Emergency Preparedness Gift Guide

Emergency Preparedness Gift Guide

Have you ever thought about what you will do in case of an emergency? This is where preparedness comes in. The more prepared you are now, the more prepared you can be later when the emergency takes place. Keep reading this Emergency Preparedness Gift Guide for ideas on the most ideal gift.

In no time, you’ll be able to choose the perfect gift for the prepper in your life. It’s truly amazing what people need to help them prepare for their future, in case of an emergency!

1. Flashlights

Everyone needs a flashlight to be prepared. Check out this LED Tactical Flashlight and also grab a Goal Zero Solar Flashlight. Both flashlights are the perfect gift for a prepper.

2. Emergency Stove & Fuel

Emergency Stove and Fuel is something you may not have bought yet, but it’s something you will need. Grab these items for emergency preparedness.

3. Multi-Purpose Tool

Everyone needs a Multi-Purpose Tool in their kit. Having this type of tool on hand will help you do more than you ever imagined.

4. Sun Oven

Please keep in mind, unless you have a lot of sunshine where you live, I do not recommend buying one of these. If you have sunrays like where I live in Southern Utah, these can be used almost 365 days a year. You’ll need a Sun Oven to help you get through any emergency situation.

5. My Book “Prepare Your Family For Survival”

“Prepare Your Family For Survival” is a book that I wrote. I totally think it’s the perfect gift for prepping. It has everything in it regarding prepping that you should know. Knowledge is power when prepping.

6. Dutch Oven & Storage Bag

If you have a Dutch Oven and fuel, there is nothing you can’t cook or bake in one of these. This my PRINTABLE Dutch Oven Chart you can use. If you know a welder, you may want to have my Dutch Oven Stand made.

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7. Charcoal/Lump Coal

Charcoal Briquettes are something that everyone should have on hand when it comes to emergency preparedness. You never know when you will need it, so you might as well keep it on hand.

8. Fire Chimney

Having a Fire Chimney is one smart move when you are a prepper. Keep in mind that a fire chimney can help you in many situations when you need to get a fire started. It a great gift to help someone with emergency preparedness.

9. Lantern

A Lantern is something that is super important when it comes to emergency survival. You are going to need light, and more than just a flashlight in many cases, and there is no way around it. A lantern is a great gift to give someone to help them prepare.

10. WaterBricks for Water Storage

Each one is 3.5 gallons and weighs about 27 pounds when filled with water. They stack on top of each other and come with a handle to grab and go. I have 16 WaterBricks (3.5-gallon size) stored under a queen-size bed which equates to 56 gallons of water. Check out WaterBricks and 6-Pack WaterBricks!

11. Water Preserver

If you store water, you’ll want to use Water Preserver so you only have to rotate your water every 5 years. If you use bleach in your stored water you will need to rotate it every 6 months. That doesn’t work for me. I can rotate it every 5 years for sure.

12. 4-in-1 Tool

This is a critical tool to have on hand in order to turn off the gas to your home. Please do NOT turn off your gas line unless you smell gas in the neighborhood, or you are in imminent danger.

The gas company will have to come back and turn it on. It can also be used to pry open doors and lift debris. When Mark and I took the C.E.R.T. class they suggested we all get one. So, of course we did. 4-1-Tool is something that may turn out to be the perfect gift for the prepper you know.

13. Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm

Prepper or not, a Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm is something everyone needs in their home. Grab one for yourself and the prepper that needs a gift.

14. Fire Extinguisher

When it comes to having a Fire Extinguisher, make sure you are prepared. Fire extinguishers make awesome gifts in the emergency preparedness department.

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Keep in mind that all fire extinguishers are labeled to show what kind of extinguisher it is. This helps us understand which classification of fire fuel the extinguisher will be effective in putting out or controlling any given situation.

  • Class A Fires: Ordinary combustibles like paper, cloth, wood, rubber, and many plastics
  • Class B Fires: Flammable liquids like oil, and gasoline, charcoal lighter, kerosene
  • Class C Fires: Energized electrical equipment like wiring or motors. Once the electricity to those units are turned off they become a Class A.
  • Class D Fires: Combustible metals like aluminum, magnesium or titanium.

