Fruit Powder: How To Make It and Use It

Fruit Powder: How To Make It and Use It

I started making fruit powder about 5-6 years ago because I wanted to add some extra nutrients to our diet. Mark and I have dehydrated food for over 50 years. My first dehydrator was a harvest gold 24-inch square unit, yes it was huge. I can’t remember the brand, but now I have an Excalibur.

Here’s the deal, you can dehydrate most fruits that you enjoy eating. After you dehydrate them, you let them condition, meaning let the finished dehydrated fruit sit out for 5-7 days, or longer if needed. You just want to make sure every little speck is totally dry before you place them in your mason jars or bags to store.

If they are not totally dry, they will get mold on them. If you see mold, you must toss the entire container. It’s not worth getting sick over a jar of moldy fruit or fruit powder.

Clarification On How To Store:

I only use the FoodSaver with the accessory hose on my DEHYDRATED Fruits and Vegetables, NOT the powders. It will ruin your hose.

If you need fruit powder jars, these are very similar to mine: 16-Ounce Jars with Clamp

Fruit Powder: How To Make It and Use It

Fruit Powder: How To Make It and Use It

Kitchen Items Needed

Fruit Powder: How To Make It and Use It


Blackberry Powder

I have an Excalibur Dehydrator and it states you need to dehydrate blackberries at 135 degrees. Please check your brand for the correct temperature. You can also use your oven by propping the door open with some foil to keep it ajar and setting the temperature as low as possible. Keep checking your blackberries often if you use your oven, they will dry a whole lot faster. The time will always depend on the humidity of the room you are dehydrating your fruit. These took almost 20 hours in my dehydrator today.

I let the food I dehydrate dry for at least two weeks on the countertop before placing it in mason jars and sealing them with my FoodSaver. Use your blender to make blackberry powder in small portions. I only make powder for a month at a time. Please do not use your FoodSaver to seal the powder, it will ruin your unit.

Blackberry Health Benefits

Blackberry powder is one of several powders worth using in different ways. It’s possible to buy the powder or prepare it yourself at home.

The term RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake in nutrition labeling on food. Here are just a few benefits of eating blackberries:

  • One cup: 62 calories
  • Vitamin A: 6% RDI
  • Vitamin C: 50% RDI
  • Calcium: 4% RDI
  • Potassium: 233 mg 6% RDI
  • Iron: 4% RDI
  • Sugar: 7 grams RDI

Why is blackberry powder beneficial?

Blackberries are an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients. Even when they’re dehydrated and transformed into a powdered substance, they’re still beneficial to human health.

What are some of the ways to use this powder?

You can add the blueberry powder to a glass of water or a cup of tea to reap different health benefits. The powder improves digestion, helps with diarrhea, and can ease discomfort caused by arthritis. In addition, its natural healing properties and incredible nutrients may lower an individual’s risk of suffering from a heart attack or developing cancer.

  • Add to your cold cereal
  • Perfect for hot oatmeal
  • A great addition to pancake batter
  • Easy to add to your muffin mix
  • You can buy plain yogurt and add dehydrated blackberries or powder to it
  • Add it to hot or cold tea
  • Perfect for smoothies

Can I use the blackberry powder on my skin?

It’s safe to use blackberry powder on your skin. Some people mix it with a few drops of water to create a paste before applying that paste to their face and allowing it to sit for several minutes. It has healing properties and is suitable for the skin because of its antioxidants. In addition, it can reduce signs of inflammation, leaving skin clean and glowing.

In case you missed this post, Dehydrating Blackberries and Make Blackberry Powder


Blueberry Powder

Place the blueberries evenly on the dehydrator racks. My Excalibur Dehydrator said to set the temperature at 135 degrees. Please check your unit for the correct temperature. The time to dry the blueberries will depend on the humidity of the room you are drying your blueberries in. Plan on 12-23 hours.

Dehydrate until the blueberries are leathery and crisp. When totally dry, use your high-power blender to make powder by using the pulse button. Store the dehydrated blueberries or blueberry powder in airtight jars.

Blueberry Health Benefits

The term RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake in nutrition labeling on food. Here are just a few benefits of eating blueberries:

  • One cup: 84 calories
  • Fiber: 4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 36% RDI
  • Manganeze: 25% RDI

How can I use Blueberry Powder?

Blueberry powder has the potential to help both inside and outside. It’s known for the antioxidants it provides.

