How to Be Prepared for the Next Disaster

How to Be Prepared for the Next Disaster

Most often, disasters strike with little to no notice, and sometimes you’re left in a crunch with only seconds to act. Every moment matters, and it’s how you plan and prepare ahead of time that can make all the difference.

Unfortunately, several casualties that take place during a disaster are oftentimes due to lack of preparedness or wrong decision-making when it matters most. Here are several ways that you can prepare ahead of time, and also supplies that may prove critical for your family to have available during a disaster. 

Keep reading to discover how to be prepared for the next disaster. 

Learn of Disasters that Could Strike Your Area

The first thing that you need to look at is what kind of disasters are more likely to happen where you live? Do you live in a location where wildfires are notorious for happening, or the likelihood of a hurricane is greater?

Be sure to go over every possible disaster that could present itself in your hometown. Knowing how to be prepared for the next disaster is very worthwhile. 

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How To Be Prepared: A Plan for Each Possible Disaster 

Not having a plan in place for your family during a disaster can escalate a situation into something far more deadly. When you only have seconds to react, any hesitation or uncertainty can significantly take the situation from bad to worse. 

Does everyone in your family know where to go in case of a tornado? A basement is your first and best option, away from any windows or sharp objects. If you don’t have a basement, a closet or bathtub is your next safest choice. 

You should also have a plan for evacuation if there were to be a house fire, flood, wildfire, or terrorist attack. If a disaster were to happen when your children were at school and you were at work, it’s important that they know when to stay put or go to a meeting place that has been agreed upon.  

Keep a Fully-Stocked Food Supply 

It’s already too late to think about heading to the grocery store after a disaster has struck your town. Who’s to say that the store will be open, left standing, or have the supplies you need? The best thing you can do is consider keeping a decent food supply stashed away.

Read More of My Articles  Common Misconceptions About Preppers

FEMA recommends that you store at least a 3-day food supply to provide for your family, though it would be in your best interest to have a long term disaster food pantry that’s established to carry you through more severe situations.

Just giving you the heads up, a 3-day supply of food doesn’t cut it for me. Please don’t go out and use a credit card to buy a pallet of food. All you need to do is throw one or two cans in your grocery basket every time you go to the store. Before you know it, you’ll have a significant supply ready for use.

Just make sure those cans contain foods that your family will eat. You may even want to include your entire family in the dialogue when choosing several cans of food items they would eat if all the grocery stores were closed for an extended period of time.

Store What You Will Eat

Canned Food

Check out this list of non-perishables that can be stored for a long period of time. Remember to keep them rotating with the oldest dates brought to the front. Keep a supply down in your basement, or in a closet if you don’t have a basement.  

  • Beef jerky 
  • Canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef, turkey, spam, etc.) 
  • Canned fruits and veggies
  • Crackers 
  • Protein bars and shakes 
  • Instant soup mixes
  • Baby Food (if you have small children) 
  • Pasta
  • Dried beans, or lentils Lentils: Everything You Need to Know
  • Rice
  • Packaged foods (things like macaroni and cheese or instant potatoes)  
  • Flour
  • Baking essentials (baking soda, yeast, sugar, and oils) 
  • Oats 
  • Spices (salt, pepper, cinnamon, and other favorites) 
  • Nuts and dried fruits
  • Trailmix 
  • Peanut butter and jelly or jam
  • Comfort food 
  • Cold and hot cereal (oatmeal and cream of wheat) 

How To Be Prepared: Consider Your Drinking Supply 

How to Be Prepared for the Next Disaster

What would happen if your water supply was tampered with, whether it was due to a flood or other water contamination? Would you be ready?

Even more important than food, you ought to start planning now for having enough drinking water stored away. You should think about storing a minimum of 2 gallons per person per day for at least a 3 day period. One gallon for drinking, the other for washing, water to cook, and flush toilets.

Read More of My Articles  How to Raise Confident Self-Reliant Kids

You probably realize by now MY water recommendation is 4 gallons of water per person per day. When water isn’t available for a much longer period of time you may have to look to your nearest body of freshwater.

