How to Barter with Food and Water
Bartering is an ancient practice that has existed for thousands of years and is still used today in certain countries of the world. Did you know that during the Great Depression, many families didn’t have the money for food and supplies, so they relied heavily on a bartering system to meet their everyday needs? Often, bartering can include trading skills rather than products. Today, let’s discuss how to barter with food and water.
How to Barter with Food and Water
A natural disaster or an economic collapse could leave you in a situation where you can’t use cash to get your family’s needs. Having the right items to barter during this time will be critically important. Prepping prompts us to plan ahead and try to have what is needed in times of crisis, no matter what the emergency might be. With climate change and the shifting of food and water resources, staying ahead of the emergency preparation game has been a challenge.

Add in the issues of supply chain disruptions, some areas of the country seem to be experiencing a “perfect storm” when it comes to preparation. Clean water scarcity has become a real threat as many states still deal with drought while others experience wildfires and floods. Having sufficient water to properly hydrate, cook meals, handle personal hygiene, and perform limited laundry chores is critical.
I’ve been telling my readers for years to try and grow their own food to save money and to have provisions when others might not. For obvious reasons, food and water will become some of the most sought-after commodities during that scenario, so having a stockpile of the sought-after barter items could genuinely benefit you. Here are some ideas for successful bartering using stockpiled food and water, some of the best barter items, so you can get what you need most for day-to-day living or survival.
Things to Consider When Stockpiling Food
When you’re thinking about the right foods that you should consider stockpiling, there is a proven approach that you need to take into account:
- For starters, you should stockpile foods with a longer shelf life because you never know how long it will be before those items become necessary for you and others. It could be tomorrow, or it could be months or years from now. You never know when the family breadwinner has an accident, gets caught up in a layoff, or heaven forbid, dies from an illness.
- That’s why preppers gather non-perishable food items that will provide them with optimal food quality long after an emergency arises. Having extra food supplies provides your family with the leverage they need.
- You also need to consider getting food products that are cost-effective and won’t cost you too much money as you stockpile. Consider purchasing foods that are a great value/discount or can be bought in bulk to save you even more money.
- Following a major disaster, there will be a higher demand for these items, and their value will increase as the prices at the store increase. (That’s if grocery stores are still even an option.)
Lastly, you may need to transport these goods. Avoid oversized, bulky food items, especially if you lack storage space. Focus on smaller, lightweight food items that are easy to store and more convenient to transport.
Drinking Water Purification and Filtering Methods
I buy these tiny water bottles at Costco because they are small, and I can hand them out to visitors when needed. As far as I remember, they come with 48 bottles in the case and cost about $10.00. They’re unsuitable for long-term water storage, but if you rotate them, they work great for short-term storage and the need for convenient water consumption. Each bottle has 8 ounces. They now have a larger 80-item package, so check on that.

Drinking water is sure to be the hottest item on everyone’s list following a major crisis because being caught without it could prove deadly in just a few days. This is why having an abundance of pure drinking water that you could barter with will only prove more valuable than gold during this period. You could always rely on bottled water, but there’s also the fact that it’s bulky and takes up a lot of space.
- Ensure you have several different filtering methods to drink sanitized water.
- You can get deathly sick if you consume water with bacteria and other infectious sediments.
- Everyone else will also be looking for clean water, so stocking up on filters and water purifiers is wise.
- Purification tablets, Berkey Filter Bottles, and Aquamira Drops are related items you should look into. I also like the PortaWell water filter system. I did a post about that product some time ago. Check my archive for more information since their product is portable, filters a higher volume of water, and filters more quickly since it is a battery-powered pump-driven system and not based on gravity.
- If you’re planning on hunkering down in your home following a disaster and storage space isn’t an issue, stocking up on plenty of 5-gallon water containers is one option. We have some larger 160- and 250-gallon storage tanks, too. I use a product called WaterPreserver to treat all our stored water. It is suitable for five years, saving much time and water rather than the every-six-month treatment with unscented bleach.
- There are also 55-gallon water barrels that could stretch your family’s drinking water supply, but there’s the inconvenience that they are heavy and nearly impossible to transport.