  • Add to your water glass with ice
  • It adds some extra flavor to your electrolye drinks
  • Perfect addtion to hot or iced tea
  • You can always add the blackberry powder to your pancake batter, muffin batter, or even cookies
  • Stir into vanilla ice cream
  • If you love yogurt, stir a bit into the yogurt container
  • Add a little to your favorite Vinaigrette for a refreshing salad dressing
  • The powder is perfect for smoothies because there are no seeds
Read More of My Articles  Dehydrating Blueberries and Make Blueberry Powder

What is blueberry powder good for?

Blueberries are naturally good for an individual’s memory. When used in powder form daily, those struggling with memory issues may notice an improvement. The blueberry powder can also boost an individual’s mood, leaving them feeling naturally happier than they did before using the powder.

How can you use blueberry powder?

There are plenty of ways to use blueberry powder to reap the benefits. You can sprinkle it into your yogurt for added flavor or toss it in the blender with your fruits when making homemade smoothies. It goes great in oatmeal and is the perfect addition to protein shakes.

Is it safe to use?

It’s incredibly safe to use blueberry powder, unless you’re allergic to the fruit.

In case you missed this post, Dehydrating Blueberries and Make Blueberry Powder


Ginger Powder

It’s considered a vegetable because it’s the root of the plant, but I put it in my drinks, so I just added it to this post. Just giving you the heads up.

I sliced my ginger root about 1/8 inch thick and I tried to cut them as evenly as I could. They are never going to be exactly perfect because the roots are all different sizes. You can’t make a mistake, you just dry the larger pieces a bit more if they are not totally dry.

I have an Excalibur Dehydrator and I set it at 95 degrees and it took about 2 hours, give or take. Again, the time to dry will always depend on the humidity of the room. The trick to knowing if the ginger is finished drying is to test the chunks of ginger.

If they break easily they are ready to cool and set aside to make into powder. I used my Magic Blender to grind my ginger root into powder. It was easy and turned out perfectly for my next drink or recipe. You could use your blender as well, either one will work.

Ginger Health Benefits

The term RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake in nutrition labeling on food. Here are just a few benefits of eating ginger:

  • 4.8 calories (one tablespoon)
  • 1.07 grams
  • .12 grams of fiber
  • .11 grams of protein

How can I use Ginger Powder?

Ginger powder is an incredible product worth stocking. It can come in handy when you’re feeling sick.

Why is ginger powder worth using?

Ginger powder is worth using because it’s an excellent source of antioxidants that can strengthen your immune system and allow your body to combat potential illnesses, such as the flu. It’s also suitable for those with high blood pressure since it may help lower the blood pressure with regular use.

How do I use ginger powder?

Sprinkle ginger powder into a cup of hot tea. It adds flavor to the beverage and allows you to consume it to begin reaping the benefits of such a helpful powder. If you don’t drink hot tea, you can still use this powder and benefit from it. Consider sprinkling a bit of it in some of your favorite recipes. It can contribute to the taste of each meal while providing the health benefits that you want and need.

  • Hot or cold tea
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Muffins
  • Cookies

What are the primary health benefits of using ginger powder?

When regularly using ginger powder, it can provide relief from constipation, nausea, and upset stomach. It’s great to use when you’re dealing with morning sickness due to pregnancy. It’s a safe option to consume while pregnant or breastfeeding. If you’re dealing with indigestion, the ginger powder can help you get some much-needed relief. Some people lose weight by consuming ginger powder each day.

In case you missed this post, Dehydrating Ginger and Make Ginger Powder


Wash the fresh organic lemons and cut the ends off, and then slice them about 1/4-inch thick. The next thing you need to do is remove the seeds. All you do is spread the slices out so they don’t touch one another and you’re good to go.

My dehydrator states to dry them at 135 degrees. These took about 16 hours to dehydrate until they had that crisp texture. You can see how the colors change from bright yellow to the darker color shown. The drying time will always depend on the humidity of the room you are using to dry your food and the temperature setting on the dehydrator.

You can grind them in a coffee mill, Magic Blender, or your blender. You can store some lemon slices in mason jars to place in your drinks whenever you want a little lemon in your glass of water, soda, or other favorite drink. You can also grind the lemon slices in your blender on the pulse button to make lemon powder. I ground some slices in my Magic Blender as well. They both worked great.

Lemon Benefits

The term RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake in nutrition labeling on food. Here are just a few benefits of eating lemons:

  • One lemon: 20 calories
  • Carbs: 9.30 grams
  • Protein: 1.1 grams
  • Carbs9.3 grams
  • Sugar: 2.5 grams

What is Lemon Powder?

Bring a zesty flavor to your favorite food and beverages with lemon powder, an easy-to-find product with nutritional value.

How can I use lemon powder?