A smart move on your part would be to have several handheld water purifiers available that you could use to keep your family from drinking bacteria and undesired sentiments. If your home still has electricity, a steam distiller will also disinfect your drinking water.    

Have a Stash of Personal Care Items On-hand 

Besides food and water, there are several other items that you would need to have tucked away to make life easier. Consider these essentials. If you missed my 35 OTC Medications You Should Store

  • Medicine and vitamins (aspirin, cold and flu, stomach relief) 
  • Batteries
  • Flashlight
  • Lanterns
  • Radio 
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels 
  • Bleach and disinfectant
  • Clorox wipes
  • Dish Soap 
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Trashbags (sanitation and waste disposal) 
  • Feminine products 
  • Walkie-talkies (when cellphones are no longer a way to communicate) 

How To Be Prepared: Stock Up On Medical Books 

What would you do if there was no access to a doctor and you or one of your family members was dealing with a critical health situation before or during a disaster? Whether it’s a limb laceration or a head injury, there may not be time for you to rely on paramedics arriving on time. This Medical Book covers serious injuries, along with severe burns and airway procedures.   

Another medical book recommended is called, “Where There Is No Doctor,” which deals with serious illness and infections, as well as childbirth. It’s one of the most popular health manuals that’s available to you and could make all the difference.    

Helmets for Each Family Member

Tornadoes, earthquakes, and even flooding can toss you around and cause serious head injuries from flying and crashing debris. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a football, baseball, or motorcycle helmet, just be sure that every one of your family members’ head is covered.

Keep your helmets put in a location you’ll remember and has easy access so that you don’t have to go hunting for them when you only have a few moments lead time.   

Final Word

There’s no way that you can fully prepare yourself for a disaster, but you can certainly have a pretty good head start. It’s crucial that you not only have a plan in place for each disaster scenario, but that you practice them every once in a while to be certain your family is ready. 

What are some other ways that you could prepare yourself for a disaster that weren’t mentioned? It’s critical we know how to be prepared before we need to be. Please keep prepping, stocking food, and water. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Flooding Deposit photos_84640868_s-2019, Water Deposit photos_11222134_s-2019

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  1. Good stuff
    It’s a whole lot easier to live the lifestyle than try and run out at the last minute. It instills confidence in yourself and those depending on you.

  2. Thank you so much,
    Things ARE going to get Worse, Much Worse and unfortunately the Government isn’t going to be able to help us! It’s late but, you can still Prep, Water, Canned Goods, Rice and Padta, some people have no idea what todo or where to begin.

    Prepare Y’all, SHTF IS NOW !!!

  3. So true. Prepping is a life choice and doesn’t have to break the bank. One thing i would like to add to your wonderful lists is PPE of some sort, besides rubber gloves, particularly DIY fabric masks. They can be made in quantity ahead of time, sanitized and vacuum sealed for storage. My son and I redesigned the typical pattern for our own use, because the regular ones aren’t truly protective enough or comfortable. We use respirators in our work, so it was important to us to make something that actually worked for the purpose. The quilt guild I belong to recently put those patterns and instructions up on their website for anyone to download and use (for free): (www) It’s easy to make and provides improved coverage and levels of filtration. (Our trade organization did that as well for their membership.) The patterns and instructions are absolutely free. We make nothing off of it. It was our contribution to the war on COVID-19. Keep safe and well.

    1. Hi Terry, thank you so much for that link!! I love this!!! I have three family members that work at hospitals, this would be so great!! Thank you!! Linda

      1. We have friends in healthcare who do love them. The paper masks irritated their skin and ears. These don’t! And you can insert additional filtration devices into them, including a N95 mask, using the fabric mask as a shield and carrier for the N95. Since you can also re-sterilize N95 masks, this really helps prolong the life of your PPE.

          1. Oh, that is so appreciated. I would love to get this out to as many places as possible. It could help so many, especially those in third-world situations where PPE is almost unheard of. Thank you again!

