Flu Drugs and Medications

Everything You Need to Know About the Flu

Today, it’s all about everything you need to know about the flu. Few things are more dreadful about our daily health than having the flu symptoms (besides severe illnesses). It seems like a few years can go by where you avoid it, but eventually, the flu virus catches up with you. Please refer to the CDC for accurate information and statistics on the flu, viruses, COVID-19, or bacterial infection.

Continue reading to discover everything you need to know about the flu. This is especially true if you’re a parent or guardian of children spending daily time in a daycare center or public school.

Those places are like breeding grounds for viruses, and children, along with their parents, sometimes have to pay the price. 

Everything You Need to Know About the Flu

Doctors and employers will encourage you to get a flu vaccination that protects you against the different strains. This way, you aren’t missing out on school or work due to the steps taken for prevention.

I just wanted to inform you that I won’t discuss whether I am for or against flu shots. These decisions are important ones that you and your family members need to make, in discussion with your healthcare provider. Thanks for understanding.

You need to know a lot about the flu, from how it spreads to how to prevent it and what to do when you get it. This is everything that you need to know about the flu. 

Everything You Need to Know About the Flu

Flu Season Card

The flu, or influenza virus, is a respiratory infection caused by the various strains of the flu. Every flu virus is extremely contagious and can sometimes infect the throat, nose, and even lungs.

There are also different ranges of it, from mild to more severe, and in some cases, it can lead to serious complications and even cause death to those with chronic medical conditions. It’s also different from the common cold which is also a virus, as it can come on quite suddenly. 

How Many Types are there? 

Not all flu are the same, thus the designation of flu variants. Some are mild, while others are more severe. There are four flu strains or subtypes: A, B, C, and D. Depending on which strain, you’ll be fighting flu symptoms for around 7 to 10 days. You can experience different symptoms and health issues depending on which of the types of influenza viruses you contract.

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Last year, I contracted influenza A. It hit me hard, and I did have the vaccination. I’m 74 and felt I needed protection from whatever I am exposed to. I was so sick, and as you know, I am now on oxygen 24/7. The doctors are not sure what has caused the damage to my lungs. I’ve had pneumonia a few times that could have caused the scars. It may have been COVID-19 that I didn’t know I had. I have a lot of scarring and have never smoked or vaped in my life. It’s so frustrating.

How It Spreads

Influenza viruses are spread through tiny droplets of spittle or mucus that people cough, sneeze, or simply talk about. If the virus lands on another person’s mouth, eyes, or nose, it can spread.

Often, the flu can be picked up by touching a surface where the flu virus is lingering and then unconsciously using that same hand to touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.  

Flu-Like Symptoms

There’s a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms that you may experience when you’ve caught the flu. Symptoms may include a fever, chills, body aches in the muscles, tiredness, headache, cough, sore throat, and a stuffy or runny nose with related sneezes. You can also experience ear infections and infections of the sinus areas.

Vomiting and diarrhea often follow as your body works to flush the virus out of your system. Sometimes, people can have the flu, even without a fever. You will also notice a loss in appetite during your illness. The stomach flu seems to be the one most often tied to experiencing dehydration. That can become very dangerous and should be treated as quickly as possible.  

People at High Risk

There’s no telling where the flu epidemic will strike, as it can affect anybody, though a weakened immune system increases the possibility.

Severe cases of the flu are more likely to affect children under 5, pregnant women, and people older than 65.

Older individuals who have chronic medical issues, including asthma, heart disease, and diabetes, are also at high risk.  

Best Way to Prevent It 

There are several ways to prevent the flu, but the best approach may be to get a flu vaccination every year. Not surprisingly, nearly half of Americans don’t get the vaccination.

The vaccine protects against several common flu viruses, including new strains, or decreases the severity of flu-like symptoms. 

It’s also important to monitor your sick family members closely. Remember to wash your hands often with soap and hot water. Keeping surfaces clean with a disinfectant can also prevent germs from spreading as easily. 

These are especially important reminders during flu season, which is typically at its peak from December through February.

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Taking vitamin C may also ward off a flu virus by strengthening your immune system. It might not keep the virus away altogether, but it will lessen the symptoms and give you time to heal afterward. 

It’s Too Late!

If you become sick with the flu, it’s vital that you stay home and away from others. It’s also essential to keep your mouth and nose covered when you sneeze, cough, or blow your nose.

Afterward, remember to wash your hands. Your body needs plenty of rest. Some people seek comfort by running a humidifier or staying in a steamy bathroom.  

While missing school or work can be frustrating, doctors will tell you to stay home another 24 hours even after the fever has vanished. That way, you ensure that the virus won’t spread to others.  

What To Eat and Drink When You Have the Flu

Influenza Drinks with honey and lemon

Your body may tell you not to eat, or you won’t feel the need to. But if you’re hungry, you don’t want to eat a big, hearty meal when you have the flu.

