
What Is Healthy For My Family To Eat Every Day

I often ask myself, what is healthy for my family to eat? This post is a follow-up to yesterday’s whole food post, as in my fruits and vegetable article. I really want people to think about whether the food they feed their family is healthy or not.

Here’s the deal, I can’t make that decision for you, and you wouldn’t want me to. We all have different tastes, needs, and wants for meals. Here is the post on Whole Foods. I read books, research and watch documentaries to learn whatever I can to live a healthy life.

I need to lose a few pounds, okay several pounds, and I need to exercise, you know I need to keep moving. I spend about 6-8 hours a day on my blog sitting with two laptops.

One is used for typing, the other for research. I started going to a dog park almost every day recently with my new puppy, Bentley. He’s now a year old. I walk around and meet other dog owners and it’s great to socialize with people each day. Plus, Bentley gets to run off some of his energy.

Today, I want to compare different foods and the nutrients they contain. It’s so funny because people will sometimes say to me “What protein do you eat if you are vegan?”

Yesterday, I talked about vegans and vegetarians. Oh, I can hear some people screaming right now, what no meat? Yep, that would be Mark. He would never scream, he just loves eating meat, any kind of meat or fish.

I do not. I may have a bite or two of filet mignon. Sometimes, I may even eat a hamburger occasionally if I know the meat is organic and grass-fed.

Let’s get started with the nutrients in some items we may or may not eat every day. I have to add in donuts (doughnuts) and apple fritters just because I sometimes have one.

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How much protein is on that bagel, donut (doughnut), or apple fritter I had for breakfast? Do I dare admit I have had 6-8 pumpkin cookies for breakfast, every once in a while?

How much protein is in those? I think you know what I mean, we need to be mindful of the healthy food we put into our bodies, and also the not-so-healthy food.

I know we have all heard, “We are what we eat.” I think it comes down to making sure we are feeding our bodies healthy nutritious calories. The numbers below are only approximate numbers due to the size and quantity consumed. Note that the percentages shown are based on the “% daily value.”

Is This Food Healthy For Your Family


Protein: 2.1 g

Sugar: 11 g

Calories: 200

Vitamin A: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 0%

Vitamin C: 1%

Potassium: 86 mg


Protein: 10 g

Sugar: 6 g

Calories: 250

Vitamin A: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 162 mg

One Egg

Protein: 6 g

Sugar: 0,6%

Calories: 80

Vitamin A: 5%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 63 mg

Whole Milk

Protein: 8 g

Sugar: 13 g

Calories: 1 cup=103

Vitamin A: 2%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 366 mg

Chicken Breast

Protein: 43 g

Sugar: 0%

Calories: 1 cup=230

Vitamin A: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 40%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 360 mg


Protein: 13 g

Sugar: 5 g

Calories: 1 single patty=250 calories

Vitamin A: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 166 mg


Protein: 3 g

Sugar: 0%

Calories: 1 slice cooked=43

Vitamin A: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 0%

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Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 45 mg


Protein: 27 g

Sugar: n/a or unknown

Calories: 3 ounces=200

Vitamin A: n/a or unknown

Vitamin B-6: 37%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 423 mg


Protein: 40 g

Sugar: n/a or unknown

Calories: 0.5 fillet=412

Vitamin A: 1%

Vitamin B-6: 65%

Vitamin C: 12%

Potassium: 719


Protein: 25 g

Sugar: n/a or unknown

Calories: 3 ounces=160

Vitamin A: 42%

Vitamin B-6: 20%

Vitamin C: 0%

Potassium: 275 mg

I hope this gives you some ideas as to the nutrients in the food you decide is healthy or not for your family. I would love a farm with grass-fed meat to sell, chickens to produce eggs to help pay for the farm expenses. I would love to grow food year-round and live off the land.

My grandson and I talk about it all the time. I can dream, right? Mark has no desire for a farm at our age. I get it. But I have always wanted a little farm with fruit trees and an extra large garden. We had a half-acre lot in Logan/Cache Valley, Utah once and it was awesome!

We produced and preserved enough fruits and vegetables for our family for a year. We loved it and it taught our girls to work. Mark wondered how “awesome” it was after he had spent over three hours just mowing the lawn each week.

We’d put out over ten bags of lawn clippings after we’d spread a bunch in the garden as mulch. He did love taking the girls out in the evening to pick strawberries from the patch that divided our yard from the neighbor next door.

The girls enjoyed picking the green beans from the plants so we could cook them for dinner, or get them ready to be canned. Fond memories of our time in Cache Valley.

Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

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  1. These two posts have been some great food for thought. Yes, pun intended.
    Thanks for sharing and for all the effort you put into giving us this good information.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Rita, thank you so much! I am now making some mason jars filled with salads to eat and using my FoodSaver to remove the air from the jars. I love researching stuff we can all use it today or next week. Happy Holidays, Linda

  2. Hi Linda! I just wanted to comment on the difference between some healthy and unhealthy foods. Often, whether a food is healthy, or not, depends on how they are made and what ingredients are used. Some common “junk” foods get clumped together and, therefore, are always seen as bad by some people.

    Donuts, apple fritters, and bagels don’t have to be bad for you. If you purchase these from the store, they are usually not healthy, but, if you make them at home, they can be healthy treats. For example, I make donuts frequently and, yes, I fry them. Baked donuts just don’t have the same flavor as fried donuts. I make my donuts with freshly ground flour, honey or maple syrup for sweetener, and I fry them in avocado or coconut oil. Frying foods in oil is not a bad thing, if you use a healthy oil. (Healthy oils should be a part of everyone’s diet.)

    Have a great day, my friend! Big hugs, Mare

    1. Hi Mare, I have to tell you they make the best apple fritters in a store called Lin’s in Hurricane, Utah. I love making bagels, apple fritters, and stuff from scratch. Thanks for the reminder about maple syrup. I need to check out avocado oil. See how we learn from each other?? Hugs, Linda

  3. Great post, Linda:
    Some of the comments on what is good for you and what is bad really irks me. For an example, my daughter and son-in-law wouldn’t eat white potatoes, saying that sweet potatoes were good for you but white potatoes were not. OK, I understand that there is a difference in the glycemic index between the two but they both have valuable nutrients. I learned this from a website that I can no longer locate. But, I did find the following website that is valuable.

    You can search for Branded Foods as well as standard reference – example: Russet potatoes will not be found under Branded Foods but will be found under standard reference.

    I have found a lot of great information on this website. My main concerns at this time is carbohydrates and proteins. I am following a high protein/low-moderate carb eating plan.

    You and all your readers should check it out sometime. See what you think and use it if you think it is of value.


    1. Oh my gosh, Leanne, I love this link! I can leave it in the comment because it is a “Secure Site” It has to have the green Secure Key to keep my website safe. I love this one. Here’s the deal, I want to eat whole foods. I get irked as well when people make comments to me like, are you getting all your vitamins? I am researching all the time to learn what is good for my body. I’m not perfect, I love chocolate. I mean really love chocolate. But I know I can’t eat it every day, it has very little nutrients for my body. Sorry, I’m rambling. It sometimes makes me wonder how much money is made in the books for each new “diet” that comes out each year. If people do the research, they will realize what food is good for them. I’m very careful when I eat out anywhere because I don’t like when people say, “Linda what can you eat?”. I can eat all fresh fruits and vegetables. How easy is it that? I just don’t want a piece of meat that I don’t know where it was produced or what it was fed. How would they feel if I said: “wow, I wonder what that cow was fed, was Monsanto involved?” That would be tacky and I would never say that. Here’s to good health, my friend, Linda

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