Is Prepping Pointless? 6 Tips to Help You Understand
Is prepping pointless? As hard as you and I try to put it in the back of our minds, there are things in this life that are simply out of our control. Emergencies and disaster situations are perfect and terrifying examples of this.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of naysayers out there who will go out of their way to argue with you about how pointless it is to try and prepare for various types of emergencies.
Others will tell you that the chances of a catastrophe ever happening to you and your family are slim to none. What may surprise you is that they’d be right. Well, sort of.
If you’re prepping for the wrong reasons or don’t have all the necessary supplies beforehand, when a disaster situation comes your way, all your time and preparation may be for nothing. That could be something that you didn’t want to hear but is necessary to think about. So, is prepping pointless after all? Keep reading to find out!

Items I Highly Recommend:
- Flashlights with Batteries and Solar Flashlights
- Solar Lanterns
- Thermal Cooker
- Butane Stove with Extra Fuel
Is Prepping Pointless? Reasons Why People Don’t Prep
So, is prepping pointless? Before I spill the beans on my personal beliefs about prepping, let’s take a look at why some individuals and their families make the decision not to prep. There’s a good chance that you may have heard some of the reasons or excuses from a friend or a family member. Survival Items for Emergency Prepping
People Aren’t Aware of the Threats
Sadly, there are far too many Americans out there who are completely oblivious to the many different types of threats. Some choose to ignore it because when the subject comes up, it stresses them out. But being blissfully unaware is a dangerous and foolish approach to take.
If people aren’t educated about the dangers that come with certain weather conditions or man-made disasters, they’ll be less likely to take the initiative to prepare for them. Just because something is out of sight and out of mind doesn’t mean that a natural disaster will steer clear of the ignorant.
It Could Never Happen to Them
To be completely fair, people who have this way of thinking aren’t always wrong. Truth be told, millions of people will go their entire life without ever having to worry about a natural disaster wrecking their world, but what if you’re not so lucky? Wouldn’t you rather prepare for the worst and hope for the best rather than do absolutely nothing to prepare and then experience a nightmare? Personally, I’d rather have it and not need it than need something and not have it at those critical times.
What if Nothing Ever Happens?
This is a lousy excuse, but people still use it, whether it’s because they’re lazy and don’t want to put in the work, or they’re worried about wasting money on supplies that they think will never be used. Just like with everything else in life, nothing is ever guaranteed. But if you don’t prepare ahead of time for an emergency, you’re more likely to find yourself in a sticky situation later on down the road, and that situation may prove to be life-threatening.
Prepping is about using everything available that could prove helpful and has nothing to do about waste. You may be able to use those supplies on hobbies and other activities at some point down the road so that they do find use. You could also make them available to others who are now, or have recently gone through an emergency, and will put them to use immediately.
Preppers are Crazy
I’m not going to deny it, there are doomsday preppers out there that I believe have lost more than just a few marbles. But categorizing all preppers with that group of individuals is utterly unfair and would be a huge mistake. The truth is, most preppers I’ve come to know are responsible, intelligent, and have their family’s best interest in mind. They’re not necessarily living every day in fear, waiting for the sky to fall, as we’ve been trained to believe.
Is Prepping Pointless? Reasons Why Prepping Isn’t Pointless
As you’ve probably been able to guess from the direction I’ve been heading, prepping isn’t pointless after all. Here are a few reasons why you need to be prepping for emergencies:
Natural Disasters and Violence are Becoming A Common Theme
There’s no way to dispute it, Natural disasters, violence, and terrorism have become more and more frequent and severe over the past few decades. In 2017, our country had a historic year, and not in a good way. There were 16 natural disasters that each caused over $1 billion in damage in the United States.
Those statistics don’t account for the smaller, more localized disasters that people like you and I experienced that year. That means that millions of people were affected in one way or another. Are you willing to continue gambling your odds of a disaster never happening to your family?
Even something as simple and frequent as losing power to your home could prove to be life-changing. How do you heat or cool your home, cook meals, do the dishes or laundry, study for school, or safely move within your home if the electricity isn’t available for a few hours or days?
Prepping Provides Peace of Mind
While we can’t control when or where these disaster events will take place, we can do our best to be prepared for them when they do happen. Prepping gives us peace of mind knowing that we’ve done as much as possible to be ready for whatever may come our way. That alone should allow you to sleep better at night knowing that you’ve done every necessary thing you can think of to keep your family safe.