That may cause you to throw it up. Eat foods like broth, chicken soup, oatmeal, yogurt, and fruits containing vitamin C.

While your body is flushing the virus out, becoming dangerously dehydrated is easy. It’s essential to drink plenty of liquids. 

Doctors will tell you to drink at least 64 ounces each day. It also doesn’t have to be all water. Gatorade and Powerade can help replace your electrolytes from all the vomiting or diarrhea you may have been experiencing.

If you’re still having trouble keeping fluids down, try using Pedialyte to help your body get the nutrition and liquids that it needs.  You may want to try these Natural Remedies.

When to See a Doctor/Head to the ER

For people who are older than 65 years of age and are just beginning to experience the symptoms of the flu, it’s best that you see a doctor.

The same holds true if you’re pregnant, as you run a higher risk for a more severe case that can affect you and the baby.

You’ll also want to go to the doctor if your condition appeared to get better, but then became worse again. If you’re noticing pain in certain areas, or if your conditions haven’t improved within one to two weeks. Listen to your gut or intuition.  

If you’re experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, confusion, or severe vomiting, you need to get yourself to the emergency room.

How To Stop Influenza In Your Home

Final Word

The flu…who needs it? This is everything that you need to know to be able to fight back against it. Have you ever experienced a moderate to a severe case of the flu?

What were your symptoms and how long was the recovery process? I’m glad you could read everything you need to know about the flu. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: FLU AdobeStock_120527288 Narozhnii, Flu Stuff AdobeStock_286791019 MissKaterina, FLU Season AdobeStock_178959142 Michail Petrov

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  1. We’ ve had a respiratory infection for 10 wks husband and I . Been to Dr and told Sudafed and mucinex. I’m going to try and clean today . I was thinking hydrogen peroxide with EO orange. Your opinion ?

    1. HI Carol, 10 weeks!! Dang! I take silver almost every day (not colloidal silver), structured silver. This is crazy for it to go on for 10 weeks. The silver I use is from My Doctor Suggests (.com) Several months ago I was exposed to whooping cough (Pertussis), I had such a bad cough and the doctor said my cough sounded more like Pertussis. I had to use Nyquil daytime and nighttime. The off brands did not work. Now, I NEVER take over the counter drugs. I rarely get sick. My husband didn’t get it. But he kept saying we need to take you to the ER. He bought me a $150.00 humidifier at Costco. We do not spend money like that. I was so sick. Are you using a humidifier? These viruses are bad this year. I would try everything you can. I went through 2 jars of VicksVapro rub. Small ones. I lathered my chest and feet every single day. Please let me know what works for you. I also drank green tea with lemon and honey 4 times a day. I used a whole bottle of Breathe EO,Linda

  2. My remedy for the flu is: immediately take 1 l-lysine 1 aspirin and a cup of coffee every 60 minutes for 3 hours. Honestly it knocks it right out. I have done this 3 times and never got any sicker. I found this on earthclinic.com years ago.

  3. A study published in China last year found that naproxen (Aleve) was a better antiviral than Tamiflu in mice. Clinical trials have not yet been conducted. An article on this study and the findings will appear on my blog on Tuesday.

  4. Honestly, having worked in health care for many years, I go right to CDC website to link look at maps of confirmed cases and what medical protocols for treatment and sequestering, what is known to date and read a lot of medical journals. What really worries me is what is being seen with this coronavirus (2019-nCoV) scare of late, in its modulation of cytokine—it is cytokine explosions in the lungs that is the major death and disability causing effect of Avian Flu. It may be that at some point we will need to shelter-in as a barrier against the more dangerous flu and virus. I think we can learn some great skills for that on this site!!

    1. Hi Kathleen, thank you for sharing your knowledge on this new (2019-nCoV) scare. I thank you for mentioning we can learn some skills from my website as well. That means a lot to me. I really hope people realize they must store water, food, OTC medications, EO, or whatever they use in order to hunker down in their homes. I hope people read your comment, it’s critical they know to be ready to stay home if it hits their neighborhood. Thanks again, Linda

      1. Linda, I wish more people were reading articles like yours, just for nothing else but for the advice to stay home when sick, instead of spreading it. Frankly, our society’s mobility is one reason flu has become so widespread (just my opinion). One comment made was about checking the news for the areas affected. I thought that was a great idea. Yrs ago when I was doing chemo, if my kids school was having an outbreak, I’d use a facemask when shopping, and even at a couple of school activities. Funny how people steer clear of a person with a facemask on (lol). At one point, when my immune system was really low, my doctor suggested I use plastic gloves when shopping. (I’d shared with her my habit of facemask). I didnt get sick even when my kids caught a bad cold because I cared for them with both facemask and gloves on. And sprayed common touch areas with Lysol! I do appreciate Walmart having wipes at the front of their stores here, and hope this helps to stop the spread of germs. Our daily lives expose us far more than we realize. If our area was hit with a bad flu again, I’d be back to using facemask and gloves again, tho I’m in good shape.