Food Items To Barter
Following a disaster, there may come a point when your local grocery store jacks up its prices on certain food items, or they may run out of just about everything. There’s also the possibility that all the stores in your area could be closed indefinitely. You need to have food storage as part of your overall self-reliance plans, but storing foods not only to feed your family but also items that you’d be willing to barter with could make a real difference during an emergency. These are just a few items that you should consider.
- Nonperishable food items (canned vegetables like carrots, green beans, and peas; fruits like peaches, applesauce, apricots, and pears; and meats like chicken breasts, tuna, beef, and turkey)
- Dried goods (beans, noodles, rice, pasta, and popcorn)
- Emergency food supplies, as outlined in my posts. I have shelves full of freeze-dried foods of all kinds. They come in #10 cans and also smaller ones called Pantry cans. I love their long shelf life, their ease of use, and the nutrition and flavor provided.
- Fresh produce (straight from your garden)
- Eggs
- Jerky and smoked meats
- Popular snacks (including Lay’s potato chips, Oreos, Hostess Cupcakes, etc)
- Peanut butter
- Grain products like wheat, barley, and rice
Morning and Afternoon Caffeine
Could you imagine waking up without your usual cup of coffee? Most people wouldn’t make it past the first week. Coffee and tea will barter nicely, but don’t forget the coffee filters!
Then, there’s the dose of afternoon caffeine that people rely on to carry them through the rest of the day. Stocking up on soda pop and energy drinks will also give you the bargaining chips you need to barter.
Candy and Other Sweets
Don’t kid yourself if you think this food category is something everyone could drop cold turkey. Some people would be willing to give up almost anything to obtain some hard candy and other sweets. Candy and sweets will be priceless following a major disaster, and you may be able to barter candies and other sweets for critical supplies that your family desperately needs.
You should consider chocolates, peanut brittle, nuts, popcorn, and more. Also, items to top off a breakfast meal like sugar, cocoa, and syrup. This is an essential tip regarding how to barter food and water.
Don’t Forget the Kitchen Staples
Returning to normalcy following a major disaster or economic collapse will be how many people try to cope with their new everyday circumstances. Most people (myself included) enjoy eating to deal with their feelings, and there’s no better way to do so than indulging in delicious baked goods or devouring a satisfying, hearty meal.
After a disaster, it won’t be long before everyone runs out of the necessary ingredients to continue enjoying their favorite baking recipes or eating meals that have flavor. You can rest assured that kitchen staples will be highly sought after. Here are several items that should be high on the list for you to seek as bartering items or items you may need where your food and water could come in handy:
- Canning salt
- Pepper
- Sugar
- Crisco and cooking oil
- Bouillon
- Spices (stored in glass jars)
- Vinegar
- Honey
- Baking soda
- Baking powder
- All-purpose four
- Yeast
- Powdered milk
What other critical items can I barter that aren’t food or water-related?
Consider stocking up on these items as a bartering participant to add to your bartering resources since most people won’t be as well prepared as you are:
- Toilet Paper
- Batteries of all kinds and a flashlight or two for each family member
- Weapons and Ammunition (be careful with this one; we don’t want to advertise what we have for safety)
- Baby Wipes
- Dental care items like dental floss, toothpaste, and toothbrushes
- First-aid items like ointment, bandages, gauze, cotton swabs, suntan lotion, and aloe vera
- Other over-the-counter medical supplies for headaches, nausea, insomnia, and vitamin and mineral supplements
- Cigarettes
- Paper goods and kitchen items like pots and pans, matches, utensils
- Personal hygiene items, including those special time of month items for the ladies
- Soap products of all kinds so you can wash your hands, clothes, and dishes
Final Word
Nobody likes to think about what would happen if a major disaster struck their area. That’s why it’s essential for you to stockpile the right kinds of food now for your food security and to take care of your family, but also provide yourself with something you could barter with when money becomes irrelevant. Do you know how to trade/barter food and water? Let me know from your personal experience what you’d suggest to my readers as they try to be prepared. May God bless this world, Linda
Good post. I think it ties in with the one about whether you want to let others know you are prepping. Choosing, or needing, to barter requires serious forethought. Don’t volunteer anything. Keep info about yourself and your supplies as private as possible. Be discreet even when you feel comfortable with another party.
