Hurricane Items You Must Have Before It Hits
We really need to get the word out to everyone now before we have another hurricane, and we will, it is inevitable. The agencies responsible to predict and track hurricanes are expecting 2022 to experience a very active hurricane season. The past few years have been rough for so many families because of all the damage that comes with the strong winds and rain from a hurricane. We saw Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, to name just two of many we’ve seen.
Many people were prepared in some ways, but we can never be fully prepared for the weather activity from hurricanes and the related aftermath so many people had to deal with in the past few years. Some people lost their family members, homes, their food storage, emergency preps, and many personal things they can never replace.

Dealing With FEMA/Insurance Companies
Here’s the deal, some people are still cleaning up the mess from the flooding, downed trees, mold, and the challenges of dealing with FEMA and the property owner’s individual insurance companies. It will take months, and possibly a few years, to restore some of the areas to the point they are livable again. And some will never be restored to the level before the storms, which is really really sad to me.
I still feel strongly that I need to remind people to start gathering their food and water storage if they haven’t already. So many of us are very prepared because we get it. But, there are still people who just don’t understand the critical nature of having a preparation plan.
You would think after seeing the news reports from previous hurricanes that people throughout the country would understand it’s important to be prepared. I was glued to The Weather Channel for weeks, talk about heart-wrenching.
We may live in areas that don’t have storms like those we’ve seen, but many have wildfires, flooding, and earthquakes to deal with as disasters that are more common in the areas where they live. Please start with some of the things I have listed below, today, not tomorrow.
If you are comfortable with taking the lead and talking with your neighbors about how to work together so even more people are better prepared. Please get together and discuss how best to get the community behind common efforts for preparation. Who knows, these people may be your new best friends after an unforeseen emergency. Trust me on that one, I have personally been through a few disasters.
This is a very short list, but if you just pick and choose the ones you can do ASAP, that would be wonderful.
Hurricane Related Items You Should Have On Hand:
Make an Important Documents Binder
What happens to paper when it gets wet? Having a binder with critical documents that can be kept safe from disaster and can easily be grabbed is an essential part of planning for a hurricane. You don’t want to be without your homeowner’s insurance after a hurricane has destroyed your home. Check out this Free Emergency Binder Kit to make sure you have all your important documents on hand.
You know the drill, one gallon per person per day as recommended by The American Red Cross. I recommend 4-gallons per person per day. You can never have too much water. Add a water purifier and you rock.
Food Storage
Cooking Devices
I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about the butane stoves I have given my four daughters. They were a Christmas gift one year, along with 12 canisters of butane to go with it.
You can boil water, cook a meal, and wash dishes by boiling water on this little gem. Butane Stove and Butane Fuel
72-Hour Kits
Extra Clothing/Shoes
If you become wet, having an extra set of dry clothes, jackets, underwear, socks, and shoes would be awesome.
Mylar blankets are great, quilts are awesome. Here is a post I wrote about being sure to keep all the blankets and quilts you may have. 6 Reasons To Store Blankets
Cash-Small Bills
If the power is out, the ATMs will be closed and the gas pumps will not work. If you need to buy something, and if anything is available to buy, you will need small bills.
Keep your gas tank at least 3/4 full
Please keep your tanks as full as possible, you don’t want to be in line waiting for gas and then find out the gas pumps are empty.
N-95 Masks
I have so many of these stockpiled because I learned in my C.E.R.T. class that you can never have too many masks. I listened and followed instructions. These are good ones: N-95 Masks
I have so many boxes of non-latex gloves, it’s almost embarrassing, but that’s how I roll. I hate germs and bacteria.
Work Gloves
Whenever there are downed trees you will need a good pair of work gloves. Buy a good pair or two and make sure they fit before you have to use them.
Portable Potty
This is one thing I will not share, everyone must have their own porta-potty, thank you very much. Just letting you know ahead of time. Linda’s Portable Toilet
Toilet Paper
Need I say more, we all need it. If your budget allows, pick some up at the store or have it delivered every month. Toilet Paper
Diapers/Baby Bottles/Baby Food
You may not have a baby in your family, but your neighbor may have a baby she is unable to care for after a disaster, and having a few diapers, whether disposable or cloth, would be a blessing. I would need pacifiers for a baby, I raised my girls on pacifiers and they are awesome!
