Emergency Water Storage

Emergency Water Storage-The Basics

I’ve talked about emergency water storage many times, but it needs to be shared repeatedly as a reminder for us to all have clean water stored. A long-time friend texted my husband and asked him to ask me, “Ask Linda if 24 cases of Blue Can water is enough?”

I laughed because I knew he was teasing me. After all, I wrote a post about Blue Can Water, and his wife ordered a bunch. Why? Because it’s the best water ever! Let’s be clear: I recommend several types of emergency water storage. There are so many ways to store water for short and long-term needs.

Due to drought conditions, more people in the western states have been storing water for the past few years. It makes sense since water is becoming more scarce even though conservation efforts are being tried in most areas. It also makes sense to store water in places prone to flooding since your local water supply can become contaminated. Whether it be by the floods, broken pipes, or faulty pumps from your water service provider, etc. Even well water can be affected by gasoline or other toxic chemicals like pesticides or various toxic substances that seep in.

Emergency Water Storage-The Basics

Every Family’s Needs Are Different

We all have different budgets and space available for emergency water storage. I’m going to share some ideas today that hopefully work for you. Keep in mind you don’t have to buy ALL of it today. Over the past few years, I have slowly collected the water I need for my family of two.

I add a new container or storage source every year. You may remember that I don’t use bleach in my BPA-free water storage containers. You can use bleach if desired, but you must rotate the water every six months. The bleach formula is 1/8 teaspoon unscented liquid household chlorine bleach per gallon of water or 1/2 teaspoon per 5-gallon container. Be aware that the treated water will have a slight chlorine odor that you aren’t used to when it comes to drinking water treated with chlorine from your water system and out of the kitchen faucet inside your home.

No matter the size of your family or the source of their consumable water, we all need an emergency water supply for long-term storage and in our short-term emergency kit.

Rotating Water

I prefer NOT to rotate my water every six months, so I did the research and highly recommend Water Preserver Concentrate. I quote from Amazon regarding this product:

  • Tap water can be stored as emergency drinking water for five years in a 55-gallon water storage barrel.
  • Water Preserver is the first and only product recognized and proven effective for 5-year water storage, registered and licensed by federal and state EPA.
  • The Water Preserver was scientifically tested for 10 years to ensure its potency for 5-year storage.
  • Guaranteed 100% effective.
  • Water Preserver is a proprietary formula of stabilized, pH-balanced sodium hypochlorite with highly effective residual action that kills bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungus. Accept no substitutes—end of quote.
Read More of My Articles  How To Be Prepared With Water For Emergencies

Water Preserver Amounts

If I use Water Preserver Concentrate, I only have to rotate my water every five years. Here is the formula/ratio for this product:

  1. One whole bottle (0.73 ounces) for a 50-55-gallon container
  2. WaterBricks 1.6-gallon containers-1/4 teaspoon
  3. WaterBricks 3.5-gallon containers-1/2 teaspoon
  4. One-gallon containers-8 drops
  5. Five-gallon containers-40 drops
  6. 160-gallon container-3 bottles
  7. 250-gallon container-4.5 to 5 bottles

You can check the bottle of Water Preserver Concentrate for ratios to be used with larger high-capacity emergency water storage containers like water tanks.

Waterbricks Half Teaspoon Water Preserver

Please remember to store ALL your water containers at least two inches (with 2 by 4s of wood) off the concrete so the chemicals from the concrete/cement don’t leach into the plastic containers or water storage tanks. I highly recommend a lead-free hose to fill your containers outside or in your garage or basement. This is the one I use and share with my neighbors: Lead-Free Hose.

Emergency Water Storage

Emergency Water Storage Containers

We all need water to stay alive. Please don’t be one of those families standing in line at a grocery store for bottled water when the aisles are empty after a disaster. I highly suggest 4 gallons per person per day. I get thirsty just thinking about the American Red Cross’s recommendation of one gallon per person daily. We’ll need water for proper hydration, food preparation and cooking, personal hygiene, and limited emergency laundry chores.

Yes, one gallon each day is better than nothing. Just a heads up, the government may not be able to get water for anyone after major natural disasters or emergencies for days, weeks, or months. Please keep that in mind. Okay, I beg you to be prepared to hydrate your family ASAP for any disaster when it happens, and it will. Water Preserver Concentrate

1. 55-gallon barrel containers

Pros: they are relatively inexpensive; you can buy them at Walmart.

