How to Use Rabbit Poop Fertilizer

How to Use Rabbit Poop Fertilizer

Have you ever heard of using rabbit poop as fertilizer in your garden? If not, you’re missing out on an opportunity to provide nourishing ingredients to your soil that will help your plants grow and thrive.

It may sound strange, but rabbit poop works well as a natural fertilizer when growing food source crops and other flowers and plants inside the garden. So, if you want to use it as fertilizer to see what it can do for you, bringing rabbits to your land is the best thing to do.

Then, once you have them living on the land, you can collect their poop, add it to a pile, and use it in the soil as you need to.

In case you missed this post, Meat Rabbits: Tips for Raising Them, or this post, Raising Quail: What You Need to Know

Rabbit food: Kaytee Timothy Complete Rabbit Food is good rabbit chow, but if feeding with your own mixture, be sure and introduce fresh green vegetables slowly so your rabbits can tolerate them. The best greens are kale, parsley, cabbage, broccoli, and mint.

How to Use Rabbit Poop Fertilizer

How to Use Rabbit Poop Fertilizer

Why Rabbit Poop is Good to Use as a Fertilizer

There are several reasons why rabbit poop works as a great fertilizer in your garden. Here are some just to better acquaint you with this approach to garden soil preparation. 

Helps Improve Your Garden’s Soil Condition 

Before you start collecting rabbit manure, saving it, and using it in your garden as fertilizer, it’s essential to understand why it’s genuinely good to use. First, rabbit manure can improve the condition of the soil. When the soil is in the best condition possible, it creates ideal growing conditions for all crops, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. 

Adds Moisture to the Soil 

Second, manure can help keep the soil moist, which is important. If you have dry soil, your plants can become dehydrated, which would cause them to die. If you want your plants to thrive, keeping the ground moist without making it too wet is a must.

The manure helps to retain the moisture so the soil doesn’t dry out as quickly.

Also Adds Much-Needed Nitrogen 

The rabbit manure contains more nitrogen than the manure from many other animals, including horses, chickens, and goats. You’ve likely heard of people using horse manure as fertilizer on farms.

It’s a standard way to use manure instead of finding a way to get rid of it. And, while horse manure works wonders on the soil, rabbit manure is even better because of its nitrogen properties.

Overall, this type of fertilizer can drastically improve the condition of the soil on your land. So, if you want to grow various crops successfully, be sure to have some rabbit poop ready to use at a moment’s notice.

Is It Possible to Sell Rabbit Poop?

Yes, it’s entirely possible to sell rabbit poop. You may be surprised to learn that this manure is available for sale, but farmers often want to buy it and spread it around on the soil where they’re growing different things, such as flowers, fruits, vegetables, and grains.

While you can always buy it if you don’t want to keep rabbits on your land and tend to them, you’ll save more money in the long run by purchasing the rabbits in advance.

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When you have rabbits that live on your land, you can expect them to poop multiple times per day, especially when you’re providing them with plenty of hay, fruits, and vegetables to eat to keep them fed and healthy.

With that in mind, you won’t ever have to worry about running out of manure to use on your crops, depending on how many rabbits you have and how much of your land you plan to fertilize.

Is It Possible to Add Too Much Poop to the Soil?

As with most things, be sure to add rabbit poop in moderation. It’s possible to overdo it, and you don’t want to do that. While the nitrogen in the manure is ideal for your crops, putting too much of it in the soil over and over could cause more harm than good.

Try to set a fertilizing schedule that you can stick with for as long as you’d like. You can start adding the manure to your crops once a week or once every two to three weeks.

 Of course, it’s going to depend on what you’re growing and how often you’d typically add traditional fertilizer to the soil. Don’t make the mistake that some beginners make when they first start using rabbit poop.

Some people assume that you can’t go wrong with adding more and more of the manure to the soil, but that often causes damage to the soil and plants they’re growing.