  4. Great reminders! I am in the Midwest so tornadoes can and do happen. I also live in a huge mfgd home with no basement (though it is on a permanent foundation and Could have had a basement). Now, generally speaking, a mfgd home is the most unsafe place to be IN during a tornado. When my kids were young, I taught them to watch our chickens if the weather grew iffy. Chickens will Not voluntarily go into their coop if they sense bad weather (high winds/extreme rain). Chickens will try to go under something or will find the lowest ground and practically flatten themselves. One time, my oldest son (an adult) called to tell me the two young ones said the chickens were being wierd. They’d gathered in the lowest part of our back meadow, cackling like crazy. It was an absolutely nice day: sunshine, no wind. Yep, an alert from the chickens! I told my son to grab our small safe, put it in the trunk of his car. Pack a backpack for each of the 3 with clothes, be ready to run to the car. Then, to keep watching the sky. Within 20 minutes of the chickens freaking out, the sky darkened and the wind whipped up. We had 110 mph straightline winds and 5 inches of rain in less than an hour. Weather people said this storm was hurricane strength with No warning it was going to happen. My kids were fine to stay in our home as the storm was of short duration, but my son said he was close to leaving, to simply drive to that lowest point in our field and hang out with the chickens, lol. He did say that he gained a lot of respect for chickens that day!

    1. Hi Wendy, WOW WOW WOW! I love your comment, this will help so many people!! I have never had chickens, this is amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing! I’m going to share part of this on FB, I hope this is okay. Linda

  5. Good advice for all. I truly believe in being prepared. My husband and I have each lived through two Cat 5 hurricanes, me Camille in 1969 and Katrina in 2005, him Andrew in Florida and Katrina in 2005. When this pandemic hit the only thing I needed more of was cat food. We have sheltered in place for what seems like an eternity but since we have electricity the only problem was we are feeling kind of stir crazy. It truly does make you feel reassured that everything will work out when you are prepared. Thanks for all of your good advise.

    1. Hi Annie, you have experienced a way of life some of us have never had to face. I LOVE the statement, “the only thing I needed was more cat food”!! I think we are all going stir crazy, luckily I have Netflix, my garden, my blog, and my two puppies. Life is so good! Stay safe (you know how to do that), stay well, Linda

      1. I have Netflix also and have spent a lot o hours watching movies. I had very healthy garden until the deer discovered it. I would love some input on how to keep deer away.

  6. The suggestion of helmets surprised me, but I learned from a YouTube video by a guy whose videos I often check out that the military issues “Bump helmets” which are designed only to protect the head from concussion or impacts against walls, rocks or the ground. They’re not as heavy or bulky as motorcycle or ballistic helmets.

    The explanation amounted to the idea that you should have protection from impact which can happen simply by falling on flat ground. Tripping, slipping, falling down or knocking one’s head against a solid object can happen to anyone at anytime. It makes sense for anyone.

    Matter of fact it might be wise to invest in a comfortable good quality helmet and use for it riding bicycles, hiking or even in our cars. It’s good you mentioned it. I’ve even thought about knee and elbow protection and they sells kits/sets at places like WalMart and Academy Sports which don’t cost very much.

  7. Linda ~~
    Hopefully this pandemic is giving people all over the heads up on preparing! But, I have my doubts about that.

    I have thought of all the scenarios I can for my area. Fortunately, we don’t have many severe weather issues in the Pacific NW, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have them! We do get rain where I live and at times it can cut people off from getting to stores if needed. So, volcanic events, earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, weather, pandemics, terrorism are the most likely here.

    Not only do we need to think about WHAT but also what to do WHEN! I think about what if I have only minutes to get out, a couple of hours, and a couple of days to get out. What do I take with me? If I have to shelter in place? do I have enough to weather the event?

    We have really been fortunate during this pandemic that we have not seen real shortages. There have been some things that have not been available at times and things that are now limited but we can still get just about everything we need. I know about the complaints that there is no TP, flour, yeast, etc., but those are things that we can do without short term. I have not had to “go hungry” and I doubt many others have either even with the shortages and such. The people I worry about are those who are on the streets, very low income (or no income) families, or those who don’t know how to cook. I am concerned that the food banks are seriously limited to how much food they can provide to those in real need.

