How to be Thankful Every Day
Today, I wanted to share how to be thankful every day. Some days it may seem so hard to be thankful, I get it. I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to the challenges I see around me every day.
We’ve had a global health crisis for almost two years, and it doesn’t show signs of tapering off anytime soon. We have conflicts of every kind, within countries and between countries. We see people struggling to get ahead, and others who have more financial resources than they know what to do with.
Although there are struggles and strife all around us, we all have many things to be thankful for. That’s why I felt prompted to write today’s post about how to be thankful every day.
Growing up I was taught that the three critical needs everyone has are food, clothing, and shelter. If you’ve followed my posts consistently for very long, you should have noticed a theme I’ve tried to instill in my readers, and that is to be prepared for the unexpected, and in doing so, become more self-reliant.
In case you missed this post, 60 Of The Best Things In Life Are Free

Weathering Every Storm
Here at Food Storage Moms, we sincerely try to provide the input and training for each reader to learn how to gather enough food and water to “weather any storm.” We’ve discussed that “storms” come in many shapes and sizes from literal wet, cold, windy, and destructive storms, to those caused by the loss of loved ones, loss of a job, deteriorating health, and more.
I hear from readers all the time that they are trying their best and appreciate learning from others how to survive. They are thankful for the food and water they have and hope to continue the journey to more self-sufficiency.
Over the years we’ve discussed the need to have clothes, blankets, coats, hats, gloves, socks, and other personal items to stay warm in the cold weather, and how to make the most of our circumstances when it’s so hot and muggy outside.
We’ve had dialogue together about why you should consider sewing your own family’s clothes, and how to look out for other ways to save money. Many readers have thanked me for my series on What to Stock Up On during each month of the year.
We’ve also exchanged hundreds of ideas on how to make your home more livable, safe, and protected against the upheavals, storms, and disasters around us. That has included ideas for cooking when you think it isn’t possible with the power out, being able to see and work in your home with alternative lighting, preparing your home for pending storms, and more.
Thankful For Every Can
As we think about being thankful every day, we should be grateful for every can on the shelf, every coat in the closet, and having a roof over our heads because many don’t have any of these blessings.
We should be so thankful for families, both those close to us and extended members. Families are there to love and support us when others don’t. They can be a pain sometimes but can be counted on when things aren’t going right. If you have some issues with a family member, reach out and express your love and appreciation for them, and try to remember and involve them going forward.
We are now living closer to family than we have been for a number of years. We’ve already had some wonderful dinners, we’ve gone to movies, had some late-night chats, and had more hugs than you can imagine. I’m looking forward to years of these experiences that I’ve missed so much. I love them all.
True friends are so important too. They bring joy when we are down, provide a comforting word and hug when most needed, and like family, can step in to help whenever asked.
Really Close friends
I believe we’ll have just a few really close friends when it’s all said and done, and for some reason, it’s during the tough times that we find out who those true friends are. Call some of your favorite people, get out to lunch, play some golf, go for a walk, just get out and do what friends do.
We should be thankful for our health. I know, some of us are in a health crisis and we wonder if we’ll make it through. Each day is a gift that should be cherished as we share our time and love with others. Many of us are in pain every minute of every day, some caused by lifestyle, other pain we have no control over cause or effect. Make a pact with yourself, if possible, to eat better, get some exercise, and do those things that will make future days better.
Be thankful for the external blessings we all receive each day. Know that our lives are truly blessed when the sun comes up, the flowers grow, the breeze smells fresh, the birds sing, our pets snuggle, and we enjoy the fruits of our labors, even in the tough times.
Thankful for Freedoms
Be thankful for the freedoms we enjoy. Yes, we have challenges and wonder how free we really are from outside influences, but we have it so much better than the greatest majority of the world. If your health allows, take some time to get outside, go for a walk, hike, bike ride, or do other activities. Visit a local park, state park, beach, or mountains. The world around us offers so very much, and we often take the little things for granted.
It would be wonderful to have the resources to “see the world” and visit lots of exotic places. I’d love to just visit many of the places on my bucket list that are within a day’s drive. We can travel to so many beautiful and safe places without spending our life savings. If this isn’t an option for you, check out all the local museums, parks, libraries, and other free things that just take some time to plan.
I’ve dreamed of visiting Niagara Falls, the beaches of Washington and Oregon, and many other places that I hope to see and enjoy over the next few years. I also plan to drive up in the mountains close by that can be enjoyed within less than an hour. Why not take advantage of the beauty all around us?
Please be safe, and stay well. May God Bless this world, Linda
Copyright Images: Thankful AdobeStock_231794268 by Tierney
I am thankful every day to be with my wonderful husband (three times in the past 3 years I could have lost him) I have a wonderful daughter who lives with us and helps us with things and with shopping and a son and daughter in love who helps us in ways that they don’t realize. I can’t say how Thankful to my wonderful family here in New Mexico and family in Ohio and Tennessee.