Hi Terry, great comment. This is why I keep writing. Sometimes it takes seeing something over and over and then it’s like “Oh yeah”! We must be discreet, stay safe. Linda
Has anyone thought about clothing, making, repair etc. If anyone does sew, start looking for a working treadle sewing machine. Stock up on GOOD threads especially black and white. I have a younger friend that learned to use mine. She will pass it on to someone younger when the time comes.
Saving vegetable and some flower seeds vacuum sealed in small mylar packets. Mylar bags can be cut into the size you need and be finished with a vac-seal unit. I am 78 and raised in the backwoods and the city. I wish the people in my area wanted to learn to do for themselves. I could go on forever but I have a wedding dress to shorten. GOOD LUCK TO ALL, GOD BLESS
Hi Margaret, I grew up sewing my clothes, so I totally understand your thinking. Unfortunately, we have become a “throwaway” world. I used to wonder how people got by if they couldn’t mend their clothes. They didn’t they threw them out. Now, some people may mend them by hand which is awesome. I have two sewing machines (electric). My neighbor has a treadle machine so all is good where I live. Having some good thread is critical. Once the thread gets old, it becomes brittle and breaks easily. I love hearing you are shortening a wedding dress! I love it! Linda
Linda, Thank You.
If I had as much energy as ideas all would be great. So many people now don’t want to to anything that can’t be done with a computer. Our Country will be in for HARD TIMES if people don’t try to do
more for themselves. I love Food storage Moms. Reminds me of my younger years.
Hi Margaret, I’m teaching everything I knew growing up and then some. I have often wondered how people get by without a sewing machine. Not being critical, I have had a sewing machine since I was 7 years old. I started on my mom’s and then bought my own. This is why I tell people to get my book in book form, not the Kindle/e-Book form. If we lose power and we will the computer and the internet will not work. Or and forget the cell phones, the list goes on and on. I grew up making bread and it’s not hard, but I had to make it to save money on my grocery list. Thank you for your kind words, Linda
Margaret, I have a treadle sewing machine. I paid $40 for it at a garage sale. It had a drawer full of attachments, another drawer of buttons. Oh, and 5 pair of scissors. And, all it needed was a belt and cleaning and oiling. It works great. I love it.
I’ve been making my clothes and my children’s for a really long time. I learned to sew when I was a freshman in high school. I’m now 69. LOL
Great post today! It reminded me that I need to get more black pepper. I do have coarse ground, but need the regular kind. And salt! I store mine in a labeled jar. I have most of the other items. I’ve been looking for the instant coffee in the single serve packages. We have some, but not enough. We also have a big jar of instant coffee. I don’t really like it, but in a pinch, it’ll work. I only drink one cup a day. I have also stocked up on herbal teas. And am growing some mints to make teas with. This spring, I want an herbal garden for cooking and for teas. Mostly medicinal herbs. I did order some dehydrated elderberries to make syrup with. It’s good for boosting your immune system. And colds and flu. I’ve been buying herbal medicine books for if and when.
Hi Deborah, way to go! You are rocking with preparedness! We have to keep our immune system boosted for sure! Crazy times, Linda
I’m trying to be prepared for whatever happens. We just never know for sure one day to the next.
Hi Deborah, what a year 2020 has been. It can only get better, right? Fingers crossed! Linda
Oh Linda, things can always get worse. But I’m hoping for improvements on everything. Who knows what the election will bring. Or this Covid stuff. And flu season is upon us again.
Deborah – I found Folgers coffee in that came in tea bags!! Single serve! I also have the instant coffee that Starbucks puts out. Cannot remember the name and cannot look for it (it is in storage)! I have those vacuum sealed – hoping for continued freshness!
Where did you get your dehydrated elderberries? I have purchased mine from Mountain Rose Herbs as well as Seattle Elderberry. I have made syrup but find that I don’t use it up fast enough so now I make an elderberry tincture. It last for a very long time because of the alcohol.
Leanne, I’ve seen them, but haven’t for a long time now. I’m trying to stock up on some ground coffee, too. Hubby keeps drinking it up. LOL He drinks a lot of coffee, especially in the winter. I’ll be looking for them. We have a Kurig type coffee maker. We also have a couple of stove type percolators. Great for when the power goes off.
