thing that has come to my mind is my car is too small to take enough stuff to evacuate for an extended period of time. I’m working on a plan which will take me months to put together because I have limited funds to purchase what I would need. These items are not a want but a need. I’m one of the most qualified people in my neighborhood to get us through a major disaster. Of course, I wish more were prepared, but I know who is and who is not prepared in my neighborhood.

I’m teaching a class this week to a large subdivision here in Southern Utah that is really in tune with understanding the need to be prepared for the unexpected. Keep in mind that September is National Preparedness Month. I am usually booked to speak one year in advance in September. I am honored to be asked to speak to this large group.

Read More of My Articles  What You Need In Your Emergency Vehicle Kits

After watching The Weather Channel the last few days, I realize I need to up my game for evacuations. In my home, I have all the tools such as food, water, cooking devices, fuel, first aid kits, etc. This is a keyword, in my home, I am totally prepared. Here’s the deal, I do not have a truck and trailer to take all of the preparedness items needed to survive. So, I’m going to compromise just a little.

One thing I am going to do is buy a larger, I should say a much larger Husky bag or another brand. I prefer the Husky brand bags because they are extremely sturdy and well made. Here is the original list I designed.

Emergency Car Kit

Emergencies or disasters/events can strike at any time, so having certain items in your vehicle can be lifesaving. Place items in a backpack, gym bag, or another container. Be careful about storing items that may be damaged or compromised in extreme heat situations.

  • Names and phone numbers of who to contact in an emergency.
  • Pictures of family members (2 sets) one for an emergency board and one picture to keep in your possession
  • Pictures of pets (2 sets), one for an emergency board, and one picture to keep in your possession.
  • Medical records of your pets, this is critical if you find a shelter that will accept pets, many will not (unless you have a pet for medical reasons).
  • Pet 72-hour kit with an extra leash, water/food dishes, and food.
  • Pet crate or cat litter box with extra bags to dispose of waste.
  • Emergency toilet with toilet paper, 10-gallon bags, and kitty litter.
  • Battery/crank-powered portable radio/extra batteries.
  • Flashlight/preferably one with solar/crank/LED.
  • Compass and maps; not everyone has GPS in their car or on their phones.
  • Can of motor oil.
  • Fire Extinguisher(5-pound ABC type).
  • Flares and/or orange cones.
  • Jumper cables.
  • Rags/paper towels.
  • Shovel.
  • Pocketknife.
  • Tire gauge.
  • Toolbox.
  • Window scraper for ice.

Necessities for survival:

  • Water (rotate water often as heat will affect the safety of drinking it-thank you, Judy (you could use it to pour on your head to cool you down if overheated)
  • Food
  • Blankets
  • Jackets/sweaters
  • Emergency cash: approximately $200.00 in small bills
  • First Aid Kit
  • Baby Wipes
  • Hand Sanitizer/bars of hand soap
  • Toothbrushes, deodorant (non-meltable type)
  • Scissors/pens/pencils (not crayons-they melt)
  • Emergency snack food and/or MRE meals (items may need to be replaced more frequently if stored in extreme heat conditions)
  • Whistles
  • Umbrella
  • Hand warmers
  • Extra blankets
Read More of My Articles  How To Be Prepared To Cook Emergency Meals

Additional Items for my Emergency Car Kit:

  • Underwear for adult men and women, children’s sizes too. I think we would all love a new pair or two of underwear if we were stuck in a shelter for weeks. Bonus, would lots of children’s sizes.
  • Diapers, every size if possible, not a whole box but split a box with neighbors so we all have items to share if we must evacuate to a shelter.
  • Throw in a couple of extra shirts, t-shirts roll up really well. All sizes, trust me, people will be happy to put on a clean shirt after a few days.
  • Blankets, if people are cold in a shelter we could pass out an extra blanket or two to people who have nothing to stay warm.
  • N-95 or N-100 Masks and latex-free gloves.
  • Water, I am putting more water in my car, I will not pay $20.00 for a case of water. I will share what I have with others.
  • Food, I am now going to add a duplicate of my emergency food bag to my car.
  • Kelly Kettle uses only twigs and pine cones, I could boil water with it. My post shows how to use a Kelly Kettle.

Please let me know what you would add to this list and I will add it. My car is small but I want to be prepared to help others. Of course, I will throw in my 72-hour bags we talked about yesterday if Mark and I are asked to evacuate. I have said this before, I am not “bugging out”, I will evacuate if need be, but I am not going to be a target. My home is safe and secure and I have everything we need to be prepared for the unexpected. May God bless our world.

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  1. If an area is being evacuated, by all means leave. Other than that, I think sheltering in place is the best idea.

    Linda, I read that there was a flurry of earthquakes in Utah, any near where you live? Hope not.

    1. I’ve been watching about the flooding in Texas as well as we lived in Houston for 22 years. Our old home was flooded up to 2 feet deep, but it could have been a lot worse. We have adult children with disabilities who can not be in a shelter so we’ve always planned on sheltering in place. But watching this situation has made us decide that we need to have an evacuation plan. One thing we thought of is a bucket of legos and some baseball hats for our son with autism. This would make him feel much more secure.

      1. My hat’s off to you! Most don’t realize what those families with special needs members must deal with …along with whatever else is going on. My sister is in the same boat as you and just last night had to be evacuated because of the fires there in California. Thankfully, she was prepared, and her being calm helped him stay calm. Best wishes!

        1. Hi LaRene, I better go make sure the code show up better. Here is it: cook2017
          I love that it has two handles, it makes it easier for me to handle. Good luck, you can enter every day. I made it easy for people to enter. Have your husband enter too! Hugs! Linda

  2. From one living in southeast Texas it is hard to prepare for a flood other than to evacuate with necessites. We were fortunate to have a RV. I have learned that leaving water in your vehicle that becomes hot is no good so therefore it needs to be replaced. Check your water frequently.

    1. Hi Judy, I’m glad to hear you got out safely from your home. Good tip on the water. It could be used to pour on our heads to cool us down if we are overheated. But I have heard that about the heat affecting the water. I rotate mine often. Now I have those Blue Cans and they are good up to 145 degrees. I’m going to add this comment to my post, thank you so much, good reminder. Linda

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