Baby Wipes
Even if the baby wipe contents dry out just fill it with water, they will be great wipes again. Baby Wipes
Paper Towels
I store some paper towels, but I started using these reusable cloth towels to save money. I love that they are thin and I wash them once a week and rarely use paper towels. Thin Reusable Cloth Towels
Hand Sanitizer/Hand Soap
Clean hands, clean hands, clean hands. We have to be able to keep the bacteria under control after a disaster.
Portable Washing Machine
Now, this can be done with buckets, washtubs, or whatever works for you. If we lose power for an extended period of time, I want clean underwear at the very least. Linda’s Portable Washing Machines
Have you seen this one, I bought it a few months ago. It’s awesome. The Lavario Washing Unit (Currently Unavailable)
Clothesline with Clothespins
Here’s the deal, if we lose power for an extended period of time, we will need to wash our clothes and hang them up. Yup, clean underwear at the very least. Here is one Amish large folding dryer I bought a few years ago: Lehman’s Dryer.
Cleaning Supplies
Bleach is #1, and gloves will protect your hands. Plan on storing every cleaning product you like to use. I have all of them, trust me.
Personal hygiene supplies
Toothpaste, toothbrushes, shavers, hand soap, deodorant, and anything that will make you feel awesome after getting dirty cleaning up a muddy house or another unforeseen disaster.
Women/Girls Monthly Menstrual Supplies
Tampons, menstrual pads, even if you don’t need them. I promise, there will be someone who can use them if the store shelves are empty. You can make these beforehand, you may need them, but someone on your street could use them. Homemade Menstrual Pads
Flashlights-one for every family member
Be sure and have batteries if you buy the battery-operated units. Solar ones are great because they don’t need batteries.
First Aid Kit
Please rotate your over-the-counter and first aid supplies. Replenish as needed.
Phone Chargers
The one in your car will work, or use a solar one. P.S. Keep your phone charged.
Everyone that is handy around the house has a toolbox of some kind. How big and complete it is is up to you, but you know the tools you most often tend to use, so include those and others that could really come in handy. Make sure you know where it is so you’re not having to look all over for it.
Communication is Key
During a hurricane, you’ll for sure want to know what is going on outside your home and community. Having a weather band radio gives you the opportunity to listen to weather reports so you have an understanding of the degree of devastation, particular areas being hit the hardest, and firsthand if it looks like you’ll be directed to evacuate before or during the storm.
I have a hand-crank radio so I don’t have to worry about loss of power issues.
Staying in touch with your neighbors is also important. Having walkie-talkies scattered throughout the neighborhood with families you’ve designated as points for communication is smart. You’ll need to coordinate the channels to use so every family is tuned in properly.
Final Word
I hope we all get one new item this week to add to our hurricane emergency preparedness stash. We will never forget the horrific storms people have dealt with in recent years and previous storms from years past. Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God Bless this world, Linda
Frank’s Suggestions:
He has family in Puerto Rico. These are the things his family needed after the hurricane. “I have family in Puerto Rico and so my father went down there to help family members and make repairs. In the meantime, my brother and I have been looking for certain items he asked us to send there.
Well, I have spoken to people in person and on the phone at about 8-10 different popular stores and many have told me they were waiting for inventory, some didn’t have the items in any of the Florida stores or they were trying to get things from other stores in other states.
Need Battery Powered Items
And those items are battery-powered fans, battery-powered radios, power inverters, charge controllers, and solar panels which are really things that more advanced or knowledgeable people would have, like preppers or survivalists.
At the same time, our closest Walmart keeps running out of the basics like canned meats and “dry milk,” and also “C” and “D” batteries. And there are things they do have that nobody has requested like flashlights, “AA” or “AAA” batteries, matches, lighters, or water filters.
Over Charge For Shipping
If anybody had asked me I would have told them what to get and to make a list of what they needed BEFORE my father left as I knew it would be a mess. And shipping the stuff…. forget FedEx or those guys.
