Essential Items Every Household Needs

Essential Items Every Household Needs

Whether you are a first-time renter or homeowner, you’ve got a lot on your plate over the next few weeks before you can consider that new place a functional place to live. Sure, you may have your bed and furniture situation all figured out, but there are several household items that you might have forgotten with all the craziness that’s been going on. I’m here to help you remember some of the important ones. These are the essential items every household needs in order for a place to feel like a home. In case you missed this post, How To Clean Your House And Stay Healthy

Essential Items Every Household Needs

Essential Items Every Household Needs

Sanitation/Hygiene Items  

We are currently living in a world where there’s really no guarantee that you will find what you’re looking for when you head to the grocery store. Yet it’s important that you and your family maintain good hygiene and that your home remains both sanitary and squeaky clean. These are essential household items that you’ll want to stock up on, and in case another pandemic comes around these items may become extremely hard to find:   

  • Disinfectant Wipes/Spray  
  • Hand Sanitizer 
  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Towel 
  • Hand Soap

Cleaning Closet

You will be needing a number of essential supplies to tackle the different cleaning jobs all throughout your home. Some you will use more often than others, but you’ll be thankful you had each of them:   

  • All-Purpose Cleaner
  • Broom and dustpan 
  • Mop and bucket 
  • Rubber gloves 
  • Toilet bowl cleaner and brush 
  • Stove Cleaner
  • Trash bags 


You don’t want to end up with water damage in your new place, so taking a shower without a shower curtain isn’t something that’s recommended. Fortunately, you don’t need to buy a ton of items to have a functionally-working bathroom, but these are a few of the basics that you don’t want to overlook. In case you missed this post, How To Love Cleaning Bathrooms Every Week

  • Plunger (You don’t want to put your guests in an uncomfortable situation without this item)   
  • Bathroom floor mat (Slipping while getting out of the shower can be dangerous!) 
  • Shower curtains, rings, and liner  
  • Bath/hand towels 
  • Air Freshener 
  • Garbage Cans and bags
  • Soap and Shampoo
  • Toilet Paper

Kitchen Tools 

It happens to everyone at one point or another. You’ve thrown a pan into the oven, only to realize you have nothing to pull it back out safely with. Or maybe you’re halfway through making dinner, and you don’t have a way to separate the meat grease. In order to keep you from frantically searching around your kitchen for a last-minute substitute, take a look at some of the most forgotten kitchen essentials that you don’t want to be caught without. In case you missed this post, How To Clean And Restore Cast Iron Pans

  • Measuring cups, spoons, mixing bowls 
  • Wooden spoons, tongs, and spatula 
  • Cooking pans/Sheets 
  • Oven Mitts 
  • Can and bottle opener 
  • Strainer 
  • Saucepans/Skillets 
  • Cutting board and Knives 
  • Eating Utensils/Plates/Bowls 
  • Stainless Steel Danish Whisk
  • Cast Iron Pans
  • Paper Towels
  • Napkins
Read More of My Articles  How to Prepare for a National Emergency

Laundry Room

Just because you are living in a new place, it doesn’t mean that your dirty clothes are going to miraculously stop piling up. The following items may not apply to some of you who are moving into an apartment or rental home that’s without a laundry room, but if you have one, make sure that you have these basic laundry essentials:  

  • Laundry Detergent 
  • Extra Hangers
  • Bleach 
  • Laundry baskets
  • Waste Basket
  • Dryer sheets/Dryer balls 

Other Essentials for Around the House

The following items don’t necessarily have a particular room that they need to be kept in, but they’re essentials that you’ll need for emergencies and home repairs. Don’t miss out on these essential items every household needs.

Quality Tool Set 

Many new homeowners don’t have a lick of house repair experience under their belts, and in some cases, may not even own a toolset. Even if this is the case for you, trust me, you’ll want a good quality toolset. Basic repairs and home upkeep is something that every homeowner has to deal with at some point, and before too long you’ll have that experience. You’ll need a hammer, wrenches, pliers, a Phillips and a flat-head screwdriver, and more.  Tool Set

Duct Tape

Duct tape works on anything, and I mean that when I say it. It can be used as a temporary solution for countless home repairs until you can come up with a fix that lasts. Homeowners have used duct tape to fix cracked windows, patching leaks, along with repairing shoes and clothing. 