    Something that does drive me nuts, however, are those (and I know quite a few) who use the food banks who could actually purchase their food. This leaves food shortages for those who have no income without many times. I know a couple right here where I live who have enough income to afford a brand new car but shop at the food bank just because they are seniors on a “fixed income”. She was able to get a 25# bucket of flour and all the yeast she wanted when this pandemic hit. They eat out nearly every day and neither one looks like they miss any meals! She did tell me one day that the food bank would not turn me down but I told her that as long as I am able to purchase what I need, I would rather leave the food banks for those in true need and felt that anyone who could also afford to purchase their food from a grocery store were stealing from the mouths of families in dire need of that free food. She did look a bit embarrassed, I will say!!

    1. Hi Leanne, wow, that is really something!! That’s really not right to take food from the food bank if you can afford to buy food. It disturbs me when people say they hide their income so they qualify for food stamps (these people belong in my church group). I was surprised these four families at a picnic admitted the fact in front of everyone. WOW! It’s almost as if they feel they deserve the free food from the government (we taxpayers) and they live in low-income housing as well. I’m not sure what has happened to society and integrity for some. My mouth dropped open as they laughed about living off the government. WOW! Life has changed since you and I grew up. I’m all for helping those in need but they need to get back in the saddle eventually. Linda

  8. Leanne,
    Oh, I so agree with what you have said about the Food Banks! I am amazed at what some people will do for “free” stuff! My husband is self-employed and our business is almost nil at the moment. We qualify for the PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) but we won’t be applying for it. We planned for this, and whatever else disaster may arise, so while we have limited funds, we do have enough for our bills, groceries, etc. We are also senior citizens, still working, but my husband is on Social Security. We will never be well off financially but hopefully comfortable. We are much more “rich” in blessings than in “flour and yeast” from a Food Bank … just because. I applaud you for taking a stand with your neighbor and telling her your thoughts!

    1. Robbie and Linda ~
      I also planned for events such as this and have needed minimal groceries since this happened. I don’t get any assistance because I “make” too much with my Social Security and a pension. I did apply for food assistance but found that I make $75 a month too much – not a big deal as I have funds put away that I can draw on if I need to.

      Robbie – sorry to hear your husband’s business is down. I know so many small businesses near me that will likely not be able to reopen when our governor allows for that. It is sad. BUT, I am happy that you and your husband do still have income (SS) and are able to make it without government assistance.

      As for being “RICH” in blessings – well, I have been “rich” for some time! I have a daughter and son-in-law who can help me out if I need – although I will not call on them unless things are really dire! They have 4 kiddos so they don’t have a lot of spare $$ even though the are very frugal and owe no debt.

      So, I have very little flour and yeast so it is a good thing I eat very little in the bread line! I am also growing some veggies on my deck to help out with my grocery bill! Only lettuce and herbs so far but I do have tomatoes blooming like crazy and waiting for my beans to come up! – OH I went and checked my little garden and I have a tomato set on already!! I can almost taste it now!

      So, basically, I am doing what I can to eat frugally out of my storage (not the long-term yet) and will not go hungry any time soon!

      I just completed an inventory today of my tiny pantry – I write down what, how many, best by date and keep track of what I use out of that pantry. If/when I can, I replace but for now, using those things that have most recent best by dates and keep rotating my preps.

      1. Your little garden sounds wonderful! We live in Northern Nevada, the Reno/Sparks area, and last week we needed our coolers going…then wham! we had to turn our heaters on! Today is gorgeous, not so much for the next several days – 50’s and thunder/lightening and lots of rain. While I love the rain (for the yard as we’re metered), the weather is so screwy I don’t know if anything will grow/freeze! You sound like you’re in a warmer climate.

        I understand the “making too much issue” all too well. We have an adult handicapped daughter who works part time at a local grocery store for minimum wage. Last year she broke her ankle and while she was home from work, we did our annual women’s exams. Well, as luck would have it, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I applied for benefits, Social Security and she was denied! She meets the annual income requirement but those pesky 2 months out of the year where she gets an extra paycheck puts her over the monthly income and kicks her off completely! It’s so frustrating.

        My husband is a civil engineer and we moved his office to the house about 20 yrs ago. Wow, what a savings that has been for us in so many ways. Business is down because real estate people aren’t working as much but other people are making plans and such for projects so business is still going in that direction. Not much but enough to keep us afloat. I go on Medicare this October and that’s going to save us a huge bundle on private insurance – to the tune of about $1200 a month! I know Medicare/Supplement costs but not nearly what I’ve been paying.

