8 Home Economic Skills Your Kids Need to Know
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8 Home Economic Skills Your Kids Need to Know

It may be hard to imagine your kids all grown up and having to manage their own homes, but that day will get here before you know it. Don’t be that parent who waits for their children’s school to give them a crash course on the subject. Trust me, it’s brief and doesn’t cover everything about being an adult. Check out these home economic skills your kids need to know. In case you missed this post, 30 Pioneer Skills We Cannot Lose.

Clothes and Iron on Table

Home Economic Skills Your Kids Need to Know 

It’s better to prepare and teach them these important home economic skills now so that one day, they won’t have to rely on others. Not only will you be teaching them valuable lessons you might call essential life skills, but those special times when mom or dad showed them something will never be forgotten. Check out these eight home economic skills that your kids need to know. Of course, most of these skills need an age-appropriate approach, but many can be started at a young age and expanded from there.  

1. Basic Cooking Skills

Could you imagine coming home after a long day of work and not having to lift another finger because your kids have got you covered? It’s hard to picture, I know. I know you’re thinking, “You’ve got to be joking? My kid would burn down the house.” I’m so grateful my mom was a great cook and passed her techniques on to me and my sisters.

Start off small if you have to, like TV dinners. It’s better to start there while they’re young instead of waiting until they’re out on their own and still using the microwave for every meal. Once they’ve mastered the microwave, it’s time to try cooking simple meals like spaghetti or tacos that only require a few steps. Here are some simple ways you can teach your children to cook

One step that must be included is learning to create a meal plan. Learning to use menus makes generating a grocery list that much easier. Your teen can see how buying what’s on the list and not impulse purchases can save money too.

2. Proper Nutrition  

Obesity is a growing concern among children today, with no thanks to Little Debbie. (Today, she goes by Big Debra because Twinkies were her favorite, too.) Make it a habit to present your children with sweet alternatives like fruit instead of so much junk food. 

Along with teaching your children how to cook, it’s important to show them how to follow proper nutrition guidelines. That mac n’ cheese dinner is not a balanced meal on its own, but adding a few vegetables, some diced chicken, and a scoop of berries, and now you’re cooking. Here are some of the basics of nutrition that you can show your kids. 

3. House Cleaning 

It’s not fair that mom has to do all the housekeeping by herself when several other household members are quite capable of helping. Teaching your children the importance of keeping things reasonably clean and tidy is a good idea. If you don’t, one day, their spouse/partner will know who’s to blame. lol

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Some kids are great at getting things like toys, books, and games out to enjoy, but haven’t learned to put them away.

Teach them the correct cleaner to use on your kitchen sink and toilet and which spray to use on windows and surface areas like countertops. Show them the proper way to remove clutter from their room, and how to follow up by removing dust and using a vacuum. Here are several chores that even a 5-year-old could do (with parental guidance the first few times), and you’d be amazed how much time you’re left with at the end of the day because you’re not trying to do it all yourself. 

Every day we eat and that means there’s also meal cleanup. Teaching kids that the dish or bowl doesn’t move to the sink or dishwasher on their own. Learning to pick up after themselves and wash dishes before the food sticks to the dishes and utensils makes sense and saves time later. 

4. Doing the Laundry 

Wouldn’t it be grand if everyone in your household could do their laundry? But don’t stop there. How about folding it and putting it away, too? Talk about a dream come true. Show them how to sort their dirty clothes, the correct settings to run the washing machine based on the types of fabric and color, how to clean out the dryer lint trap, and so forth. Start with a few simple steps to make teaching your children to do laundry even easier by discussing liquid or powder detergent, and what needs fabric softener. 

For instance, sorting white, colors, and delicates into different piles. Show them how to turn the knobs or push the proper buttons on the washer for cold, warm, or hot settings. It’s a good idea to show them the tags on some clothes if they have questions about what temperature to use.

5. Sewing

Even if you’re no expert at sewing, I’m sure you could handle teaching basic sewing skills. It doesn’t matter if you have a house full of boys; do them the courtesy of teaching them how to sew back on a button or repair a small rip on a sleeve. That will keep them from throwing a nice pair of jeans away while at college since they now have the skills you taught them. Check out how you can teach your kids to be a tailor, even without sewing, if need be.

My mom taught me how to sew and it really came in handy when my four girls were young. I made most of their clothes until they got old enough to want more brand-oriented items. I’m amazed at how much money it saved me back then, but I know some stores offer items on clearance cheaper than you can make them. 

6. Upkeep Around the House 

Sometimes, getting your children to play around with their dad while he’s fixing minor issues around the house will provide life skills that your kids will never forget. That, and the memories they’ll have of their father. Have your hubby point out where the water line shutoff and electrical breaker box are located so they can turn them on or off in an emergency. 