Deborah –
If you live near a Costco and have a membership, they sell a single pod coffee called San Francisco Bay Coffee French Roast. What I like about these is that the little container is like a tea bag. I have been able to make cold brew coffee. I haven’t tried making my coffee by just boiling the water and pouring it over one of these in a cup – perhaps tomorrow. Should work just fine.
We don’t have a Costco here. =( There is a Sams in the next city, but I don’t go there. We can get most everything we want or need either in our little town or the next bigger town. They have a Walmart. But I’ve only been there once since March.
Hi Deborah, we don’t have a Sam’s Club where I live but we do have a Costco. It’s good that you can get what you need no matter what store. Linda
Deborah – I just googled San Francisco Bay Coffee and there are a number of places you can get it – Amazon and Walmart (at least on-line). I have not seen it at my local Walmarts. It also shows a photo of the pods.
Hubby only drinks Folgers coffee. He’s picky. We do order from both Amazon and Walmart. We check to see who has the best prices.
Another good reason to use the qt. mylar bag size instead of the 5 gallon bucket size! Don’t have to open to trade, share of just help neighbor, just grab n go 😉
Hi Bruce, whatever works to be able to barter a small amount. I pray for my neighbors to get on board to be prepared. I know only 3 neighbors in my subdivision who are prepared, which is pretty sad. I cannot feed the neighborhood. Stay safe, Linda
I’ve used my vacuum sealer to seal several cups of flour. Maybe I need to do more and do some sugar, too.
Deborah, If you have any glass jars with lids, that works great, best with the larger size. I put my flour in the freezer for 48 hours to kill any flour weevils. You can’t see them they are often there. The eggs are on the wheat and they hatch after grinding. let your flour warm up to room temperature, before filling your jars. Add 1 bay leaf to each jar. I use my vacuum seal attachment for jars to remove the air. I have been using half gal jars. I am looking for gal size
Salt, Pepper, other seasonings, ie garlic powder, Cocoa, Powdered milk, sugar etc . I keep my planned barter items in a different room for safety. I could go on forever. My sister who lives across the state and my best friend ( and retired Pastor) are the only two who know.
Margaret, I’ve done the same thing. At that time I didn’t have half gallon jars, but now I do. I do have a few gallon pickle jars that I got from my MIL. I can’t vacuum seal them, but have used them as canisters. I usually put a couple of layers of waxed paper between the rim and lid. I put Bayleaves in almost Everything. LOL
Don,t vacuum seal sugar. It will get brick hard. Just keep it dry
Never have. I store sugar in a 5-gallon bucket. Just like my grandmother.
It is sad … If there were 3 in my hood it would be a bonus. Maybe they are just good at hiding it? LOL
There will come a time when those who did not heed all the signs and warnings where the price will be terrible. Hell, even the government has been telling us for many years, when did the ready(dot)gov site launch? I can even remember ad campaigns.
Hi Bruce, oh my gosh, now I have the giggles! The Ready.Gov!!! My fear is that people think food will be delivered, nope, nada. It’s not going to happen. Stay safe, Linda
Bruce, as far as I know, I’m the only preppers in my area. I don’t ask and I don’t tell. My children know. Everyone can read the signs. I feel like, Something will hit the fan before too long. It’s already bad, but it’ll get worse before it gets better.
It’s not gonna be fun when it does.
I’m slowly going through my storage and tossing the stale-dated items. Good grief, but there’s alot…what a waste. Better now than later, tho. Even some of my candy has gotten stale. We have a friend who swears he’s ONLY going to stock chocolate! Says he’ll get anything he needs because people will be desperate for chocolate. I can certainly see that! LOL. Me, I need my Diet Mt. Dew! And soda has a real short shelf life! Yikes!
Prepping/Food Storage is not a one-and-done task. It takes work, dedication and constant rotation. But it will pay off in the end.