Prepping for Emergencies Isn’t Just About the Big Stuff
Sure, there are plenty of doomsday preppers out there who are making their preparations for a future apocalyptic event, but prepping for emergencies is much more than that. It’s also about being ready for anything that comes your way, whether it’s a car breakdown or a freakish snowstorm that traps your family in your home for several days. Having the right supplies for those situations will make things a lot easier on you.
The Government Won’t Be able to Help Everyone
Following a major disaster, there’s a good chance that your local, state, and national government will be limited with resources and won’t be able to assist your family as you might expect. This is especially true if the disaster is widespread. That’s why it’s so important for you to be prepared to take care of yourself and your family as best you can.
It may take days, weeks, and even months to have food and water available for everyone in the stores or through rescue resources. We must take care of our family and not depend on the government.
Yes, there are community sources that try to help as many people as possible, but their resources are limited too. It behooves all of us to have a plan and our own resources in place to get us through the tough times.
You Can’t Predict the Future
This one may seem a bit obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. You never know when an emergency or disaster situation will happen, so it’s always better to be prepared. If you wait until it’s too late, you may not have the supplies or resources that you need to get through the situation.
The old adage, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail” really comes into play. Planning is truly a family project that requires all members to be on the same page. What food to store, how much water is needed, evacuation locations, and so much more goes into being prepared. Start now, if you haven’t already.
The Difference Between Life and Death
I may sound a bit harsh or insensitive, but being prepared for all sorts of emergencies could be the difference between life and death for you or one of your family members. That’s right! Learning survival skills and knowing how to use the right emergency supplies when the time calls for them could end up saving your life one day. This might help you determine whether prepping is pointless or not.
More Prepping Tips:
- Common Sense Rules For Prepping
- Prepping with Children Checklist
- Prepping 101: Steps You Need To Take Today
Sanitation Tips
Please make an emergency toilet, If you’re like me you don’t want to share a toilet with strangers. Please make an emergency toilet with 6-gallon buckets with a portable toilet seat. There are many options, but this one is super cheap and easily put together.
Final Word
So, is prepping pointless? Absolutely not! Prepping is a smart and responsible way to be prepared for anything that comes your way. Natural disasters, car accidents or breakdowns, bad storms, and other emergencies can happen without warning and often leave people stranded without the supplies they need. By prepping ahead of time, you can rest assured knowing that you and your family will be taken care of no matter what happens. May God Bless this world, Linda
Copyright Images: Disaster Supply Kit AdobeStock_504713109 by New Africa
As we have learned in the last few years, the “just in time” inventory system, is very vulnerable. Even if we didn’t have natural disasters, pandemics and winter, it is wise to have extra on hand. I never want to be the person who is in the store fighting over toilet paper. Can you imagine how bad it would be if food were that scarce?
Hi Janet, yeah I remember the pictures of people fighting over TP on the news! Food would be much worse!! I have seen an uptick of people stocking up on water at Costco. I’m so glad some people are finally getting the drift of needing to take care of their family. Linda
I read last night that they think there will be a shortage of rice this year because of flooding. First wheat then rice. Fasten your seatbealt.
Linda, if a person believes (like I do) that keeping your family safe is important, then being prepared for emergencies is a primary duty you owe your family, as well as being good common sense.
The most common reason I hear for people not Prepping is, “I can’t afford it” when the reality is, “You can’t afford not to.”
Hi Ray, I love that statement!!! “I can’t afford it” when the reality is, “You can’t afford not to.” Commonsense is the name of the game. Great comment, Linda
I grew up with one of the motto’s heard OFTEN was: “Where there is a will, there is a way”
Many times our friends and family are living extremely close because of some of the choices they are making. They -many times do not see what they are doing that blocks their ability. ie..Buying individual soda’s, daily, individual packs of mac and cheese,and fruit cups., production laundry soap. By changing the way they purchase these, or buy less of each one they can free up enough $$ to begin.When i first started my preparation journey ,it was to get thru the year without requiring assistance while our family went thru the donut hole on medications required. we had 4 months to prepare and it lasted about 7 months. My goal became to have every food we required as shelf stable, at hand.
