How To Prepare For A Road Trip
It’s all about how to prepare for a road trip today. Oh, my gosh, as soon as I typed the word road trip, I had a flashback of the 1970s. Mark and I had a 1965 Volkswagen Beetle without air conditioning or a radio. Those were the days of carefree living, and our hair blowing in the wind with the windows rolled down.
We drove that car all over the place, and when gas was like $.29 a gallon, as I remember. My dad always told me to drive with water in the car, so I knew we had some water in the car to put in the radiator if we needed it. Little did we know at the time that VW Bugs didn’t have a radiator.
We usually took a small cooler with sandwiches we could eat when we got hungry. We didn’t have much in the way of an emergency car kit because no one talked about them back then. Sure, we had a few tools and a jack, but that was about all. We were so young and carefree, and things have changed.

Road Trip Suggestions
Make a Budget/Plan Your Trip
It’s critical you have a budget before the trip starts or you may spend way more money than you had planned. Make a list of the things you need to budget for and write them down. Have a family meeting and go over the expenses. For instance here is a list to get you started:
- Make a list for each vacation day (list expenses allotted for each day, which will keep you within your budget).
- Gas mileage can vary depending on the hills you may have to climb with your car or if you run into a lot of wind or heavy traffic and are parked at a standstill for hours. We need to be flexible within reason and count on spending a fair amount on fuel. Consider putting GasBuddy on your phone so you can find less expensive gas.
- Lodging: you may save money if you book your sleeping arrangements beforehand. On the other hand, it’s sometimes stressful if you want to stay longer in a city you were not planning on. Allow enough time to make life simple by making reservations with a bit of give and take if possible. If you like to book lodging when you make it to the city, hopefully, you can find a room or two. It would all depend on how popular that day of the week or time of the year is for traveling in that location. Look for lodging that offers a continental breakfast, which is one less meal you must purchase. We use Airbnb a lot and there are other options too.
- Food/Snacks: Make a list of the restaurants you want to visit and check the menus online before you leave. Be sure to budget for food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and ice cream or other treats along the way.
- Excursions/Admission Fees: Add the budget amount for each excursion or admission fee you plan to pay each day. Many amusement parks have increased their prices, so research and see if there are multi-day discounts, if your local store sells discount cards, if your hotel has an affiliated relationship, etc.
- Rental Car: if you need to rent a car, look at all the scrapes and possible dents or chips on the vehicle BEFORE you drive off with a rental. Check with your insurance agent to see if buying additional insurance when you rent the car makes sense.
- Totals: keep track of the total for each day and add all the days together to balance with your budget. If you use money envelopes (as I do), keep them in a safe and secure place.
- Write a journal as you go, it’ll help you track expenses and also make for some fun memories. Thank you, Cheryl!
Car Maintenance
It’s a great idea to get your fluid levels checked in your car before you leave for any road trip. Have the car serviced if it’s time for new engine oil and a filter change. Many service facilities include a tire rotation if needed. At least have the tire pressure checked, and have them check the tire tread to see if they are safe enough to travel. If you get them rotated they’ll check the pressure which can help save gas in the long run.
A quality service facility will also check and replace air filters, check the transmission fluid level and condition, coolant level, car battery cables and fluid level, and wiper fluid level. It may be time to change those wiper blades, particularly the windshield wiper.
If it’s been a while since you’ve visited your favorite mechanic, plan ahead before that next road trip and have them do a thorough inspection of the car’s overall condition. That would include brake lining and/or pads, brake fluid, hoses, belts, and electrical system to check headlights, turn signals, backup and brake lights. Have them perform repairs and replacements as needed. Usually, you’ll pay more if you’re on the road, particularly if you’re on a long trip from home. This MAY prompt you to evaluate your trip budget and cut back on some planned activities. You could spend more time at the beach than at Disneyland, or change destinations to save money.
I was surprised to hear that many new cars are sold without a spare tire. That scares me! If your car has one, be sure it’s properly inflated and you know how to access it and the jack with the necessary tools.
Wash the Car
I LOVE a clean car, literally. I like the smell of a freshly washed car and the safe feeling from sparkling clean windows. Next, remove any trash that may be hiding in the car somewhere. Make sure you stash a few garbage bags in the car to keep the car clean while you travel. I know, the windows may get fingerprints as you travel, but hey, let’s start with a clean vehicle.