So, when you purchase a fire extinguisher it is extremely important to identify the type of fuel you think will be most common at your home, office, garage, etc.

This is so you can select the correct extinguisher that you think may just be the best for your personal situation to do the job correctly.

15. Solar Powered Cell Phone Charger

This unit comes with a solar flashlight and it can charge your phone quickly. You may need to grab a Cell Phone Charger as a gift for the prepper in your life.

16. Goal Zero Solar Generator

I have personally tried this one with my son-in-law who uses a C-PAP, it works. He used it for 8 + hours one night. It’s perfect to use with a nebulizer when the power goes out. These are an absolute must to have at your home.

I can’t say enough about this Goal Zero YETI 400 Solar Generator. It’s great for making sure your home is preparedness ready!

17. First Aid Kit

Of course, you can put together a first aid kit yourself, but this one has some really nice amenities in it. You may have seen my first aid kit using a Stanley Big Max Tool Kit and my Plano Fishing Tackle Box.

Don’t try and have an emergency kit without a First Aid Kit. Get one of these for the emergency prepper in your life.

18. NOAA Hand Crank Radio

NOAA Hand Crank Crank Radio is a must when it comes to emergencies. Having a crank radio on hand can literally be life-saving.

19. Bucket of Food

These buckets are not my favorite way to buy food storage, but it’s better than nothing at all. I realize it’s a bit overwhelming for people to get started with food storage.

This may be a great alternative for one person. Make sure you grab an Augason Farms 30-day ONE Person Bucket to help with emergency preparedness.

20. Water Filter

Having the right amount of water is crucial to survival in an emergency. Grab a LifeStraw Personal Water Filter to make life easier in an emergency.

Final Word

Being prepared in an emergency is no joke. I hope this Emergency Preparedness Gift Guide helps you find that ideal gift for the prepper in your life. Which gift do you plan on buying for them? May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. Good ideas.
    I’m looking at a Dutch oven for my son. My son and I are building an AR for my son in law. Got a car gun safe for my daughter.

  2. Hi Linda,
    Being the frugal (cheap?) prepper, I have many of these things and offer some alternatives.
    1. Flashlights
    The ones you list are good; but, LED flashlights seem to be everywhere now. Personally I would recommend ones that use the 18650 Lithium Ion or the cartridge that holds 3 AAA batteries, often interchangeably. For the AAA rechargeable batteries, I use only the Panasonic Eneloop batteries & charger, rated as best by nearly every review.

    2. Emergency Stove & Fuel
    The important thing about prepping is to always be aware of the reseouces around us, often in unexpected places. A few years ago while ahipping at the local Aldi’s in their non food aisle, I discovered a sinble burner butane stove, very similar to the Camp Chef Butane Single Burner stove you listed. I purchased a 12 pack of that same butane. We also have a 2 burner dual fuel Coleman stove purchased on sale that could also make a good gift.

    3. Multi-Purpose Tool
    • Your tool is OK; but, after some research and much thought, I have the Off Grid Tools Survival Axe Ultimate Outdoor Multitool-Hatchet Hammer Saw with the following features:
    • Hatchet blade
    • Hammer head, nail Claw and pry bar
    • Replaceable 6 inch saw blade
    • Hex sockets 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 10mm, 11mm, 13mm, 15mm
    • Hardened steel glass breaker and seat belt cutter
    • Natural Gas shut off tool
    It’s a bit more expensive; but, has a lot more versatility.

    4. Sun Oven
    If you are handy, you can make your own as we did; but, Ohio is not always the best place for one of these: DIY Solar Oven

    5. My Book “Prepare Your Family For Survival”
    Since I have a vision problem conventional books and even Kindle version are hard for me to read; but, if you have a pdf version I could purchase directly, I would be interested.
    6. Dutch Oven & Storage Bag
    We use any old heavy trash bag for storage; but, have several Dutch ovens we’ve used for years. I don’t know how well they work in an urban environment unless you can build a campfire in your back yard.

