How to Live on a Minimalist Budget

How to Live on a Minimalist Budget

Have you heard about how to live on a minimalist budget? If someone were to ask you what being a minimalist looks like, what would come to mind first? More than likely, you would picture a person that has fewer things and a less cluttered house than what you might be sitting in right now.

You wouldn’t be wrong to think this, but you would be missing half the picture. Keep reading to discover how to live on a minimalist budget.

Living on a Minimalist Budget

Minimalist individuals are also more careful with their spending habits. They budget wiser and avoid spending money on things that simply don’t matter. While this way of thinking might seem foreign, or even weird to you, it’s certainly possible.

Not only would you have more money when you reach retirement, but your way of living would vastly improve as well. Here are several tips that can help you to live on a minimalist budget.   

Set Goals 

What are your dreams for the future? How do you plan to get there? You need to set goals for you to strive for so that you aren’t aimlessly traveling through life making ridiculous choices that take you further from those dreams. 

Eliminate Debt

It’s time to knock out debt as quickly as you can so that you can maximize your income. Once you’ve reached that point, burn the spending bridges behind you to ensure that you don’t fall victim to debt again. 

Credit Card Only For Emergencies

Some minimalists don’t even own a credit card. If credit cards have only gotten you into trouble before, you may need to cut them up. If you are able to be responsible, only have one credit card on hand in case of a real emergency. 

Find What Really Matters

Being a minimalist is a total change in your thinking about yourself. What really matters to you? They don’t think about things to make them happy. They find joy in relationships, fun activities that are inexpensive, and helping others in need.

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Making a purchase might be exciting for a time, but eventually, that excitement will wear off and leave you wanting more.  

Create a List of Past Spending

To help you budget like a minimalist, you have to sit down and create a list sorting out past spending habits. Separate the needs from the wants and you might be surprised by all the money that you waste each week on things you could have done without. 

Discover Your Financial Responsibilities 

Now that you’ve sorted out your wants from your needs, it’s easier to figure out how to deal with your financial responsibilities. Take a look at your fixed monthly costs and have money set aside each month for them. These amounts shouldn’t fluctuate too much from month to month. 

Question Each Purchase

Do you really need that new iPhone that just came out? Or how about that DVD that’s just going to be added to your sitting collection of films you’ve watched only once?

You have to stop and ask yourself, do I really need to make this purchase? More than likely, you don’t. Learn to tell yourself “no.” Living on a tight budget isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. It’s time to get those bank accounts into shape!

Go After the Purchases that Last

Sometimes being a minimalist means spending a little more upfront, with a better return investment down the road. Simply put smarter spending on quality items that will last.

This might mean that you go out and purchase a water filter instead of buying bottled water every week. Maybe you need to spend a little on nice dishcloths instead of paying for a package of paper towels each month. 

You will save a lot of money, in the long run, by doing this. Your savings account will thank you!

Inventory Your Belongings Often

Every time you organize and clean your house, take a step back and inventory the things you have. Make sure you pay a visit to your closet to determine if you really need to stop in at that clothing store.

This can help you see where your needs are and keep you from going out and purchasing a number of articles of clothing you just didn’t need. 

Creating a minimalist budget may seem hard, but these tips aren’t really that drastic!

Remove the Temptations 

Do you receive catalogs in the mail each month to places you’ve shopped in the past? They have a stronger influence than you know. While you might not head out to the store as soon as it hits your mailbox, chances are that catalog will sit on your countertop space for a while, getting to your subconscious on a daily basis. 

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Eventually, you are going to find yourself in that very department store sooner than later. You can remove these distractions by canceling these catalogs or tossing them out as soon as they cross your threshold.  

Social media is crafty and even more dangerous as they tempt buyers as part of their marketing schemes. There are advertisements that pop up all over the place that has to do with past shopping history on certain sights.

I’m not telling you to go and delete your social media accounts, but you do need to be aware of the power they hold on your thinking and spending.  

Sell Things that are “Collecting Dust” 

Being a minimalist allows you to put a value on relationships and circumstances over material things. Are there “things” in your home that are just taking up space? Why not help out your finances a bit by selling some of the junk that holds no value to you any longer? 

Consider Downsizing

Once you have a handle on your possessions in your home, take a look to see how much extra space you are left with. After doing so, do you find that your home is too large considering the fewer possessions you now own?

It might be in your best interest to downsize the home that you live in. This will help your budget in many areas, with your monthly payment, insurance, property taxes, and utilities.   

Giving Back Becomes Easier

Changing the way that you think about finances and your belongings will make it easier for you to give back. Minimalism takes the focus off you and your wants and seeks to make the world a better place.

Giving is not restricted to your finances, you can also give of yourself with your time. You can give more with donations to good causes, church giving, or helping out at a food bank. 

Final Word

These are several ways that you can live on a minimalist budget. If you’re new to a minimalist view, what did you find most helpful while changing your lifestyle? If you’ve lived off a minimalist budget for some time, tell us about other ways you have found to make life easier and less costly. 

Do you have what it takes for living on a budget? Thanks for being prepared, make room for the things we really need to survive. May God bless this world, Linda

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  1. My go to ways to cut amount of money spent and still get what I need. I shop Dollar stores and thrift stores. If my toaster breaks down I can always find a very nice one for a couple bucks at a thrift store. None today? Check back. There will soon be some. Same with many household items. Thrift stores have new things a lot because people buy things and then don’t want them for one reason or another. Older folks are given things and they don’t want them, get them at the Thrift stores. And, seriously, the “Dollar Tree” I go to has just about everything you could want including frozen foods. If you haven’t, then do check all this out.
    One more budget cut is… If you live alone or with a like minded spouse and your hot water heater is electric, consider tuning it off after you have used the hot water for whatever. Leave it off until you need it again. It won’t take anymore than 15-30 minutes to heat because the water stays hot a long time in the heater. Frankly, I do most things with only the cold water faucet. I have been doing this for 20+ years and have saved a bundle on electric use. And, if you wash your clothes in cold water as I do, you use even less. I have so many ways of cutting the budget I could write a pamphlet. But, this is getting too long so will end.

  2. I don’t disagree with any of your ways to live frugally. But you can’t use a credit card for emergencies only. If you don’t use a credit card for a few months, the credit card company will cancel it and you won’t have a credit card.

  3. My daughter just uses her card for gas. then she pays it off each month. Keeps it active & helps her track her gasoline expenses.

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