Emergency Car Kit
Emergencies or disasters/events can strike at any time, so having certain items in your vehicle can be lifesaving. Place items in a backpack, gym bag, or another container. Be careful about storing items that may be damaged or compromised in extreme heat or cold weather situations.
- Names and phone numbers of who to contact in an emergency.
- Pictures of family members (2 sets) one for an emergency board and one picture to keep in your possession.
- Pictures of pets (2 sets), one for an emergency board, and one picture to keep in your possession.
- Medical records of your pets are critical if you find a shelter that will accept pets; many will not (unless you have a pet for medical reasons/service animals).
- Pet 72-hour kit with an extra leash, water/food dishes, and food.
- Pet crate or cat litter box with extra bags to dispose of waste.
- Emergency toilet with toilet paper, 10-gallon bags, and kitty litter.
- Battery/crank-powered portable radio/extra batteries.
- Flashlight, preferably one with solar, crank, and LED.
- Compass and maps not everyone has GPS in their car or on their phones.
- Can of motor oil.
- Fire Extinguisher (5-pound ABC type).
- Flares or orange cones.
- Jumper cables.
- Rags/paper towels.
- Shovel.
- Pocketknife.
- Tire gauge.
- Toolbox.
- Window scraper for ice.
- 12 Volt compressor
Necessities for car survival:
- Water (rotate water often as heat will affect the safety of drinking it- thank you, Judy (you could use it to pour on your head to cool you down if overheated).
- Food
- Blankets
- Jackets/sweaters
- Emergency cash: approximately $200.00 in small bills
- First Aid Kit
- Baby Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer/bars of hand soap
- Toothbrushes, deodorant (non-meltable type)
- Scissors/pens/pencils (not crayons-they melt)
- Emergency snack food and/or MRE meals (items may need to be replaced more frequently if stored in extreme heat conditions).
- Whistles
- Umbrella
- Hand warmers
- Extra blankets
Emergency Car Kits by Food Storage Moms (Printable)
What You Need in Your Car for Winter
Pack Fewer Clothes

If you can pack lightly, do it. I use these when traveling because it organizes my suitcase and I pack less stuff. Luggage Organizers
You can fill these with the items you travel with most and keep them packed in your luggage ready to go for any road trip. Once you buy them you can pick them up and go on any trip in a car or plane by just adding clothes and sweaters.
If you think back on trips you’ve taken, you probably didn’t wear all the clothes you took. Pack less and wash some clothes if you have to along the way in your hotel or motel room.
Road Maps
I know we have GPS in our cars and on our phones. But, what if it doesn’t work because of a cell outage or whatever?I highly suggest some road maps. It would be awesome to teach your family how to use them. Rand McNally East Coast and Rand McNally West Coast
Make Room In The Car
If you have a Suburban or a minivan you may have some extra room in your vehicle. It’s a little harder to pack “stuff” in a small sedan or even some small SUVs. Mark and I have a Honda CRV, it’s a small car, but there’s just the two of us. Sometimes I wish I had a bigger car or road safety, but this car works for how many road trips we take.
Stop Often/Frequent Stops
Plan a few stops here and there for stretching and some bathroom breaks. It’s great for your legs to stretch to ward off possible blood clots in your legs. Plus getting out of the car is awesome for short periods so you’re not as likely to get drowsy.
Stay Entertained On The Road
Plan a few movies for the car, some car games, and books for the family to use while on the road. If you have audible books, those are awesome. It’s nice to have the family interact, but it’s also nice to have some quiet time while on the road.
Healthy Snacks
Remember we all have to live with one another on long road trips. If all we are eating is licorice and doughnuts, we may get cranky. I love both of these, but sometimes packing healthy snacks will make life a little smoother compared to all sugar-coated snacks.
Kids and Cash
If you have the budget to give your kids a little cash, do it. It doesn’t have to be $100.00. It’s a good experience to help them learn to budget with “their money.” They don’t have to ask Mom or Dad what they can spend it on. It’s all about teaching them to make wise decisions on their own.
Splurge If It Works
Sometimes you can’t always stay exactly on your budget, remember to be careful, but realistic. You may never see this city or river again. Stop and enjoy that Gooseberry ice cream.
Safety First
If you have young children, be sure each one has a safe car seat and that it’s installed properly. All family members should be buckled with their seat belts AT ALL TIMES. Sometimes we’re tempted to lay down for a nap and do so by unbuckling our seat belt.