They’re nice people, but they wanted to charge between $225 to $300 to ship a 35-pound box. The cost of the 3 solar chargers we packaged was $225.
We paid around $60 at the post office, but think what else we could have bought with those $60 some dollars. We had our own problems here and room for improvement, but the point is made again that preparations need to be made BEFORE an emergency comes.
Collect BEFORE The Storm
And with the distance being such an issue, it creates greater difficulty. I am totally sympathetic to the situation, but it makes me mad that people are so neglectful and my father has me running around trying to find things that could have so easily been collected before the storm hit.
I feel an immense surge of frustration and am driven by the urgency to find, buy, and send them the supplies that they need, but it would have lessened their suffering if they had reacted sooner.
For everyone’s own benefit and preservation of life, I wish people would learn from this, and hopefully next time, they’ll be better off, feeling safer and secure knowing they’ll make it and with less discomfort and fear.”
These are the items they needed:
Canned Milk
Canned Meat
“C” and “D” Batteries
Battery-powered fans (plus lots of batteries)
Battery-powered radios (plus lots of batteries)
Power Inverters
Charge Controllers
Solar Panels
Hi Linda, great article. Where do you get your solar panels and set up from for them?
Hi Debra, I have portable solar panels that go with my Goal Zero solar generators/invertors. I do not have solar panels on top of my home. Sometimes Costco has a “Roadshow” and they are cheaper. Linda
Fully stocked First Aid Kit. Red ice chest for medical supplies. Cots with pillows. I would also suggest potable chairs. trash bags. Toilet paper. Coleman stove with propane tanks. Dish pans. Stuffed animals, tents.
HI Donna, I love love love your comment! Linda
Thank you for your post! We live in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana and were hit by Ida last August. We were without electricity for 22 days and under a boil water advisory for most of that time. Thank God for portable generators. Yes to everything you have on your list!! Have a few full gas cans on hand because gas stations will not be available for a few days and will only take cash initially because internet will be down. Lines will be extremely long. There will be limits on how much you are allowed to purchase initially as well. Extension cords. Window ACs (it was so hot and humid during that time!). Lots of water, sports drinks, ice trays (we had gotten used to our refrigerators ice maker but couldn’t use it because of boil water advisory). We have a gas stove but without the luxury of central air using it heated up the house too much so I ended up doing the cooking for all those staying under our roof (had friends that lost their homes or whose homes were not habitable staying with us) on a camp stove on the front porch. Lots of flash lights and portable lanterns. Sun screen and bug spray. Tarps for roof damage. Rope and clothes pins to hand laundry. Aluminum foil for the windows to keep the temp down inside during the time you are without power. Destin to put on areas that chaff when you are outside cleaning up debris (which will takes weeks even though you work from sunrise until sunset!). Chain saw. Again, need gasoline and oil. And replacement chains for it. Candy. A piece of chocolate went a long way to boast everyone’s spirits on those long, hot days of heavy outside work. Another thing – we were under mandatory evacuation. My husband felt led to stay but sent me to evacuate with church friends. Be sure to make your hotel reservations early, as soon as it is declared that you are in the cone of concern because hotels in evacuation areas fill up extremely fast. We had a super hard time finding a vacancy anywhere. Big lesson learned. Also, it will be you and your neighbors so don’t burn your bridges! Get to know your neighbors before hand because it will take at least 48-72 hours for emergency services such as FEMA, the National Guard, and the Red Cross to arrive. Help your neighbors. One of our next door neighbors is a police officer. They were required to stay at the station for a week (because it is definitely a time of high risk for lawlessness) so we cleaned up his yard as well as our own. Which reminds me, you will want to have at least 2 pairs of work gloves per person! And as you mentioned, well stocked first aid kits. And the binder with all your insurance papers and the insurance companies information in one place.
Hi Diane, oh my gosh, thank you for all this information, this is a HUGE help. I need to add the tips you just gave me to the post, ZI thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! WOW! Great comment! Linda
Hi Diane, oh my gosh, thank you for all this information, this is a HUGE help. I need to add the tips you just gave me to the post, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! WOW! Great comment! Linda