Hi Robbie, we have all thrown out stuff, it’s just life. It’s not fun, but we have to have good food storage. Candy went stale, oh no!! I never stock candy with nuts. My M & M’s are still really good! LOL! I just stock plain ones after a holiday that goes on clearance. Oh, the Diet Mtn. Dew, I have heard that cans are in short supply, I hope you get some ASAP! Food storage does take work and dedication. It will pay off in the end. Linda
I’m lucky in that I don’t like nuts so none of the candy had nuts in it. But the gkids’ gummy worms went hard! They’re crushed. I did hear there is an aluminum can shortage but in talking with a mgr at Raleys, I was informed that “they” stopped making “diet” drinks to focus more on Coke and Pepsi straight. I can find cans galore but not the 16oz bottles in 6packs, which I prefer. It makes no sense!
Hi Robbie, darn, so many people drink sugar-free. The gummy worms, good to know, my grandkids are getting too big for those. I still like them!! LOL! I hope you find your favorite drink!!!! Linda
The diet drinks are really hard to find. I don’t drink carbonated drinks, but my husband does. He likes his Diet Coke and diet Dr. Pepper. He can drink over a 2 liter in one day. If I drink canned drinks, it’s lemon ade. I do like it. No carbonation. He will drink unsweetened tea. But I usually drink water. I like it. Once a day, I’ll drink an 8 ounce glass with a teaspoon of honey and a Tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar, with the mother. I like the taste. It’s supposed to be good for your digestion.
We too have thrown out some stuff that has gotten beyond a usable condition. I look at that the same way I look at insurance premiums. How many times have you paid insurance premiums on a vehicle, house, whatever and then not filed a claim? To me the stuff that becomes unusable is the same. It was there if I needed it at the time. Now it is time to buy more just like you renew your insurance by paying your current premium. Just a thought!!!!
Great way to look at it, Harry! Now I won’t feel so bad when I have to throw something away.
Hi Roxanne, I agree with you, I will look at it the same way now! Linda
Hi Harry, oh, I love this! Yes, I totally agree it really is insurance for the future. I can’t remember the last time I made an insurance claim but I can sleep at night knowing I have it! Great thought, my friend!! Linda
I have bags made up for bartering. I include instant coffee, tea, cup a soup – instant soups. I have a number of bags for individuals and a number made up for families. At best, the bags I have made up will give 1-2 days of food and water if the person or persons are frugal. I started the bag thing a few years ago because I was seeing so many homeless on my way home from work. So I had some bags in the car to hand out if I was able to stop.
I think that bartering is the way to go IF I feel safe doing so. One of the things that we also need to keep in mind in a SHTF situation is people’s desperation and the lengths they will go to get what they want. If I don’t feel safe bartering with someone, they will get nothing!
Hi Leanne, to be honest, I hope I don’t need to barter. I have everything I need and I know you do too. We are prepared. BUT there are some people that needed to learn about bartering. Crazy times, but we will survive, Linda
Just a thought. If you run out of yeast, use Sourdough. Even those that have trouble with gluten can generally eat items using sourdough. It is to make, just equal parts flour and water, some honey or sugar and put into a jar large enough for it to expand ( I use a half gallon jar). Next, place in a counter for 2-3 days or until it has a chance to foam up . I usually do 2c. each so I have plenty for my recipes. Always be sure to save out 1/2 c. in a jar and store in frig. for the starter the next time you need it. That will be what you use the next time with the equal amounts of flour and water you want for your baking. Do not pour off the liquid that will form, that is the best part and helps it to grow and flavor the bread . If you want the basic starter to grow faster you can add just a tsp. yeast. From then on, non is necessary unless the recipe calls for a small amount. I have used this method for years. It mkes the best pancakes, bread,rolls ever!
Hi Cheryl, oh sourdough is the best! Thanks for sharing your recipe. I had a whole post on how to make sourdough. I hope people printed it out. I have plenty of yeast but……we must be prepared for weird times. Linda
In my military career I noticed that when things stabilized there always certain items that go a long ways.
Zippo lighters
I’m know it’s old school but Polaroid pics because of the instant gratification. I could literally crack any soured soldier or border guard by telling him and his buddy to give me a badass pose and take the pic and give it to them.