        1. Hi Wendy, I love those wipes at Walmart. Here in Southern Utah, more and more grocery stores are getting the wipes to wipe down at least the handles of the carts. I sure hope we can all get through this flu season quickly. The facemasks are the best. Linda

          1. Linda, I think the gloves are great too. I regularly ‘steal’ some from my clinic. Lol, the clinic offers free facemasks to anyone walking in but no offer on the gloves which may be more important

  5. My husband caught respiratory flu from a friend who’d had the flu for 3 weeks while taking antibiotics and cough meds and such from doctor’s prescription. When my husband (age 68 at the time) caught it I immediately started him on Umcka, an over the counter cold and flu remedy with no side effects. It comes in lozenges and syrup. We chose the cherry flavored syrup. The fever and other symptoms were gone in THREE DAYS. I have offered this remedy so many times to friends and they all said it worked. I keep it on hand always so I can start using it at first symptoms. Some grocers carry it, but you can also order it online. It’s made by Nature’s Way. It shortens the duration and severity of cough, congestion, sore throat, and nasal and bronchial irritations. Worth every penny.

    1. Hi Pat, thank you so much for this tip. I am ordering a bottle TODAY. I love the brand Nature’s Way. We need to hear about remedies like this, thank you for sharing!!! Linda

  6. Hi Linda
    Been a while since I commented on anything. I’m guessing I’m one of the lucky ones with a strong immune system during the Covid. I did wear a mask in the beginning when going out but only because we were told to. Then it was found out they did no good. I did get the Johnson&Johnson jab, only 2, after doing much research about them. What I took then, and still take today is Zinc, Tumeric w/black pepper, Vit. C, and Vit. D3. Although a couple of years ago I added in Elderberry. I’m 78 y/o and I do smoke. Haven’t had the flu since I was in my 30s, and never get a flu or pneumonia shot. I do eat healthy (Mediterranean), don’t eat out, fast food, junk food, or anything prepackaged or processed. Like I said, I think I’m one of the lucky ones. So sorry you had such an aweful time. Hope you are better by now.

    1. Hi Pam, I love your comment, thank you! It’s interesting when I worked everyone but me got the flu shot. They all got sick I never did. I’m 74 and things changed for me. I got the flu shot because of my age, and some Covid vaccinations, I felt I had to so I wouldn’t leave my husband a widower. Well, I got Covid anyway. Then I got Influenza A. I take Clorox wipes to the grocery store to wipe down the handles, I’m not sure that even helps! LOL! If you would have told me I would be on oxygen 24/7 for the rest of life, I would have never guessed, I never got sick and never missed a day of work. But my lungs are so damaged now and that’s not going away. You never know what’s around the corner as far as health. Life is still good for me! Linda

  7. Those of us with compromised immune systems need all the help we can find! My immunologist told me about Enovid, an anti-viral nasal spray manufactured in Israel. It’s pricey (order it through the Israel Pharmacy for best prices, though Amazon has it) but it really works! Two of the ingredients form nitric acid, which is a powerful anti-viral. Before and after airports and plane travel, before and after large crowds (think church, concerts, cruises, etc). I have stayed well for months using this regularly.

  8. Reading through these comments, I am currently suffering from a cold or flu for the past 2 weeks. I never ran a fever, never tested positive for covid. Just have a nasty cough, congestion, and low energy! I am ordering some of the products that have been suggested in the comments.

    One thing that has been strongly suggested by a friend is to use a saline nasal spray (cleanse) on a regular basis just to keep the sinus cavities cleaned out. You can use a neti pot or other products. My sister has compromised sinuses and her doctor gave her NeilMed Sinus Rinse. I found a kit at Costco with 2 refillable bottles, a lot of saline powder as well as a self-contained spray. Sister used this 3 times a day for the first 2 weeks and now uses it 2 times a day – morning and evening. Her doctor said it helps to clean out any viruses that collect naturally in our sinus cavities.
    So, with the sinus rinse as well as the Nature’s Way Umcka, I think I will be on track to get over this mess!!

    Stay well, everyone.

    1. Hi Leanne, oh I’m sorry you got sick. It’s hard the older we get to recover from viruses or bacterial infections. I love Neti Pots I have used them for years. I am going to Costco I will check out the NeilMed Sinus Rinse. It would be great to have on hand. Get better my sweet friend. Linda

  9. Linda,

    Hospitals are also breeding grounds for flu and other communicable diseases so be careful if you have much to do with them. Your tips on how to take care of yourself are very well thought out and useful.

    Umcka sounds like a winner. I’m going to get some just in case.

    1. Hi Ray, urgent care units and hospitals sure are a breeding ground for flu and other communicable diseases! That’s why I do everything possible not to go to a doctor. Stay well, my friend. Linda

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