Final Word
I hope my road trip ideas help you get ready to make memories with your family. When I see trailers, motor homes, and cars packed with luggage I always smile because I know those families are having fun together. They will always remember the memories of traveling together. Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected, even in your car. May God bless this world. Linda
This is where I purchase all my garden seeds: SeedsNow
Copyright Images: Car with Luggage AdobeStock_72028504 By Africa Studio
I love road trips! I am hoping/planning to take one this fall (well, early fall). Since I am single, this also raises another issue – safety on the road. It is important for singles of any age to be very aware of their surroundings on their road trip(s).
I recall a trip (not a road trip) to Hawaii a few years ago with my daughter and my partner & his 2 kids. I had budgeted an amount of cash for my daughter to spend as she wished for trinkets, souvenirs and activities. I suggested to my partner that he do the same with his kids. He didn’t. (by the way, we did not live together but were in a “dating” situation so I had no control over what he did with his kids) Well, when my daughter wanted to do something specific, I asked if she had the money to do so. My partner’s kids had to ask him for money and they both refused to ask. So, when it came time for my daughter to pursue her “shopping” and “activities” she and I went out on our own because the other kids didn’t have the money to go and wouldn’t ask dad for any. My daughter took hula lessons (real hula!) and when we all went to the luau that was prepaid, my daughter got up on stage and performed the hula she had learned. I recall my partner’s daughter being very upset that she had not taken the hula lessons as well. None of the kids had a particularly good vacation that year! My daughter said later that she and I should have gone alone and my partner said after the trip that he should have explained the finances to his kids. By the way, our girls were 18 and his son was 17!
I would also suggest that no matter where you live, see your state/province first!! It is great to take long road trips to other places but there are gems where we live. I am retired and I have taken many road trips around my state. I grew up in Washington state but there are many places I had never had a chance to explore. I actually have a journal that I write a bit about my road trip to read about later. I am not into buying souvenirs now as they generally don’t see the light of day any more but I am about the experiences.
Hi Leanne, great comment! I need to add see your state/province to the post! I love road trips as well. I no longer bring back souvenirs because #1 I don’t want to dust them, and I don’t want stuff anymore. Life is so good visiting those places you haven’t been before. I love your notebook idea. I love it! Linda
I always gave my kids pocket money even for daytrips done locally. Now I give myself pocket money, lol. Love your idea of a journal for road trips. My youngest son (20) and my grandson (18) now do their own ‘Staycations’ and explore the region around us, because, like you said, there are gems to see in our own backyard.
We all learn from each other! I love this!! Linda
Hi Linda,
Super post as usual! One idea on the rental car – take pictures! Many pictures and angles. We don’t have a smartphone but many people do, but it may save headaches to have pictures in advance. (may also backfire if you ding up the rental car!)
Still on the GPS idea – nice if you have a smartphone. We don’t, but we belong to AAA, and have to 40 years. I get all the maps we might need before we leave. My husband explains that I am his GPS!
Usually before we travel we get gift cards. Our local Fred Meyer (Kroger stores) have “double gas points” on gift card purchases, sometimes four times! We will purchase cards for restaurants we prefer, stores we may go in to pick up odds & ends while we are traveling. We sometimes have as much as $1 off on a gallon. We make sure to plot out our route then see if there are Kroger stores with gas stations so we can use that lovely $1 off on a gallon while on our trip!
We also keep a journal. Start of each day, time, weather, mileage on the car, destination etc.
We write down each stop and add in any pertinent information. Another thing I do is if I’m taking pictures while we are traveling I will stick a Post-it note on the dashboard – 10:20am, Monterey, or whatever just to jog my memory when I’m looking at the pictures later on.
And let’s not forget everyone! Carry a copy of Linda’s book with you on your trips so that while you are cruising down the highways & byways you can read through the lists to see what you can catch up on!
Hi Cheryl, you made my day about taking my book in the car!!! That gas tip on Smith’s/Krogers is a HUGE saver!! I like the journal idea, I’m going to add that to my list. Thank you!! I like the gift card idea too! You are so lucky yo get maps and then be your husbands GPS, I love it!!! Linda
Jeffers pet supply online carries a small chamois ball that is fantastic for cleaning smudges off the windows. I just recently found those and ordered enough to put one in each family member’s vehicle. Cost was under $3 each. I will be re ordering for Christmas gifts for friends.