        Your pantry sounds amazing! Good for you! I wish the younger generation would pay more attention to the important things like what we grew up with. My family emigrated from Norway and my parents grew up during the Depression. I listened to all their stories but my kids didn’t listen to mine! :o)

        Stay safe!

        1. Robbie – I live in Washington state south of Seattle. So I know about rain!! As for my little garden, I am on the 2nd floor of an apartment complex and I grow my garden in grow boxes! Not always successful, though. Last year was my first year and everything died or at least did not do well!! But being on the 2nd floor gives a slight advantage as there might be frost (not a killing frost) but it is not so cold on my floor!

          Sorry to hear about your daughter and BC! We have BC in my family – all post menopausal but it is still such a burden to bear.

          I know what you mean about going on Medicare! I had a healthy boost to my income by not having to pay almost $400 a month for private insurance!

          I don’t have a very large pantry but before I retired 5 years ago, I was purchasing freeze dried foods for long-term storage. Then when I had about 6 months of FD foods, I started with short term storage – an extra couple of cans or boxes of things every time I went to the store. I started with a menu plan of 1 week and purchased enough for 2 weeks of that menu. Then before week 2, I wrote out another menu and purchase for 2 weeks worth. At that point, I had 2 weeks of menu items in storage. I did this for a month and boom! I had another 4-5 months worth of food set aside. It didn’t cost as much as I had anticipated doing it this way. Now I pretty much eat from my pantry, augmenting with fresh fruits and veggies, cheese, eggs and dairy and meat when I can.

        2. HI Robbie, it’s crazy that your sweet daughter didn’t qualify! She’s working to be self-sufficient but then really needed the help. Sometimes these programs don’t make sense. How is she doing now? Yay for October, and Medicare!! I had about 5 years where I didn’t qualify for health insurance. Yes, they had some crazy programs (I had both knees replaced so I was a high risk) I gambled on no insurance and I know God blessed me with good health during that time. Having Medicare now is awesome. I rarely sick but it’s good to know I have it if I need it. Stay well, Linda

          1. We have been so incredibly lucky with Angela’s breast cancer. We faithfully get our screening mammograms done every single year and that’s when it was caught. After a needle biopsy, it was determined to be invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer. Her tumor was only 7mm and she had surgery within 2 weeks of diagnosis. After healing, she had 15 radiation treatments and will be on anti cancer medication for 5 years. There is literally no cancer in my family at all but her biological father has stage 3 colo-rectal cancer. She’s had different types of genetic testing, etc. and she is negative for all of them, phew! I think she has a really good chance of this not reoccuring. However, that being said, we will faithfully be getting mammograms every year…forever! oh, and she did also have a preventative total hysterectomy in December. She’s 48 and with her handicaps, will always live with us. There was no reason to not do it and every reason “to” do it.

            I’m still amazed that she can’t qualify for Social Security. If she weren’t white, was an illegal alien, I’m sure she’d get tons of money and qualify for everything in the sun out there! Do I sound bitter? Ya, a little.

            I can’t go without health insurance-I’m diabetic with high blood pressure. I’ve also got a major case of GERD – two of those medications are $500 EA, per month! Ouch! Insurance makes it doable. It’s going to be a nightmare when I get on Medicare as they won’t cover the medications, the “donut hole”, the deductible, etc. Everything I was looking for when I got on Medicare has now changed, effective 2020. Figures. I can’t even get Plan F anymore; have to go with Plan G, which has a deductible.

            All being said, I’m glad I live in America-the greatest county there is!