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Kids need to know how to do simple repairs on small appliances and plumbing and how to fix their bikes. (It seems like bikes are constantly breaking down these days.)

7. Money Management

Please don’t make the mistake of not teaching your children the importance of saving and managing their money. If you don’t teach some important life skills relating to money management, there’s a good chance they’ll never leave your basement. Teach them the critical practice of balancing a checkbook, even if this seems outdated to you. Show them how to keep track of their bank account with an online banking app. Here’s some additional direction when talking about money management with kids

Money management is much like time management. We need our children to establish goals, use schedules, and set routines. Each time our young children get an allowance, have them put some of it into a savings account. Discuss with them the times of the year to purchase certain things because they are seasonal. Have them get used to using coupons and buying store brands to save money.

Teach them the concept of compound interest and how planning financially for an education and/or vocational training takes money that they can save for. That compound interest can also make a difference in their retirement planning efforts. How they spend or save money is part of them learning problem-solving skills that can make all the difference in their careers and marriage.  

8. Relational Skills 

It seems like more and more these days, everyone is getting offended. Not just with the people we converse with online or at work but also with bitter feuds created within our families and neighbors. The same can even happen to the closest of friends over trivial matters. 

Many times, it’s because we allow technology to get in the way instead of communicating face-to-face. We also don’t spend the time and energy to make these relationships work. Here are several relationship skills tips that every kid (and adult) needs.

Children can learn some basic life skills like etiquette, effective communication, empathy, adaptation, good manners, and other skills that help making and keeping friends easier. As they learn to interact with others, older and younger than themselves, they also gain better self-esteem in a world where self-harm and anxiety are so common. 

Maintaining proper personal hygiene like showering daily, brushing their teeth, using deodorant, etc., helps them develop and keep friendships that can last a lifetime.  

Final Word

No matter what age your child may be, it’s not a bad idea to start teaching them some of these essential home economic skills, and others, that they will need for life. This allows them to spread their wings and fly out of your nest when they’re older, and it helps you immensely in the meantime. What home economic skills do your kids need to know? Would you add to this list? Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Baking Deposit photos_108554772_s-2019, Clothes and Iron on Table Depositphotos_26382983_S By Belchonock

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  1. I agree 100% with this. I have said for years that each child should take a home economics class with the basics, and each child should take an auto mechanics class on how to change a tire, how to check fluids, put gas in a car and all the basics.

    My step dad taught me how to change the oil in my car. And I learned how to change a tire, check the oil, and other fluids. I even changed the spark plugs in my car. Granted, it wasn’t a newer model. Oh, and I’m a 68 year old female.

    1. Hi Deborah, you are so right about the home economic and auto mechanics classes! Yes, we learned a lot at home but sometimes someone other than your parents gave us all a boost in skills. In Utah, they have done away with these classes years ago. It’s really too bad because so many are on food stamps for years and they buy processed foods and never learn to cook from scratch. In Utah, we have a lot of low-income families where it’s a way of life for generations. It’s really sad in my opinion. Short term food stamps are great for the short term but not a lifetime. Linda

      1. We have generation after generation of the same here. That is the only life some people know. It’s so sad. I could’ve been on food stamps and all that goes with it when I was a single Mom, but I guess I was just too proud. We did what we had to do.

        These classes aren’t offered here anymore either. They could combine them and call it independent living. This is what the families need these days. Especially the teens and such. It also seems to me that children aren’t accountable for their actions any more. It’s a sad world we live in these days.

  2. This is a great list! I try to have my kids (5, 3, and 1) “help” around the house and do everything they’re capable of. Sometimes it causes me to do more work, but it will be well worth it when they’re older (and in a couple weeks when baby #4 gets here)!
    Relationship skills and money management are areas I don’t often remember to teach, so thank you for the great reminder! Such important skills to have.

    1. Hi Carrie, thank you for your comment. Congratulations on baby #4. Life is so fun with little ones around. I love hearing you are teaching them skills. It’s critical for them to grow into adulthood. Good job mama! Linda

  3. Funny story – when I was raising my daughter, she complained all the time about the “chores” I made her do: laundry, dishes, sweeping/vacuuming, cleaning and cooking. She thought I was working her to death!! Now she has 4 kiddos herself (9, 7 1/2, 6 and 19 months). Her kids know how to do the laundry already, sweep and vacuum, clean and the 9 and 7 1/2 year olds are in charge of weekly breakfasts (oatmeal, toast and fruit) and lunches (pbj sandwiches, veggie sticks and fruit). She has the 3 older ones on a rotation of laundry, cleaning which includes the bathroom, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and dusting, kitchen duty which includes making breakfast and lunch (2 older ones) and dishes.

