essential oils

Essential Oils-My Favorite Ones

Essential oils are very important to me and my family. Please note, I’m sharing my very favorite essential oils today. These are the ones I use all the time. If you have been following my blog for a few years you probably know by now, I’m into natural healing. I’m not saying essential oils cure anything, but there are some that I use every day of the year to help ME feel better. Here’s the deal, I have really bad arthritis, and the only thing that works for me is a product called Deep Blue. Today I’m sharing with you how I use these particular oils. I have tried many companies and I always come back to the company called doTerra Essential Oils.

Some essential oils require a carrier when applying topically, I use coconut oil. I use a dab of it in the palm of my hand and a drop or more of the essential oil that requires a carrier, or it may sting sensitive skin. When in doubt, use a carrier. I’m sure you have heard about aromatherapy where the scent of certain essential oils soothe our souls as well as reduce a remarkable amount of pathogens in the air. Did you grow up with a vaporizer with Vicks (R) added? I love that smell. I can still remember my mom rubbing that stuff on my chest when I had a cold, and the bottom of my feet if I had a cough. I store several containers of Vicks, just giving you the heads-up here. I’ve been known to deliver a jar or two to sick neighbors.

I’m not a doctor or a nurse, so if you have any questions about using essential oils please do your own research and ask your doctor if they would be appropriate for you and your family. I have used them for well over ten years now and will continue to do so. Always call 911 if you have an emergency or go to your primary care doctor if needed.

Essential Oils vs. OTC Drugs

Deep Blue:

Tylenol, Motrin, Aleve, Bengay, Icy Hot, and Anti-inflammatories

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I use Deep Blue in the cream form and the oil to soothe arthritis pain. It is the only thing that works for me. Deep Blue is made by doTerra.  I use it on my lower back, hands, knees, and finger joints. I use this one straight from the bottle, no carrier needed to dilute it. You can decide if you need a carrier or not.


Throat lozenges, ear drops, Nyquil and Neosporin

I use this one as an analgesic, antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory salve on minor burns, minor cuts, minor wounds, dandruff, yeast infections, and skin disorders. I dilute this one with a carrier such as a coconut oil


Tylenol, Motrin, Children’s Tylenol and Motrin, Throat lozenges, Imodium AD, Pepto-Bismol, Mylanta, and Tums

I recommend this one for people with kidney stones, asthma, constipation, stress, sore throats, and hypertension. Here again, please check with your doctor if your gut tells you your pain or illness is worse than ever before. I do not use a carrier with lemon.


Nyquil, Dayquil, Freeze Away, Tylenol, Motrin, Aleve, Pepto-Bismol, Tums, and Mylanta

This is one I can never ever run out of because of its antibiotic properties, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, and disinfectant uses. It’s great for diarrhea, coughs, colds, and cases of flu, infections, and digestive problems, and it’s a great pain killer. It’s considered a hot oil so you must use a carrier such as coconut oil with it. This is a great one to use ASAP when you have a toothache and can’t go to the doctor. When in doubt with a toothache go to the Emergency Room. Mark and I had a friend die from an abscessed tooth. Please do not mess around with anything close to your brain.


Inhalers, Vicks VapoRub, Nyquil, Showers, Soothers, Vaporizer refills

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This is one I always give a bottle to when someone who has a cold, or a cough. It works for me. I have a minimum of five bottles in my house at all times. You may need a carrier, I do not. Always test your skin before you apply several drops.


Neosporin, Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin, Tylenol PM, Sleeping Aids

Okay, this one is fabulous to use when you want to relax in the bathtub or put a few drops on your pillowcases. It’s very relaxing and soothes the soul and heart. It works great for headaches, nausea, stress, dermatitis, indigestion, insect bites, and Psoriasis. Rub it on straight from the bottle. Lavender is a very mild essential oil.


Pepto-Bismol, Tums, Immodium AD, No-Doze, Tylenol Cold, Sudafed, Zyrtec, Claritin

I must admit right here, I almost burned my son-in-law’s tongue with my peppermint oil. He had a bad sore throat and it stung his tongue. Thank goodness the next morning he was alive and the sore throat was gone. I called that my first learning curve using essential oils. Yes, it needs a carrier, it’s considered a hot oil as well. Always use a carrier with this one.


Analgesic, antibacterial, disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory

Common uses, stress, colds, flu, insect repellant, migraines,  fever, diarrhea, and congestion

I use this when I have a cold or sinus infection. I love the smell and it clears my nose so I can breathe easier. I put a few drops in a warm cup of water and breathe it in with a small towel over my head. I mix a drop or two of my Breathe essential oils in with it as well.

Final Word

I hope this insight into some of my favorite essential oils gives you some information and the desire to try some. Let me know if you are using essential oils already. Which ones are your favorites?

I quote this from the Doterra website: *”These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”. End of quote.

First Aid Kits

My favorite cough drops: My Doctor Suggests Throat Lozenges

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  1. My medicine cabinet is filled with essential oils. Not a single prescription in there. Personally, I don’t use any of the pre-blends. I blend from my stock for whatever I need.