          2. Hi Robbie, your comment is true but sad. When we tried to get my husband’s Social Security at 64 years old, he was declined because he was still working part-time with his own business. We fought the system for 18 months, we had everything planned out, then BAM we had to cash in IRA’s because they wouldn’t give us our SS. I am still bitter, so I totally understand what you’re saying. We talked to everyone in the state of Utah to try and help us. They were all useless. There was a guy by the name of Orrin Hatch who was over the SS Department in Utah. He totally did nothing. After 18 months of me pounding my fist on the SS counter right here in Southern Utah, (weekly) demanding we get Mark’s SS check the government changed the law. I’m sure the staff thought I was this crazy gray-haired lady coming in again. But the law got changed. We were penalized for working back then….and taking care of ourselves. Well, the law was changed so self-employed people no longer need to go through what we did. Some government laws/rules make no sense. My daughter has Multiple Sclerosis, and she went to the manufacturer of the medication $2500.00 a month with a $500.00 co-pay and they helped her with the co-pay. So she pays a lot less now. You May want to check into that to save you some money on prescriptions. I’m so tired of the do-nut holes. Sorry I went on and on. I’m glad your daughter is doing so well. Life is good unless we have to deal with certain laws. Linda

      2. Hi Leanne, oh squeal when you see the first glance of food we produce!! Our accountant called us to apply for the “FREE” money program because our business has slowed way down. We are not doing it. It needs to go to those more in need than us. We have our SS as well. We have grown kids out of work, another just got laid off. I’m more stressed for those that do not have any food in their homes. Our kids have food stored and no debt. The unemployment percentages are close to the Great Depression, maybe. I would have to compare. It’s so devastating to so many families and friends. My heart weighs heavy right now. God bless those in need, Linda

        1. Linda ~
          I also am feeling sorrow for those who are unable to work right now. Here in WA state, the unemployment department is so overwhelmed that many have not gotten any unemployment for almost 2 months. Most of those people, I am sure, were living paycheck to paycheck and I cannot imagine what they are going through trying to feed their families or themselves if single. It is certainly frightening. When things catch up, they will get a large retro-active check but in the mean time, well I am really glad that is not me and mine. AND those out of work right now are perhaps lacking insurance as well.

          Another thing that scares the “you know what” out of me is that we are starting to open up again and I fear that the virus cases are going to start exploding again. According to the news that I read and hear – a lot of people are so tired of staying at home and away from people that they are starting to flaunt the governor’s guidelines.

          My daughter and son-in-law are fortunate in many ways. My daughter is a stay at home, homeschooling mom and my son-in-law is able to continue to work from home. So they are not being impacted like so many others. But what of those families where both parents were working and now both are home because they cannot work? Or if they can work from home, how are they coping with all that togetherness???

          1. I’m scared to death to leave my house! I actually have not left for almost 9 straight weeks. I’ve been getting fresh groceries delivered from Walmart (it’s only a $9.95 fee-very affordable) and that’s supplemented my food storage. My husband works from home but he’s had to do a few field inspections here and there. Bless his heart, he went to the quilt store and got some fabric I needed to finish the 9 Patch quilt I’m working on. With my medical conditions, it’s just not a good idea to be out and about. I’ve made a bunch of face masks for family and friends but I’m not putting my store in them. If it was such a necessity, why did the govt’ continually tell us it wasn’t going to do any good in the beginning? Hmmm… Anyhow, I’m extremely fortunate that I have a ton of movies, tv to watch, books to read, sewing and quilting, etc. I have a really nice back yard that if the weather ever gets good enough, I can start working in more. I could stay home for a very long time…and that’s what I plan on doing!

          2. Hi Robbie, that Walmart pickup is awesome! I should try the delivery! 9 weeks is a very long time. We do what we have to do to stay well. Making quilts is so gratifying. I didn’t make any face masks but I did buy some cloth face masks on Etsy. I have a lot of N-95 but I wanted some cloth ones. I think we will be wearing these for months, or even years. My husband just washed the cushions outside in the backyard, isn’t having a backyard or deck wonderful? Life is so good! Linda

  9. I’m taking a break from FB mainly because of the political divisions that I can not take anymore, but I’m still getting your newsletter everyday and that keeps me connected! I’ve finally got 2 of 4 children onboard with starting to prep! They’ve watch me for years and thought I was crazy, but when they needed the much coveted TP and I had plenty, it was a wake up call for them as to why I prep. Anyway, I feel I have everything I need, but still like reading through these posts and always find a new recipe, information or something I don’t have or thought of having. Today was helmets! I live in a hurricane prone state and tornadoes do indeed become a byproduct of hurricanes, so I’m thinking of making a trip to Walmart to look for helmets! Thanks for all you do!

