How to Boost Your Immune System

How to Boost Your Immune System

Boosting your immune system right now can help keep you from contracting other illnesses that could leave you more susceptible to a virus or bacterial infection.

The following examples are ways that you can boost your immune system, not only from the Coronavirus but other illnesses as we are heading towards the end of cough and flu season. Here is how to boost your immune system. Please refer to the CDC for accurate information on COVID-19.

Keep Active

How to Boost Your Immune System

When you are told to stay indoors and away from others, it’s easy to find yourself sitting around and doing less. This can actually be harmful and increase the likelihood that you can get sick.

It’s important during this time to find ways of staying active, thus allowing your white blood cells and antibodies to circulate quicker.

Not only will this help keep you well, but it also relieves any stress you may have been under.  Grab your tennis shoes or walking shoes and go for a walk, when you can.

Eat Healthier 

How to Boost Your Immune System

Usually, the first thing we turn to when life has you down is comfort food. But this strategy certainly isn’t doing you any favors. Did you know that most of your body’s immune system is located in your gut?

So when your body experiences healthier eating habits, it will be able to work faster and more efficiently. 

This means avoiding so many processed foods and not eating nearly as much meat. This includes eating foods such as fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and using olive oil.

Doing so can reduce inflammation. Eating foods that are fermented, such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, will help build the right kind of bacteria in your stomach.  

Get Plenty of Rest

Studies have proven that people that don’t get enough sleep at night greatly increase their chances of catching a cold, as compared to those who get plenty of rest.

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That’s because when your body is sleep-deprived it has to suppress your immune system in order to make enough stress hormones to keep you awake. The common rule of thumb is that your body should be getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. 

Stress-Free is the Way to Be 

When your body is under stress it produces tons more stress hormones, which can go on to cause inflammation. Stress can also distract you from healthier eating and getting the rest that your body needs.

So basically, you’re more than doubling the chances of your body getting sick. 

You have to find ways to reduce the stress level in your life. This can be done through exercise, drawing, listening to music, quilting, or going on a walk. Whatever it is for you, do your best to keep your stress level to an all-time low.  

Take Your Vitamins

In the meantime, it’s important that you keep up on your vitamins to stay ahead of the game. Out of all the vitamins that you can take vitamin C works the best at strengthening and maintaining your immune system, although vitamins B6 and E also work to fight off infections.  

Know Which Foods Give you a Boost

Take a look at this small list of foods that provide your immune system with the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. 


One of the best foods that you can eat to provide the boost you desire is adding garlic to your meals. Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a source to fight infections. 

Citrus Fruit

Eating citrus fruits is one of the quickest ways to give your body the vitamin C that it needs to produce more white blood cells and fight off colds and other illnesses. 


It’s amazing how much vitamin C is crammed into a single papaya fruit. You can find an impressive 224% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C in just one papaya.

There’s also B vitamins, folate, potassium and papain, a digestive enzyme that has anti-inflammatory benefits. 


Kiwi also contains several nutrients and vitamins that give your body what it needs to help fight off infections. Kiwis are full of not only vitamin C, but potassium, folate, and vitamin K, which keeps your body functioning properly.  

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Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat since it contains several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that give your body the fighting edge. 

Red Bell Peppers

It’s hard to believe, but one red bell pepper contains twice the amount of vitamin C than most other citrus fruits. They also have beta carotene that keeps your eyes and skin healthy. 


Spinach is another example of how you can get vitamin C, as well as vitamin A. (When cooked lightly) 


Turmeric in the past was used as an anti-inflammatory and used to treat osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. 


When people are sick they often turn to ginger to help with symptoms of sore throat and several other inflammatory illnesses. People have also found relief from nausea while consuming it. 


When considering the right yogurt make sure you get ones with “live and active cultures” written on the label. This way the good bacteria can work alongside your body to fight off diseases.

Yogurt also has a decent amount of vitamin D, which helps regulate your immune system. 

Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamins B-6 and E, as well as magnesium and phosphorus. They can also give your immune system a boost. 

Green Tea

Green tea and black tea both have antioxidants in them, though green tea has much more. It also has helpful amino acids that can help your body fight against germs.   


When you were growing up and caught a cold, your mom probably placed hot chicken soup in front of you, though she may not have known just how good it was for you.

Chicken and other poultry contain several B vitamins that help create new red blood cells, while improving your immunity. 

Final Word 

What other ways are you using to desperately try to keep your family healthy and safe during these trying times? Were there any on our list that you found helpful and are willing to try?

Please remember to check with your medical professional about which foods will work for you. What are your tips on how to boost your immune system? May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Fruits and Vegetables Depositphotos_27804105_s-2019, Vegetables Depositphotos_5449009_s-2019, Walking Shoes Depositphotos_170374008_s-2019

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  1. Thanks for this list of beneficial foods. The papaya was a surprise! As for the things that I am doing now, I am making chicken broth the long slow method by roasting the chickens and separating from the bones. After that is done, I combine the bones and water and onions, carrots, celery, and garlic and cook for 6 – 24 hours. Then freeze the broth in smaller portions to use for soup. If you have the broth already to pull out of the freezer, you can add vegetables and rice/noodles/pasta to make a delicious meal. I keep chicken from the broth process chopped in small pieces and freeze in smaller portions for one or two people. Quick and easy to throw together. I also have canned chicken, water, and freeze dried vegetables in the pantry and storage.

    1. Hi Carol, this is such a crazy time right now, we need to boost our immune systems big time. Thanks for the tip on the broth! We all grew up with chicken broth!! I love how you do it! Linda

  2. Another food catagory that will boost your immune system is sprouts. They are powerhouses of nutrition compared to their full grown counterparts. So easy to grow too!

  3. Excellent article, Linda. Since I am disabled I cannot isolate myself from family, so I put hand sanitizer by the door for everyone to use before coming into the house. Am following all your recommendations PLUS getting serious about gardening & giving up sugar. I’ve gotten pretty good at fermenting sauerkraut & pickles, and am storing root veggies for soups & kraut. My doctor says to get 30 minutes of sun per day.

    1. Hi Roxanne, oh the 30 minutes of sun will boost your Vitamin D, hopefully. I would love to give up sugar, I try, and I cave, I try and I cave, dang it. I need to try again. Great tip on the hand sanitizer by your door. We have to be diligent! Take care, my friend, Linda

  4. Thanks JoEllen for the reminder about sprouts. They are much more potent that the actual vegetables themselves so that makes them a great immune booster. And so easy to grow indoors. It would be a great project during this time to involve school age children in because the sprouts grow so fast and need daily rinsing – early gardening activity. I also have sprouting seeds that I rotate in my longer storage for these reasons.

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