The first item i used as a springboard to free up the most $$ was laundry detergent POWDER.(no place for 5 gallon bucket)
I bought enough materials to make up 4 months supply…and began using it right away.I eventually tweaked the recipe for my family’s preferences and needs. The next money received,( I had a 16 hr/wk job) for anything -went to all breakfast shelf stable foods.i began with pancakes, syrup, oatmeal, peanut butter,flour, olive oil, dry cereal- for snacks.i bought every one in triplicate. We changed drinks from cola to tea-we made, with an occasional 3 liter.- so it became a treat instead of a daily.
Hi Denise, you nailed it on this comment! I totally agree with your statement, “where there is a will, there is a way”! I was raised the same way! I love how you planned out your strategy! Linda
Denise, you did wonderfully well with what you had and you were smart enough to think up a plan and take action. you are to be commended.
I consider myself blessed to have grown up poor because it taught me invaluable life lessons. We gardened, hunted, trapped, and fished, but that was just the beginning of it. “Where there’s a will there’s a way” and “God helps those who help themselves” were common truths we lived by. The poorest among us were often the best prepared because we had huge gardens, chickens, maybe a milk cow, and knowledge about how to can fruits and vegetables. We had no electrical power or running water–until I was 8, when we got electricity. My mom’s parents knew all about how to make venison jerky, and smoked hams and fish. So-called primitive skills weren’t so primitive when I was a child. My grandmother bought flour in 50 pound bags and because she baked bread every other day, and virtually every meal came with gravy I don’t recall any of it getting old enough to get buggy. We were economically poor but led a rich life. Of course, we lived in the country, which made all that much easier.
In my later life I’ve had to make it through tough times when being in the donut hole caused hardships, but I was always able to get an extra can of soup, can of peaches, or package of spaghetti–something that helped with being prepared. Preparedness isn’t just a duty, it’s a philosophy, a way of living that even the poor can and should afford.
We had electricity,..Until I was 10 our running water was run to the dug well and draw it up,tote to the house.clothes were done in a wringer washer set up about 70 ft from well. solar slothes dryer was 5 strands, DGM used it before we needed it.We did not have chickens/rabbits then, did have several pigs and a mule.
Ida did not like to be rode(but i did ride her) – was used to plow the garden.Me and twin had to be able to harness and plow.. Many early 60’s-my age bracket here- have never plowed a mule.. so glad i don’t have to now, but could if i had to… I was too young to remember but MDGM bought flour by the barrel. she made her biscuits in a dough bowl shaped more oval/made from wood.I remember the doughbowl, she sold it to some shiftless..,when i was about 14.
Dad went cat fishing and jugging, and gigging, hunting for squirrel and rabbit.. was raised ..left house with a short count of bullets, had to bring in at least one for every round. sometimes would get 2 squirrels w/ one.yes country. PDGM bought truck patch veggies from an uncle. purple hulls, corn, watermelon as they got unable to work garden from extended illness. 6 bushels of purple hulls on a sheet in lining room floor is a sight i still remember,
Very nice, Denise. Working both had and smart was ingrained in us from an early age. I was born in 1950 and I’ve never plowed with a mule. So, good for you. Good skill to know. We had a two acre garden and part of it was planted in watermelon, which was our main cash crop. Sounds like both of us have some great memories.
Hey Ray,
I completely agree and honestly, it really upsets me when I hear people say that. I find it upsetting because in my late 20’s I finally let my financially, verbally, mentally, and physically abusive ex. He put me in such a bad financial situation I had no choice but to file for bankruptcy and pay off the debt THAT HE racked up. Shortly after leaving him my very good job with very good pay and benefits (I worked in manufacturing) shut the plant down and laid EVERYONE off. I was on unemployment only bringing in $950 per month while paying off his debt and paying my own living expenses and only getting $36 per month food stamps. If I could start prepping with virtually no money by combining coupons with sales and slowly building my preps up on only $8 per week (Dollar General Wed $3off$5 & Sat $5off$25) then anyone can. I also used my couponing skills to be paid to help others save money, though it wasn’t much it helped. Them saying that they can’t is just pure laziness. Oh by the way I did it while going to college full time – the state paid 100% of my school and paid me unemployment while I was still in school. I received an associate’s in Human Services. If I can do it anyone can!