    The big one I would suggest adding is Frankincense. Like Tea Tree oil, it’s basically a cure all in a bottle. Frankincense eases pain and inflammation, combats stress, boosts the immune system, can aid in sleep, is fantastic for aging skin, ease digestion, balance hormones, kills germs and bacteria, and some studies even show promising results as a cancer fighting agent.

    Okay, my friend, I’m off to check on what the fire is doing this morning! Big hugs and have a wonderful holiday weekend. I’m going to miss the fireworks at Bryce this year, but better no fireworks than another Brian Head! Mare

    1. Hi Mare, I think of you every day when the news comes on about the fires! I love hearing you mix your own blends, I am on this! I have Frankincense as well. I’m adding your comment to my post! Hugs to you my friend, Linda

      1. I’m sure you’ve heard they have managed to keep the fire at just under 60,000 acres. Thanks to the wonderful 1800+ firefighters, they got it 60% contained yesterday! The fire is still active north of here and they can actually see flames from Panguitch, but they are managing to hold the fire to the west, while protecting Panguitch’s watershed at the same time. Do you and Mark have any big plans for the 4th? Any of the family joining you? I hope all is well… hugs back. Mare

  2. Linda, 

    Based on your recommendation i just ordered Deep Blue from Doterra. I hope it helps my wife’s arthritis. I couldn’t find a link to Doterra anywhere on your site so couldn’t give you credit with them for my small purchase. Maybe if you forward this email to them it will help (if you are associated with them in any way). I’ve never used essential oils but if TSHTF it might be prudent to have some on hand and know how to use them–even if you have a doctor in your Mutual Assistance Group.

    I intend to use your ongoing permission to reprint this article in a future edition of my Dying Time Newsletter. Okay? As always you will get proper accreditation. And if you haven’t done so already you should visit my website, sign up for my monthly newsletter and get a free copy of my Prepper book, “BUGGING IN: WHAT TO DO WHEN TSHTF and YOU LIVE IN SUBURBIA. I’d be most interested in your opinion of it.

    Thanks, my friend, and keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Raymond, I may start selling doTerra again, but I can make a few cents when people use the links I put in my posts from Amazon. Thanks for sharing my articles. I put several links to purchase doTerra oils in my article. The Deep Blue cream is incredible, it takes very little to give so much relief. I use the Deep Blue essential oil as well. I better grab some of your links and add them to my posts. Keep up the good work, we need to teach the world, one person at a time. Linda

  3. Adding a drop of tea tree oil to the mix when you shampoo, will help with dandruff. Tea tree is my favorite. It is antiseptic anti fungal. Not the best for fragrance though.

  4. Linda,
    This is the best article I have ever read on ESSENTIAL OILS.  Thank you.

  5. I have bought a few essential oils, but haven’t really used them (my only attempt was deodorant with tea tree which I had to wash off because the scent was causing my asthma to act up).

    My question is, when you use one like peppermint, you say use with a carrier. Do you gargle and swallow the coconut oil essential oil mixture?

    1. Hi Sandra, I mainly use a carrier for rubbing the oils on. Or I put some of them in water and drink them. I remember my mom had me gargle with something when I was young. I’m sure you could gargle most of them if they are not a hot oil, you wouldn’t want to do those because they are too strong. This is why I’m introducing essential oils so people can learn to use them if they desire. Tea tree is very strong to me. YYou can try using a 1/2 cup of water with one drop of peppermint and see if it’s too strong for you. I would be careful because you have asthma. You will want to use the mildest oils I think. Keep me posted I don;t have anyone with Asthma that I know down here. I have two little girls I “adopted with Asthma”, I will have to check with them when I go back up north. Great comment, thank you! Linda

  6. Oh, on another topic. I use your bread recipe that makes loaves. I just wanted to let you know that it is the best bread I have ever tasted. I’ve tried many homemade bread recipes, and when we were almost out, my husband would say we needed to buy bread; now he says, “you need to make bread.” I thank you so much for sharing your recipe.

  7. Linda, I’m not familiar with essential oils. I don’t understand what a carrier is. Could you explain that to me? Also, I used tea tree oil on my toenail fungus and it totally cured it. I had to cut away the loosened nail, but they grew out fine and so I use it as a preventative so it doesn’t come back. I just used it with a q tip, straight from the bottle and put it on the exposed nail bed (after removing the detached part of the nail) and saturating the nail in the oil. So amazed at how fast it cured the problem.

    1. HI Debbie, a carrier makes the essential oil not so strong, I guess that’s how I would explain it. If you buy organic coconut oil in a small container it works great. You put a dab in the palm of your hand and it melts almost instantly. Then you add a drop or two of the essential oil that you want to use. Not all essential oils need a carrier. Tea tree oil is Melaleuca. It’s a great healing oil. Good job on taking care of that fungus toenail. Some oils are very “hot” or will “burn” sensitive skin so you use a carrier to make them more comfortable on the skin. You can use olive oil for that matter. I just use coconut oil. I love essential oils. Linda

  8. I sell oils for doTERRA and we have been told several times that the oil’s on Amazon are not from our company. We are not allowed to sell them on there you can only get them from a wellness advocate.

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