Be creative and look closely as to what you don’t see
Hi Matt, what a great idea about the Polaroid camera! We have to have something to make people smile and those things you listed would make most people smile! Linda
Hi, Just wanted to let Deborah know that the Tasters choice coffee in the glass jar is the one I have as it is the only coffee, as far as I know that is freeze dried instant coffee. I just opened a jar I’ve had for a couple of years. I’m not a fan of instant either but it seems to have stored well, smells good and it stirred up in the hot water well. But I, as my father in law (RIP) would say “pollute” my coffee with cream and sugar so I really don’t know how well it would be “unpolluted”. I also keep it tightly closed in the fridge once opened and am tracking how well it does over time.
Hi Kathy, what a great comment about the “pollute” my coffee! Best story ever!! Thanks for sharing!! Linda
Thanks, It was when I meet my future in laws for the first time, thought I had offended him LOL. Dad was an awesome guy though. He”forgave”me HA HA HA.
Hi Kathy, I love this! LOL! Linda
Kathy, I pollute my coffee too. Vanilla Sugar free creamer. Yum. I buy the generic. I also have the regular creamer. I use it for making potato soup.
Deborah, Can’t use the artificial creamers due to allergies so I’m strictly half and half (organic). Wish I could get flavored creamers. Sounds yummy. I try to use my spices when I brew the coffee. Can get a decent Pumpkin Spice and a peppermint mocha when I brew the coffee.Much trial and error, Poor DH while I was experimenting. LOL.
If you can use extracts, try using them in your half and half. Add sweetener if you use it.
This is one of my all time favorite articles and I love that it relates to your “whether or not to tell people you are a prepper” article. But the single most important thing about trading is knowing who it is safe to trade with–and that’s a judgement call. Since we’re really only talking food and water as trade items here I think you might want to add seeds. That way they can grow their own. Because if you let them know you have food and water to trade they’ll be back when they run out again.
Loved Matt’s Polaroid photo idea though.
Hi Ray, it’s crazy when I start writing I sometimes just get going and forget important items like seeds! My problem is seeds are “gold” to me. I hope we never have to barter but I know so many people who are not prepared with water or food for even three days. I don’t get it! I really don’t. Do they not watch the news?? Oh well, I can only take care of Mark and me. God helps those who help themselves. Linda
Linda and all, small sewing kits are also good. Threaded needles, a button or two. Maybe a couple of snaps, and such as that. You can make up your own. You can store them in empty, clean prescription bottles. You can also make mini first aid kits or fishing kits in them, too. I’ve been saving and using some of ours.
Hi Deborah, great tip on the prescription bottles! I Love it! I can’t imagine having to take your daughter every day to the hospital for those burns. Oh my goodness! So glad you both made it through. As a mother, that would be so hard to hear!! Wow, Linda
Linda, it was really hard. She went by ambulance to the hospital. Her MIL was a nurse (LVN), and put a cool wet towel on her burn. She’s still my baby girl. And will always be. She’s now a grandma, too. She was lucky that she has no scar from the burn. BTW, she was my maid of honor when I married. Her brother and sister walked me down the isle. Hubby’s oldest son was his best man.
Hi Deborah, I bet it was very hard. She was your maid of honor, talk about special!! Glad she was okay! Linda
I have a backload of seeds I’ve saved from gardens past. Many of the smaller seeds (lettuce, broccoli, carrots and such) lose viability after just a couple of years IF they aren’t stored correctly. I keep some of mine in a freezer and the rest in a fridge. I swap seeds with other local gardeners at times–just got some Moringa tree seeds I’ll plant this week. I traded Kuroda carrot seeds, which are even better tasting carrots than my previous favorite, Scarlett Nantes. Practicing barter skills whenever you can is the best way not to get skinned in a deal. If the Moringa seeds germinate I’ll have seedlings to protect this winter and saplings by next spring. Can’t wait as every part of the tree is edible.
Like you, I don’t understand why people wouldn’t want to prepare for emergencies. Sounds a bit like evolution in action and I pity their children.
R, my youngest daughter really got me into prepping. In fact, her husband told her “Thank you” for her prepping right after the Covid hit. Mine hasn’t thanked me yet, but he’s getting into it now. Not real sure why. He hasn’t said.
Oh, and I’ll be buying extra 5 gallon jugs of water starting next week. We have 2, but one is almost empty.
wonderful idea. I will double my seed order. I have read It is best to barter in a place away from your home. any feedback oh this? I also save seeds from any Heritage plants I have. You know what I mean.