The cons are that it’s hard to pump the water out. Please remember to purchase a pump and bung to tighten the cap on top. You may also need a UV bag or cover to protect the barrels from the sun.

2. 24-bottle Cases of Water

Pros: Fairly cheap

Cons: Short shelf life. I quote Dasani: ” DASANI will hold its crisp, fresh taste for up to 12 months. After that, it’s best to recycle the old one and start with a fresh, new bottle.”

You could still use this water for laundry or personal hygiene well after the expiration dates. My issue would be if the plastic containers become brittle from the heat and crack and leak.

3. 30-Year Drinking Water

Pros: The water containers shown in the white cans with blue lettering have lasted 30 years.

Cons: the water tastes like a can and is expensive.

Emergency Drinking Water

4. Envelopes/Pouches of Water

Emergency Water Packets

Read More of My Articles  The Best Water Storage Containers

Pros: they fit in a backpack or the car and have 5-year shelf-life

Cons: not enough water for me, minimal.

5. WaterBricks for Emergency Water Storage

Emergency Water Storage

Pros: they are available in two sizes, 1.6-gallons, and 3.5-gallons, and they are stackable.

Cons: I hate to say they are expensive because nowadays everything is expensive. I have 16 of the 3.5-gallon WaterBricks stored beneath my king-size bed. This equals 56 gallons under that bed.

They are stackable, and you can even store them behind a couch or entertainment center in the living room. There is always a way to store water in a small apartment or mobile home. My motto has always been to buy right the first time based on your personal preferences and circumstances.

WaterBricks Two Different Sizes

6. Bathtub Bags

Pros: cheap, and they hold up to about 100 gallons. WaterBob

Cons: You better hope the water lines are still safe to drink when you fill those water bags. I am not a fan of them for this reason. But water is water; you decide. I worry our water may be contaminated, so I have not recommended these.

7. Blue Can Water for Emergency Water Storage

I quote: “Two-Day Supply Cases, each case of Blue Can Water contains 24 cans, 288 oz or 2.25 gallons per case.” The box is made from double-thick cardboard, making it perfect for storage. The water and packaging comply with standards for purified drinking water with a 50-year shelf life. All cans are also made of corrosion-resistant aluminum and are hermetically sealed. The best place to buy these: Brownells (I buy the 24 cans cases only; they are out of stock at the moment, so ask to be notified). UPDATE: I saw them on Walmart’s website for the same price. There are only three left in stock at the store near me and available by pick up only. Please check your local Walmart stores.

Blue Can Water

• Standard Case Pack: 24 12 oz (354.88 ml) Units
• Gallons/Case: 2.25 Gallons (8.51 Liters)
• Case Dimensions: 16″L x 10.6″W x 5.5″H
• Case Weight: 20.4 lbs. (8.98 kg)
• Storage Temperature: 33 to 150 degrees F (1 to 60 degrees C) ” End of quote.

Pros: they are expensive, but so is a soda drink from a convenience store. Save your money and invest in good water that lasts 50 years with the safest water containers ever. They can be stored up to 150 degrees!!! Great for our car emergency bags.

What About Water Treatment Systems?

I have always felt comfortable recommending the products from Big Berkey. They have treatment systems of all sizes and they work great. They are gravity-fed, so it may take a while to filter the amount of water you need.

I became aware of a product called PortaWell a few years ago. Their systems are fed by a pump that can generate 60 gallons per hour. They have backup batteries and solar panels to support their systems so you call always treat your water whether you have power to your home or not.

Final Word

Please remember to have a way to purify water in case you have to hike to get some from a lake or stream near your location or home. Big Berkey’s are great with the black ceramic filters, and Berkey Sport Bottles and LifeStraws are fantastic! Please be prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Water Jugs Depositphotos_184997216_S by IgorVetushko,

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  1. Water is next in importance after air. We have water stored in 5 gallons, and 3 gallons. We have a well with a hand pump to refill, plus we have plenty of ways to filter the water. Hopefully that will see us through, if the power goes out.

  2. My water is primarily in one gallon containers. Does the water preserver say how much to use for one gallon containers?