    7. Charcoal/Lump Coal
    We generally use only propane or wood, since wood will eventually turn into char coal.

    8. Fire Chimney
    This is good for quickly starting charcoal without a lot of lighter fluid you don’t want in your food.

    9. Lantern
    We have old Coleman lanterns, and Aladdin lamps; but, the LED lanterns have really gotten good. I purchased one of the “As seen on TV” Atomic Beam Lantern Original by Bulbhead, Bright 360-Degree, Collapsible LED Lantern for Emergencies & Camping for $20.00. Sometime later I found a blister pack of two, with batteries, once again @ Aldi’s. You need to keep your eyes open for such things.

    Alonge the lines of lighting, don’t forget the LED Headlamps, like this one:
    80 Lumen COB Headlamp HLPY for $5.00 with batteries.
    Rural King is a local store and we purchased a few there and handed them out to the kids.

    10. WaterBricks for Water Storage
    We have many ways to store water; but, these are on our wish list.

    11. Water Preserver
    Water Preserver is a highly effective form of Sodium hypochlorite, that is stabilized and pH balanced, and has residual bactericidal properties, so common bleach will work if you boil the water before you use it.

    12. 4-in-1 Tool
    I think the Off Grid Tool I already mentioned does all of this & more.

    13. Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm
    14. Fire Extinguisher

    Add a smoke detector and this combination is a great gift, we once gave to some newlyweds. When they were opening the gifts with standard dishes, vlenders, and toasters, this one caught everyones attention and got the kids off to a good safe start.

    15. Solar Powered Cell Phone Charger
    Better options IMHO are the lithium battery banks with an attached solar panel. You set it in the sun and then can use the charged battery for cell phones, tablets, and other devices, often numerous times on a single charge.

    16. Goal Zero Solar Generator
    I don’t have this one; but, have been experimenting with the systems from Harbor Freight.

    17. First Aid Kit
    Purchase something to start with and then add to it.
    Items like single use super glue and additional gauze and bandages can enhance the kit on the cheap.

    18. NOAA Hand Crank Radio
    For about the same price range, I think the Kaito Voyager is a better option. It runs from solar or crank and is USB chargeable. The crank can also be used to charge USB devices.
    It covers AM. FM, Shortwave, and the 7 NOAA channels and can be set to alert.
    19. Bucket of Food
    You can never go wrong here; but, be aware that some food packages contain TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein; Soy). For good individual packaged meals, look for the ”Bear Creek” soup mixes. They come in a Mylar bag and you generally add the contents to 2 quarts of boiling water and have a meal for several people. Their Darn Good Chili is better when you add real ground beef and we’ll often add extra vegetables to some of them; but, they provide a decent tasting meal without any additions.

    20. Water Filter
    The life straw you list is a standard; but, there are others, including some that can be built using food grade buckets to provide a larger quantity of water.
    Gravity Water Filter Kit for DIY Purifier, Includes .2 Micron Ceramic Filter, Pre Filter, Dispenser, and Instructions by SHTFandGO” on Amazon is another one

    1. Hi Ohio Prepper, I have a publisher, my book was not self-published so I do not have a PDF, I’m so sorry. I love Bear Creek Soups! I love learning about other options on all the items you mentioned above. I’m going to check all of them out!! Love It! Thank you! Linda

  3. Linda,

    I have a publisher, my book was not self-published so I do not have a PDF, I’m so sorry. I love Bear Creek Soups! I love learning about other options on all the items you mentioned above. I’m going to check all of them out

    I thought you might have a publisher so that’s quite OK.
    I have some vision issues that make using a Kindle or Audible book player hard to use; but, I’m working on trying to get both running on one of my PC’s where I have large enough screens to see things so I could well end up with your Kindle edition.
    I’m glad you took my suggestions as just that, alternatives to your items that work for me and may work for others. I’m not trying to rain on your parade, just give other options, since the more options & knowledge we have available, the better each of us can find something that works for each of us.
    If you or anyone, would ever like to communicate directly, you can click on my name, and the website it takes you to will allow you to send an email. Be sure to mention this forum ” foodstoragemoms” and the name you use here.

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