    The kids do not earn an allowance from doing the above. But, they do have other chores that are listed that do earn them some hard cash! Things like working in the gardens, taking care of the chickens (feed, water, gather eggs, clean out the hen house). Each week they are given 5 chores that earn money and they are paid each Friday based on what they do. The money management skills they are being taught are: 1/10 tithe to their church or other giving, and the balance divided in half – one half for saving and one half for spending.

    The kids are always working on some project with their dad – yard, car, building something.

    1. Hi Leanne, oh my gosh I love love love hearing your comment about your daughter, son-in-law and their kiddos. What a blessing they are teaching their kids. I remember my kids complaining about their “jobs” growing up as well. NOW, they thank us all the time for teaching them to work. Life is good if you learn to work for it. Great comment, Linda

  4. My late husband taught all 3 of our kids how to do many things. My daughter is 45 now and she’s an awesome cook and baker,can do basic plumbing and some electrical along with knowing how to measure ,cut and lay tile. She installed the phone lines when we had to replace them due to a lightening strike. My oldest son,now 40, is an awesome mechanic and knows electrical,plumbing and carpentry.He also hunts. My youngest son ,now 38,was more into computers and electronics is now an attorney.(he’s my go to guy for anything to do with electronics or computer issues). They all know how to cook , clean and anything else that needs doing around the house. So now I’m teaching my grandkids how to cook ,can and dehydrate.

  5. We are not sure the schools will re-open here in the fall, if they do, it will be a reduced schedule. I’ve decided that the family should all pitch in and teach the 5 children in the family something they are good at. One is going to teach knitting, I’ll teach cooking, another will teach computer tech. I see this as an opportunity to have the time to teach our children in the large family things they need to know. Without so many sports and activities, let’s teach them skills that will stay with them all of their life.

    1. Hi Gayle, I totally agree with you. This COVID has changed a lot of lives. Some for the better and some not so good. Loss of income is a tragic situation for so many. A blessing would be we can teach them skills now that will stay with them for all of their life like you said. Linda

  6. Home Ec is something all kids should be taught however many parents don’t know how nor have a desire to do many of the listed things.
    My son is proficient with a sewing machine. I taught him to hand sew not just with needle but with fishing gear and yucca plant.
    He and my grandson often cook together.
    We are starting to teach money management to grandson too

    1. Hi Matt, oh this is so awesome. It’s really sad when people have no desire to cook at home or learn to mend something. You are smart to teach money management to that grandson, I love this! Linda

  7. Love reading the older comments!! Now my grand kids are 13, 11 1/2, 10, 5 1/2 and 18 months!! The 4 older kids are busy with chores and schoolwork (homeschooled). What I find most interesting is how resilient they are and how they are learning how to think out of the box. I rely heavily on my 13 year old grandson – he has put up shelves in my house (with no help from me!!). He is learning all the time from his dad. Soon, he will be doing some work on my car! It is a minor thing but he says he can fix it! He took a mechanics class this last spring at a charter school! And, my car is old so this minor thing is just up his alley. The kids are being taught how to read recipes and cook: 1st time with mom helping, 2nd time with mom supervising, and 3rd time all on their own.

    My 13 year old grandson is also in partnership with a 14 year old friend. They take broken appliances (microwaves, air conditioners, fans, refrigerators, washers and dryers, vacuum cleaners) and tear them apart, fix them and sell them!! They have actually made some money in this venture! I do know that they are learning a lot about how those things work! And once people in our church found out that is what the boys are doing, they get a lot of appliances. They have even taken some appliances and just torn them apart and kept the parts that they know work and shelve them to use in other appliances.

    As my mother always said, if you can read, you can make things from a recipe!! Or in dad’s case, if you can read instructions, you can follow said instructions. But, it is in the “doing” that increases confidence!

    1. Hi Leanne, oh my gosh I can’t believe your youngest grandchild is now 18 months old!! Wow, time goes by so fast! What a blessing your oldest grandson is helping you hang shelves and other things. Plus, he is is now an entrepreneur with his friend, oh my gosh, I’m so impressed! LOVE this! Linda

  8. Everyone should know how to count money and make change! The use of debit cards and smart phones are convenient, but if you hand some folks $20 for a $15.35 purchase, they are lost. Makes me sad.
    You are spot on with this article today! Teaching children life skills helps them in so many ways!

    1. HI Lori, thank your for your kind words, my friend! It really is sad that some folks do not know how to count back change and dollars. You and I grew up without debit or credit cards! I don’t know how old you are but because you understand what I was talking about, you grew up counting back the change. So many things we take for granted the younger generation has no idea. Hopefully, some families will teach their kids now. We can hope they understand how important it is. So many need to learn the simplest of skills. Linda

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