You are so right about “if there’s a way there’s a will.” Similarly, my stepdad would always say: “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.”
Hi Ravenna, I LOVE this!! Thank you for sharing your story!! I totally agree with your statement: “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.”!! Good job!! Linda
You’re Welcome! Sorry about the soapbox speech, but hearing people say “they can’t” really upsets me for various reasons. There were some things I left out but my main point was that even when it seems that the deck is not dealt in your favor, it is only up to each person to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and make the best life for themselves that they can. My dad became a quadriplegic when he was 18, after a year of rehab he went to college, graduated with 2 degrees, married my mom, relearned to drive again with a specially built van, went to work for the government, adopted me, later appointed the Assistant Commissioner of Labor in our state in charge of Vocational Rehab. If he can accomplish what everyone thought was impossible for a quadriplegic then people can find a way to prep. I am so sorry, but I have never had much (if any) tolerance for the “lazy I can’ts.” My dad and grandfather used to say: “I can’t is an excuse people use to be lazy.”
Hi Ravenna, oh thank you for sharing your dad’s story. I didn’t see it as a soapbox, my friend. Now, I’ve been known to get on a soapbox every now and then. LOL! The phrase, “I can’t” shouldn’t be in anyone’s vocabulary. Great comment, Linda
Ravenna, that is one great story and you are to be applauded for your fortitude and attitude. Way to go.
Our Eastern KY floods are a great example of disasters, but if those precious people had prepped, it was all ruined or washed away they had no options due to geography and income. Living in a “hollar” has few options. Feeling blessed that we were able to send items we can rotate that have been sold out locally due to the volume of assistance everyone is sending. No bottled water available here on the Saturday night after flooding. Amazing rapid response! One woman in PA is receiving seeds from same hardiness planting zones and resending to EKY to help them replant. Few in EKY would not have had a garden❤️
Hi Marilynne, those floods are devastating in KY. I have been through a major flood or two. The worst was in 1983. Those of us higher up on the hill where the land didn’t slide helped those who lost their homes and everything they owned down the hill. You are so right their preps if they had them were gone overnight in the swift waters. What a blessing to be able to help those in need. No bottled water, that’s scary. Here’s the deal, if we stock enough we can help others when our neighbor or neighbors lose everything. We never know when we may be on the receiving end. Great comment, Linda
If you don’t think prepping is important then it’s probably not going to be any good to you.
As far as not using it well I’m not trying to use my insurance of any kind, my tools, my fire extinguisher, a sewer line clean out, my tire jack, my plunger, my bandaids or the suit I wear to burials but I sure got them all.
Hi Matt, you know I love your comment! Here’s the deal we need more and more people to understand the need. The suit for the burials, I have a black skirt. We need many different items to survive, yes indeed. Linda
Prepping IS common sense! Like Matt said, I too don’t plan to use my house and/or vehicle insurance but I’m certainly going to have them.
Several years ago hubby and I were both out of work due to surgeries. We both had short term disability insurance but it only paid 70% of our usual income – and they took huge taxes out. Thank God for our deep preps – we wouldn’t have made it without them.
Hi Beth, you are so right about having home and vehicle insurance policies! Water, food, and emergency preps are our very own insurance policies! Yes, indeed we can sleep at night. Linda
When are people going to wake up? No pasta again at the store this week. We need to take a hard look at food that stores without electricity. I have a stockpile of oven canned flour. I lost my job in April and took up canning ANYTHING I can. We are raising beef cows and pig for meat and chickens, turkeys and ducks for eggs. I have 3 deep freezers full. I am doing everything I can to ensure that we will survive AND take care of our grown children
Hi Alice, well the good thing is a lot of us are very aware of the shortages. Hopefully, the others will wake up sooner than later. I’m sorry to hear you lost your job in April. What a blessing that you have 3 freezers full of food. I love hearing you are raising beef cows, and pigs for meat, chicken, turkeys, and ducks. You and your family will survive because you understand what is going on. Life is good! Linda
Not trying to disparage your prepping, I commend you for it, but I hope you have even a small generator and gas to keep those freezers running if the lights go out. A friend just lost about $75 worth of stuff when his refrigerator went down when he was gone for a few days.