    1. Hi Kathie, thanks for asking me that question, I’m going to post it in my article. I have a container and instructions I keep for this very reason. The paper states 8 drops per gallon, I will tell you right now, I was laughing trying to count out the drops to see what the 3.5-gallon WaterBricks needed. It ended up being 1/2 teaspoon. Keep prepping, Linda

  3. Hi Linda,
    Water is something we’ve dealt with since our move to this homestead in 1984 as a rental, and was one of the many reasons we purchased this place in 1986. We have a great well, several large barns the roofs of which make great water catchment, and a creek that runs along the west side of the property. We also have our own sewage treatment, as in a septic tank and leach bed, so that other potential problem for people who rely on their city services is also eliminated.
    We’ve always had generators that could be brought online when needed; but, in November of 2016 we could finally afford to purchase and have a 16KW Generac auto start & transfer generator installed. It is propane fueled and we have at least 2000 gallons of propane on hand at all times in a tank farm that will hold more than 3000 gallons after our traditional summer fill. We also keep several kits of the consumables (Air & Oil Filters, Spark plugs, and Oil) on hand to manage long term outages. Additionally, most of our heating (except for the wood backup), cooking, and domestic hot water are propane fueled.
    Some points of note for those without these resources as we had been prior to the generator.
    Since most modern toilets flush with only 1.6 gallons, we kept and still keep a few 5 gallon buckets nearly full of water, lightly covered with loose fitting lids. They do not have to be food grade, since the water is used only to flush toilets, and a single bucket will give you about 3 flushes.
    Another storage method for those in urban environments who have a warning of a pending event (like a hurricane) is the waterBOB® (Bathtub Oblong Bladder). They describe the gadget as follows: A water containment system that holds up to 100 gallons of fresh drinking water in any standard bathtub in the event of an emergency. A siphon pump is included to easily dispense the water into jugs or pitchers.
    If you have a non-potable water source like a pool, pond, or creek you can also filter the water. I’ve purchased several ceramic filter kits that include the filters and a spigot, and with a couple of food grade 5-gallon buckets and a drill, you can build a gravity drip filter to make potable water from any non-turbid source.
    And finally, we do keep some bottled water around and have found the best tasting and least expensive comes from Aldi’s, if you live where that chain has stores.

    1. Wow, Ohio Prepper, you know I’m all over this comment!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing this, you rock! Wow, you have an awesome plan and I mean a well-planned out homestead/farm/home or whatever! You are amazing, thank you for this comment, let the world read this and make a plan like you did, THANK YOU!!! Linda

  4. Linda,
    You mentioned “Blue Can water” and along those lines I recommend the Datrex Water Pouch. Datrex also makes the Lifeboat Ration bars in 2400 & 3600 calorie sizes. Here is their description of the water pouches.
    “5 year shelf life means less worry about rotating water supplies! The US Coast Guard uses these Datrex Pouches because they are conveniently packaged in the exact amount of water recommended by The Red Cross for each meal – 4.227 oz.”
    Like any bottled or canned product, they are a bit expensive; but, keeping these on hand is another way to have long term emergency hydration.
    We also carry some of these in our car kits, since they may be frozen and thawed without bursting, and are then still usable.

    1. Hi, Ohio Prepper, thanks for the tip on freezing those Datrex pouches, I had written about small water bags, but I added your name and the link to purchase those pouches. I hadn’t thought about freezing those bags, love it!!! Thank you, Linda

      1. Linda,
        Freezing those pouches is not a plan in itself; but, a defense against being stuck in your vehicle on a cold winter day or night. Our car kits also carry simple candle heaters made from an empty #10 can with a plastic snap on lid.
        Using the old style “church key” beverage can opener, you place a row of holes around the bottom of the #10 can; dump some tea candles or other candles into the can along with butane lighter or some matches and place the lid on the can. Book matches in a zip top bag with a small desiccant works well for this. In an emergency, you remove the lid, dump out the contents and carefully light one or more candles, placing them into the bottom of the can. The holes allow combustion air into the can, while the can contains the flames and melting wax to keep things safe. Two or more candles in a vehicle when you are wrapped in a blanket or your normal winter gear will really take the chill off in an emergency, and allow you to thaw those frozen water pouches while you wait for help or for the storm to subside.
        We keep a dozen or more tea candles; but, also add unscented votive candles you can often purchase on the cheap during the clearance sales after most religious holidays.