Using Rabbit Urine with Rabbit Poop

Did you know it’s possible to use rabbit poop and urine? Rabbit urine has its benefits, but you’ll need to be careful with the approach you take when adding it to your plants. Never add wet bedding on top of the soil where you’re growing your plants.

Instead, add the damp bedding to your compost pile. You can use it in the compost with rabbit poop, shavings, and other ingredients, such as kitchen scraps that you’ve saved. 

The compost that you’re creating using urine, poop, and kitchen scraps will provide the soil and plants with essential nutrients that keep everything growing as it should. It won’t take long for you to have a full garden consisting of healthy, growing plants that continue to thrive.

Is It Safe to Use Rabbit Poop?

It’s safe to use rabbit poop in the soil, even if you’re growing plants that you’ll eventually harvest and eat. You’re putting the poop in the soil, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to get on the vegetables that you’re growing in any significant amount. Be sure to rinse everything off after you harvest the crops as an additional safety precaution. 

While it sounds strange to some, rabbit poop is an incredible ingredient for the soil that can make such a difference in your garden. Whether you’re new to gardening or more experienced, you can expect to have more success with growing different crops when you’re using this natural ingredient as fertilizer for the soil.

Use Rabbit Poop as Fertilizer in Your Garden

Using rabbit poop as fertilizer in the garden is as simple as it gets. You can collect the poop from your rabbits, pour it into a container, and then spread it out on the soil every so often. It works as an excellent natural fertilizer to enhance the quality of the soil and create healthier growing conditions. 

Can you put too much rabbit poop in your garden?

With regular feedings, rabbit manure has more nitrogen than you’ll typically find using most other animal manures. Some studies have shown that it has more than double the amount found in cow and horse manure.

Using the rabbit pellets prompts the nitrogen is being released slowly, which is good. You don’t want to overdo it since excess nitrogen can encourage the plant’s leaves to grow rather than the “fruit” of the plant.

A good rule of thumb is to apply 200 – 400 pounds for every 1,000 square feet of garden space.

Is rabbit poop good for my tomato plants?

When you are growing tomatoes or other vegetables in your garden, you may find rabbit poop to be the manure of choice over other options. Of the various nutrients you want in a fertilizer, there are three main nutrients that will make a real difference: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

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People like rabbit manure because it can be added directly into your garden spot without the requirement of composting the manure like you might have to do with other manures.

Is it toxic to humans?

It’s logical to ask whether rabbit poop is harmful to us humans. Depending on the pen location, temperatures, and cleanliness you maintain, rabbits have been known to carry parasites like tapeworm and roundworm, the common feeling is that their waste is not known to transmit any diseases to humans.

A good thing about rabbits, a single rabbit can excrete 200 – 300 pellets in a single day, which adds to the success of generating your own fertilizer, but can require you to keep up with the removal of the pellets in and around the pens so other challenges like flies and other insects don’t become a problem.

Can I sell rabbit poop?

You may not have planned to raise enough rabbits to produce their manure for sale, but it can be sold as a high-quality garden fertilizer for prices between $5 and $15 a pound.

You may consider selling it on social media sites like Craigslist, eBay, and Facebook. You can also check with your local farmer’s market and garden supply store to see if they have an interest.

One challenge may be the requirement to “package” the manure such that it can be transported, stored, and then sold. Unless you plan to make it a profitable project, the time and equipment involved may prove to be a non-starter.

How much do rabbits poop per day?

As mentioned above, most rabbits will drop 200 – 300 pellets each day. They will generally be the same size and shape, which means rounded and about the size of a pea or garbanzo bean. The actual size of your rabbit doesn’t determine the size of their pellets.

Is rabbit pee good for the garden?

Those who raise rabbits have found that their manure isn’t the only useful “offering” from the rabbits. Their urine can be added to help the rabbit manure fertilizer work even better in a garden. It also has a high percentage of nitrogen, and when combined with the rabbit manure, makes for a great soil additive.