Margaret, I would never engage in barter at my home address. Anytime I do this with anyone who isn’t a close neighbor or family or friend I arrange to meet them at a neutral location–Walmart parking lot or some such place. It’s also best to go armed to all barter events. I’ve never encountered a problem but part of being prepared is being ready if trouble comes calling.
The medicine bottle crafts come from Pinterest and the Scout leaders. They are also good for a bug out bag. The quarter sized ones can be used to store quarters in for whatever. There are so many uses. You are limited by your imagination.
You can use straws to make small packets of meds like antibiotic salve. Cut to size. Use a pair of smallish pliers and hold over a flame to seal. Put your salve in and seal the other end. You can also use this for salt and pepper and any other seasonings.
Hi Deborah, wow, I Love these ideas! Linda
You can now buy electrolyte drink mixes at CVS drug stores. They are premeasured for mixing into 16.9 oz. water bottles. I saw them next to the cash registers the other day.
Hi Elbert, thanks for the tip. We have a CVS here in Southern Utah. I may check it out tomorrow! I stocked up big time with Emergen C. Great tip! Linda
I wonder if a strainer like you would use for bulk tea leaves or maybe cheese cloth would work with the coffee from those cups. I grind my own coffee from beans but have jars of instant stored for barter.
Hi Poorman, great question. I just opened a Kirkland Pod that works with a Keurig. Maybe cheesecloth, but wow, the ground coffee is really fine. I just looked at my “Nut Milk Bags” I bet they would work. The weave is very tight. This is a great topic for people to think about. Thank you, Linda
Speaking of strainers, I have a stock of 1000 coffee filters and adding. They work for everything. Also for hard times for cleaning ,I have packets of pool shock to use in creek water. I guess I am blessed to have a year round creek 1/10th of a mile from my house. THANK YOU GOD!!
Margaret, you can use coffee filters to help filter water, too.
I barter now. We have friends who raise beef cattle. They had a couple of power outages which caused them to worry about their freezers. I pressure can meat and they asked me if I would can some for them. I can the meat then keep half. This keeps us stocked with meat and them safely having meat stores too. They saw my pantry and decided to build one up too.
HI Carol, oh this is truly a blessing in more than one way! You can the meat and get half of the meat and they learned how to stock up! Love this! Linda
We do not know our neighbors well enough to know if any are preppers or not. Our preparations, such as they are will help us and our grown children’s families, but that would be our limit. I have always tried to be a caring and giving person, but I admit reaching my limit. Every where I go, everything on TV, people have their hand out. Our resources are limited and I can only do so much.
Hi Chris, great comment as always. I know some of the neighbors where I live because I live with my daughter and her family while we wait for our building permits. I know a handful of people that would be good resources after a disaster. I tend to think of taking care of myself and of course my family. I would hope that the people in our neighborhood would be prepared for the unexpected. In Utah, I was told it’s about 10% of the population that are prepared with food and water. Good luck to the other 90%! Crazy, huh??? Linda
Linda, if you are still waiting on building permits a year later, have you considered instead adding an in-law suite to your daughter’s home? It would add value to their home, while giving you some privacy. Maybe if it cost less than a separate structure, you could add a generator……just a thought…..
Hi Chris, oh my gosh, it’s funny you would ask this question today!!! We met with the builder on Thursday and now realize they had never done an ADU. Accessory Dwelling Unit. They are becoming quite popular BUT you must do your homework before you pay for plans and engineering plans. We found out this week that you can only have an ADU of 35% of the existing footprint. In other words, we had plans for 1200 square feet which would NEVER go through because the most we can build is a 700 Square foot home based on my daughter’s main floor. To be honest, Chris, I don’t think I can live in 700 square feet. That may sound bratty but my food storage must be in my home. Now, we are looking at adding on, it’s so frustrating. Our meeting is Tuesday in the city. I will admit I have had a few melt-downs, Mark and I should have gone to the city and asked what was expected before we got this far a long in the process. I’ll keep you posted, Linda
Linda – Love reading these posts and comments!!
This always keeps good information in the forefront of our minds!!
Hi Leanne, thank you for your words, my sweet friend. I realize some have read part of this post years ago but I always add new stuff to help with our ever changing world. Linda