Hi Jackie, oh your comment makes me smile, so glad you still have your hubby!! Having family nearby is a blessing! Linda
Jackie, I forgot to tell you Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! Linda
Happy Thanksgiving Linda and all. I have far too many things to be thankful for than I could ever list. Life is good when you are old but not infirm, when you can think outside the box.
Last night the single valve handle of our kitchen faucet broke off in Jane’s hand. I shut off the water to that faucet. Because none of the hardware stores in our small town are open on Thanksgiving we will spend it without a functioning kitchen sink. Who would have thought that on my list of preps I should include a spare kitchen faucet? Live and learn. Anyhow, I’ll get anew one and fix it tomorrow when the stores open for their Black Friday sales–something I try very hard to avoid under normal circumstances.
In the meantime, if I really do have to clean some dishes today we have a bathtub.
Oh, Ray, not the kitchen faucet!! Who would have guessed we needed an extra one, right?? Thank goodness for the bathtub!! Oh black Friday, dang, be careful, the crowds!! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! Linda
I am thankful that my God forgives. That he sent his son to pay for my sins.
I’m thankful for my dear husband. I could lose him at any time. He has chronic and acute pancreatitis and has had it since 1974. He’s been hospitalized som many times. We’ve been married almost 32 years now.
I’m thankful for our children. They come through when we need them. We can always count on them.
I’m also thankful for my friends. Here and here where I live. I have many online friends. Here and other places.
I’m also thankful that I live in the USA and in Texas. Our government isn’t that great, but it’s better than other places.
I’m also thankful for Linda and the people here. What a loving helpful group of people here.
Hi Deborah, I will pray for your hubby, man that is tough to live with chronic and acute pancreatitis, I can’t imagine how painful that must be. 32 years is a wonderful number and what a blessing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! We really do have a great group here. We are truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. Linda
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too Linda. And to all of you out there. God has been good to us. I’m thankful for everyday I have with my dear husband, and our family.
I don’t wait until Thanksgiving to recognize the people and things I am thankful for. This year I started being thankful each day for my blessings. I spend at least a hour each morning with my Lord, reading His word, praying and thanking Him for all that I have.
I am especially thankful for my Faith in God and my Savior; my daughter, son-in-law and my 4 grandchildren; my 5 siblings and their families; the few really good friends I have. I’m thankful that I have enough income to afford my apartment, food, clothing and some to help people less fortunate than I am.
I am also thankful that I can reach beyond the negative things in my life and focus on the positive things.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Linda and to your family; and to all of my friends through your posts.
Hi Leanne, oh how I love your comment, we really do have a lot to be thankful for. Life is so good when we see the blessings we have. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend, Linda
I am thankful for forgiveness and redemption through Jesus, for the hope and grace the Word of God gives me daily. Last year our son was hospitalized for a week when his chest port grew a staph infection. It was incredibly scary. This year he is free of all supplemental medical devices; no feeding tube or PICC line or chest port, has been out of the hospital for more than a year! After 4 years of serious illness, he is working almost full time and maintaining a healthy weight, thriving!! Our family has been through so much and in the midst of all of it, we chose to look for the little blessings. You can find them if you look hard enough, even on the really bleak days, in the long hard seasons. God goes through everything with us. We are never alone or forgotten. He sustains us in the midst of trials and tribulations, holds us in the palm of His hand and we always have hope. As I reflect on the recent struggles, my heart is filled with such gratitude. I look around at my family today and tears of joy fill my eyes. God is good. We have so, so much to be thankful for. So much. Each day is a gift. Hug your family and be kind.
I’m thankful to have been able to be generous…with empathy, time, sometimes money, food, a place to stay. Sometimes I needed those in my life too. Nowadays, people call it Paying it Forward. I sort of disagree with this thought as it implies a payback will come at sometime or another, from someone? That’s not a good reason to help others. Lol, when I’ve been asked to borrow someone money and am able to, I tell them it’s a gift but if ever they can help someone else out, they should do it…as a gift. Another thing people say is ‘karma is a b…h’. Um, if one believes in karma, then doing good comes back too. Yea, I’m thankful I’ve been able to help others. And, in doing so, maybe showed others to be thankful when they can also.
HI Wendy, oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! It feels so good to help others when we can, life is good! Linda
Hi Linda,
I loved this article and the article 60 of the Best Things in Life are Free. I printed both of them last week and used them this morning in my Bible Study curriculum with Chloe in our Homeschool. We discussed each one. Some we already
do and some we are going to put into practice! We do have much to be thankful for. God is very gracious to us.
Thank you for all you do, my friend! I hope we get to meet someday.
God Bless You Always,
Jackie Perkins
Hi Jackie, oh thank you for your kind words, my friend. I would love to meet you in person! We really do have a lotto be thankful for, I’m so glad I met you through my blog! Love you my friend, Linda