Note that it can be poisonous to earthworms, so if you want worms to be a part of your soil prep journey, you may need to prep the manure well before using it for this purpose by not using quite as much urine.

The mixture of urine and rabbit poop is often called “bunny brew” or “rabbit compost tea.” Maybe that makes it more appealing to use. LOL

How do farmers use rabbit urine?

You may not be aware, but the rabbit urine you collect can be used as an insecticide. This requires a mixture of about 1/2 gallon of concentrated urine with 3/4 gallon of water and then spray that mixture on the plants being impacted by the bugs every two to three weeks to help kill the insects.

How long does it take the rabbit poop to decompose?

Generally, takes around 3 – 5 days for the rabbit poop to completely break down. It usually doesn’t dissolve completely. But keep the brewing tea in a warm, sunny, spot for best results. Use the rabbit compost tea to water your plants, giving them an infusion of nutrients.

Do worms eat rabbit poop?

If you like to see worms in the garden as a way to keep the soil more porous and better able to best benefit from moisture and fertilizer, rabbit droppings may be the right size and makeup for your worms to thrive.

The poops are fairly small, relatively dry, and don’t contain too much nitrogen which can be toxic to the worms.

Rabbit manure without a heavy urine addition can be mixed with wasted rabbit feed and another plant residue to make a quality worm meal. Note that, when properly cared for, earthworms have been known to eliminate manure piles and the related odor, and fly problems that come along with it.

Can my rabbit litter be composted?

Yes, the “goodies” in your rabbits’ litter tray can be used as compost. Some people will also throw in any other compostable waste they collect, which may include, leftover food and vegetable scraps, fall leaves, dead flowers, broken-down cardboard boxes, and grass clippings. This mixture will make a great compost your garden plants will love.

Final Word 

When you’re planting different crops, you have certain expectations. You want the crops to grow and continue to mature until they reach the point that you can harvest those plants.

One way to make sure that happens is to provide your soil with extra nourishment using the rabbit manure to your advantage. Then, you can quickly see the difference it makes in the garden! May God Bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: California Breed Rabbits AdobeStock_239212642 by orestligetka

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  1. Linda:

    We had rabbits for about 5 or 6 years then it became to much to take care of. At one time we had over 100 rabbits. We gave some of the babies and the cages to another couple to raise rabbits. My kids had seen how much it took and my youngest son would not eat the meat. Now it didn’t bother him to help his dad butcher the Chickens but then again he loves fried chicken.


    1. Hi Jackie, 100 rabbits, wow! I bet you made the best-fried chicken, my friend! The good thing is that you daughter your kids to work, that is a blessing. They may not raise rabbits but they know how to work. Good job, Love you, Linda

  2. With any poop I like to mix it with water and let it set to make a slurry so it doesn’t contact burn as bad

  3. I have raised meat type rabbit’s as well as angora type rabbits. Both are a lot of work if you have very many of them. Angora’s require daily brushing and harvesting of their wool/hair/fur about every 3 months. I use scissors–I do NOT pull their off of their bodies. How very cruel that is.
    Our ground is here volcanic in nature and is just packed with rocks. In fact, I say that I don’t dig dirt–I dig rocks. When the rocks are sorted out from what’s left, I then mix in rabbit manure about 1/2 by 1/2 of each: dirt and manure. I have a wonderful garden despite the very bad ground we have here.
    Rabbits are a wonderful homestead addition for meat, fiber for spinning, and just general enjoyment. BUT, please consider HOW you are going to feed them. I feed pellet’s and a alfalfa cube to my flock. The cube’s are given only when the rabbit asks for them. And yes they do ask for their cube’s.
    The cube’s are fed sparingly but if necessary IF I were to ever run out of the commercial pellets, I could easily feed my animal’s their cube’s and with a supplement of hay they would be able to ride out any shortages. Pellets can be expensive, alfalfa cubes are very reasonable.