  5. Okay, stupid question time – do you open sealed water to add preserver or is preserver for water you fill yourself.

    1. Hi Linda, no question is ever stupid, we are all learning. Remember that. If you buy sealed metal cans or pouches, they are ready for storage.The only time you will add Water Preserver is when you fill your clean BPA free containers. Good question, Linda

    1. Hi Lois, I’m not a chemist but according to the company Dasani, the shelf-life of the cases of water you can purchase at the store is less than a year. In 5 years will the chemicals from the plastic leach into the water, good question. Will the bottles leak, possibly? I would use the water for washing clothes or for personal hygiene. Is the water stored in a cool dark place? So many factors come into play when storing water. I always recommend several ways to store water. Then you can purify it with a Big Berkey or Life Straw, etc. Boiling water did not work for the Flint, Michigan lead poisoning. Keep up the good work, it is not a waste, but I would add a few other options as well. Linda

  6. living in the country, I store 5 gallon jugs , 2 1/2 gallon jugs and 20 ounce bottles of water. we have water pouches stored in our cars.we have an RO water filter on the kitchen faucet because I cannot drink the well water (it’s a community well) without filtration as they add too many chemicals. We also have a 550 gallon rain water catchment system which we use for the garden, flushing toilets and washing clothes in an emergency. we have several ways to filter water,including life straws and a manual filtration system. we have a creek nearby, but it goes dry in the summer.Even though we have water stored, I fear it won’t be enough and I keep adding to it. We do rotate our bottled water. We have water saving toilets and bough an HE washer to help save water.We also installed water saving shower heads. Water is our most precious resource. Use it wisely.

    1. Hi Judy, water is truly our most precious resource, love this comment! I still need to get a rain barrel, that’s next on my list. You rock with water, I love your comment! I only drink my RO water as well. Linda

  7. Hi LInda, thank you for your post and for your great ideas! I have a question in regards to these statements in your post: “Please remember, you must store ALL your water containers at least two-inches off the concrete with 2 by 4’s so the chemicals do not leach into the plastic containers. ”

    Are the ‘chemicals’ that you are referring to, in the concrete? I’m not understanding. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hi Connie, thank you that’s a very good question, I will fix my post right now. Yes, we need to be concerned about the chemicals in the concrete. I really appreciate you asking me that question, thanks again! Linda

  8. probably a strange question. I had my 5 gal water jugs stored in the garage on the cement when I read you should not do that. I’ve dumped the water. Do you think the jugs are o.k. to reuse?

    1. Hi Pat, I’m not a scientist, but I would reuse those jugs. Rinse with a drop or two of unscented bleach to clean them. Refill them with water and place them on 2 by 4’s. If you’re at all worried about the water you can use it to wash clothes if nothing else. I hope this helps, Linda

  9. Great article Linda, but I still believe AquaRain water purification systems are superior to Berkey. Virtually everyone I know who has a Berkey has switched to AquaRain filters (which do fit in their Berkey’s). In any event the important thing is to store water AND have a way to purify more.

    Oh, the sodium hypochlorite in your Water Preserver Concentrate is plain old unscented bleach. I’ve switched to using plain, unscented bleach (often labelled as Regular Scent) for water purification purposes. Much less expensive and works just as well. I add the bleach as I’m filling the barrels, that way it gets mixed in well.

    1. Hi Ray, I remember you said the AquaRain is a great unit. It’s nice their filters fit the Berkey. I still buy the Water Preserver I guess because I don’t want to trade out the water every six months. I guess it’s personal decision. You are right everyone needs to store water! Linda

  10. Linda, using regular bleach I don’t swap out my water every six months. At most I do it once a year and it’s usually less often than that. The water is always fine. I do have some old water preserver bottles that I now refill with bleach. Since I use 55 gallon drums I find that a convenient way to keep the ratio of bleach to water right.

    1. Hi Ray, I don’t rotate my water in my two 160 gallon tanks or the one 250 gallon high capacity tank very often or at all now that we just filled them and they are placed safely in the garage. My son-in-law wasn’t thrilled to have them in there but we brought them from Southern Utah so they are now filled and set to go. Linda

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