Lemon powder is an excellent product worth adding to water, hot tea, and even baked treats. If you want to give your food or beverage a slightly zesty taste, use lemon powder. It’s also great to add to smoothies and marinades for meats. If you don’t have traditional lemon juice or fresh lemons available, you can substitute them with lemon powder.

  • Hot or cold tea
  • Sweet breads
  • Ice water
  • Frostings
  • Sprinkle over sauteed veggies
  • Dessert sauces
Read More of My Articles  How to Barter with Food and Water

What are the benefits of using lemon powder?

If you regularly use lemon powder, it can help keep your heart healthy. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C and other nutrients and vitamins that can keep you healthy. With constant use, you can get your weight under control, avoid kidney stones, and it may lower your risk of developing different types of cancer.

In case you missed this post, Dehydrating Lemons And Make Lemon Powder


Raspberry Powder

Gently rinse the fresh raspberries in a colander/strainer and let drain. Spread the raspberries on the dehydrating racks evenly and preferably not touching each other. I have an Excalibur Dehydrator that recommends setting the dehydrator to 135 degrees. The drying time will depend on the humidity of the room where you are dehydrating your raspberries.

The last batch I dehydrated took about 20 hours. These were really large raspberries. After they are totally dry you can preserve your raspberries in mason jars using a FoodSaver. I typically wait for about 5-7 days before I seal my dehydrated food in the jars. This is called conditioning.

If you decide to make some raspberry powder, you can use your blender to make some of the dehydrated raspberries into a yummy powder. Keep in mind, this will be very concentrated so you will use much less in a smoothie or muffins, etc.

I only make powder for a month at a time. Please do not use your FoodSaver to seal the powder, it will ruin your unit.

Raspberry Benefits

The term RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake in nutrition labeling on food. Here are just a few benefits of eating raspberries:

  • One cup: calories: 64
  • Carbs: 14.7 grams
  • Fiber8 grams
  • Protein1.5 grams
  • Fat: 0.8 grams
  • Vitamin C: 54% of the RDI

Raspberry Powder

Raspberry powder is known for its bright pink color. While it naturally looks good, it’s also genuinely good for you.

Why is raspberry powder good for the body?

Raspberry powder is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C. It has an incredible taste that goes great with many things, including smoothies, yogurt bowls, and assorted beverages.

How can I use raspberry powder to reap the benefits?

If you’d like to reap the benefits that raspberry powder has to offer, consider sprinkling a bit of it into your bowl of yogurt with fresh fruit and granola. You can add it to protein smoothies or any fruit smoothies you’re making to give it more color and flavor. It’s also a great ingredient to add to hot tea, water, and lemonade.

  • Smoothies
  • Add to muffins
  • Add a little to your ice water
  • Add some to yogurt
  • Sprinkle over ice cream

In case you missed this post, Dehydrating Raspberries and Make Raspberry Powder


Tomato Powder

Wash and core (stem) the tomatoes. Slice the tomatoes about ¼ inch thick and place them on the dehydrator racks. I DO NOT PEEL them. I set the temperature at 155 degrees per my Excalibur Dehydrator instructions. Please check your dehydrator for correct temperatures.

The time will always depend on the humidity where you are drying yours. You can use the dried tomato slices for making paste, puree or just to season what you are cooking. I dry them until they are a little flexible but not brittle. Today they took about 5 hours.

These are great to use in soups, spaghetti sauces, or to eat as a snack! I let them condition, which means they sit on the counter for 5-7 days, or ten days is even better, on a cookie before I store them in mason jars. I use a Magic Blender or a heavy-duty blender to make the tomato powder.

Tomato Benefits

The term RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake in nutrition labeling on food. Here are just a few benefits of eating tomatoes:

  • One cup of cherry tomatoes equals 27 calories
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Carbs3.9 grams
  • Sugar: 2.6 grams
  • Fiber: 1.2 grams

How can I use Tomato Powder?

Known for its bright red color, you can put tomato powder to good use and reap all the benefits associated with it.

In case you missed this post, Dehydrating Tomatoes and Tomato Powder

How do I use the tomato powder?

Add flavor to different meals with tomato powder. You can put the powder in soups, stews, and even your favorite rice dish. Although it’s great when added to regular meals, you can also use a bit of it in your smoothies. It won’t leave an overwhelming taste of tomato in your fruit smoothies, but it offers health benefits and improves the nutritional value of what you’re preparing.

  • Soups or stews
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Chili
  • Sloppy Joes
  • Bisque
  • Juice
  • Paste
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Ketchup
  • Pizza sauce

Why is it good to use tomato powder?