    1. Hi Mae, oh I love hearing from you I’m trying to gather as much information as possible for my readers and for my family. I have lived where there are rocks and very little soil. It’s hard to dig a hole, etc. I love hearing you have worked around the rocks to have a wonderful garden. Thanks for the tip on the alfalfa cubes. We all need to learn as much as we can now, and then decide if we will be able to take care of them properly. Great comment, thank you! Linda

  4. Another good thing about using it is the lack of weeds. We used horse manure years ago and got so many weeds from it that we have never gotten red of them! They do not digest their feed like cows do. When we had our Jersey we used the manure all the time without any trouble. Rabbit manure is easy to spread and compost as you mentioned. We never had any plants burn using it.

    1. Hi Cheryl, I remember using horse manure and we had weeds like crazy. I stopped using it for that very reason. It was free but the labor to pull weeds was not fun! LOL! Good to know about the rabbit manure. Linda

  5. Linda,

    I’m with Matt. When we kept rabbits i usually mixed their poop pellets with water to make a compost tea, but sometimes i just spread it out directly into my garden beds. Either way works but the compost tea works faster.

      1. Linda, while I compost most of the chicken manure my birds generate, I also use some of their droppings to make compost tea. Since I grow peas and other nitrogen fixers in my gardens, having enough nitrogen is not much of a problem, but I rest (in rotation) one of my five beds every year so that one always get compost teas come planting time and composted manure in the Fall before I let the bed rest.

  6. My neighbor raises meat rabbits and they do like Matt says and make what they call a “tea” with the rabbit
    poop and water. They had a wonderful garden.

    1. Hi June, this would be so awesome! We have a neighbor who buys turkey manure and has it delivered and wheel barreled back to his garden and fruit trees, etc. Life is good when our garden does well! Linda

  7. I have 2 rabbits that use a litter pan. Is it okay to empty the whole pan outside so it can dry and then sprinkle the whole thing (with pine or aspen shavings, hay, pee, and sometimes pellets) on top of my garden and other type plants? How often can I do this without over fertilizing?

    1. Hi Felicity, you really do need to be careful adding too much because it’s high in nitrogen. It all depends on how big your garden is and what you have planted. Like corn loves nitrogen, other plants not so much. Linda

      1. I have mostly carrots, potatoes, beans, radishes, and beets planted in my garden. I was wondering if I could put it around my apple tree and strawberry/raspberry and flower plants too? The vegetable garden is probably 10 ft x 20 ft. so how often should I add the litter to this size of garden? Is putting it on the top of the plants like I mentioned okay?

        1. HI Felicity, I would check with your local garden center. I would hate to advise something not knowing your soil. I remember putting coffee grounds in my gardens and I put too much and almost burnt up my plants. I was trying to get rid of the cats who were using my raised garden beds as litter boxes. Little is best, too mush and you will burn your trees or crops. Linda

  8. My sister’s thought they were eating chicken. Ha! I made sure my kids all know where food comes from. We have raised bottle calves, pigs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, turkeys and also deer hunt, rabbit hunt, squirrel hunt, and fish. It’s sad that most people wouldn’t survive with their present attitude towards meat animals. Thinking that processing animals to eat is “yucky” just shows how removed from reality we have become. It’s sad.

    1. HI Douglas, great comment, I LOVE it! I say I’m not sure I could skin a rabbit but if someone showed me I could do it. I have watched Joel Salatin clean chickens (on videos-documentaries). We would all be quick learners I think. Of course, you have to want to be a hunter or raise them yourself. I live in Utah, where you can hunt quite easily with tags. As far as raising rabbits or chickens, more and more people realize they must raise their own meat. I have a friend who shares pictures with me of his two steers, and how he feeds them. I would hope, Douglas, that most of us would step up to the plate especially now with how our economy is. More and more people on my street are raising chickens for meat and eggs. Linda

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