Hi Alan, I think a lot of us would like a generator. I personally cannot afford one and I choose not to afford one. Let me explain. I can’t store propane on my property other than several 20-pound tanks. If indeed we have a power grid hit I would use up all the propane I have stored for it. The food in my frig and freezer can be replaced. My freeze-dried and dehydrated food will be just fine. Yes, $75.00 worth of food is a lot. That’s very sad. A freezer full of food would be more money. I will barbecue all the meat in my freezer for my neighbors if we have a major power grid attack. If you read “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel you will understand my reasoning. It’s just me and me alone. I admire those who have a generator, it does not make sense for me to purchase one. I cannot store gasoline on my property either. Linda
Little did we know years ago when I went big into preparing how much it would come in handy. My husband told me we had too much. Fast forward a couple of years, we now have a daughter and her 4 children living with us and my too big stock of stuff is going down quite fast now. I still prepare for those days which may or may not come. thak you for well thought out blog posts. I read them faithfully, but rarely comment.
Hi JaNae, thank you for your kind words, my friend. I bet your husband now sees the value, it’s called a learning curve. We never know what may come our way, but we are blessed to have whatever amount we do have. Life is so good! Linda
Linda, I can’t prepare for every emergency. I can do what I know and what I have learned from you and your readers. I “found” you on August 20, 2020, and haven’t missed a day since. Can I do everything?… no, but I am better prepared than I was two years ago. My husband is coming around slowly, and has inflation has worsened, he has been grateful for my forethought. My son and daughter in law have been stocking up. They even bought 1/2 a cow after we gave them a freezer……When I asked him “which half?”….. he told me I’ll never make it as a comic… ;( Thank you for everything you have shared with us. Gratitude makes what we have enough. Stay safe and healthy everyone. God Bless America
Hi Chris, oh you made my day, my sweet friend! Thank you for your kind words! Great gift for your son and daughter-in-law. Okay, I got the giggles over the “which half”??? Yes, indeed God Bless America! Linda
Linda, I appreciate so much your daily articles and advice. A friend and I have an ongoing discussion on the importance of being prepared for ‘whatever happens’ in the future. At the centre of that concern is “stocking up” as we have seen supply chain disruptions leading to some empty store shelves here in Canada and definitely rising prices! Imagining worst case scenarios and brainstorming solutions while we go on long walks 2-3 times a week makes each of us less anxious. Inflation is real, along with a probable recession (especially the past few months). Global political instability could turn what we think are temporary problems into a long-term crisis overnight.
Hospitals are short staffed – feeling the effects of healthcare workers who are burnt out from the pandemic and quitting – so preparing to take care of one’s own health may be more important than ever. Stocking up on everything now (including medications) before prices skyrocket (or the food/tools/items we need to live disappear) has never been more crucial. I have a small bedroom I use as my ‘supply room’ with shelves of supplies and canned / dry foods, as well as two small freezers full of foods labelled and dated.
Thank-you for sharing all your strategies on being ready for anything!
Hi Deborah Murray, thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to me, my friend. Here’s the deal your walks do indeed help you and your friend brainstorm about what’s going on right now, I love hearing this! It really does help to verbalize our thoughts. I have 4 family members working at different hospitals in Utah and Arizona. It’s been rough the last few years for so many healthcare workers. What a blessing to have a small bedroom for a “supply room”, I LOVE this! Life is good when we have food in the freezer, small rooms, and pantries! Good job! Linda
Prepping is so one can live when tough times come. Job loss and Health crisis’, large mechanical breakdowns of home appliances and/or vehicle..are two more that w/o significant resources are difficult to overcome.
Years ago.. DD had vehicle go down- (country-no public transportation avail). DS did not understand why it prevented work- his response – “she could have ridden the bus/or tram”) He has lived only where both are available… was novel none available to him.
So many are young and not found rescue unavailable from hard situations- they think Mom/Dad/ grandpa /Uncle/ Aunt will ALWAYS be available.. then one day their back up people are not there and if their backups are not up to snuff, they are in world of hurt,
Hi Denise, you are so right! Yes, indeed, people cannot depend on Mom/Dad/Grandpa, etc. Life could be very interesting. It’s easier to write a check than teach them to be self-reliant. Just my 2 cents. Linda
Thanks, but I believe it is just what people – which goes back to the old adage that if it needs to be done just do.
HI Ravenna, yep, just do it! Linda