First Aid Kit Ideas For Your Pets
The famous line, “It’s better to be safe than sorry,” says a whole lot about being prepared for the unexpected and unfortunate situations. If you have children, there’s a good chance that you have a first aid kit tucked away to bandage up all the bumps, cuts, scrapes, and bruises when your children require “doctor mom” on the scene. Stay tuned to see what first aid kit ideas for your pets work best!
Related: What to Do with Your Pets in an Emergency
First Aid Kit Ideas For Your Pets
The same should be true when you have pets. Especially if you travel with them often, or spend a lot of time in parks and other outdoorsy places where they’re chasing squirrels or flying through the air to make a spectacular catch with a frisbee.
With these scenarios, it’s not too long before your pet will have a minor injury as well. Here’s everything that you should have in your pet’s first aid kit, and more. These first aid kit ideas for your pets make me happy because it’ll help you get prepared!
In case you missed my 72-Hour Kit For Pets

Gauze Strips
Gauze strips can temporarily stop the bleeding and can be used to create a brace. Pet Bandage Cohesive
Cotton Balls
Cotton balls work great when you need to dab ointment or try to clean your pet’s injury.
Non-Stick Bandages
Make sure that you have plenty of bandages on hand in case your pet has a run-in with another animal or gets a bloody paw. Better to get non-stick bandages that won’t get stuck to their fur and cause them more frustration, or the clotting to become agitated when you go to take it off. Bandages for Pets
Cold Packs
Cold packs can be used to help relieve swelling or inflammation that could be caused by a bee sting, or from a sprained muscle. Pet Therapy Gel Pack
Bandage Tape
Bandage tape is another item you’ll need to properly tape up a bandage. Matt mentioned this is the best tape for pets. Coban™ Self-Adhesive Wrap
A leg injury can cause a lot of pain to your dog or cat. You’ll need a splint for your pet to minimize any movement that could cause even more discomfort for them. Thanks, Matt, for recommending popsicle sticks for splints.
Every pet first aid kit should come with a pair of tweezers. Especially if your furry friend gets a splinter, or when they have a tick attached to them. This is the pair I have: Tweezers
Tick Remover
Maybe you’d rather use an actual tick remover instead of tweezers to get that blood-sucking disease carrier off your furry outdoor explorer?
This way you can be sure that you get the job done right the first time by removing not only the body but the head as well. Here is the Original Tick Key
You’ll need good quality scissors to cut bandages or gauze so that they fit better around your pet’s legs or torso. Scissors will also work on other fabric as well if you were to run out of gauze. Dog Scissors w/Rounded Tips
Rubber Gloves
Be sure that you have rubber gloves in your kit so that you don’t have to come into contact with blood or other bodily fluids.
Blood Clotting Powder
A blood clotting powder could be a lifesaver if your pet were to get attacked by a coyote or some other wild animal. It’s amazing how quickly this product works to stop the flow and loss of blood.
Aren’t these puppies and cat so cute?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Just like your children, your pet may not like hydrogen peroxide, but it’s one item you’ll need to make sure a wound is properly cleaned. You don’t want their injury to get infected and prompt you to deal with a worse problem.
Hydrogen peroxide is also useful to force your pet to throw up if they’ve eaten something that they shouldn’t have. Check with your veterinarian regarding how much is safe to give your pet, and also be sure that it’s no higher than a 3% concentration.
I quote “Make sure you have a 3-percent hydrogen peroxide solution. Higher concentrations are toxic and can cause serious damage. Administer the proper amount: the suggested dosage is 1 teaspoon per 5 pounds of the dog’s body weight by mouth, with a maximum dose of 3 tablespoons for dogs who weigh more than 45 pounds. May 23, 2019″ AKC.Org (American Kennel Club)
Saline Wound/Eye Flush
Use saline wound flush on gauze strips to help clean gently around a wound. Be sure that you don’t use it at full strength, as you will need to dilute it down.
You’ll also want to pick up a bottle of saline eye flush to help when your pet has gotten something stuck in their eye.
Oral Syringe
An oral syringe is used when you need to get your pet to take their medicine or force them to get something harmful out of their system.
