Easy Honey Baked Chicken Legs Recipe
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Easy Honey-Baked Chicken Legs Recipe

This easy honey-baked chicken legs recipe is one of my favorite recipes. Here’s the deal, who doesn’t love having dinner baking in the kitchen? Life is so good when we don’t have to think about “what’s for dinner?”

These juicy moist chicken legs will be gobbled up so quickly you’ll be glad you made extra ones! When my girls were little they always wanted the chicken legs, now everyone can have a chicken leg or two.

You can’t beat the price of these little gems. If you go to Costco they have really large organic ones.

Easy Honey Baked Chicken Legs Recipe

Kitchen Items You Will Need

Ingredients – Honey Baked Chicken Legs

  • Chicken Legs: The chicken leg includes both the drumstick and the thigh. They consist of dark meat which provides a lot of flavors compared to white meat. 
  • Salt: Salt is used to help enhance the flavors of the other ingredients.
  • Honey:
  • Soy Sauce: A savory and salty caramel-colored sauce made from soybeans, salt, wheat, and a fermenting agent such as yeast or koji mold.
  • Garlic (minced): Garlic adds an almost nutty flavor. You can even bake them or eat them raw. They enhance the flavor of any dish. Raw garlic has a stronger flavor, and hence, smell. Minced garlic offers the most aromatic and pungent flavor, making it ideal for soups, salads, sauces, and other savory dishes.

Honey Baked Chicken Legs

Step One

Gather all of the ingredients that you will need and any kitchen items that you will be using.

Read More of My Articles  The Best BBQ Chicken Legs Recipe

I start by washing my chicken legs, draining them, and then patting them dry. The CDC or USDA recommends you do not wash your chicken because the bacteria may contaminate your sink, your countertop, and even your clothes from the spray spreading around the sink faucet.

Just so you know, I bleach the sink, my countertops, and everything that may come in contact with my raw chicken pieces. That’s literally how I roll.

Washing Raw Chicken To Bake

Step Two: Prepare Sauce

Make the sauce by measuring the honey, soy sauce, and garlic into a medium saucepan. Cook it over medium heat until the mixture is combined and smooth. You can also cook it in the microwave.

Combine The Sauce Ingredients

Step Three: Preheat Oven – Place Chicken Legs in Prepared 9×13 Pan

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grab a 9-inch by 13-inch (2-3 inches high) dish and cover the bottom and the sides with foil and spray vegetable oil on the foil. Place the chicken legs evenly over the bottom. This is the baking dish I used: Baking Dish

Easy Honey Baked Chicken Legs Recipe

Step Four: Pour Sauce Over Chicken – Bake for 45 Mins

Pour the sauce over the chicken legs until covered completely and bake for 45 minutes (uncovered). After 45 minutes remove the pan from the oven and turn the chicken legs over and turn the oven temperature up to 425 degrees F. and bake for another 15 minutes. You will see the sauce start to caramelize on the chicken.

Remove from the oven, and let the chicken sit/rest for 5 minutes before serving. Serve with the sauce over cooked rice and enjoy.

Please use a meat thermometer to test the largest piece of the chicken leg, when it registers 165 degrees F. on an instant thermometer, it’s done.

Bake at 350 Degrees Until the temperature Reaches 165 degrees

Honey Baked Chicken Legs

5 from 3 votes
Easy Honey Baked Chicken Legs Recipe
Honey Baked Chicken Legs by Food Storage Moms
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 15 mins
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Servings: 6 people
  1. Gather all of your ingredients. Wash the chicken legs, drain the water off, and pat them dry with a paper towel. Throughly sanitize any surfaces that chicken may have come in contact with to reduce any chance of exposure to bacteria from the raw chicken.

  2. Make the sauce by measuring the honey, soy sauce, and garlic into a medium saucepan. Cook it over medium heat until the mixture is combined and smooth. You can also cook it in the microwave.

  3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grab a 9-inch by 13-inch (2-3 inches high) baking dish and cover the bottom and the sides with foil and spray vegetable oil on the foil. Place the chicken legs evenly over the bottom.

  4. Pour the sauce over the chicken legs until covered completely and bake for 45 minutes (uncovered). After 45 minutes remove the pan from the oven and turn the chicken legs over and turn the oven temperature up to 425 degrees F. and bake for another 15 minutes. You will see the sauce start to caramelize on the chicken. It's so good!!

  5. Remove from the oven, let the chicken sit/rest for 5 minutes before serving. Serve with the sauce over cooked rice, enjoy.

    Please use a meat thermometer to test the largest piece of the chicken leg, when it registers 165 degrees F. on an instant thermometer, it's done.

What can I serve with these chicken legs?

How long can I keep raw chicken stored in the frig?

According to the USDA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, you can store raw chicken in your refrigerator for 1-2 days. It doesn’t matter if it’s legs, breasts, or a whole chicken, 1-2 days is the maximum time to store raw chicken.

How can I store these cooked chicken legs?

Place them in the refrigerator in airtight containers or baggies for 3-4 days, according to the USDA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Can I freeze these?

Yes, you can freeze these chicken legs. Just wrap them tightly in plastic wrap, airtight containers, or freezer bags. They will keep for about 3-6 months in the freezer.

Final Word

I hope you try making my easy honey-baked chicken legs soon! It’s so fun to eat at home and enjoy the food we make ourselves. Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

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  1. Hi Linda

    Any suggestions for a soy sauce substitute? We have an allergy to that in the family. Thanks!

    1. 5 stars
      I made the honey baked drumsticks tonight, and they were as easy as you said they were, and they tasted delicious! Thank you! I didn’t salt my chicken because I wasn’t sure how much salt the soy sauce would add. Next time I will lightly salt it first. This one is definitely going into my regular recipe book!! ❤️❤️❤️

      1. Hi Peggy, thank you for the 5 stars, my friend! I’m so glad you liked my recipe! There is something about drumsticks with honey and soy sauce, it’s easy and yummy! Linda

  2. 5 stars
    My kids love eating chicken legs! 🙂 I’m going to make these tonight. They look sooo good and sooo easy! I love recipes with just a few ingredients 🙂 Thank you for sharing!❤️

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