First Aid Kit 

A first aid kit is a must item in every home, especially for ones with children. Make sure that you get a first aid kit that includes adhesive bandages, gauze pads, antibacterial ointment, insect treatment, instant cold packs, scissors, tweezers, and pain reliever.  In case you missed this post, First Aid Kits-What You Need To Survive

Read More of My Articles  Top 25 Tips for Starting a Necessary Fire

Emergency Lighting

Whenever you’re dealing with a power outage situation, you will be needing emergency lighting of some kind. While you can go with candles and a lighter, a few flashlights with extra batteries would be the safer route. Solar Flashlights and Flashlights with Batteries. Olive Oil Lamps by Ron Brown and Goal Zero Lanterns.

Fire Extinguishers 

This is one of those household items that gets often overlooked, but it’s certainly not one that you want to forget. I’d encourage you to have at least one fire extinguisher for every level of your home. That way you can put out any minor fires before you have a big disaster on your hands. Be sure that you have one located somewhere in your kitchen. Having one in the garage will add extra protection. 5-Pound Fire Extinguisher or Pro 210 Fire Extinguisher

Here are some interesting facts about regular fire extinguishers we have at home, in the garage, or the car. All fire extinguishers are labeled with certain labels to identify which classification of fuel the extinguisher will be effective to fight:

1. Class A Fires: Ordinary combustibles like paper, cloth, wood, rubber, and many plastics.

2. Class B Fires: Flammable liquids like oil, and gasoline, charcoal lighter, kerosene.

3. Class C Fires: Energized electrical equipment like wiring or motors. Once the electricity to those is turned off they become a Class A.

4. Class D Fires: Combustible metals like aluminum, magnesium, or titanium.

So when you purchase a fire extinguisher it is extremely important to identify the type of fuel you suspect would be most common so you can select the correct extinguisher you think may be best for your personal situation to do the job correctly.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

It surprises me how many people don’t have smoke detectors in their homes. This is an area that should not be ignored because your family’s lives could depend upon it. If a fire were to happen during the middle of the night, your family may not get the warning that they need to get out safely. Carbon monoxide detectors are something else that would be worth investing in for your family’s safety. These are essential items every household needs! Carbon Monoxide Detector and Smoke Alarms

Final Word

I hope that this list of essential items that every household needs takes a lot of stress off your shoulders, especially when you have so many other things that you have to worry about when moving in and setting up the household. What are some other essential items that the first-time homebuyer/renter needs to have in their home? I’d love to hear what you’ve come up with! What are some essential items every household needs? May God Bless this world, Linda. 

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  1. Well I tried to guess a list before reading the article and mine was much different lol. I had an AR, Glock, dog and pop tarts lol

    Good stuff Linda

    1. Matt,
      Don’t forget dog food to feed the dog and ammunition to feed the AR and Glock. For me the ammo feeds Ruger–Mini-14 and P94DC!
      Plus, you need a good toaster for the Pop Tarts and coffee. ROFLMAO!!

  2. Not only pop tarts but a recipe and the ingredients to make homemade pop tarts when you run out of store bought!!

      1. When my daughter was young, she liked/loved pop tarts as well! Because we were impoverished, I couldn’t afford to buy them. BUT we always had jam and the makings for pie crust! She also liked the pizza rolls (Totino??) and again we made our own using pie crust and all the pizza toppings. I kept them as well as the homemade poptarts in the freezer and after school, she could take a few out and pop them in the microwave or toaster (poptarts) for after school snacks.

  3. Linda,
    This doesn’t have anything to do with your article but…. I just made your copy cat chick fil a chicken nuggets …. they are addicting. I used the pickle juice too. Awesome recipe….thank you.

    1. Hi Carol, oh my gosh, I LOVE hearing this!!! They really are addicting!! I’m so glad you tried them! Yay! Who would have guessed the pickle juice!! Life is so good! Linda

  4. But, but, you’ve got the duct tape, but what about the WD-40? You know the rule–if it moves and it shouldn’t, use duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should, use WD-40!

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