It can be difficult to deal with a pet injury if it’s late at night or you’re trying to get a close up look if you don’t have adequate lighting. A reader, Diann recommended we get HeadLamps so our hands are free to help with our pets. Rechargeable Headlamps
Thermal Blanket
A thermal blanket is necessary when your pet is freaking out due to an injury, or struggling to stay warm from the cold or rain. Thermal Blankets
Soft Muzzle
Many pet owners may not like the sound of the word muzzle, but if your pet has an injury that you have to tend to, there’s the slight chance that your pet might bite or nip at you. A soft muzzle isn’t going to hurt anyone.
Digital Thermometer
Just like humans, pets sometimes need their temperatures taken if they may be suffering from heat exhaustion or low body temperature. (Normal animal temperatures are higher than humans, usually between 100-102.5 degrees.)
Treats and Comfort Items
Your pet may be able to calm down easier and know that everything is going to be okay when you have a treat to offer them. Do they have a toy or blanket that brings the same effect?
First Aid Manual
A first aid manual to assist you with helping care for your pet would also be wise to consider. A pet first aid manual covers a wide range of pet injuries, including broken bones, snake bites, choking, and how you ought to manage them. First-Aid Companion For Dogs & Cats
Final Word
Our pets are very similar to children when it comes to getting into a whole lot of mischief or a hairy situation that requires some basic medical expertise. By having these items tucked away ahead of time in your pet first aid kit you’ll be able to take care of many types of injuries.
At the very least, you can mend an injury and hold them over until you can get them into your veterinarian. What are some other first aid kit ideas for your pets that would be useful that may not have been on this list? Please be prepared for the unexpected, we must. May God bless this world, Linda
Copyright Images: First Aid Kit Deposit photos_201292586_s-2019, Dogs and Cats Deposit photos_19146845_s-2019, Dog and Cats Depositphotos_7934342_s-2019
I suggest a headlamp instead of a flashlight. This would leave your hands free to work with your pet.
Hi Diann, great reminder, adding it now. Thank you, Linda
You’re welcome! Glad it could help!
Popsicle sticks work well as splints for many small dogs, cats and chickens.
I like coban type tape for animals as it comes off easier.
Hi Matt, thanks I will look for that tape right now and add the popsicle sticks!! Thank you, Linda
Great list, Linda! And not something we think about very often!
I used to show my dogs and travelled frequently to dogshows. I also worked several years for my veterinarian.
I keep & use the cosmetic/makeup remover cotton pads for applying ointments or liquids to wounds, cleaning eyes or wiping ears.
I keep a larger syringe with a curved tip for giving liquids or flushing wounds with peroxide.
I keep generic Benadryl tablets in our dog first aid kit for helping with allergic reactions to insect bites/stings.
I keep a good one size fits all combination slip leash/collar. Mine is 6′ and can even make a halter when the neighbor’s horse got turned loose on the road.
I also have a pair of stretchy nylon stockings & pantyhose in our animal first aid kit. It can be used as a soft muzzle if needed, can restrain or keep a leg in position, can be used to create a sling to help move an injured animal. It can be tied to make a covering to hold gauze in place on injured animals.
I also keep a pair of stout leather gloves…. an animal in pain or injured is not the same loving creature we had in our lap this morning. They HURT and may be confused, frightened or have a concussion. The gloves can protect my hands from damage while moving that injured dog or cat out of danger. While I’ve not had any of my fourfooted friends hit by car, we do live on a very busy road and have had injured animals turn up in our yard.
Hi BDN, I need to add some of these to my list, thanks for the tips! I really admire those like you, who have dealt with many different animals. Is “stout” the brand of gloves? What breed of dogs did you show? You have had an amazing life, girlfriend!! Linda
Linda, the gloves are just good heavy duty leather workgloves…. no particular brand. I do have a pair of welders gloves available at home if I have an injured or very upset cat… they have razor sharp teeth & claws, for sure!
I showed rough (long haired) collies for many years and fostered a couple of rescue collies when I quit showing. (! I still petsit for my friends from dog club…. every breed from shelties & papillons to Irish wolfhounds.) I don’t miss the grooming, but I do miss the collie personality and sense of fun.
My present dog is a 2 year old German bred German Shepherd that is a superb watch/guard dog, learns faster than any dog I’ve ever seen, but is very determined to do things her own way. Just for the record, I would never recommend getting your first German Shepherd at age 65, lol!
Hi BDN, oh I love hearing about the dogs you have had. AND the one you have now. I got a second Shih Tzu puppy in January when I turned 70! LOL! You can tell we both love dogs!!! Thanks for the tips on the gloves. I need to add that to the post. Thank you so much! Linda