We too got the maps from AAA and save them. I don’t know if AAA still prints TripTiks, but we have saved those from when we were first married. We also carry a good road atlas.
If we travel my husband programs the GPS in the truck and I read the paper map! It has come in handy when GPS sent us onto every toll road in So. Florida when we took our camper down to visit family. Toll roads charge by the axle, so it cost us a pretty penny on the trip there, but we were able to use the paper maps to find a much less expensive way to get home!
Hi BDN, that was a smart move to save all those road maps!! I’m going to look for those chamois balls, what a great tip! It’s also a fabulous Christmas gift! I love it! Linda
Linda, what an excellent article. Sure brought back memories of my college years when “road trip!” were 2 of our favorite words. What’s really humorous is that 100 miles was a Long ways back then. If we had a problem, we counted on the kindness of strangers. First car I bought (right before college) was a ’71 AMC Javelin. I was pretty cool, lol. The backseat had a new thing, where I could pull a tab to drop it down to access the trunk. My mom made me a box of emergency supplies, threw in a cooler, easily accessible thru the back seat. Dad added a full gas can, 2 qts oil, electrical tape, duct tape, and a jug of water. ‘Course, he put these in by opening trunk. Mom said sometimes girls shouldn’t get out of car so she loved the easy access to trunk. So then my dad added my weed machete to the stuff by backseat. (Yes, mine, as I did farm work summers). Lmao to this day. But I was Set for road trips in college!
OH Wendy, I love your comment! I remember those 100-mile road trips!! The Javelin, oh you were driving in style! The weed machete is the best!! You go, girl! Linda
I wish this article would have come out before my youngest son did his first solo trip, even tho by plane. I would have printed it out for him. It probably would have saved him from a rather miserable week. (This guy is a Planner, but still only 20…) His girl was asked/paid by her grandparents to come to Oklahoma City to housesit/dog watch for a month. After 2 weeks, she asked my son to come down, and she would pay for more than half his roundtrip ticket. Sounded great…he had PTO he’d never used. I thought it was a great way for him to see a different part of our country. Um, I think the not-so-good started at the airport when he was told he needed to pay $30 more for his carry-on bag. Bad transfer at Chicago. Worse ride to OK. Met up with girl, and starving! Got to her grandparents…practically no food there. My kid knows how to make magic soup bone soup, so for him to say ‘no food’ really means this. He made her take him to McDonald’s in morning, then find a Walmart for him to purchase food. She complained he was using too much gas in her grandparents car?!! He wanted to explore the area…nope, she wanted to stay in. They only went to one restaurant (pretty cheap) where they met up with one of her relatives and his girl. Um, it was expected that my son pay the tab. My son said most days were spent arguing: about money mostly. And my son Had listened to me when I told him to go to chamber of commerce or the tourist board for cheap and free things. She didn’t want to try those things.By the time his week was up, he’d spent over $200 for quicky meals, fast food, gas in car. Yet hadn’t done any sightseeing.
My son was a little worried about ‘what the hell else would happen’, so he asked me to put money in his acct. We were luckily able for me to do this. Oh, and it cost again $30 for carry-on! I added a bit extra so he and my grandson (his pick-up person) could go have a Huge breakfast.
I don’t think my son will travel again far from home without knowing a lot more, having a lot more extra money. Frankly, I do know he would have read, thought about, acted on your suggestions.
Hi Wendy, I love your comment! It’s too bad it turned out to be such an expensive learning curve. It may be a blessing in disguise. He probably will not forget the house with NO FOOD. I had to giggle over the money for the HUGE breakfast, I’m sure it much appreciated. Linda
I am totally sold on the idea of frequent stops. One time while driving to my younger brother’s house (a 3 and a half hour drive) we stopped at every rest stop and despite what those who are in a hurry to get there may think, it really does seem to make the trip quicker because you are travelling from stop to stop instead of endless hours from home to your destination. The trip is much less stressful and stopping often alleviates that boredom and anxiety passengers experience trying to be patient yet wishing the ride was over or would end as soon as possible.
Stopping provides a physical and mental break from the driving or riding for the passengers and being able to stretch, walk, use the bathroom and just move around feeling the air and seeing the activity around you is a real stress reliever. A bathroom break and a soda or a snack to take with you is a cheap and simple pleasure.