It’s good to use tomato powder because it contains lycopene, vitamin C, and various nutrients that support good overall health. In addition, tomato powder can reduce inflammation, protect the skin, and help with the fight against premature aging.

Fruit powders have a lot to offer. With benefits like these, which powder would you like to use first?

Information from Andrea

I didn’t see dried tomatoes so I thought you might add to your “Dried Veggies”.  What I do is make tomato puree and cover my dryer rack with plastic wrap (make sure it’s up the sides to prevent spills) pour onto the rack and dry – when it’s done put it into a blender and bring it to a “dust”.  In a quart jar, you can put about 20 lbs of tomatoes.  It’s awesome for spaghetti, over a roast, sloppy joes, soups, or anywhere your recipes use tomatoes.  One other thing, a teaspoon is about a whole medium tomato and the dust is concentrated.  

Can I dehydrate these in my oven?

Yes, you can. Set your oven to the lowest temperature available. Place a ball of foil to keep the oven door ajar. You will need to check them every 15 minutes or so because they will dry very fast.

How To Condition Your Fruit

If you live where it is HUMID: “To condition the fruit, take the dried fruit that has cooled and pack it loosely in plastic or glass jars. Seal the containers and let them stand for 7 to 10 days. The excess moisture in some pieces will be absorbed by the drier pieces. Shake the jars daily to separate the pieces and check the moisture condensation.”

I live in the DRY DESERT: I set my fruit and vegetables on my countertop for 5-7 days. Ten days is even better to make sure everything is dry before using your FoodSaver unit.

Final Word

You have probably heard people talking about fruit powder and wondered why people take the time to make it. One of the reasons I like to make fruit powder is because some family members don’t like the texture of certain foods, like tomatoes, so we can add them as part of meal preparation, as a healthy powder so they can still get the flavor and health benefits. Another reason is they take up less space compared to a quart jar of dehydrated fruit. Once you start making it, you will love it! May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. Hi Linda, I have a question about the “conditioning” you do after dehydrating your fruit. If you leave it on the counter to continue to dry, how do you keep it from absorbing moisture from the air? When I tried it, my fruit got more moist than it was when it came out of the dehydrator.

    1. Hi Weda, wow, do you live where it is humid? I live in the desert, and it’s very dry here. You may have to dry it longer and immediately place it in jars. I just found this: To condition the fruit, take the dried fruit that has cooled and pack it loosely in plastic or glass jars. Seal the containers and let them stand for 7 to 10 days. The excess moisture in some pieces will be absorbed by the drier pieces. Shake the jars daily to separate the pieces and check the moisture condensation. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!! Linda

  2. FYI Linda you can use Foodsaver to seal your mason jars of powder IF you use the canisters by foodsaver. You fill jar place lid and ring loosely on jar, place in canister seal the canister with hose then release the air in canister which seals the jar. Sometimes it may take a couple times if lids are used lids. The Foodsaver jar sealer lids work great for things like chocolate chips and candy, chips stay good for at least 8 years in a dark cool room.

    1. Hi Konnie, great comment, I used to have some of those canisters. I use the FoodSaver for everything but powders unless they are placed in a bag under the lid. Thanks again, Linda

  3. I know right? with the canisters, I can re-seal in used pickle jars and salsa jars anything also if you seal up your salsa once opened it will keep a lot longer in the fridge. If you watch the website, they have sells off and on and you can stock up for gifts too. About 12 years ago I bought 7 foodsavers for gifts model #2222 for $20.00 including shipping, then the canisters were another time $5.00 with any order, so all the kids got those as well.

    1. Hi Konnie, oh my gosh, that was a great buy!! I love being able to reseal my mason jars! I even store my grated cheese in mason jars and seal them for the frig. The cheese stays fresher longer. Oh, the FoodSaver is the best! Linda

  4. Living in a humid area – 57% today and no clouds! So, conditioning foods in jars is absolutely necessary. Also, it is too warm right now to run my dehydrator – cooks me out of the apartment! So, most of what I want to dehydrate is either frozen first or only fall fruits when it gets cooler. The blackberries are getting ripe about now so those I pick will get washed and frozen individually (laid out on baking sheet lined with parchment and put in the freezer). When it gets cool enough, I will take them out and dehydrate. Also, I will be dehydrating fruits from the freezer section at the grocery store – mango, pineapple, blueberries, etc. These are already cleaned and sliced and only need to be laid in the dehydrator and turned on.

    As for veggies like tomato, onion, and that sort of thing, I will get those from the farmer’s market in the fall or from the grocery store as I have not been successful growing them on my balcony. I always go for organic fruits and veggies though.

    Thanks for the post, Linda.

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