Emergency Preparedness Gifts

The Best Emergency Preparedness Gifts We All Need

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I have some of the best emergency preparedness gifts we all need on the blog today. Let’s just say I am a very practical person. My idea of giving is need over want when it comes to presents. Wants will come and go but needs will usually last way after the birthday or whatever holiday prompted the gift to be given. Of course, kids clothes will be outgrown, I get that.

By now, you know I’m talking about emergency preparedness to hopefully help people think about their gift-giving this year, and every year thereafter. Let me add that the age group I am talking about here will be anyone over 16-18 years of age.

This is the age where we are grooming our kids to go to college, serve their church, go learn a trade, get married, or otherwise pursue their dreams. If someone is 18 years of age and is just moving out to be on their own they will soon learn that mom and dad are not in their dorm with a flashlight to hand to the student when the power goes out, unless mom packed one for them when they moved out of the home base.

Yes, I would have and did pack one for my daughters, but I am a prepper chick. LOL! My grandson loves his solar-powered e-book charger. My son-in-law loves his solar-powered phone/iPad charger I gave him. He works at a hospital and it is critical his phone is charged at all times. That’s his line of communication with other hospital workers.

Okay, these items are fairly inexpensive but can be used in a disaster or unforeseen emergency. Today I want to talk about the bare necessities and a few more advanced emergency preparedness holiday gifts.

Emergency Preparedness Gifts

1. Water-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

Water can be purchased in cases of 24 bottles and stacked in the corner of your bedroom or in your closet. They can make you a nightstand with a tablecloth covering it. You can fill washed soda bottles and they are ready to use in an emergency.

You can add eight drops of unscented bleach per one gallon of water to keep the algae from growing. Shake up and down before opening and boil to be sure it is safe to drink. Or buy some Sports Berkey Water Bottles and you can filter/purify the water you stored in the soda bottles.

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You can also buy WaterBricks. The gift of filled water containers would be awesome, I promise. You never know when your loved ones might need that water. Many of your local hardware stores and large chain stores carry those 55-gallon barrels as well. Add some Water Preserver and Pump, you have generated great holiday gifts! Water Preserver

2. Communication/Contact Info

Put together a plan of communication with your family and friends. How will you get in touch with each other in an emergency? Hopefully, not every location will be without power. You could possibly text your loved ones if you remember their phone numbers. Make a written list of your contacts. If your phone is dead you might not remember emails, phone numbers, etc. Here is a FREE Printable Contact Sheet.

One thing I learned from a search and rescue guy was to use Walkie Talkies, not the old ones we used at Disneyland, they do not work over longer distances. Of course, if you have your Ham radio license you are good to go. Here is the model the local Search and Rescue Team recommended to me: Motorola

I have a few neighbors who have the same model as our walkie talkies so we can check on each other through houses several streets away. We have set our walkie talkies on the same channel. These would be great holiday gifts.

3. Food Storage-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

This is the fun part if you think about it. Challenge yourself to add 2 cans of something every week when you go to the grocery store between now and when the holidays start, which equates to 8 or more cans a month. Some of these cans can be soup, beans or large #10 cans of soup base. I would have loved having some #10 cans of soup base for a gift when I was raising my family.

These cost approximately $12.00 a can. You can make several pots of soup from each can.  Try adding some onions, corn, green beans, etc. to make the soup more healthy and flavorful. Snack Ramen is another inexpensive soup base. You can then add some canned chicken and some vegetables for a tasty meal. Pancake mix is another great gift that most everyone would like to receive.

Read More of My Articles  Emergency Preparedness Gift Guide For Kids

I would love to say that I make everything from scratch, but I don’t. I still buy a few convenience products. I buy 6 bottles of my favorite pancake syrup at a time when it is on sale. I can fix pancakes or waffles in minutes. If you can afford to buy some #10 cans, that is awesome. Just remember, dehydrated is cheaper but it has such a short shelf life, so I rarely buy dehydrated.

I DO buy dehydrated carrots and potatoes, that’s it. Everything else is freeze-dried because of its long-term shelf life. My pantry is also stocked with cases of canned goods I use on a regular basis.

4. Light Source-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

I need to start with flashlights. Please give some GOOD flashlights that do not need batteries. If they have a crank and a solar panel, that rocks!  These are my favorite flashlights Goal Zero “Buy right the first time” is my motto. I really like all of Goal Zero’s products. If you watch for the Costco roadshows you can find some of the products cheaper and purchase these holiday gifts.

5. Heat Source-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

If you have a fireplace or wood burning stove you are set. Then gather some wood, if it’s okay to store where you live, and you have heat available when needed. I have a small space heater I can plug into my Goal Zero Solar generator.

Blankets/quilts would also be excellent gifts. If your loved ones lose power they can layer blankets to keep warm. A small space heater is great as a holiday gift.

6. Cooking Source/Fuel-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

One fairly inexpensive cook stove is a butane stove. It uses very little fuel and the fuel is pretty cheap. These can be used for cooking when you go camping if allowed in your area. If you can invest in a SunOven, it requires zero fuel. Sun Oven

A thermal cooker is great, but you need something to bring the food to a boil for 4 minutes before placing the food in the cooker to continue cooking. They can keep food cold for a few hours, too! These would be great holiday gifts!