    1. Hi Beth, I hear you on the FB and the politics. I have unfollowed so many people, life is better now. It’s really not healthy to read all of that. Life is so good if we read positive and uplifting stuff. I hope Walmart has a helmet for you! Stay safe and stay well, Linda

    2. I agree to what you are saying Beth! Unfortunately because of a death in the family far away, I am staying connected to my family for that reason.

      I have also unfriended people because of their crass (well, downright disgusting) comments regarding politics. I unfriended a cousin back in 2015 because of the terrible language she used and from what I understand, still uses regarding politics. I simply don’t need that in my life.

      1. Hi Leanne, I’m surprised how people talk or comment I should say on FB. I run my Food Storage Moms FB and stay clear of the negative comments on personal FaceBook pages. Who needs the negative vibes, not me. It’s crazy what people say, I would have soap in my mouth if I said stuff like that when I was little. LOL! I just thought about the soap in the mouth as I was typing this. LOL! Boy, the memories! May God bless those to be kind to one another. Life is too short to be mean to one another. Linda

  10. Dear Linda,
    Greetings from Southern Oregon! Working on getting as many beans into my garden(s) as possible, especially to dry and store. The usual types are scarce and going up in price here, but what could be better for us than legumes? Grow your own protein!
    Also putting in extra beets so we can eat both the tops and the bottoms.

    Our feeling is that the virus is just a warm-up for much larger and more prolonged disasters, so we continue talking with our pals about how to improve our skills and to share resources.
    Many blessings for those who are prepared!

    Shirley in Medford

    1. Hi Shirley, that is one item I have not grown, I need to work on that. I have a large garden for my small lot anyway. I love hearing you are talking to your pals, life is good when you have a community of like-minded people. Stay well, Linda

  11. Robbie ~
    I have hardly left my house since March 17 – 2 months!! The only places I have gone were to the farm market close to me for fresh fruits and veggies and the pharmacy. I also have grocery deliveries.

    I’ve also made face masks and use them if I have to go to those places but if I am out for a walk I don’t use them. I occasionally watch TV – Netflix and Amazon Prime and I have lots of books. I have a lot of sewing I could be doing but somehow, I cannot wrap my head around it right now. I am trying to finish a prairie dress and bonnet for my 7 year old granddaughter but other than that and masks, I have not had the motivation to sew!!

    Stay well.

  12. Linda, I DID apply directly to the manufacturer of both medications…and was denied! My insurance has completely stopped covering both my medications and I sent proof of that. I had to jump through hoops and supply them with tons of information yet they denied me anyhow, saying we made too much money. Luckily, I do not need insulin but the medication I’m on now will need to be replaced somehow. I’ve already spoken with my endocrinologist (who happens to be a Type 1 Diabetic himself so he’s super knowledgeable about diabetes) and we’re kinda stumped on what I’m going to do. We’ll just have to face things in October when we know more of what’s going to happen.

    My husbands’ full SS age was 66 and mine’s 66, 4mos. We waited til that age for him and luckily didn’t have any problems. I’ve still got a ways to go. Being self employed, I don’t think we’re fully prepared for full retirement which is why my husband is still working. Almost a year ago to this date he just went into Rapid A-Fib and spent a week in the hospital. Therapies, surgery, medications, etc. and he was ok to be discharged. One month later he had an ablation which thankfully was completely successful. It’s taken him almost a full year to feel somewhat normal again and luckily he’s been able to work. I can’t tell you how much your site has meant to us/me; how lucky and blessed we are that we took being prepared seriously. We’re also Members, as you are, and I’ve noticed even the Church isn’t teaching it as much. I grew up on a ranch so alot of this lifestyle is ingrained in me. If we hadn’t prepared, we would’ve been toast through all the trials we’ve had this past year. Oh, and I can’t forget that we had 2 of our littler grandkids living with us for almost a year! That certainly added to the stress. I’ve been sitting here trying to finish the blocks of my quilt but I’m reading and printing off your recipes. I need something for dinner and I think it’s going to be the baked BBQ chicken! Corn on the cob and Texas Toast and we’re good to go!

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