How to Use Old Curtains for Emergency Preparedness
There have been many times in the past when I’ve taken down old curtains and had no idea what to do with them, especially since some really weren’t worn out. I wanted to share how to use old curtains for emergency preparedness. You may have never thought that they could be used in so many other ways, but they can be.
How to Use Old Curtains for Emergency Preparedness

Can any type of curtain be used for emergency prep?
Yes, you can use various types of curtains and fabrics for emergency preparation.
Improvised Shelter
One of the primary uses for old curtains in emergency preparedness is creating improvised shelters. Whether you find yourself stranded outdoors or facing a sudden evacuation, curtains can be transformed into temporary shelters.
Simply attach the curtains to trees or other sturdy structures using cords, ropes, and even duct tape for small shelters to provide protection from the elements like a winter storm. The thick fabric of many curtain varieties can offer insulation, shielding you from extreme temperatures and providing a sense of privacy. What to Use for Insulation to Stay Warm If you have to evacuate your home but still need to “shelter-in-place” on your own property, some curtains may make the difference for safety and some limited comfort.
When it comes to being an effective prepper we need to consider all the resources we have available and put to use those that make sense for each situation.
Privacy and Security
During emergencies, maintaining privacy and security becomes increasingly important. Old curtains can be repurposed to create makeshift curtains or room dividers, allowing you to section off areas and maintain privacy in communal spaces.
This becomes especially useful if you’re sheltering with others in a confined space, such as a community center or emergency shelter. 20 Ways to Step Up Security Measures Around Your Property
Insulation and Temperature Control
When faced with extreme weather conditions during an emergency, maintaining a comfortable temperature within your shelter is essential. Old curtains can help insulate your living space, reducing heat loss during colder months and minimizing heat gain in hotter climates.
Hang curtains over doors and windows to create a barrier against drafts, conserving energy and keeping your living area more comfortable. What to Use for Insulation to Stay Warm
Garden Protection
In times of crisis, growing your own food becomes increasingly important. Old curtains can be repurposed as protective covers for garden beds or individual plants.
They can serve as a barrier against pests, extreme temperatures, or hail, helping to ensure the survival and productivity of your crops. 12 Budget-Friendly Beautiful Garden Tips
Pet Supplies
If you have pets, it’s essential to consider their needs during emergencies. Old curtains can be repurposed to make bedding or blankets for your furry companions.
They can be used to create temporary pet enclosures or carriers, providing a safe and secure space for your pets during evacuation or transportation. What to do With Your Pets in an Emergency
Noise Reduction
During emergencies, noise can be overwhelming and stressful. Old curtains can be used to dampen sound and create a quieter environment.
Hang curtains on walls or cover windows to reduce noise pollution from outside sources, providing a more comfortable and peaceful living space. What To Do With Old Sandbags
Water Filtration
Clean drinking water is essential during emergencies. Old curtains can be used as a filtering agent to remove sediment and impurities from water sources. Cut the curtains into small squares or strips and use them as a pre-filter to remove larger particles before boiling or using a water purification method.
This can help improve the quality of water and make it safer for consumption. Water Storage: How Much Do You Really Need?
How long can curtains last in emergency situations?
The lifespan of curtains used for emergency preparation depends on various factors such as the quality of the fabric, how they are stored, and the specific use. It’s advisable to regularly check and replace curtains if they become damaged or deteriorate over time.
Are there any safety considerations when using curtains for emergencies?
When repurposing curtains for emergency use, ensure that they are free from mold, mildew, or other contaminants. Also, be cautious of fire hazards if using curtains near open flames or heating sources. Regularly inspect and maintain the condition of the curtains to ensure their effectiveness. No matter what the emergency use, plan to wash them from time to time. Food Safety Tips During an Emergency
Types of Curtains Available
Final Word
Those old curtains for emergency preparedness won’t cost you a thing because you can easily follow these tips! Using what you have not only saves you money but really helps you to get creative! I don’t like it when people say you need a lot of money to prep because this isn’t true. There are so many do-it-yourself (DIY) projects available on the Internet. Do a Google search, you’ll be amazed! If you have other suggestions for putting old curtain to use in an emergency please let me know in the comments section below. May God Bless this World, Linda
Copyright Images: Curtains in a Living Room Depositphotos_19803409_S by Mjth, Curtains in Living Room Blue Depositphotos_134810874_S by belchonock
Thank you for your regular and very helpful posts. They offer so many ideas, and they stimulate individual thinking and creativity. Especially valuable is your reference to our dependence upon Almighty God. May He continue to bless your labour for Him!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”-John 3:16
Hi Michael, thank you for your kind words. That is one of my favorite scriptures, thank you for sharing. Linda
Oh and don’t forget shower curtains – both the plastic for ground covers and decorative (or cloth) for privacy. They are typically larger than regular window curtains. They are also generally less expensive than quality window curtains. I have one I modified for a window curtain by adding tabs to hang them.
Another suggestion for the use of curtains in an emergency – If the power is out and you have no idea when it will be restored, curtains can easily be hung between rooms to help retain heat in one area. I have a bin I keep old curtains in along with a couple of tension rods that fit common sized doorways. I keep some command hooks/strips in that bin also. Rope would be a good thing to have in the bin – better get some right away!!
HI Leanne, I totally agree, shower curtains are cheaper and can be used in so many ways. Great reminder about retaining the heat in one room! Linda
Excellent suggestion to think of shower curtains as well as regular curtains, thanks!
Hi LijaW, I totally agree, shower surtains are a great thing to have on hand! Linda
I have several plastic (the heavy kind as well as the dollar store variety) in my preps. The lightweight shower curtains also make great paint cloths – a bit heavier duty than the really lightweight plastic paint protectors.
I also have used the decorative shower curtains for window curtains as well!! Sometimes they are less expensive than regular curtains. I just cut them half way and stitch in a hem on the cut edges and use decorative shower curtain hangars on a curtain rod.
Hi Leanne, great tip on the shower curtains! I have purchased a shower curtain or two to use as tablecloth, I just cut the end off with hook holes and sewed it to make the edge match the other end. Linda
A sturdy curtain could be used to transport an injured patient.
Hi Melissa, that’s a good one, thank you! Linda
I use our old sheers and curtains as shade cloths.
Hi Ray, oh yeah, that’s a great idea!!!! Thanks for the tip! Linda
Depending on the type of material and pattern. You can make dinner napkins or table cloths.
Hi Sabrina, thats a great idea! I love the idea of washable napkins and tablecloths! Recycling is the best! Linda
Thank you for this article, Linda. I just had to bring a whole bunch of curtains to Salvation Army because no one I knew needed any. Now I wish I’d kept a few. Living in Florida, we never know when we might have to evacuate. Thanks for these great suggestions for keeping things out of the landfills.
Hi LijaW, thank you for your kind words, I like to recycle whenever I can! Linda
You can also hang curtains to conceal shelves of stored food and to keep the food from being degraded by light exposure.
Hi Zabeth, oh that’s a great idea!! Thank you for sharing, Linda