Blue Plate

How to Live with Less and Eat Less

Today, it’s all about how to live with less and eat less. Did you know that living with less stuff is more rewarding than having a house full of stuff? It’s true. Minimalists find that the less they own frees them from extra stress while keeping more money in their wallets.

Even in their diets, they use the same habits to live better. It’s been discovered that eating less might slow down the aging process, allowing you to live longer while being healthier. Here are a few ways to live and eat less with a minimalist approach. 

How to Live with Less and Eat Less

How to Live with Less and Eat Less

Quality over Quantity

Living with a minimalist approach will allow you to value quality over quantity. It’s about making the best of what you have instead of buying more things to try and make life more enjoyable.

This might require a total transformation in your thinking process. Having extra toys will be fun for a short time, but the emptiness will still be there after the monthly payments need to be made on them.   

Thinking Before You Make a Purchase

When you purchase, you must ask yourself, “Is this a want or a need?” There’s nothing wrong with buying a “want” occasionally, but you must pay close attention to how often this happens.

Minimalists stick to their needs and avoid making those pointless transactions in an effort to make themselves happy. 

It’s Declutter Time

One of the first and most challenging steps to living with less is kicking to the curb “stuff” that isn’t needed anymore. Decluttering your home can be stressful, especially if you have a lot of stuff. Yet, this step is vital if you want a healthier you and less cluttered home. 

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Take baby steps by decluttering one room at a time and get rid of trash and things you don’t plan to use in the future. If it’s something you may use one more time, consider if you could borrow it from someone instead when it’s time to declutter your children’s toys; use some caution so the child won’t wig out at the loss of a possible favorite. 

Get Rid of Clothing

Take a look at your closet space. You could probably empty at least a quarter of your clothing that you can no longer fit or maybe have no interest in wearing again because it’s out of style or showing some wear.

Why are you holding onto it? Toss it out. Goodwill, Deseret Industries, and the Salvation Army are great places to donate your clothing; they’re doing you a huge favor. 

Unnecessary Decorations

You might not notice it, but sometimes decorations and ornaments are distracting. Do you have too many decorations or pictures hanging on your walls? Maybe even decorations sitting on coffee tables or other furniture?

If you want a minimalist approach, it might be time to toss it out. Having fewer decorations means less clutter and makes your home look bigger and cleaner. Be sure to include a review of the holiday decorations that have been stacking up in the attic, basement, or garage.

Removing Furniture

After decluttering your home, do you have too much furniture now? There’s an easy solution. Put it at the end of your driveway with a “Free” sign and watch how quickly it gets picked up.

I’m not telling you to get rid of your great-grandmother’s antique hutch passed down through the family, just extra furniture that no longer serves the original purpose. 

Less Monthly Payments

The fewer big purchases you make now will keep you from paying more monthly to clear up the debt. This saves a lot of stress on marriages and keeps there from being more months at the end of the money. 

Keto Diet

Many minimalists choose to have their diet shaped around the keto diet. This diet helps you burn more fat by avoiding foods with carbs while eating more fatty foods.

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They eat more protein, such as nuts, meats, cheeses, and low-carb vegetables. Sadly, this means many of your favorite snacks and bread are out of the picture. 

Intermittent Fasting 

Another great way to watch your food intake is by intermittent fasting. Several different types of fasting work, depending on the individual and their lifestyle and health.

Fasting helps close the window on the amount of time you can eat during the day. A common one is not eating after 8 p.m. and only drinking water until noon. 

You still need to be careful because gorging after that window defeats the whole purpose of eating with less time in the day. Plus, you are working at watching your calorie intake.   

Drink More Water Before Meals

We’ve been told we don’t drink enough water during the day, so here’s a great time to start. Drinking more water right before a meal will fill you up quicker and keep you from eating as much. 

Use Blue Plates

Think blue! Studies have proven that eating meals on blue plates actually suppresses hunger more than eating on any other colored plate.

It seems silly, but hey, if you struggle with overeating already, this might help you more than you would think. See how easily our brains can be manipulated to misbelieve?  

Simplify your Meal Diet Menu with Less Ingredients

What do I mean by this? Take a look at your breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus. Are there any common ingredients? Omelets use certain ingredients like eggs and ham.

You could use that same ham for lunch to make a ham sandwich. Maybe dinner could consist of Asian stir fry that uses eggs and onions. Hey, that’s more of the ingredients that you already have. How about that! 

Make a game plan before heading to the store and stick to these items. Instead of throwing food and junk into the cart, you don’t need to meet the menu requirements. This will keep you stay within your food budget with fewer throwouts, too. Keep your diet menu simple. 

Final Word

Here are ways to live and eat with less. What areas do you need to work on to transition to this lifestyle? If you’ve already become a minimalist, tell us about your successes and challenges while living with less. 

Copyright Images: Blue Plate AdobeStock_200721815 by Ansyvan

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  1. I use a one in – one out system for my clothes closet. I also make sure that what I do wear is always close at hand. Things that are further from my “hand” tend to be the things I replace when I purchase something new! Also, in the Spring, I bring out my Spring/Summer bin and start trying things on. If it doesn’t fit or is not comfortable, it goes in the donation bin. I do the same thing in early Fall. I do take off season clothing out of my closet and have in a designated bin for off season clothing.

    As for eating less – well, I have a tendency to only be able to eat a certain amount. Once that point is reached, I feel very very nauseated. I have learned NOT to eat that last bite!! I tend toward intermittent fasting. I am now trained to not be very hungry in the mornings. I stop eating at 8pm and am able to start my eating window at noon the next day (16:8 IF). This works well for me but as you said, that eating window is not license to stuff myself! I had a co-worker one time who ate primarily high protein/low carb. The thing she did though was to have 30 minutes a day when she could “carb load”. Once that 30 minutes was up, she stuck to HP/LC – carbs only coming from fruits and veggies. She maintained that the 30-minute carb loading kept her insulin reaction still in the HP/LC mode. I don’t recommend it, though as I saw her literally stuffing herself with bread, cake, candy during the 30-minute window. I don’t know – whatever works for a person!!

    1. Hi Leanne, I do the same thing, one in one out. I can’t get Mark to let go of the one that needs to go out! LOL! I tend to be a snacker, and like you said after 8:00 pm is a good time to stop. I agree with whatever works, I have friends who intermittent fast, I should do that. Linda

  2. I am not a minimalist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do my best. We downsized 8 years ago when we moved here, and again last year. I use the “good stuff ” every day, rather then save it for whatever. I replaced our everyday dishes with our good ones. I enjoy using them. Same with clothes. There is no point at this stage of life to save things for a special occasion. The same with table runners and other linens.
    Part of the reason prepping is hard for me is my distain for stuff my mind sees as clutter. Empty boxes, bags, bubble wrap, packing material need to go. Even our pantry needs to be in order.
    When it comes to food, I am still a work in progress

    1. Hi Chris, that is one thing with our tiny home, there is no bubble wrap, gift bags, boxes, zip, none. Everything has its place and is labeled. I have to or I would go crazy. Gifts, I ship them from Amazon, unwrapped. I used to Venmo my grandkids, I had to stop that, they are grown. Now we have great grandkids a few things will change. I love hearing you use the good stuff, what are we saving it for. Enjoy it every single day. Life is good! Linda

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