Emergency Car Kits-Are You Prepared For Survival

Emergency Car Kits: Are You Prepared For Survival

Today I want to remind everyone to check their emergency car kits one more time before they take that road trip. Well, even if you are just driving across town it’s a good idea to have your emergency car kits looked at least once or twice a year. I  consider myself prepared for most things, but I have been known to let my “rotate the stuff” in those kits slide occasionally. Here’s the deal, if I have Benadryl in the house and my neighbor needs it, I give them the whole bottle. Of course, if I forget to write myself a note to pick up another bottle at the store, then I grab the bottle of Benadryl from the car and bring it into the house.

Emergency Car Kits: Are You Prepared For Survival

Now, I will confess I may be a hoarder, but a little hoarder, how does that sound? A hoarder is a hoarder, but I’m always concerned that I have at least three bottles of that stuff on hand at all times. I have been in the mountains at a party and someone got stung by a bee. A dad came running to me to see if I had some Benadryl, you know because I’m the prepared chick in the neighborhood. Well, I wasn’t prepared with Benadryl at that party. I had gotten down to my last bottle of Benadryl and hadn’t replaced the one in the car. This is why I have those yellow stickies everywhere to remind me about stuff. That’s how I roll.

I think it’s a good idea to be reminded that if you are stuck in your car because of traffic, weather conditions or whatever, you have your own emergency car kits filled with what you need. I remember thinking a few years ago that a road trip would take us six hours. Well, it took nine hours. There was a car accident, and then of course, people had to slow down. Then we were at a dead stop for three hours. No exits available for miles.

Read More of My Articles  Natural Disaster Preparedness Tips You Need

Luckily, Mark and I and the two dogs were fine, we had plenty of gas in the car, lots of water and some yummy snacks. I always make sandwiches and put them in a cooler so we never have to eat at fast food restaurants on road trips. Our dogs had plenty of food and water as well.

Please remember food and dishes for your pets, and bags to pick up you know what. Three hours in a car with two dogs at a dead stop on the freeway, luckily they loved to be cuddled. It was hot and we had to keep turning the car on and off just to keep the car cool with the air conditioning. This is why I always try to keep my gas tank 3/4 full. I used to say 1/2 full around town, but with road trips I’m obsessed with keeping gas at 3/4 full if we are going to start on a long stretch of highway with very few exits.

Emergency Car Kits

Emergencies or disasters/events can strike at any time, so having certain items in your vehicle can be lifesaving. Place items in a backpack, gym bag, or another container. Be careful about storing items that may be damaged or compromised in extreme heat situations.

  • Names and phone numbers of who to contact in an emergency.
  • Pictures of family members (2 sets) one for an emergency board posting and one picture to keep in your possession.
  • Pictures of pets (2 sets), one for an emergency board posting and one picture to keep in your possession.
  • Medical records of your pets, this is critical if you find a shelter that will accept pets, many will not (unless you have a pet for medical reasons).
  • Pet 72-hour kit with an extra leash, water/food dishes, and food.
  • Pet crate or cat litter box with extra bags to dispose of waste.
  • Emergency toilet with toilet paper, 10-gallon bags, and kitty litter.
  • Battery/crank powered portable radio/extra batteries.
  • Flashlight/preferably one with solar/crank/LED.
  • Compass and maps; not everyone has GPS in their car or on their phones.
  • Can of motor oil.
  • Fire Extinguisher(5 pound ABC type).
  • Flares and/or orange cones.
  • Jumper cables.
  • Rags/paper towels.
  • Shovel.
  • Pocketknife.
  • Tire gauge.
  • Toolbox.
  • Window scraper for ice.
Read More of My Articles  Emergency Car Kit-What You Need In Your Vehicles

Necessities for survival:

  • Water (rotate water often as heat will affect the safety of drinking it-thank you, Judy (you could use it to pour on your head to cool you down if overheated).
  • Food
  • Blankets
  • Jackets/sweaters
  • Emergency cash: approximately $200.00 in small bills
  • First Aid Kit
  • Baby Wipes
  • Hand Sanitizer/bars of hand soap
  • Toothbrushes, deodorant (non-meltable type)
  • Scissors/pens/pencils (not crayons-they melt)
  • Emergency snack food and/or MRE meals (items may need to be replaced more frequently if stored in extreme heat conditions).
  • Whistles
  • Umbrella
  • Hand warmers
  • Extra blankets

Printable: Items Needed by Food Storage Moms

This is a short list, but it will get you started. This is what my Honda CRV emergency car kits look like in the back of my car. Stay tuned, they are going to get an upgrade. Please be safe when you drive, please don’t text and drive. No phone call is that important. I know families that have lost loved ones from distracted people driving with phones, talking and or texting. May God bless this world. Stay safe and alert while driving. Life is good if you are prepared for the unexpected.

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  1. As we age it’s more common to not remember to do something until much later…so I’ve started writing notes in my smartphone to help me. For stuff to replenish, I normally use an app called OurGroceries+ since it allows family sharing of the lists, so either my wife or I can see what we need to pick up when we’re at the store. Since it allows multiple lists, I have one for the warehouse club, the drug store, the hardware store, and the supermarket. Makes it much easier to get everything we were supposed to and avoid making multiple trips, wasting time and gas.

    But, I love your idea on a more complete medical kit in the car. I just have a small one in the get home bag, so I may need to update that, although our summer temps are pretty brutal on medications stored in a car and winter temps aren’t much better for stuff that shouldn’t freeze. Will have to see what I can do…at least carry it during decent weather.

    1. Hi, DMWalsh, I am going to look at that app, thank for the tip. I use yellow stickies, but I use 3 by 5 cards for my groceries, etc. I like the multiple list idea! Great comment, Linda

  2. Thanks, Linda ~
    I was coming home from visiting relatives – a 4 1/2 hour trip NORMALLY!! Well, since I am retired and there are different routes I could take, I decided to take a route that was not my normal, fast way to get home. Unfortunately, there was an accident on the highway and we were stopped for about 4 hours while the emergency vehicles/police did their thing. I only had one bottle of water because I had forgotten to replenish what I had taken out. Sitting on the side of the road with only 16.9 ounces of water to drink was not pleasant. Now, the fortunate thing was another road sitter had bottles of water because they had been hiking and had a case in the back of their car. I was able to get a couple of bottles from them.

    The learning I gained from this one incident was to ALWAYS have an emergency pack well supplied with those amenities. I carry a full kit with water, water add-ins, jerky, granola bars, first aid, cards, TP, etc. It perhaps is not as complete as I should have but I feel pretty confident with this kit for most of my driving. If I am driving over the mountains to my sister’s home (4 1/2 hours away) I always add to this kit.

    I don’t want to ever be caught out in a situation like I was in without water. I can do without the food but don’t want to either. But the water is crucial for me.


    1. Hi, Leanne, I love your comment today because it reminds us all of that ONE trip that took several more hours than expected. I’m going to be working on some new containers I found for my emergency car kits. I love the Husky Bags, but I have trouble, remember what’s in each bag. I have a solution that I think will help others. I am going to enjoy Thanksgiving with the house packed with family here at my house. I’m so glad the weather is good for a few of them to make the drive. Happy Thanksgiving, thanks for reminding all of us water is key to our survival in the car. Linda

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