Hi Frank, I totally agree with you! Frequent stops make all the difference like you said, a physical and mental break. Plus it may help alleviate the chance of blood clots in or legs, etc. Great comment, thank you! Linda
Sitting at the lake this morning after a few hour small trip. These are great tips. The biggest shock encounter I had was during Covid. We were wide open but the rest of the country was still pretending. After the 3rd day we decided to have a good sit down meal. No steaks at a steakhouse lol. 2 servers and one cook for a hundred people. No public bathrooms at any gas stations. Fortunately we were pulling the camper. Not allowed to go inside any stations. Pure silliness.
I’ve traveled the world and never had any issues but the silliness took out America.
Had we not prepared it woulda been harder.
Hi Matt, oh my gosh, you are so right, pure silliness! I remember eating out with some friends back then not realizing no one was coming to work because of all the shutdowns. These poor cooks and servers were working so hard and then we could only get take out. LOL! Wow, no public bathrooms, luckily you had your camper. That was a trip to remember! Linda
I beat you on the VW, mine was a 1964 model. Mine also had no A/C but did have a radio. Put many miles on it, like you said, at less than 30¢ per gallon. I do have to say, your lead picture today is a 1968 or later model. That style of bumpers were introduced with the 1968 model. I had those on my 1969 VW that I bought new for a whopping $1,963.30 out the door. LOL!!
Hi Harry, those were the days!A brand new car for under $2000! I bought that picture so I bet your right it was a newer model! When we empty our storage units I will look for a picture of ours. Those were days, carefree and living the life! Linda
Given our experience with the avalanches many years ago, to this day, whenever Jane and I have to go out of town for any reason, I have two Go Bags in the trunk. One is a full size backpack for me and the other is a small daypack for Jane. both packs have camelback type water bags–replenished fresh before each trip. There is also a trunk organizer full of car stuff and extra water.
I have a small portable solar charger to keep my cell phone or laptop charged up. It’s a good idea to include one of those in your road trip preps in case you get stranded.
Hi Ray, yikes, about avalanches! I worry every time my grandkids go snow boarding in the mountains! All is it takes is one experience and you are prepared for the next trip or event. Great ideas! Stay safe, Linda
Too late, Linda!! I just returned from a 3 week road trip!!
As for spare tires: My vehicle is 17 years old. I have NEVER used the spare tire. So, when I had a pre-trip inspection done, I made sure that the spare was checked thoroughly. The guy at Les Schwab (yes that is an advertisement for the company!!!) said my spare looked brand new – I told him it was the original. But it checked out just fine. Of course, at my age, I am not the one to change a tire. I would call AAA (another endorsement!!) and have them come out to tow me to a tire shop if the tire needed replacement.
I was pretty well organized with snacks, water, a small cooler for cold drinks. I did also budget tightly! The only thing I really budgeted for, however, was food. It is hard to budget for lodging if you don’t know where you will stop or for fuel if you don’t know what the prices are. Because I took snacks and water, I generally only had breakfast and supper. And I chose motels that served a full breakfast (not the best but…) to save money on that.
Make sure you have more than one phone charger!! One of mine broke and thankfully, I had a spare.
When you fuel up and when you get ready to leave your lodging – BE SURE to walk around your vehicle, checking to make sure you don’t have low pressure in your tires, leaks or damages. I actually do this every time I stop – rest areas, fuel, motel, etc. Note any issues you see in your journal and what you do about any issues.
Have FUN on your road trips!!
Hi Leanne, oh I would love a 3 week road trip! That sounds like so much fun! Great reminder, on the spare tire, my car is 15 years old and still going strong. Two chargers are a great idea! We like to use motels that serve breakfast, it saves on going out to breakfast! The we buy dinner around 5:00, life is good when you road trip! Great tips! Linda
Ah, Linda – my trip was planned a few months prior, but I left earlier than expected due to the impending death of my oldest sister. When she died, it was just 7 weeks after getting a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. So, my trip was bittersweet. Fortunately, I was able to have everything lined out and planned so nothing about the long road trip was missed.
Hi Leanne, oh I’m sorry to hear about your sister, thats a tough cancer, every cancer is tough. It’s sad to say but the other night Mark and i went to wedding and I said to the family, I have a dress but is in the storage unit. The only time I wear it is for funerals and weddings. We all commented its great to see one another even if its funerals and weddings. Some people I hadn’t seen in years. It’s blessing to have you and your family get together before she died. I’m glad you had a safe trip, my sweet friend. Linda