Butane Stove and Butane Fuel

These are great for bringing water to a boil and cooking some meals.

Thermal Cooker

These are awesome because you can bring the food to a boil, and let it finish cooking your meal in the Thermal Cooker.

This is a very simple list for emergency preparedness gifts. My heart tells me to simplify and minimize our needs. Please spend money on emergency preparedness gifts, you will be glad you did. I promise. Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world.

Survival Food Storage by Linda

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  1. These are all great ideas, but if I was giving a “prepping” gift to a non-prepper I would not just buy them a case of water bottles. They would be like “What the heck? I could have bought this myself any day.” But a water FILTER, like a Katadyn, would be a great idea.

    1. Hi Lindsay, I know what you are saying about the cases of water. I totally had to laugh because thats what I would say if someone brought me some cases of water. I do appreciate that comment. I was thinking more of some students at school that need to store water somewhere in their dorm. The filter would be awesome if they had to evacuate and find some water to filter. There are a lot of young couples that would love to have 6 cases of water for a gift to have stored for a disaster and replace as they use them. Older couples would also love to have several cases as a gift and have them carried into their homes who are on a very limited budget. Thanks for stopping by and your great comment, Linda

      1. I used to get my water delivered the delivery man to me to get distilled water for storage in an emergency, I was told the water would last 20 years or outlast the 5 gallon container.

  2. I just completed a Christmas gift for our adult kids, each of which has a child. I prepared a two-week emergency food kit. It includes dehydrated fruits, pasta sauces, eggs, and vegetables that I dehydrated; freeze dried meats that I ordered, and flour, sugars, salt, baking powder and baking soda, yeast, honey, oatmeal, rice, black beans, hard candy, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can’t recall at the moment. However, it is enough food to feed each of our kids and their children for two weeks.

    1. Hi Karen, what a wonderful Christmas gift for your family…just the peace that give us as parents is so calming. Thanks for sharing this wonderful gift idea! Blessings, Linda

  3. I found down throw blankets on sale at Costco getting one for each of the family. Can be used camping, boating, fishing, hiking etc, throw in the back of the car for driving in Montana in snow for emergencies. In college my old mini van broke down 2 times driving on icy snowy roads and I was stranded and cold. The blanket would have been very handy. Also good for a bug out bag. Lightweight with a stuff sack and under 1 pound.
    They don’t realize it’s a combo prep item and great use item.

    1. Hi Kimmy, thanks for that great tip! That’s an awesome idea for a gift! I’m going to go check out Costco this afternoon. Emergency blankets are a great gift. I can only imagine how cold you were in your broken down minivan. This is why we all need blankets in the car. Great comment, Linda

  4. The blankets are called Double Black Diamond packable Down throws. They come in sets of 2. The red is more burgundy. All have a shiny and dull side, I like all the 4 colors blue, green, silver and red. Great gifts for sure! And yes getting stranded in the middle of no where back in the day with no cell phone was scary and I was so cold! That won’t happen again now!

    1. Hi Kimmy, thanks for the brand name, that is awesome. Oh, and no cell phone, yikes, I remember those days! I remember being pregnant and my car slid off the side of the road just barely from ice but I was not stranded, thank goodness. I was in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah and several people helped move the good old station wagon back on the road. LOL! Memories, yes we will never be caught without a blanket! Linda

  5. We’re into the heart of the holiday-shopping season–no, actually I shall bravely proclaim it, the “CHRISTMAS” shopping season.

    For those of us involved in crisis preparedness sales, being tossed into the frothy stir of mall-churned humanity is not as scary as it could be. You see, t here’s a certain familiarity in the chaotic spirit of it all, since we’ve been slogging through our own rush of frenzied buyers for months already.

    We get busy when folks out there startle to the lateness of the hour, realizing they’ve been letting their household readiness slip to seriously vulnerable levels. Hurricane Katrina was perhaps the biggest wake-up call of many lately.

    Our sales tend to ebb and flow a bit, but they are not so much determined by the calendar as by unexpected developments piercing the collective human experience.

    Hurricanes, terror strikes, disease outbreaks, geo-political upheavals … those are the types of triggers for OUR long hours as we work to provide customers with some sorely needed peace of mind. Believe me, business has been good lately … and unfortunately that means, a lot of folks out there have been losing sleep over their tiny place in the world.

    Emergency Preparedness Gifts
    1. Water-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

    Water Storage
    55 Gallon Water Barrel
    30 Gallon Water Barrel
    55 Gallon Rain Barrel
    AquaDrum Water Filtration System
    Water Filters & Purification
    Solar Hydro
    Survival Still
    2. Food Storage-Emergency Preparedness Gifts

    Mountain House
    Military surplus
    Future essentials
    Augason farm
    Lindon Farm
    MRE Star
    3. Cooking Source/Fuel-Emergency Preparedness Gifts .

    Cooking Equipment

    Tools & Lights


    4.Emergency Supplies

    Emergency Power

    Emergency Packs & Bags

    First Aid And Medical

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